Recopilar registros de Jamf Protect
En este documento, se describe cómo puedes recopilar registros de Jamf Protect configurando un feed de Google Security Operations y cómo los campos de registro se asignan a los campos del modelo de datos unificados (UDM) de Google Security Operations. En este documento, también se indica la versión compatible de Jamf Protect.
Para obtener más información, consulta Transferencia de datos a Google Security Operations.
Una implementación típica consiste en Jamf Protect y el feed de Google Security Operations configurado para enviar registros a Google Security Operations. Cada implementación de cliente puede ser diferente y podría ser más puede ser complejo.
La implementación contiene los siguientes componentes:
Jamf Protect La plataforma de Jamf Protect desde la que recopilas registros
Feed de Google Security Operations. El feed de Google Security Operations que recupera registros de Jamf Protect y los escribe en Google Security Operations.
Google Security Operations. Google Security Operations retiene y analiza los registros de Jamf Protect.
Una etiqueta de transferencia identifica el analizador que normaliza los datos de registro sin procesar al formato estructurado del UDM. La información de este documento se aplica al analizador
con la etiqueta de transferencia JAMF_PROTECT
Antes de comenzar
- Asegúrate de usar la versión 4.0.0 o posterior de Jamf Protect.
- Asegúrate de que todos los sistemas de la arquitectura de implementación estén configurados con la zona horaria UTC.
Configurar un feed en Google Security Operations para transferir los registros de Jamf Protect
Puedes usar Amazon S3 o un webhook para configurar un feed de transferencia en Google Security Operations, pero te recomendamos que uses Amazon S3.
Configura un feed de transferencia con Amazon S3
- En el menú de Google Security Operations, selecciona Configuración y, luego, haz clic en Feeds.
- Haz clic en Agregar nueva.
- Selecciona Amazon S3 como el Tipo de fuente.
- Si quieres crear un feed para Jamf Protect, selecciona Alertas de Jamf Protect como el tipo de registro.
- Haz clic en Siguiente.
- Guarda el feed y haz clic en Enviar.
- Copia el ID del feed del nombre del feed para usarlo en Jamf Protect.
Configura un feed de transferencia con un webhook
- En el menú de Google Security Operations, selecciona Configuración y, luego, haz clic en Feeds.
- Haz clic en Add new.
- En el campo Nombre del feed, ingresa un nombre para el feed.
- En la lista Tipo de fuente, selecciona Webhook.
- Si quieres crear un feed para Jamf Protect, selecciona Alertas de Jamf Protect como el tipo de registro.
- Haz clic en Siguiente.
- Opcional: Especifica valores para los siguientes parámetros de entrada:
- Delimitador de división: Es el delimitador que se usa para separar las líneas de registro, como
. - Espacio de nombres del recurso: El espacio de nombres del recurso.
- Etiquetas de transferencia: Es la etiqueta que se aplicará a los eventos de este feed.
- Delimitador de división: Es el delimitador que se usa para separar las líneas de registro, como
- Haz clic en Siguiente.
- Revisa la configuración del feed nuevo en la pantalla Finalize y, luego, haz clic en Submit.
- Haz clic en Generate Secret Key para generar una clave secreta que te permita autenticar este feed.
- Copia y almacena la clave secreta, ya que no podrás volver a verla. Puedes generar una nueva clave secreta nueva, pero la regeneración la clave secreta anterior está obsoleta.
- En la pestaña Detalles, copia la URL del extremo del feed del campo Información del extremo. Debes especificar esta URL de extremo en la aplicación de alertas de Jamf Protect.
- Haz clic en Listo.
- Especifica la URL del extremo en Jamf Protect.
Para obtener más información sobre los feeds de Google Security Operations, consulta la documentación sobre los feeds de Google Security Operations. Para obtener información sobre los requisitos de cada tipo de feed, consulta Configuración de feeds por tipo.
