Use accessibility features of Cloud Shell

This page outlines Cloud Shell accessibility features.

For more information about Google Cloud accessibility resources, see Google Cloud accessibility. For additional information about enabling screen reader features in the Google Cloud CLI, see Enabling accessibility features.

Keyboard navigation in Cloud Shell

To navigate and customize the Cloud Shell, use the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • If you use JAWS, press Insert+z to toggle the virtual cursor on and off.
  • To navigate to the next focusable element on the page, press Tab.

Cloud Shell Terminal accessibility features

To navigate and customize the Cloud Shell Terminal, use the following features:

  • To scroll up when using the terminal, press Shift+PageUp.
  • To scroll down when using the terminal, press Shift+PageDown.
  • In the terminal, Cloud Shell captures Tab key presses. To switch to navigation with the Tab key, press Control+M. To capture Tab key presses again, press Control+M in the terminal.
  • When using the terminal, Cloud Shell uses an input element to capture key presses. Screen readers normally announce the empty contents of this input when not navigating to individual terminal rows. To read the current terminal row to screen readers while using the terminal, press Control+,.

Customize color themes and font sizes in Cloud Shell

  • To change your Cloud Shell Editor theme, see Customizing your Cloud Shell Editor themes.
  • To change Cloud Shell Terminal settings, go to Settings > Terminal Preferences.
    • To change the font size in the terminal, select Text Size and choose between Smallest, Small, Medium, Large, and Largest.
    • To change the font in the terminal, select Font and choose the font that you prefer.
    • To change the terminal theme, select Color Themes and choose the theme that you prefer.

Based on your operating system, use the following screen readers with these recommended browsers:

Operating system Screen reader Browser
Microsoft Windows NVDA or JAWS Mozilla Firefox

Chrome Browser

macOS VoiceOver Chrome Browser
Chrome OS ChromeVox Chrome Browser
iOS VoiceOver N/A (mobile app)
Android TalkBack N/A (mobile app)