Dialogflow Messenger

The Dialogflow Messenger integration provides a customizable chat dialog for your agent that can be embedded in your website. The chat dialog is implemented as a dialog window that can be opened and closed by your end-user. When opened, the chat dialog appears above your content in the lower right side of the screen.

Messenger screenshot


Setup and test

To set up and enable Dialogflow Messenger:

  1. Go to the Dialogflow ES console.
  2. Click Integrations in the left sidebar menu.
  3. Click Dialogflow Messenger.
  4. A configuration dialog opens.
  5. Choose an environment.
  6. Click Enable.
  7. Copy the embed code for pasting in your website.
  8. Click Try It Now to test your agent.
  9. At the bottom right corner of the window, a button appears with the Dialogflow logo. Click this button.
  10. A chat dialog opens that you can interact with.
  11. Close the chat dialog when you are done testing.
  12. Click Close on the configuration dialog.


Paste the embed code you copied above in a webpage on your website. The <script> and <df-messenger> HTML elements should be in the <body> element of your page. To allow for responsive layouts, also add the following to your page:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

HTML customizations

You can customize various aspects for how the chat dialog appears and behaves. The df-messenger HTML element has the following attributes:

Attribute Input policy Value
agent-id Required Agent ID associated with the Dialogflow agent. This is prepopulated with your agent ID.
chat-icon Optional Icon used for the chat dialog open button. The Dialogflow icon is the default. This field must be a public URL. The icon size should be 36px by 36px.
chat-title Required Title displayed at the top of the chat dialog. This is prepopulated with your agent's name.
expand Optional Boolean attribute that sets the chat dialog to be open when the page loads. By default, the chat dialog is closed when the page loads.
intent Optional The event used to trigger the first intent when the chat dialog is opened. This is prepopulated with the WELCOME event.
language-code Required Default language code for the first intent. This is prepopulated with the agent's default language.
session-id Optional A session ID. If this is not supplied, the integration will generate a unique ID for each chat dialog.
user-id Optional Can be used to track a user across sessions. You can pass the value to Dialogflow through the queryParams.payload.userId field in a detect intent request.
wait-open Optional Boolean attribute that delays the welcome event until the dialog is actually opened.

CSS customizations

You can customize the style of your chat dialog by setting CSS variables.

The following CSS variables can be provided:

CSS variable Affected property
df-messenger-bot-message Bubble background color for agent messages.
df-messenger-button-titlebar-color Color for the floating button and the titlebar of the chat dialog.
df-messenger-button-titlebar-font-color Font color for the title in the titlebar.
df-messenger-chat-background-color Color for the chat dialog background.
df-messenger-font-color Font color for messages.
df-messenger-input-box-color Background color for the text input box.
df-messenger-input-font-color Font color for the text input box.
df-messenger-input-placeholder-font-color Font color for placeholder text in text input box.
df-messenger-minimized-chat-close-icon-color Color of the close icon in the closed chat view.
df-messenger-send-icon Color of the send icon in the text input box.
df-messenger-user-message Bubble background color for user messages.

Example code:

  df-messenger {
   --df-messenger-bot-message: #878fac;
   --df-messenger-button-titlebar-color: #df9b56;
   --df-messenger-chat-background-color: #fafafa;
   --df-messenger-font-color: white;
   --df-messenger-send-icon: #878fac;
   --df-messenger-user-message: #479b3d;

The settings above will result in:

Messenger screenshot

JavaScript events

Dialogflow Messenger triggers a variety of events that you can create event listeners for.

The event target for these events is the df-messenger element.