Si tienes problemas cuando creas feeds, comunícate con el equipo de asistencia de Operaciones de seguridad de Google.
Tipos de registros de Jamf Protect admitidos
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los tipos de registros que admite el analizador de Jamf Protect:
Tipo de evento | Nombre visible |
GPClickEvent | Eventos de clic sintéticos |
GPDownloadEvent | Descargar eventos |
GPFSEvent | Eventos del sistema de archivos |
GPGatekeeperEvent | Eventos de Gatekeeper |
GPKeylogRegisterEvent | Eventos de keylogger |
GPMRTEvent | Supervisa eventos |
GPPreventedExecutionEvent | Eventos de la lista de prevención personalizados |
GPProcessEvent | Eventos de proceso |
GPThreatMatchExecEvent | Eventos de prevención de amenazas |
GPUSBEvent | Eventos USB |
GPUnifiedLogEvent | Eventos de registro unificados |
Activación de Auth | Eventos de los controles del dispositivo |
Referencia de la asignación de campos
En esta sección, se explica cómo el analizador de Google Security Operations asigna los campos de Jamf Protect a los campos del modelo de datos unificados (UDM) de Google Security Operations.
Referencia de asignación de campos: identificador de evento a tipo de evento
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los tipos de registro deJAMF_PROTECT
y sus correspondientes tipos de eventos de la AUA.
Event Identifier | Event Type |
GPClickEvent |
GPDownloadEvent |
GPFSEvent |
GPGatekeeperEvent |
GPKeylogRegisterEvent |
GPMRTEvent |
GPPreventedExecutionEvent |
GPProcessEvent |
GPThreatMatchExecEvent |
GPUSBEvent |
GPUnifiedLogEvent |
Auth-mount |
Referencia de la asignación de campos: JAMF_PROTECT
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro del tipo de registroJAMF_PROTECT
y sus campos UDM correspondientes.
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
about.platform |
The about.platform UDM field is set to MAC . |
caid |
about.labels[caid] (deprecated) |
caid |
additional.fields[caid] |
certid |
principal.asset.attribute.labels [certid] |
| |
principal.user.attribute.permissions.description |
| |
principal.user.attribute.labels [context_identity_claims_clientid] |
input.eventType |
metadata.product_event_type |
| |
principal.hostname |
| |
principal.ip |
| |
principal.asset.product_object_id |
| |
principal.asset.hardware.serial_number |
| |
security_result.outcomes [input_match_actions_name] |
input.match.actions.parameters.message |
security_result.summary |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.match.actions.parameters.message log field is mapped to the security_result.summary UDM field.Else, the input.match.actions.parameters.message log field is mapped to the security_result.detection_fields.value UDM field. |
input.match.actions.parameters.title |
security_result.description |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.match.actions.parameters.title log field is mapped to the security_result.description UDM field.Else, the input.match.actions.parameters.title log field is mapped to the security_result.detection_fields.value UDM field. | |
security_result.detection_fields.key |
input.match.context.value |
security_result.detection_fields.value [Name] |
input.match.context.valueType |
input.match.custom |
security_result.detection_fields [input_match_custom] |
input.match.event.blocked |
security_result.action |
If the input.match.event.blocked log field value is not empty, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK . |, input.match.uuid |
security_result.url_back_to_product |
The security_result.url_back_to_product UDM field is set to . |
input.match.event.category |
security_result.category_details |
input.match.event.clickType |
principal.labels[input_match_event_click_type] (deprecated) |
If the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 0 , then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Other .Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 1 , then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - Left Down .Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 2 , then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 2 - Left Up .Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 3 , then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 3 - Right Down .Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 4 , then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 4 - Right Up . |
input.match.event.clickType |
additional.fields[input_match_event_click_type] |
If the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 0 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 0 - Other .Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 1 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 1 - Left Down .Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 2 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 2 - Left Up .Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 3 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 3 - Right Down .Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 4 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 4 - Right Up . |
input.match.event.composedMessage |
principal.labels[input_match_event_composed_message] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.composedMessage |
additional.fields[input_match_event_composed_message] |
| |
principal.labels[input_match_event_dev] (deprecated) |
| |
additional.fields[input_match_event_dev] |
input.match.event.eventID |
principal.labels[input_match_event_eventID] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.eventID |
additional.fields[input_match_event_eventID] |
input.match.event.gid |
principal.user.group_identifiers |
input.match.event.iNode |
target.file.stat_inode |
input.match.event.matchType |
principal.labels[input_match_event_match_type] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.matchType |
additional.fields[input_match_event_match_type] |
input.match.event.matchValue |
security_result.threat_name |
If the input.match.event.matchType log field value is not empty, then the input.match.event.matchValue log field is mapped to the security_result.threat_name UDM field. | |
about.labels[input_match_event_name] (deprecated) |
| |
additional.fields[input_match_event_name] |
| |
metadata.description |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the log field is mapped to the metadata.description UDM field. |
input.match.event.path |
target.process.file.full_path |
| | |
input.match.event.prevFile |
src.file.full_path |
