Commute search (v3)

Search jobs by commute attributes including commute method, coordinates, and maximum travel time.

Code sample


To learn how to install and use the client library for CTS, see CTS client libraries.

To authenticate to CTS, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

# project_id              = "Id of the project"
# commute_method          = "The method of transportation for which to calculate the commute time"
# travel_duration         = "The maximum travel time in seconds"
# start_coordinates       = "The latitude and longitude of the location from which to calculate the commute time"

require "google/apis/jobs_v3"

jobs = Google::Apis::JobsV3
talent_solution_client =
# @see
talent_solution_client.authorization = Google::Auth.get_application_default(

# Make sure to set the request_metadata the same as the associated search request
request_metadata = user_id:    "HashedUserId",
                                             session_id: "HashedSessionId",
                                             domain:     ""
# Set location filter
commute_filter = road_traffic:      "TRAFFIC_FREE",
                                         commute_method:    commute_method,
                                         travel_duration:   travel_duration,
                                         start_coordinates: start_coordinates
# Perform a search for analyst  related jobs
search_jobs_request = request_metadata:            request_metadata,
                              job_query:                   ( commute_filter: commute_filter),
                              job_view:                    "JOB_VIEW_FULL",
                              require_precise_result_size: true
search_jobs_response = talent_solution_client.search_jobs project_id, search_jobs_request
puts search_jobs_response.to_json

What's next

To search and filter code samples for other Google Cloud products, see the Google Cloud sample browser.