Recopila registros de Google Cloud Load Balancing

En este documento, se describe cómo puedes recopilar registros de Google Cloud Load Balancing habilitando la transferencia de telemetría de Google Cloud a Google Security Operations y cómo los campos de registro se asignan a los campos del modelo de datos unificado (UDM) de Google Security Operations. En este documento, también se enumera la versión compatible de Google Cloud Load Balancing.

Para obtener más información, consulta Transferencia de datos a Google Security Operations.

Una implementación típica consiste en registros de Google Cloud Load Balancing habilitados para transferencia a Google Security Operations. Cada implementación de cliente puede diferir de esta representación y podría ser más compleja.

La implementación contiene los siguientes componentes:

  • Google Cloud: Son los servicios y productos de Google Cloud de los que recopilas registros.

  • Registros de Google Cloud Load Balancing: Son los registros de Google Cloud Load Balancing que están habilitados para transferirse a Google Security Operations.

  • Google Security Operations: Google Security Operations retiene y analiza los registros de Google Cloud Load Balancing.

Una etiqueta de transferencia identifica el analizador que normaliza los datos de registro sin procesar en un formato UDM estructurado. La información de este documento se aplica al analizador con la etiqueta de transferencia GCP_LOADBALANCING.

Antes de comenzar

  • Asegúrate de usar la versión 1 de Google Cloud Load Balancing.

  • Asegúrate de que todos los sistemas en la arquitectura de implementación estén configurados en la zona horaria UTC.

Configura Google Cloud para transferir los registros de Google Cloud Load Balancing

Para transferir los registros de Google Cloud Load Balancing a Google Security Operations, sigue los pasos que se indican en la página Transfiere registros de Google Cloud a Google Security Operations.

Si tienes problemas para transferir los registros de Google Cloud Load Balancing, comunícate con el equipo de asistencia de Google Security Operations.

Referencia de la asignación de campos

En esta sección, se explica cómo el analizador de Google Security Operations asigna los campos de Google Cloud Load Balancing con los campos del modelo de datos unificado (UDM) de Google Security Operations.

Referencia de asignación de campos: campos de registro GCP_LOADBALANCING a campos UDM

En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro del tipo de registro GCP_LOADBALANCING y sus campos UDM correspondientes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
receiveTimestamp metadata.collected_timestamp
timestamp metadata.event_timestamp
metadata.event_type If the following values are not empty, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
  • httpRequest.remoteIp
  • jsonPayload.remoteIp
  • jsonPayload.connection.clientIp
  • jsonPayload.clientInstance.vmIp
  • httpRequest.serverIp
  • jsonPayload.connection.serverIp
  • jsonPayload.serverInstance.vmIp

Else, if the following values are not empty, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED.
  • httpRequest.remoteIp
  • jsonPayload.remoteIp
  • jsonPayload.connection.clientIp
  • jsonPayload.clientInstance.vmIp

Else, the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
logName metadata.product_event_type
insertId metadata.product_log_id
metadata.vendor_name The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Google Cloud Platform.
httpRequest.protocol network.application_protocol If the httpRequest.requestUrl log field value matches the regular expression https or the httpRequest.protocol log field value matches the regular expression HTTPS, then the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to HTTPS.

Else, if the httpRequest.requestUrl log field value matches the regular expression http or the httpRequest.protocol log field value matches the regular expression HTTP, then the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to HTTP.
jsonPayload.clientLocation.asn network.asn
httpRequest.requestMethod network.http.method
httpRequest.referer network.http.referral_url
httpRequest.status network.http.response_code
httpRequest.userAgent network.http.user_agent
jsonPayload.connection.protocol network.ip_protocol If the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 0, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to UNKNOWN_IP_PROTOCOL.

Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 1, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ICMP.

Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 2, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to IGMP.

Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 6, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to TCP.

Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 17, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to UDP.

Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 41, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to IP6IN4.

Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 47, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to GRE.

Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 50, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ESP.

Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 58, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ICMP6.

Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 88, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to EIGRP.

Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 97, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ETHERIP.

Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 103, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to PIM.

Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 112, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to VRRP.

Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 132, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to SCTP.
httpRequest.responseSize network.received_bytes
jsonPayload.bytesReceived network.received_bytes
jsonPayload.packetsReceived network.received_packets
httpRequest.requestSize network.sent_bytes
jsonPayload.packetsSent network.sent_packets
jsonPayload.bytesSent network.sent_packets
jsonPayload.rtt network.session_duration.seconds Grok: Extracted sec from the log field jsonPayload.rtt and mapped it to the network.session_duration.seconds UDM field.
jsonPayload.rtt network.session_duration.nanos Grok: Extracted nano from the log field jsonPayload.rtt and mapped it to the network.session_duration.nanos UDM field.
jsonPayload.tls.cipher network.tls.cipher
jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.tlsJa3Fingerprint network.tls.client.ja3
jsonPayload.tls.protocol network.tls.next_protocol
httpRequest.remoteIp principal.ip If the httpRequest.remoteIp log field value is not empty, then
Grok: Extracted ip and port from the log field httpRequest.remoteIp and mapped it to the principal.ip and principal.port UDM field respectively.
jsonPayload.remoteIp principal.ip If the jsonPayload.remoteIp log field value is not empty, then
Grok: Extracted ip and port from the log field jsonPayload.remoteIp and mapped it to the principal.ip and principal.port UDM field respectively.
jsonPayload.connection.clientIp principal.ip
clientInstance.vmIp principal.ip
jsonPayload.clientLocation.regionCode principal.location.country_or_region
jsonPayload.clientLocation.subRegion principal.location.state
jsonPayload.connection.clientPort principal.port
jsonPayload.clientInstance.projectId principal.resource_ancestors.product_object_id
principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype If the jsonPayload.clientVpc.projectId log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to clientVpc_projectId.

If the jsonPayload.clientVpc.vpc log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to clientVpc_vpc.

If the jsonPayload.clientVpc.subnetwork log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to clientVpc_subnetwork.

If the jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.cluster.cluster log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to clientGkeDetails_cluster.

If the jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.pod.pod log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to clientGkeDetails_pod.

If the jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.service.service log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to clientGkeDetails_service.
principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type If the jsonPayload.clientVpc.projectId log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VPC_NETWORK.

If the jsonPayload.clientVpc.vpc log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE.

If the jsonPayload.clientVpc.subnetwork log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE.

If the jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.cluster.cluster log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to CLUSTER.

If the jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.pod.pod log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE.

If the jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.service.service log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to BACKEND_SERVICE.
principal.resource.resource_subtype If the jsonPayload.clientInstance.vm log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource.resource_subtype UDM field is set to client_instance_vm.
principal.resource.resource_type If the jsonPayload.clientInstance.vm log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE.
security_result.action If the jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to DENY, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK.

Else, if the jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to ALLOW, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW.
If the jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to DENY, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK.

Else, if the jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to ALLOW, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW.
If the jsonPayload.enforcedEdgeSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to DENY, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK.

Else, if the jsonPayload.enforcedEdgeSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to ALLOW, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW.
If the jsonPayload.previewEdgeSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to DENY, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK.

Else, if the jsonPayload.previewEdgeSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to ALLOW, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW.
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.configuredAction security_result.action_details
jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.configuredAction security_result.action_details
jsonPayload.enforcedEdgeSecurityPolicy.configuredAction security_result.action_details
jsonPayload.previewEdgeSecurityPolicy.configuredAction security_result.action_details
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.outcome security_result.outcomes[jsonpayload_enforcedsecuritypolicy_outcome]
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.priority security_result.priority_details
jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.priority security_result.priority_details
jsonPayload.enforcedEdgeSecurityPolicy.priority security_result.priority_details
jsonPayload.previewEdgeSecurityPolicy.priority security_result.priority_details security_result.rule_name
jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.recaptchaActionToken.score security_result.risk_score If the jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.recaptchaActionToken.score log field value is not empty, then the jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.recaptchaActionToken.score log field is mapped to the security_result.risk_score UDM field.
jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.recaptchaSessionToken.score security_result.risk_score If the jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.recaptchaSessionToken.score log field value is not empty, then the jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.recaptchaSessionToken.score log field is mapped to the security_result.risk_score UDM field. security_result.rule_name security_result.rule_name security_result.rule_name
security_result.severity If the severity log field value matches the regular expression DEFAULT or DEBUG or INFO or NOTICE, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to LOW.

Else, if the severity log field value matches the regular expression WARNING or ERROR, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM.

Else, if the severity log field value matches the regular expression CRITICAL or ALERT or EMERGENCY, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to HIGH.
severity security_result.severity_details
jsonPayload.statusDetails security_result.summary
jsonPayload.proxyStatus security_result.summary
resource.labels.backend_service_name target.application
httpRequest.serverIp target.ip
jsonPayload.connection.serverIp target.ip
serverInstance.vmIp target.ip
jsonPayload.connection.serverPort target.port
resource.labels.backend_scope If the resource.labels.backend_target_name log field value is not empty, then the resource.labels.backend_scope log field is mapped to the UDM field. If the jsonPayload.serverInstance.vm log field value is not empty, then the log field is mapped to the UDM field.
jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.cluster.clusterLocation If the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.cluster.cluster log field value is not empty, then the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.cluster.clusterLocation log field is mapped to the UDM field.
resource.labels.backend_zone If the resource.labels.backend_zone log field value is not empty, then the resource.labels.backend_zone log field is mapped to the UDM field.
resource.labels.project_id target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id
jsonPayload.serverInstance.projectId target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id If the jsonPayload.serverInstance.vm log field value is not empty, then the jsonPayload.serverInstance.projectId log field is mapped to the target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id UDM field.
resource.labels.project target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id
resource.labels.backend_target_type target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype If the resource.labels.backend_target_name log field value is not empty, then the resource.labels.backend_target_type log field is mapped to the target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field.