If the input.match.event.prevFile log field value is not empty, then the input.match.event.prevFile log field is mapped to the src.file.full_path UDM field. |
input.match.event.process |
principal.process.file.names |
input.match.event.process.args |
target.process.command_line_history |
input.match.event.process.gid | |
| |
target.process.file.names |
input.match.event.process.originalParentPID | |
input.match.event.process.path |
target.process.file.full_path |
input.match.event.process.pgid |
target.labels[input_match_event_processes_pgid] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.process.pgid |
additional.fields[input_match_event_processes_pgid] |
| | |
input.match.event.process.ppid |
target.labels[input_match_event_process_ppid] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.process.ppid |
additional.fields[input_match_event_process_ppid] |
input.match.event.process.responsiblePID |
target.labels[input_match_event_process_responsible_pid] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.process.responsiblePID |
additional.fields[input_match_event_process_responsible_pid] |
input.match.event.process.rgid |
target.labels[input_match_event_process_rgid] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.process.rgid |
additional.fields[input_match_event_process_rgid] |
input.match.event.process.ruid |
target.labels[input_match_event_process_ruid] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.process.ruid |
additional.fields[input_match_event_process_ruid] |
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.appid |
target.user.attribute.labels [input_match_event_process_sign_appid] |
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.authorities |
target.user.attribute.permissions |
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.cdhash |
target.user.attribute.labels [input_match_event_process_sign_cdhash] |
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.entitlements |
target.user.attributes.permissions |
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.signerType |
target.user.attribute.labels [input_match_event_process_sign_signer_type] |
If the input.related.process.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 0 , then the target.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Apple .Else, if the input.related.process.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 1 , then the target.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - App Store .Else, if the input.related.process.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 2 , then the target.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 2 - Developer .Else, if the input.related.process.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 3 , then the target.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 3 - Ad Hoc .Else, if the input.related.process.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 4 , then the target.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 4 - Unsigned . |
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.status |
target.user.attribute.labels [input_match_event_process_sign_status] |
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.statusMessage |
target.labels[input_match_event_process_sign_status_message] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.statusMessage |
additional.fields[input_match_event_process_sign_status_message] |
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.teamid |
target.user.group_identifiers |
input.match.event.process.startTimestamp |
target.labels[input_match_event_process_start_time_stamp] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.process.startTimestamp |
additional.fields[input_match_event_process_start_time_stamp] |
input.match.event.process.uid |
target.labels[input_match_event_process_uid] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.process.uid |
additional.fields[input_match_event_process_uid] |
input.match.event.process.uuid |
target.process.product_specific_process_id |
The Process Uuid: input.match.event.process.uuid log field is mapped to the target.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field. |
input.match.event.processIdentifier | |
input.match.event.processImagePath |
target.process.file.full_path |
input.match.event.rateLimitingSecs |
principal.labels[input_match_event_rate_limiting_secs] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.rateLimitingSecs |
additional.fields[input_match_event_rate_limiting_secs] |
input.match.event.scriptPath |
principal.labels[input_match_event_script_path] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.scriptPath |
additional.fields[input_match_event_script_path] |
input.match.event.sender |
principal.labels[input_match_event_sender] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.sender |
additional.fields[input_match_event_sender] |
input.match.event.senderImagePath |
principal.labels[input_match_event_sender_image_path] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.senderImagePath |
additional.fields[input_match_event_sender_image_path] |
input.match.event.subsystem |
principal.labels[input_match_event_subsystem] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.subsystem |
additional.fields[input_match_event_subsystem] |
input.match.event.subType |
principal.labels[input_match_event_sub_type] (deprecated) |
If the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 7 , then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 7 - Exec .Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 2 , then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 2 - Fork .Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 1 , then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - Exit .Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 23 , then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 23 - Execve .Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 43190 , then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 43190 - Posix Spawn . |
input.match.event.subType |
additional.fields[input_match_event_sub_type] |
If the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 7 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 7 - Exec .Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 2 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 2 - Fork .Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 1 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 1 - Exit .Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 23 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 23 - Execve .Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 43190 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 43190 - Posix Spawn . |