To add an event listener for the df-messenger element, add the following JavaScript code, where event-type is one of the event names described below:

const dfMessenger = document.querySelector('df-messenger');
dfMessenger.addEventListener('event-type', function (event) {
  // Handle event

The following event types are supported:


This event occurs when a user clicks an accordion element. The event structure looks like the following:

element: {
  title: string,
  subtitle: string,
  image: {
    src: {rawUrl: string}
  text: string


This event occurs when a user clicks a button element. The event structure looks like the following:

element: {
  icon: {
    type: string,
    color: string
  text: string,
  link: string,
  event: EventInput,
  payload: {}


This event occurs when a user selects a suggestion chip. The event structure looks like the following:

query: string // Text of the suggestion chip that was selected.


This event occurs when the end-user clicks the information item in the titlebar. The event structure looks like the following:

element: {
  title: string,
  image: {
    src: {rawUrl: string}
  actionLink: string


This event occurs when a user clicks an item in a list. The event structure looks like the following:

element: {
  title: string,
  subtitle: string,
  image: {
    src: {rawUrl}
  event: {
    name: string,
    parameters: {},
    languageCode: string
  payload: {}


This event occurs when the Dialogflow API sends an error status code. The event structure looks like the following:

error: {
  "error": {
    "code": <error_code>,
    "message": <error_message>,
    "status": <error_status>


This event is triggered when the df-messenger element is fully loaded and initialized.


This event occurs when a request is made to the Dialogflow API. This event, along with df-response-received, can be used to monitor request latency. The event structure looks like the following:

requestBody: {
  "queryParams": {
  "queryInput": {
  "inputAudio": string


This event occurs when a response is received from the Dialogflow API. The event structure looks like the following:

response: detectIntentResponse


This event occurs when the end-user enters a query. The event structure looks like the following:

input: string // Text entered by user

JavaScript functions

The df-messenger element provides functions you can call to affect its behavior.


This function renders a simple text message, as if it came from Dialogflow as simple text response.

For example:

const dfMessenger = document.querySelector('df-messenger');
dfMessenger.renderCustomText('Custom text');


This function renders a custom card, as if it came from Dialogflow as a rich response message. The format of the custom payload response is defined in the Rich response messages section.

For example:

const dfMessenger = document.querySelector('df-messenger');
const payload = [
    "type": "info",
    "title": "Info item title",
    "subtitle": "Info item subtitle",
    "image": {
      "src": {
        "rawUrl": "https://example.com/images/logo.png"
    "actionLink": "https://example.com"


This function shows a minimal version of message lists.

For example:

const dfMessenger = document.querySelector('df-messenger');

Rich response messages

When creating rich response messages, you can create Text Responses and Custom Payloads from the Default response tab for the intent. The text responses are used for basic agent responses, and the custom payloads are used for rich responses. The custom payload format for all response types has the following basic structure:

  "richContent": [
        "type": "type-id",
        "type": "type-id",
        "type": "type-id",
        "type": "type-id",

Note that the richContent value allows one outer and multiple inner arrays. Responses within an inner array are bound together in a single visual card. When the outer array contains multiple inner arrays, multiple cards are shown—one for each inner array.

The remaining subsections describe the various types of responses you can configure for a custom payload.

Info response type

The info response type is a simple title card that users can click or touch.

Messenger screenshot

The following table describes the fields:

Name Type Description
type string Response type: "info"
title string Card title
subtitle string Card subtitle
image object Image
image.src object Image source
image.src.rawUrl string Public URL for image
actionLink string URL to follow when card is clicked

For example:

  "richContent": [
        "type": "info",
        "title": "Info item title",
        "subtitle": "Info item subtitle",
        "image": {
          "src": {
            "rawUrl": "https://example.com/images/logo.png"
        "actionLink": "https://example.com"

Description response type

The description response type is an informative card that can have multiple lines of text.

Messenger screenshot

The following table describes the fields:

Name Type Description
type string Response type: "description"
title string Card title
text array<string> Array of strings, where each string is rendered on a new line

For example:

  "richContent": [
        "type": "description",
        "title": "Description title",
        "text": [
          "This is text line 1.",
          "This is text line 2."

Image response type

The image response type is an image card that users can click or touch.

