Buscar compensación (v3)

Busca trabajos por rango de compensación.

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Para obtener información sobre cómo instalar y usar la biblioteca cliente de CTS, consulta las bibliotecas cliente de CTS. Para obtener más información, consulta la documentación de referencia de la API de Go de CTS.

Para autenticarte en CTS, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación. Si deseas obtener más información, consulta Configura la autenticación para un entorno de desarrollo local.

// compensationSearch searches for job on compensation.
func compensationSearch(w io.Writer, projectID, companyName string) (*talent.SearchJobsResponse, error) {
	ctx := context.Background()

	client, err := google.DefaultClient(ctx, talent.CloudPlatformScope)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("google.DefaultClient: %w", err)
	// Create the jobs service client.
	service, err := talent.New(client)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("talent.New: %w", err)

	jobQuery := &talent.JobQuery{
		CompensationFilter: &talent.CompensationFilter{
			Type:  "UNIT_AND_AMOUNT",
			Units: []string{"HOURLY"},
			Range: &talent.CompensationRange{
				MaxCompensation: &talent.Money{
					Units:        15,
					CurrencyCode: "USD",
				MinCompensation: &talent.Money{
					Units:        10,
					CurrencyCode: "USD",
					Nanos:        500000000,
	if companyName != "" {
		jobQuery.CompanyNames = []string{companyName}

	parent := "projects/" + projectID
	req := &talent.SearchJobsRequest{
		// Make sure to set the RequestMetadata the same as the associated
		// search request.
		RequestMetadata: &talent.RequestMetadata{
			// Make sure to hash your userID.
			UserId: "HashedUsrId",
			// Make sure to hash the sessionID.
			SessionId: "HashedSessionId",
			// Domain of the website where the search is conducted.
			Domain: "www.googlesample.com",
		// Set the actual search term as defined in the jobQuery.
		JobQuery: jobQuery,
		// Set the search mode to a regular search.
		SearchMode: "JOB_SEARCH",
	resp, err := service.Projects.Jobs.Search(parent, req).Do()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to search for jobs with compensation: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintln(w, "Jobs:")
	for _, j := range resp.MatchingJobs {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t%q\n", j.Job.Name)

	return resp, nil


Si deseas obtener información para instalar y usar la biblioteca cliente de CTS, consulta las bibliotecas cliente de CTS. Para obtener más información, consulta la documentación de referencia de la API de Java de CTS.

Para autenticarte en CTS, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación. Si deseas obtener más información, consulta Configura la autenticación para un entorno de desarrollo local.

/** Search on compensation. */
public static void compensationSearch(String companyName)
    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  // Make sure to set the requestMetadata the same as the associated search request
  RequestMetadata requestMetadata =
      new RequestMetadata()
          // Make sure to hash your userID
          // Make sure to hash the sessionID
          // Domain of the website where the search is conducted

  // Search jobs that pay between 10.50 and 15 USD per hour
  JobQuery jobQuery =
      new JobQuery()
              new CompensationFilter()
                      new CompensationRange()
                          .setMaxCompensation(new Money().setCurrencyCode("USD").setUnits(15L))
                              new Money()
  if (companyName != null) {

  SearchJobsRequest searchJobsRequest =
      new SearchJobsRequest()
          .setJobQuery(jobQuery) // Set the actual search term as defined in the jobQurey
          .setSearchMode("JOB_SEARCH"); // Set the search mode to a regular search

  SearchJobsResponse searchJobsResponse =
          .search(DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID, searchJobsRequest)

  System.out.printf("Search results by compensation: %s\n", searchJobsResponse);


Para obtener información sobre cómo instalar y usar la biblioteca cliente de CTS, consulta las bibliotecas cliente de CTS. Para obtener más información, consulta la documentación de referencia de la API de Python de CTS.

Para autenticarte en CTS, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación. Si deseas obtener más información, consulta Configura la autenticación para un entorno de desarrollo local.

def compensation_search(client_service, company_name):
    request_metadata = {
        "user_id": "HashedUserId",
        "session_id": "HashedSessionId",
        "domain": "www.google.com",
    compensation_range = {
        "max_compensation": {"currency_code": "USD", "units": 15},
        "min_compensation": {"currency_code": "USD", "units": 10, "nanos": 500000000},
    compensation_filter = {
        "type": "UNIT_AND_AMOUNT",
        "units": ["HOURLY"],
        "range": compensation_range,
    job_query = {"compensation_filter": compensation_filter}
    if company_name is not None:
        job_query.update({"company_names": [company_name]})
    request = {
        "search_mode": "JOB_SEARCH",
        "request_metadata": request_metadata,
        "job_query": job_query,

    response = (
        client_service.projects().jobs().search(parent=parent, body=request).execute()


Si deseas obtener información para instalar y usar la biblioteca cliente de CTS, consulta las bibliotecas cliente de CTS.

Para autenticarte en CTS, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación. Si deseas obtener más información, consulta Configura la autenticación para un entorno de desarrollo local.

# project_id        = "Id of the project"
# company_name      = "The resource name of the company listing the job. The format is "projects/{project_id}/companies/{company_id}""
# min_unit          = "Min value of the compensation range we want to search on"
# max_unit          = "Max value of the compensation range we want to search on"

require "google/apis/jobs_v3"
# Instantiate the client
jobs = Google::Apis::JobsV3
talent_solution_client = jobs::CloudTalentSolutionService.new
# @see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials#callingruby
talent_solution_client.authorization = Google::Auth.get_application_default(
# Make sure to set the request_metadata the same as the associated search request
request_metadata = jobs::RequestMetadata.new user_id:    "HashedUserId",
                                             session_id: "HashedSessionId",
                                             domain:     "http://careers.google.com"
# Search jobs that pay between min_unit and max_unit (USD/hour)
compensation_range = jobs::CompensationRange.new max_compensation: (
                                                   jobs::Money.new currency_code: "USD",
                                                                   units:         max_unit,
                                                                   nanos:         500_000_000
                                                 min_compensation: (
                                                   jobs::Money.new currency_code: "USD",
                                                                   units:         min_unit,
                                                                   nanos:         0
compensation_filter = jobs::CompensationFilter.new type:  "UNIT_AND_AMOUNT",
                                                   units: ["HOURLY"],
                                                   range: compensation_range
# Perform a search for analyst  related jobs
job_query = jobs::JobQuery.new compensation_filter: compensation_filter,
                               company_names:       [company_name]

search_jobs_request = jobs::SearchJobsRequest.new request_metadata: request_metadata,
                                                  job_query:        job_query,
                                                  search_mode:      "JOB_SEARCH"
search_jobs_response = talent_solution_client.search_jobs project_id, search_jobs_request

puts search_jobs_response.to_json

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