input.match.event.tags |
security_result.rule_labels [input_match_event_tags] |
input.match.event.targetpid | |
input.match.event.timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
input.match.event.type |
target.labels[input_match_event_type] (deprecated) |
If the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 0 , then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Created .Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 1 , then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - Deleted .Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 3 , then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 3 - Renamed .Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 4 , then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 4 - Modified .Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 7 , then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 7 - Created Dir .Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPProcessEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 0 , then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - None .Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPProcessEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 1 , then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - Create .Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPProcessEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 2 , then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Exit . |
input.match.event.type |
additional.fields[input_match_event_type] |
If the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 0 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 0 - Created .Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 1 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 1 - Deleted .Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 3 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 3 - Renamed .Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 4 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 4 - Modified .Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 7 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 7 - Created Dir .Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPProcessEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 0 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 0 - None .Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPProcessEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 1 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 1 - Create .Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPProcessEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 2 , then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 0 - Exit . |
input.match.event.uid |
principal.user.userid |
input.match.event.uuid |
about.labels[input_match_event_uuid] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.uuid |
additional.fields[input_match_event_uuid] |
| |
security_result.action_details |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the log field is mapped to the security_result.action_details UDM field.Else, the log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. | |
security_result.detection_fields [input_match_facts_actions_parameters_id] |
input.match.facts.actions.parameters.message |
security_result.detection_fields [input_match_facts_actions_parameters_message] |
input.match.facts.actions.parameters.title |
security_result.detection_fields [input_match_facts_actions_parameters_title] |
| |
security_result.detection_fields.key |
input.match.facts.context.value |
security_result.detection_fields.value [Name] |
input.match.facts.context.valueType |
input.match.facts.human |
security_result.action |
If the input.match.facts.human log field value is matched with regex (?i)blocked , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK . |
input.match.facts.human |
security_result.description |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.match.facts.human log field is mapped to the security_result.description UDM field.Else, the input.match.facts.human log field is mapped to the security_result.detection_fields.value UDM field. | |
security_result.summary |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the log field is mapped to the security_result.summary UDM field.Else, the log field is mapped to the security_result.detection_fields.value UDM field. |
input.match.facts.severity |
security_result.detection_fields [input_match_facts_severity] |
input.match.facts.tags |
security_result.rule_labels [input_match_facts_tags] |
input.match.facts.uuid |
about.labels [input_match_facts_uuid] |
input.match.facts.version |
about.labels [input_match_facts_version] |
input.match.severity |
security_result.severity |
If the severity log field value is equal to 0 , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL .Else, if the severity log field value is equal to 1 , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to LOW .Else, if the severity log field value is equal to 2 , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM .Else, if the severity log field value is equal to 3 , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to HIGH . |
input.match.tags |
security_result.rule_labels [input_match_tags] |
input.match.uuid |
metadata.product_log_id |
input.related.binaries.accessed |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_binaries_accessed] |
input.related.binaries.changed |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_binaries_changed] |
input.related.binaries.created |
security_result.about.file.first_seen_time |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.binaries.created log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.first_seen_time UDM field.Else, the input.related.binaries.created log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.binaries.fsid |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_binaries_fsid] |
input.related.binaries.gid |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_binaries_gid] |
input.related.binaries.inode |
security_result.about.file.stat_inode |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.binaries.inode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.stat_inode UDM field.Else, the input.related.binaries.inode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.binaries.isAppBundle |
