Authorize with Cloud Shell

This page describes how authorization works in Cloud Shell.

Authorize tools in Cloud Shell

When you make a Google Cloud API call or use a command-line tool that requires credentials (such as the gcloud CLI or bq) with Cloud Shell for the first time, Cloud Shell prompts you with the Authorize Cloud Shell dialog.

To allow the tool to use your credentials to make calls, click Authorize.

Duration of authorization

This authorization lasts the lifetime of your Cloud Shell session. Since each Cloud Shell session is tied to an ephemeral, pre-configured virtual machine, if you restart your VM or close your browser, you will need to reauthorize these tools if you use them in your next new session. To learn more about how Cloud Shell works, refer to the Concepts page that outlines key features and how they work.

Revoke access

To revoke access for a session, restart your VM to start a new session by clicking More > Restart.