If the jsonPayload.serverInstance.vm log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to serverInstance_vm.

If the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.cluster.cluster log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to serverGkeDetails_cluster.

If the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.pod.pod log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to serverGkeDetails_pod.

If the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.service.service log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to serverGkeDetails_service.

If the resource.labels.network_name log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to network_name.
target.resource_ancestors.resource_type If the resource.labels.backend_target_name log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to BACKEND_SERVICE.

If the jsonPayload.serverInstance.vm log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE.

If the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.cluster.cluster log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to CLUSTER.

If the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.pod.pod log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE.

If the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.service.service log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to BACKEND_SERVICE.

If the resource.labels.network_name log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VPC_NETWORK.
resource.labels.endpoint_zone The UDM field is set to GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM.
resource.type target.resource.resource_subtype
target.resource.resource_type The target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to DEVICE.
httpRequest.requestUrl target.url
jsonPayload.backendTargetProjectNumber about.labels[backend_target_project_number]
jsonPayload.cacheDecision about.labels[cache_decision]
jsonPayload.cacheId about.labels[cache_id]
jsonPayload.endTime about.labels[end_time]
jsonPayload.@type about.labels[metadata_type]
spanId about.labels[span_id]
jsonPayload.startTime about.labels[start_time]
traceSampled about.labels[trace_sampled]
trace about.labels[trace]
jsonPayload.clientLocation.continent principal.labels[client_loacation_continent]
jsonPayload.networkTier.networkTier principal.labels[network_tier]
jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.pod.podNamespace principal.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[pod_namespace]
jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.service.serviceNamespace principal.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[service_namespace]
jsonPayload.clientInstance.region principal.resource.attribute.labels[client_instance_region]
resource.labels.forwarding_rule_name security_result.rule_labels[forwarding_rule_name]
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.matchedFieldName security_result.rule_labels[matched_field_name]
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.matchedFieldType security_result.rule_labels[matched_field_type]
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.matchedFieldValue security_result.rule_labels[matched_field_value]
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.matchedLength security_result.rule_labels[matched_length]
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.preconfiguredExprIds security_result.rule_labels[preconfigured_expr_ids]
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.threatIntelligence.categories security_result.rule_labels[threat_intelligence_category]
resource.labels.forwarding_rule_network_tier target.labels[forwarding_rule_network_tier]
httpRequest.cacheFillBytes target.labels[http_request_cache_fill_bytes]
httpRequest.cacheHit target.labels[http_request_cache_hit]
httpRequest.cacheLookup target.labels[http_request_cache_lookup]
httpRequest.cacheValidatedWithOriginServer target.labels[http_request_cache_validated_with_origin_server]
httpRequest.latency target.labels[http_request_latency]
resource.labels.primary_target_pool target.labels[primary_target_pool]
resource.labels.target_pool target.labels[target_pool]
resource.labels.target_proxy_name target.labels[target_proxy_name]
resource.labels.url_map_name target.labels[url_map_name]
resource.labels.backend_failover_configuration target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[backend_failover_configuration]
resource.labels.backend_network_name target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[backend_network_name]
resource.labels.backend_scope_type target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[backend_scope_type]
resource.labels.backend_subnetwork_name target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[backend_subnetwork_name]
jsonPayload.serverInstance.region target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[client_instance_region]
jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.pod.podNamespace target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[pod_namespace]
jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.service.serviceNamespace target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[service_namespace]
resource.labels.matched_url_path_rule target.resource.attribute.labels[matched_url_path_rule]
resource.labels.loadbalancing_scheme_name target.resource.attribute.labels[loadbalancing_scheme_name]
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.rateLimitAction.key security_result.rule_labels[enforcedsecuritypolicy_ratelimitaction_key]
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.rateLimitAction.outcome security_result.rule_labels[enforcedsecuritypolicy_ratelimitaction_outcome]
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.adaptiveProtection.autoDeployAlertId security_result.rule_labels[adaptiveprotection_autodeployalertid]
jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.rateLimitAction.key security_result.rule_labels[previewsecuritypolicy_ratelimitaction_key]
jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.rateLimitAction.outcome security_result.rule_labels[previewsecuritypolicy_ratelimitaction_outcome]
jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.outcome security_result.outcomes[previewsecuritypolicy_outcome]
jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.preconfiguredExprIds security_result.rule_labels[previewsecuritypolicy_preconfigured_expr_ids]
jsonPayload.enforcedEdgeSecurityPolicy.outcome security_result.outcomes[enforcededgesecuritypolicy_outcome]
jsonPayload.previewEdgeSecurityPolicy.outcome security_result.outcomes[previewedgesecuritypolicy_outcome]

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