security_result.about.labels [isAppBundle] |
input.related.binaries.isDirectory |
security_result.about.labels [isDirectory] |
input.related.binaries.isDownload |
security_result.about.labels [isDownload] |
input.related.binaries.isScreenShot |
security_result.about.labels [isScreenShot] |
input.related.binaries.mode |
security_result.about.file.stat_mode |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.binaries.mode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.stat_mode UDM field.Else, the input.related.binaries.mode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.binaries.modified |
security_result.about.file.last_modification_time |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.binaries.modified log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.last_modification_time UDM field.Else, the input.related.binaries.modified log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.binaries.path |
security_result.about.file.full_path |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.binaries.path log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the input.related.binaries.path log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.binaries.sha1hex |
security_result.about.file.sha1 |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.binaries.sha1hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.sha1 UDM field.Else, the input.related.binaries.sha1hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.binaries.sha256hex |
security_result.about.file.sha256 |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.binaries.sha256hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.sha256 UDM field.Else, the input.related.binaries.sha256hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.appid |
security_result.about.application |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.appid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.application UDM field.Else, the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.appid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.authorities |
security_result.about.user.attribute.permissions |
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.cdhash |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_binaries_sign_cdhash] |
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.entitlements |
security_result.about.user.attribute.permisisons |
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.signerType |
security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_binaries_sign_signer_type] |
If the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 0 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Apple .Else, if the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 1 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - App Store .Else, if the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 2 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 2 - Developer .Else, if the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 3 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 3 - Ad Hoc .Else, if the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 4 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 4 - Unsigned . |
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.status |
security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_binaries_sign_status] |
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.statusMessage |
security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_processes_sign_status_message] |
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.teamid |
security_result.about.user.group_identifiers |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.teamid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.group_identifiers UDM field.Else, the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.teamid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.binaries.size |
security_result.about.file.size |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.binaries.size log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.size UDM field.Else, the input.related.binaries.size log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.binaries.uid |
security_result.about.user.userid |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.binaries.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.userid UDM field.Else, the input.related.binaries.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.binaries.xattrs |
security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_binaries_xattrs] |
input.related.files.accessed |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_accessed] |
input.related.files.changed |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_changed] |
input.related.files.created |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_created] |
input.related.files.downloadedFrom |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_downloaded_from] |
input.related.files.fsid |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_downloaded_fsid] |
input.related.files.gid | |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.files.gid log field is mapped to the UDM field.Else, the input.related.files.gid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.files.inode |
security_result.about.file.stat_inode |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.files.inode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.stat_inode UDM field.Else, the input.related.files.inode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.files.isAppBundle |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_downloaded_is_app_bundle] |
input.related.files.isDirectory |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_is_directory] |
input.related.files.isDownload |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_is_download] |
input.related.files.isScreenShot |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_is_screenshot] |
input.related.files.mode |
security_result.about.file.stat_mode |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.files.mode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.stat_mode UDM field.Else, the input.related.files.mode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.files.modified |
security_result.about.file.last_modification_time |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.files.modified log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.last_modification_time UDM field.Else, the input.related.files.modified log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.files.path |