Messenger screenshot

The following table describes the fields:

Name Type Description
type string Response type: "image"
rawUrl string Public URL for image
accessibilityText string Alt text for image

For example:

  "richContent": [
        "type": "image",
        "rawUrl": "https://example.com/images/logo.png",
        "accessibilityText": "Example logo"

Button response type

The button response type is a small button with an icon that users can click or touch.

Messenger screenshot

The following table describes the fields:

Name Type Description
type string Response type: "button"
icon object Icon for button
icon.type string Icon from the Material icon library. The default icon is an arrow
icon.color string Color hexcode
text string Button text
link string URL to follow when button is clicked
event object Dialogflow event that is triggered when the button is clicked, see the EventInput REST reference

For example:

  "richContent": [
        "type": "button",
        "icon": {
          "type": "chevron_right",
          "color": "#FF9800"
        "text": "Button text",
        "link": "https://example.com",
        "event": {
          "name": "",
          "languageCode": "",
          "parameters": {}

List response type

The list response type is a card with multiple options users can select from.

Messenger screenshot

The response contains an array of list and divider response types. The following table describes the list type:

Name Type Description
type string Response type: "list"
title string Option title
subtitle string Option subtitle
event object Dialogflow event that is triggered when the option is clicked, see the EventInput REST reference

The following table describes the divider type:

Name Type Description
type string Response type: "divider"

For example:

  "richContent": [
        "type": "list",
        "title": "List item 1 title",
        "subtitle": "List item 1 subtitle",
        "event": {
          "name": "",
          "languageCode": "",
          "parameters": {}
        "type": "divider"
        "type": "list",
        "title": "List item 2 title",
        "subtitle": "List item 2 subtitle",
        "event": {
          "name": "",
          "languageCode": "",
          "parameters": {}

Accordion response type

The accordion response type is a small card that a user can click or touch to expand and reveal more text.

Messenger screenshot

The following table describes the fields:

Name Type Description
type string Response type: "accordion"
title string Accordion title
subtitle string Accordion subtitle
image object Image
image.src object Image source
image.src.rawUrl string Public URL for image
text string Accordion text

For example:

  "richContent": [
        "type": "accordion",
        "title": "Accordion title",
        "subtitle": "Accordion subtitle",
        "image": {
          "src": {
            "rawUrl": "https://example.com/images/logo.png"
        "text": "Accordion text"

Suggestion chip response type

The suggestion chip response type provides the end-user with a list of clickable suggestion chips.

Messenger screenshot

The following table describes the fields:

Name Type Description
type string Response type: "chips"
options array<object> Array of Option objects
options[].text string Option text
options[].image object Option Image
options[].image.src object Option image source
options[].image.src.rawUrl string Option public URL for image
options[].link string Option link

For example:

  "richContent": [
        "type": "chips",
        "options": [
            "text": "Chip 1",
            "image": {
              "src": {
                "rawUrl": "https://example.com/images/logo.png"
            "link": "https://example.com"
            "text": "Chip 2",
            "image": {
              "src": {
                "rawUrl": "https://example.com/images/logo.png"
            "link": "https://example.com"

Combining response types

The individual rich message elements for Dialogflow Messenger can be used to construct a custom card to fit your needs. Here's an example using some of the elements listed above:

Messenger screenshot

  "richContent": [
        "type": "image",
        "rawUrl": "https://example.com/images/logo.png",
        "accessibilityText": "Dialogflow across platforms"
        "type": "info",
        "title": "Dialogflow",
        "subtitle": "Build natural and rich conversational experiences",
        "actionLink": "https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs"
        "type": "chips",
        "options": [
            "text": "Case Studies",
            "link": "https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/case-studies"
            "text": "Docs",
            "link": "https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs"


To test your agent with Dialogflow Messenger locally:

  • Embed the Dialogflow Messenger element in a page as described above.
  • Start a local HTTP server for that page with a specific port.
  • Access that page at http://localhost:port_number.