Microsoft Windows Sysmon 데이터 수집

이 문서:

  • 배포 아키텍처와 설치 단계 그리고 Microsoft Windows Sysmon 이벤트용 Google Security Operations 파서에서 지원하는 로그를 생성하는 데 필요한 구성을 설명합니다. Google Security Operations 데이터 수집에 대한 개요는 Google Security Operations에 데이터 수집을 참조하세요.
  • 파서에서 원래 로그의 필드를 Google Security Operations 통합 데이터 모델 필드에 매핑하는 방식에 대한 정보가 포함됩니다.

이 문서의 정보는 WINDOWS_SYSMON 수집 라벨이 있는 파서에 적용됩니다. 수집 라벨은 원시 로그 데이터를 구조화된 UDM 형식으로 정규화하는 파서를 식별합니다.

시작하기 전에

이 다이어그램은 Microsoft Windows Sysmon 데이터를 수집하고 Google Security Operations로 전송하기 위해 배포 아키텍처에서 권장되는 핵심 구성요소를 나타냅니다. 이 정보를 사용자 환경과 비교하여 이러한 구성요소가 설치되어 있는지 확인합니다. 각 고객 배포는 이 표현과 다르며, 더 복잡할 수 있습니다. 다음은 필수 항목입니다.

  • 배포 아키텍처의 시스템은 UTC 시간대로 구성됩니다.
  • Sysmon은 서버, 엔드포인트, 도메인 컨트롤러에 설치됩니다.
  • 수집기 Microsoft Windows 서버는 서버, 엔드포인트, 도메인 컨트롤러에서 로그를 수신합니다.
  • 배포 아키텍처의 Microsoft Windows 시스템은 다음을 사용합니다.

    • 여러 기기에서 이벤트를 수집하기 위해 소스 시작 구독
    • 원격 시스템 관리를 위한 WinRM 서비스
  • NXLog는 Google Security Operations 전달자로 로그를 전달하기 위해 수집기 창 서버에 설치됩니다.

  • Google Security Operations 전달자는 중앙 Microsoft Windows 서버 또는 Linux 서버에 설치됩니다.

    배포 아키텍처

지원되는 기기 및 버전 검토

Google Security Operations 파서는 다음 Microsoft Windows 서버 버전에서 생성된 로그를 지원합니다. Microsoft Windows Server는 Foundation, Essentials, Standard, Datacenter 버전으로 출시됩니다. 각 버전에서 생성된 로그의 이벤트 스키마는 다르지 않습니다.

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Google Security Operations 파서는 다음으로 생성된 로그를 지원합니다.

  • Microsoft Windows 7 이상 클라이언트 시스템
  • Sysmon 버전 13.24

Google Security Operations 파서는 NXLog Community 또는 Enterprise Edition에서 수집되는 로그를 지원합니다.

지원되는 로그 유형 검토

Google Security Operations 파서는 Microsoft Windows Sysmon에서 생성되는 다음 로그 유형을 지원합니다. 이러한 로그 유형에 대한 자세한 내용은 Microsoft Windows Sysmon 문서를 참조하세요. 영어 텍스트로 생성된 로그를 지원하며 영어가 아닌 언어로 생성된 로그에서는 지원되지 않습니다.

로그 유형 설명
Sysmon 로그 Sysmon 채널에는 27개의 이벤트 ID가 있습니다. (이벤트 ID: 1~26, 255)
이 로그 유형에 대한 설명은 Microsoft Windows Sysmon Events 문서를 참조하세요.

Microsoft Windows 서버, 엔드포인트, 도메인 컨트롤러 구성

  1. 서버, 엔드포인트, 도메인 컨트롤러를 설치하고 구성합니다. 자세한 내용은 Microsoft Windows Sysmon Configuration 문서를 참조하세요.
  2. 수집기 Microsoft Windows 서버를 설정하여 여러 시스템에서 수집된 로그를 파싱합니다.
  3. 중앙 Microsoft Windows 또는 Linux 서버 설정
  4. UTC 시간대로 모든 시스템을 구성합니다.
  5. 수집기 Microsoft Windows 서버로 로그를 전달하도록 기기를 구성합니다.