security_result.about.file.full_path |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.files.path log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the input.related.files.path log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.files.sha1hex |
security_result.about.file.sha1 |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.files.sha1hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.sha1 UDM field.Else, the input.related.files.sha1hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.files.sha256hex |
security_result.about.file.sha256 |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.files.sha256hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.sha256 UDM field.Else, the input.related.files.sha256hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.files.signingInfo.appid |
security_result.about.application |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.files.signingInfo.appid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.application UDM field.Else, the input.related.files.signingInfo.appid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.files.signingInfo.authorities |
security_result.about.user.attribute.permissions |
input.related.files.signingInfo.cdhash |
security_result.about.labels [[input_related_files_sign_cdhash] |
input.related.files.signingInfo.entitlements |
security_result.about.user.attribute.permissions |
input.related.files.signingInfo.signerType |
security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_files_signing_info_signer_type] |
If the input.related.files.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 0 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Apple .Else, if the input.related.files.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 1 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - App Store .Else, if the input.related.files.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 2 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 2 - Developer .Else, if the input.related.files.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 3 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 3 - Ad Hoc .Else, if the input.related.files.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 4 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 4 - Unsigned . |
input.related.files.signingInfo.status |
security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_files_signing_info_status] |
input.related.files.signingInfo.statusMessage |
security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_files_signing_info_status_message] |
input.related.files.signingInfo.teamid |
security_result.about.user.group_identifiers |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.files.signingInfo.teamid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.group_identifiers UDM field.Else, the input.related.files.signingInfo.teamid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.files.size |
security_result.about.file.size |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then if the input.related.files.size log field value is not equal to 0 , then the input.related.files.size log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.size UDM field.Else, the input.related.files.size log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.files.uid |
security_result.about.user.userid |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.files.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.userid UDM field.Else, the input.related.files.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.files.xattrs |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_xattrs] |
input.related.groups.gid | [input_related_groups_gid] |
| | |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the log field is mapped to the UDM field.Else, the log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
input.related.groups.uuid | |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.groups.uuid log field is mapped to the UDM field.Else, the input.related.groups.uuid log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
input.related.processes.appPath |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_app_path] |
input.related.processes.args |
security_result.about.process.command_line_history |
input.related.processes.exitCode |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_exit_code] |
input.related.processes.gid | |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.processes.gid log field is mapped to the UDM field.Else, the input.related.processes.gid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. | |
security_result.about.process.file.names |
input.related.processes.originalParentPID | |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.processes.originalParentPID log field is mapped to the UDM field.Else, the input.related.processes.originalParentPID log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.processes.path |
security_result.about.process.file.full_path |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.processes.path log field is mapped to the security_result.about.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the input.related.processes.path log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.processes.pgid |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_process_pgid] |
| | |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the log field is mapped to the UDM field.Else, the log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.processes.ppid |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_ppid] |
input.related.processes.responsiblePID |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_responsible_pid] |
input.related.processes.rgid |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_rgid] |
input.related.processes.ruid |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_ruid] |
input.related.processes.signingInfo.appid |
security_result.about.application |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.processes.signingInfo.appid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.application UDM field.Else, the input.related.processes.signingInfo.appid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.processes.signingInfo.authorities |
security_result.about.user.attributes.permission |
input.related.processes.signingInfo.cdhash |
security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_processes_sign_cdhash] |
input.related.processes.signingInfo.entitlements |
