Headless web SDK guide

The headless web SDK gives you the flexibility to extend and customize your company's support experience according to your needs. It contains all our familiar web SDK features and provides the ability to build out the UI and UX to support them.

In the context of software development, "headless" refers to a decoupled architecture where the frontend presentation layer (the "head") is separated from the backend logic and capabilities. In a headless architecture the backend, also known as the "headless" part, provides APIs that allow you to access and use its features and services.


Custom workflow automation: When an end-user initiates a chat, the on("chat.message") event is triggered. Your company can define custom automation triggers based on specific chat messages. For example, if an end-user types "Escalate" in the chat, the event handler can automatically escalate the chat session to a higher-level support team, ensuring prompt attention to critical issues.

This guide walks you through the SDK's installation process, integration capabilities, and usage. For details about using the API, see the Headless web SDK API documentation. A list of available events can be found on the events page.

Install the headless web SDK

To install the headless web SDK, use the following code snippet in your project:

npm install @ujet/websdk-headless --save

Use the headless web SDK


import { Client } from "@ujet/websdk-headless"

async function authenticate() {
  const resp = await fetch("/your-auth-endpoint")
  const data = await resp.json()
  return { token: data.token }

const client = new Client({
  companyId: "YOUR-COMPANY-ID",
  tenant: "YOUR-TENANT-NAME",
  authenticate: authenticate,

// const company = await client.getCompany()
// const menus = await client.getMenus()

The Client class accepts several options (you can customize them according to your requirements):

interface ClientOption {
  companyId: string;
  authenticate: () => Promise<TokenResponse>;
  tenant?: string;
  host?: string;
  lang?: string;
  bridge?: string;
  cobrowse?: {
    enabled: boolean;
    messages?: CobrowseMessages;
    api?: string;
    license?: string;
    trustedOrigins?: string[];
    capabilities?: string[];
    registration?: boolean;
    redactedViews?: string[];
    unredactedViews?: string[];

Enable co-browse

The headless web SDK offers a built-in integration with Co-browse. The SDK provides a default UI, but you can customize it by providing your own CSS or styling it.

The default template is:

<dialog open class="cobrowse-dialog">
  <div class="cobrowse-dialog_content">$content</div>
  <div class="cobrowse-dialog_footer">
    <button class="cobrowse-dialog_allow js-cobrowse-allow">$allow</button>
    <button class="cobrowse-dialog_deny js-cobrowse-deny">$deny</button>

The template is wrapped by a <div> tag:

<div class="cobrowse-wrapper">${template}</div>

You can add CSS style according to the previous template's class names.

Custom template

You can also provide a custom template with class="cobrowse-template", for example:

  <script class="cobrowse-template" type="text/template">
    <div class="cobrowse">
      <div class="cobrowse-title">$title</div>
      <div class="cobrowse-content">$content</div>
      <div class="cobrowse-footer">
        <button class="cobrowse-deny js-cobrowse-deny">$deny</button>
        <button class="cobrowse-allow js-cobrowse-allow">$allow</button>
const client = new Client({
  companyId: "YOUR-COMPANY-ID",
  tenant: "YOUR-TENANT-NAME",
  authenticate: authenticate,
  cobrowse: {

Variables $title, $content, $deny, and $allow will be replaced automatically.

Custom messages

The default messages for the $title, $content, $deny, and $allow variables are:

  "confirmSessionTitle": "Co-browse Session Request",
  "confirmSessionContent": "Do you want to share your current screen with the agent?",
  "endSessionText": "End Co-browse Session",
  "confirmRemoteControlTitle": "Remote Access Request",
  "confirmRemoteControlContent": "The agent would like to have access to your currently shared screen to further assist you. Do you want to allow this?",
  "confirmFullDeviceTitle": "Screen Share Request",
  "confirmFullDeviceContent": "Do you want to share your full screen with the agent? The agent will not be able to control anything on the screen.",
  "allowText": "Allow",
  "denyText": "Deny"

You can customize the message using cobrowse.messages:

const client = new Client({
  companyId: "YOUR-COMPANY-ID",
  tenant: "YOUR-TENANT-NAME",
  authenticate: authenticate,
  cobrowse: {
    enabled: true,
    messages: {
      confirmSessionTitle: "...",
      confirmSessionContent: "...",
      endSessionText: "...",
      confirmRemoteControlTitle: "...",
      confirmRemoteControlContent: "...",
      confirmFullDeviceTitle: "...",
      confirmFullDeviceContent: "...",
      allowText: "...",
      denyText: "...",