NXLog 및 Google Security Operations 전달자 구성

  1. 수집기 Microsoft Windows 서버에 NXLog를 설치합니다. Sysmon에서 로그를 수집하도록 NXLog 구성에 대한 정보를 포함한 NXLog 문서를 따르세요.
  2. NXLog용 구성 파일을 만듭니다. im_mscreationlog 입력 모듈을 사용합니다. 다음은 NXLog 구성의 예입니다. <hostname><port> 값을 대상 중앙 Microsoft Windows 또는 Linux 서버에 대한 정보로 바꿉니다. 자세한 내용은 om_tcp 모듈에 대한 NXLog 문서를 참조하세요.

    define ROOT     C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
    define CERTDIR  %ROOT%\cert
    define CONFDIR  %ROOT%\conf
    define LOGDIR   %ROOT%\data
    define LOGFILE  %LOGDIR%\nxlog.log
    LogFile %LOGFILE%
    Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
    CacheDir  %ROOT%\data
    Pidfile   %ROOT%\data\
    SpoolDir  %ROOT%\data
    <Extension _json>
        Module      xm_json
    <Input windows_sysmon_eventlog>
        Module  im_msvistalog
                <Query Id="0">
                    <Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational">*</Select>
        ReadFromLast  False
        SavePos  False
    <Output out_chronicle_sysmon>
        Module      om_tcp
        Exec        $EventTime = integer($EventTime) / 1000;
        Exec        $EventReceivedTime = integer($EventReceivedTime) / 1000;
        Exec        to_json();
    <Route r2>
        Path    windows_sysmon_eventlog => out_chronicle_sysmon
  3. 중앙 Microsoft Windows 또는 Linux 서버에 Google Security Operations 전달자를 설치합니다. 전달자 설치 및 구성에 대한 자세한 내용은 Linux에서 전달자 설치 및 구성 또는 Microsoft Windows에서 전달자 설치 및 구성을 참조하세요.

  4. Google Security Operations 전달자를 구성하여 로그를 Google Security Operations에 전송합니다. 다음은 전달자 구성의 예입니다.

      - syslog:
            enabled: true
            data_type: WINDOWS_SYSMON
            batch_n_seconds: 10
            batch_n_bytes: 1048576
          connection_timeout_sec: 60
  5. NXLog 서비스를 시작합니다.

필드 매핑 참조: 기기 이벤트 필드에서 UDM 필드로

이 섹션에서는 파서가 원래 통합 로그 모델을 통합 데이터 모델(UDM) 필드에 매핑하는 방법을 설명합니다. 필드 매핑은 이벤트 ID별로 다를 수 있습니다.

일반 필드

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
카테고리 security_result.summarymetadata.product_event_type
AccountName principal.user.userid
도메인 principal.administrative_domain
RecordNumber metadata.product_log_id
HostName principal.hostname
UserID principal.user.windows_sid
SeverityValue security_result.severity
ProviderGuid observer.asset_id
ThreadID additional.fields.key set to thread_id and value stored in additional.fields.value.string_value
Channel additional.fields.key set to channel and value stored in additional.fields.value.string_value
EventID security_result.rule_name set to EventID: <EventID>

metadata.product_event_type set to <Category> [<EventID>]

이벤트 ID: 1

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_LAUNCH
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid target.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field target.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image target.process.file.full_path
CommandLine target.process.command_line
CurrentDirectory additional.fields.key set to current_directory and value stored in additional.fields.value.string_value
User Domain stored in principal.administrative_domain

Username stored in principal.user.userid
Hashes Based on Hash algorithm.
  • MD5 stored in target.process.file.md5
  • SHA256 stored in target.process.file.sha256
  • SHA1 stored in target.process.file.sha1
ParentProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ParentProcessGuid>
ParentImage principal.process.file.full_path
ParentCommandLine principal.process.command_line

이벤트 ID: 2

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to FILE_MODIFICATION
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image principal.process.file.full_path
TargetFilename target.file.full_path
CreationUtcTime target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to CreationUtcTime and value stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value
PreviousCreationUtcTime target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to PreviousCreationUtcTime and value stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value