security_result.about.user.attributes.permission |
input.related.processes.signingInfo.signerType |
security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_processes_sign_signer_type] |
If the input.related.processes.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 0 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Apple .Else, if the input.related.processes.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 1 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - App Store .Else, if the input.related.processes.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 2 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 2 - Developer .Else, if the input.related.processes.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 3 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 3 - Ad Hoc .Else, if the input.related.processes .signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 4 , then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 4 - Unsigned . |
input.related.processes.signingInfo.status |
security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_processes_sign_status] |
input.related.processes.signingInfo.statusMessage |
security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_processes_sign_status_message] |
input.related.processes.signingInfo.teamid |
security_result.about.user.group_identifiers |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.processes.signingInfo.teamid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.group_identifiers UDM field.Else, the input.related.processes.signingInfo.teamid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.processes.startTimestamp |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_start_time_stamp] |
input.related.processes.tty |
security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_tty] |
input.related.processes.uid |
security_result.about.user.userid |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.processes.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.userid UDM field.Else, the input.related.processes.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.processes.uuid |
security_result.about.process.product_specific_process_id |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the Process Uuid: input.related.processes.uuid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field.Else, the input.related.processes.uuid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. | |
security_result.about.user.user_display_name |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.user_display_name UDM field.Else, the log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.users.uid |
security_result.about.user.userid |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.users.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.userid UDM field.Else, the input.related.users.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field. |
input.related.users.uuid |
security_result.about.user.product_object_id |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the input.related.users.uuid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.product_object_id UDM field.Else, the input.related.users.uuid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field. |
key |
about.labels[key] (deprecated) |
key |
additional.fields[key] |
path |
target.file.full_path |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the path log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the path log field is mapped to the target.labels.value UDM field. |
queue |
principal.labels[queue] (deprecated) |
queue |
additional.fields[queue] |
region | |
timestamp |
metadata.creation_timestamp |
topic |
about.labels[topic] (deprecated) |
topic |
additional.fields[topic] |
topicType |
about.labels[topicType] (deprecated) |
topicType |
additional.fields[topicType] |
version |
metadata.product_version |
is_alert |
The is_alert UDM field is set to TRUE . |
is_significant |
The is_significant UDM field is set to TRUE . |
input.eventType |
metadata.event_type |
metadata.product_name |
The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to JAMF_PROTECT . |
metadata.vendor_name |
The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to JAMF . |
principal.resource.resource_type |
The principal.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to STORAGE_BUCKET . |
target.resource.resource_type |
The target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to STORAGE_BUCKET . |
input.match.event.options |
about.labels[input_match_event_options] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.options |
additional.fields[input_match_event_options] |
input.match.event.sourcePID | |
input.match.event.destinationPID | |
image.match.event.detection |
security_result.detection_fields [image_match_event_detection] |
input.match.type |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_type] |
If the input.match.type log field value is equal to 0 , then the target.asset.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Device Inserted .Else, if the input.match.type log field value is equal to 1 , then the target.asset.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - Device Removed . |
input.match.usbAddress |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_usb_address] |
input.match.event.device.mediaPath |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_media_path] |
input.match.event.device.protocol |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_protocol] |
input.match.event.device.deviceModel |
target.asset.hardware.model |
input.match.event.device.isRemovable |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_removable] |
input.match.event.device.mediaName |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_media_name] |
input.match.event.device.bsdMinor |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_bsd_minor] |
input.match.event.device.vendorName | |
input.match.event.device.isWhole |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_whole] |
input.match.event.device.unit |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_unit] |
input.match.event.device.deviceSubclass |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_subclass] |
input.match.event.device.serialNumber |
target.asset.hardware.serial |
input.match.event.device.bsdUnit |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_bsd_unit] |
input.match.event.device.busPath |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_bus_path] |
