Create and manage intents

This page shows how to create, delete, copy, and move intents.

Where to find this data

When building an agent, it is most common to use the Dialogflow ES console (visit documentation, open console). The instructions below focus on using the console. To access intent data:

  1. Go to the Dialogflow ES console.
  2. Select an agent.
  3. Select Intents in the left sidebar menu.

If you are building an agent using the API instead of the console, see the Intents reference. The API field names are similar to the console field names. The instructions below highlight any important differences between the console and the API.

Create intents

To create an intent:

  1. Click the add button next to Intents in the left sidebar menu.
  2. Enter a name for your intent. Your intent name should represent the end-user expressions it recognizes.
  3. Click Save.

Delete intents

To delete an intent:

  1. From the intent list, hover your mouse pointer over the intent.
  2. Click the delete button.

Copy or move intents

To copy or move one or more intents to another agent:

  1. From the intents list, hover your mouse pointer over the intent.
  2. Select intent(s) that you want to copy or move.
  3. Click Copy or Move.
  4. Choose a destination agent from the drop down menu.
  5. Check any of the following additional options:
    • Copy related entities: Copies or moves any entities that are related to the intents being copied or moved.
    • Overwrite entities: Overwrites entities with the same name in the destination agent.
    • Overwrite intents: Overwrites intents with the same name in the destination agent.
  6. Click Start.