이벤트 ID: 3

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to NETWORK_CONNECTION

security_result.action set to ALLOW

network.direction set to OUTBOUND
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image principal.process.file.full_path
User Domain stored in principal.administrative_domain

Username stored in principal.user.userid
Protocol network.ip_protocol
SourceIp principal.ip
SourcePort principal.port
DestinationIp target.ip
DestinationHostname target.hostname
DestinationPort target.port

이벤트 ID: 4

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to SETTING_MODIFICATION

target.resource.resource_type set to SETTING

target.resource.resource_subtype set to State
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
Version metadata.product_version

이벤트 ID: 5

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_TERMINATION
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field target.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image target.process.file.full_path

이벤트 ID: 6

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_MODULE_LOAD
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ImageLoaded principal.process.file.full_path
Hashes The field populated is determined by the Hash algorithm.
  • MD5 stored in target.process.file.md5
  • SHA256 stored in target.process.file.sha256
  • SHA1 stored in target.process.file.sha1
Signed target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Signed and value set to target.resource.attribute.labels.value
Signature target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Signature and value stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value
SignatureStatus target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to SignatureStatus and value stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value

이벤트 ID: 7

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_MODULE_LOAD
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image principal.process.file.full_path
ImageLoaded target.process.file.full_path
Hashes The field populated is determined by the Hash algorithm.
  • MD5 stored in target.process.file.md5
  • SHA256 stored in target.process.file.sha256
  • SHA1 stored in target.process.file.sha1
Signed target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Signed and value stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value
Signature target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Signature
Signature value in target.resource.attribute.labels.value
SignatureStatus target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to SignatureStatus and value stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value

이벤트 ID: 8

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_MODULE_LOAD
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
SourceProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<SourceProcessGuid>
SourceImage principal.process.file.full_path
TargetProcessGuid target.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<TargetProcessGuid>
TargetImage target.process.file.full_path

이벤트 ID: 9

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to FILE_READ

If the Device log field, which is required to validate the FILE_READ UDM event type, is not available, then metadata.event_type is set to GENERIC_EVENT.

RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image principal.process.file.full_path
Device target.file.full_path

이벤트 ID: 10

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_OPEN

target.resource.resource_subtype set to GrantedAccess
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
SourceProcessGUID principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<SourceProcessGUID>
SourceImage principal.process.file.full_path
TargetProcessGUID target.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<TargetProcessGUID>
TargetImage target.process.file.full_path

이벤트 ID: 11

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to FILE_CREATION

target.resource.resource_subtype set to CreationUtcTime
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image principal.process.file.full_path
TargetFilename target.file.full_path

이벤트 ID: 12

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
If the Message the field contains CreateKey|CreateValue, then metadata.event_type set to REGISTRY_CREATION

If the Message field contains DeleteKey|DeleteValue, then
metadata.event_type set to REGISTRY_DELETION

Otherwise, metadata.event_type set to REGISTRY_MODIFICATION
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image principal.process.file.full_path
TargetObject target.registry.registry_key

이벤트 ID: 13

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to REGISTRY_MODIFICATION
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image principal.process.file.full_path
TargetObject target.registry.registry_key
Details target.registry.registry_value_data

이벤트 ID: 14

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to REGISTRY_MODIFICATION
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image principal.process.file.full_path
TargetObject src.registry.registry_key
NewName target.registry.registry_key

이벤트 ID: 15

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to FILE_CREATION
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image principal.process.file.full_path
TargetFilename target.file.full_path
CreationUtcTime target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to CreationUtcTime and value stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value
Hash The field populated is determined by the Hash algorithm.
  • If MD5, the value is stored in target.process.file.md5
  • If SHA256 set to the value is stored in target.process.file.sha256
  • If SHA1, the value is stored in target.process.file.sha1

이벤트 ID: 16

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to SETTING_MODIFICATION
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
Configuration The value is stored in target.process.command_line when this field value contains any command line or process