input.match.event.device.isLeaf |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_leaf] |
input.match.event.device.isInternal |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_internal] |
input.match.event.device.busName |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_bus_name] |
input.match.event.device.bsdMajor |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_bsd_major] |
input.match.event.device.isEjectable |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_ejectable] |
input.match.event.device.isEncrypted |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_encrypted] |
input.match.event.device.isEncryptable |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_encryptable] |
input.match.event.device.devicePath |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_path] |
input.match.event.device.bsdName |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_bsd_name] |
input.match.event.device.vendorId |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_vendor_id] |
input.match.event.device.content |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_content] |
input.match.event.device.revision |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_revision] |
input.match.event.device.size |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_size] |
input.match.event.device.isNetworkVolume |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_network_volume] |
input.match.event.device.blocksize |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_block_size] |
input.match.event.device.productName |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_product_name] |
input.match.event.device.mediaKind |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_media_kind] |
input.match.event.device.isWritable |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_writable] |
input.match.event.device.productId |
target.asset.product_object_id |
input.match.event.device.productId |
target.asset.asset_id |
The Asset Id: input.match.event.device.productId log field is mapped to the target.asset.asset_id UDM field. |
input.match.event.device.deviceClass |
target.asset.category |
input.match.event.device.encryptionDetail |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_encryption_detail] |
input.match.event.device.volumeKind |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_event_device_volume_kind] |
input.match.event.device.volumeName |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_event_device_volume_name] |
input.match.event.device.volumeType |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_event_device_volume_type] |
input.match.event.device.isMountable |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_event_device_is_mountable] |
input.match.event.device.encryptionDetail |
target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_event_device_encryption_detail] |
input.match.event.fsid |
principal.labels [input_match_event_fsid] |
input.match.event.bfree |
principal.labels[input_match_event_bfree] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.bfree |
additional.fields[input_match_event_bfree] |
input.match.event.bsize |
principal.labels[input_match_event_bsize] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.bsize |
additional.fields[input_match_event_bsize] |
input.match.event.ffree |
principal.labels[input_match_event_ffree] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.ffree |
additional.fields[input_match_event_ffree] |
input.match.event.files |
principal.labels[input_match_event_files] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.files |
additional.fields[input_match_event_files] |
input.match.event.flags |
principal.labels[input_match_event_flags] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.flags |
additional.fields[input_match_event_flags] |
input.match.event.owner |
principal.user.user_display_name |
input.match.event.bavail |
principal.labels[input_match_event_bvail] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.bavail |
additional.fields[input_match_event_bvail] |
input.match.event.blocks |
principal.labels[input_match_event_blocks] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.blocks |
additional.fields[input_match_event_blocks] |
input.match.event.iosize |
principal.labels[input_match_event_iosize] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.iosize |
additional.fields[input_match_event_iosize] |
input.match.event.version |
principal.labels[input_match_event_version] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.version |
additional.fields[input_match_event_version] |
input.match.event.deadline |
principal.labels[input_match_event_deadline] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.deadline |
additional.fields[input_match_event_deadline] |
input.match.event.flagsExt |
principal.labels[input_match_event_flags_ext] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.flagsExt |
additional.fields[input_match_event_flags_ext] |
input.match.event.fsSubType |
principal.labels[input_match_event_fs_subtype] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.fsSubType |
additional.fields[input_match_event_fs_subtype] |
input.match.event.mntOnName |
principal.labels[input_match_event_mnt_on_name] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.mntOnName |
additional.fields[input_match_event_mnt_on_name] |
input.match.event.fsTypeName |
principal.labels[input_match_event_fs_type_name] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.fsTypeName |
additional.fields[input_match_event_fs_type_name] |
input.match.event.isReadOnly |
principal.labels[input_match_event_is_read_only] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.isReadOnly |
additional.fields[input_match_event_is_read_only] |
input.match.event.mntFromName |
principal.labels[input_match_event_mnt_from_name] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.mntFromName |
additional.fields[input_match_event_mnt_from_name] |
input.match.event.machTimestamp |
principal.labels[input_match_event_mach_timestamp] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.machTimestamp |
additional.fields[input_match_event_mach_timestamp] |
input.match.event.sequenceNumber |
principal.labels[input_match_event_seq_number] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.sequenceNumber |
additional.fields[input_match_event_seq_number] |
input.match.event.globalSequenceNumber |
principal.labels[input_match_event_global_seq_number] (deprecated) |
input.match.event.globalSequenceNumber |
additional.fields[input_match_event_global_seq_number] |