The value is stored in target.process.file.full_path when this field value contains the configuration file path.
ConfigurationFileHash The field populated is determined by the Hash algorithm.
  • If MD5, the value is stored in target.process.file.md5
  • If SHA256 set to the value is stored in target.process.file.sha256
  • If SHA1, the value is stored in target.process.file.sha1

이벤트 ID: 17

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_UNCATEGORIZED

target.resource.resource_type set to PIPE
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid target.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field target.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image target.process.file.full_path

이벤트 ID: 18

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_UNCATEGORIZED

target.resource.resource_type set to PIPE
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid target.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field target.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image target.process.file.full_path

이벤트 ID: 19

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
User The Domain is stored in principal.administrative_domain

The Username is stored in principal.user.userid
EventNamespace target.file.full_path
Name target.application

이벤트 ID: 20

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
Operation target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Operation and the value is stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value
User The domain is stored in principal.administrative_domain

The Username is stored in principal.user.userid
Name target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Name
Name value in target.resource.attribute.labels.value
Type target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Type and the value is stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value

이벤트 ID: 21

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
Operation target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Operation and the value is stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value
User The domain is stored in principal.administrative_domain

The username is stored in principal.user.userid
Consumer target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Consumer and the value is stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value

이벤트 ID: 22

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to NETWORK_DNS

network.application_protocol set to DNS
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
QueryName network.dns.questions
QueryStatus Stored in security_result.summary as Query Status: <QueryStatus>
QueryResults Type is saved to network.dns.answers.type with values separated by a semicolon (;)
Data is saved to
Values that do not have type are mapped to
Image principal.process.file.full_path

이벤트 ID: 23

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to FILE_DELETION
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
User Domain stored into principal.administrative_domain

Username stored in principal.user.userid
Image principal.process.file.full_path
TargetFilename target.file.full_path
Hashes The field populated is determined by the Hash algorithm.
  • MD5 set to target.process.file.md5
  • SHA256 set to target.process.file.sha256
  • SHA1 set to target.process.file.sha1
IsExecutable Field target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to IsExecutable and the value is stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value
Archived target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Archived and the value is stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value

이벤트 ID: 24

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to RESOURCE_READ
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid target.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image target.process.file.full_path
ClientInfo ip stored in target.ip
hostname stored in target.hostname
user stored in principal.user.userid
Hashes The field populated is determined by the Hash algorithm.
  • If MD5, value stored in target.process.file.md5
  • If SHA256, value stored in target.process.file.sha256
  • If SHA1, value stored in target.process.file.sha1
Archived target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Archived and value stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value

이벤트 ID: 25

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_LAUNCH
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid target.process.product_specific_process_id stored as SYSMON:<ProcessGuid>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
Image target.process.file.full_path

이벤트 ID: 26

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to FILE_DELETION
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to SYSMON:<%{ProcessGuid}>
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
User Domain set to principal.administrative_domain

Username set to principal.user.userid
Image principal.process.file.full_path
TargetFilename target.file.full_path
Hashes Based on Hash algorithm.
MD5 set to target.process.file.md5
SHA256 set to target.process.file.sha256
SHA1 set to target.process.file.sha1
IsExecutable target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to IsExecutable & value in target.resource.attribute.labels.value

이벤트 ID: 29

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to FILE_CREATION
RuleName security_result.rule_name
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id is set to SYSMON:<PROCESS_GUID> PROCESS_GUID is the ProcessGuid. The ProcessGuid field is a unique value for this process across a domain to make event correlation easier.
IntegrityLevel The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Untrusted, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Low, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Medium, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression High, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression System, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384
  • If the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression Protected, then the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480
User Domain is set to principal.administrative_domain

Username is set to principal.user.userid
Image principal.process.file.full_path
TargetFilename target.file.full_path
Hashes Based on the hash algorithm, the following values are set:
  • MD5 is set to target.process.file.md5
  • SHA256 is set to target.process.file.sha256
  • SHA1 is set to target.process.file.sha1

이벤트 ID: 255

NXLog 필드 UDM 필드
metadata.event_type set to SERVICE_UNSPECIFIED

metadata.product_event_type set to Error - [255]

target.application set to Microsoft Sysmon
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
ID security_result.summary
Description security_result.description