Migrating from Istio 1.7 or later to Anthos Service Mesh and Mesh CA

This document describes how Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) administrators can install Anthos Service Mesh and migrate workloads currently running with an Istio service mesh. The deployed Anthos Service Mesh configuration includes Cloud Monitoring for telemetry and Anthos Service Mesh certificate authority (Mesh CA) for managed, high-availability mesh certificate management. Gateways, virtual services, and other mesh configurations that define your mesh topology are preserved in the migration.

This process covers a single-cluster installation. For a multi-cluster mesh installation, see Setting up a multi-cluster mesh on GKE, which includes steps for how to add clusters to Anthos Service Mesh post-installation.

To complete the steps in this document, you must be using Istio 1.7 or later with a GKE cluster. Anthos Service Mesh does not support Helm for installation or configuration. We recommend that mesh administrators use the IstioOperator API for mesh configurations. This process might introduce downtime for your application while switching certificate authorities, so we recommend that you perform this process during a scheduled maintenance window.

Anthos Service Mesh uses the same Istio and Envoy APIs to configure your mesh, so no change to existing resources is necessary.

A few implementation differences after migration are as follows:

  • The Istio control plane is replaced with an Anthos Service Mesh control plane.

  • The Citadel certificate authority is removed, and certificates are managed by a Google Cloud Mesh CA service.

  • Telemetry is sent to Cloud Logging and Cloud Monitoring. Dashboards and SLO management are available in the Google Cloud console.

  • If you have a customized IstioOperator resource, the script can take that as an input.

  • Your open source Istio installation (version 1.7 or later) is migrated to Anthos Service Mesh version 1.10 with Mesh CA. If you have a different version of Istio or require a different version of Anthos Service Mesh, or you would like to deploy Anthos Service Mesh with a Google-managed control plane, see Preparing to migrate from Istio.


The following prerequisites are required to complete this guide:

  • You have a GKE cluster with Istio version 1.7 or later installed. If you do not have a GKE cluster, or you would like to test this guide on a new (test) cluster first, follow the steps in the Appendix to create a new GKE cluster with Istio version 1.7 or later deployed with a test application.

  • You use Cloud Shell to perform the steps in this guide because this guide is tested on Cloud Shell.


In this guide, you choose a migration path. You can choose from either a one-step scripted path or a step-by-step scripted migration.

For more information, see Choose a migration path.

To get answers to frequently asked questions about this migration, see Migrating from Istio 1.7 or later to Anthos Service Mesh and Mesh CA FAQ.

Before you begin

For this guide, you need administrative access to a GKE cluster with Istio installed. To observe how your application behaves during the migration process, we recommend that you first perform this process with a cluster in a development or staging environment.

Anthos Service Mesh has the following requirements. You can perform them manually yourself or allow the provided tools to enable dependencies on your behalf during the pre-installation process.

  1. Enable the following Google Cloud APIs:

    • container.googleapis.com
    • meshca.googleapis.com
    • meshconfig.googleapis.com
    • gkehub.googleapis.com
    • stackdriver.googleapis.com
  2. Enable Workload Identity and Stackdriver for your GKE cluster.

  3. Label your cluster to enable the Service user interface.

  4. Obtain cluster admin rights on the Kubernetes cluster.

  5. Register your cluster to a fleet.

  6. Enable the servicemesh feature on the fleet.

Set up your environment

To set up your environment, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console page, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI already installed, and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.

  2. Create the environment variables used in this guide:

    gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}
    export PROJECT_NUM=$(gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT_ID} --format='value(projectNumber)')
  3. Create a WORKDIR folder:

    mkdir -p migrate-to-asm-working-dir && cd migrate-to-asm-working-dir && export WORKDIR=`pwd`
  4. Create a KUBECONFIG file for this guide:

    touch asm-kubeconfig && export KUBECONFIG=`pwd`/asm-kubeconfig
  5. Connect to your GKE cluster:

    Zonal clusters

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
       --zone ${CLUSTER_LOCATION}

    Regional clusters

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
       --region ${CLUSTER_LOCATION}
  6. Download the migration script:

    curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/csm-artifacts/asm/migrate-to-asm
    chmod +x ./migrate-to-asm

Choose a migration path

You can choose one of two paths to migrate to Anthos Service Mesh. Choose only one of these two strategies, and then proceed to that section:

  • One-step migration to Anthos Service Mesh. As the name suggests, you can perform all the required steps to migrate to Anthos Service Mesh by using a single command. This might be beneficial if you have many clusters and you need a fast and easy way to upgrade them to Anthos Service Mesh. However, this method might result in application downtime.

  • Step-by-step migration to Anthos Service Mesh. This method provides you with more control over each step and helps you understand exactly what is required to migrate to Anthos Service Mesh.

One-step migration to Anthos Service Mesh

In this section, you migrate your current Istio version 1.7 (or later) installation to Anthos Service Mesh version 1.10. This section lets you perform the migration by running a single step. If you would like to perform the migration by running a series of steps, see the Step-by-step migration to Anthos Service Mesh section.

To migrate to Anthos Service Mesh, run the following command. With any command, you can use the --dry-run flag to print commands instead of running them, or you can use the --verbose flag to print commands as the script runs them. If you have previously configured dependencies, as noted in the Before you begin section, you can omit the --enable-dependencies flag.

No custom resource

Do not use a custom IstioOperator resource:

./migrate-to-asm migrate \
    --cluster_location $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
    --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
    --project-id $PROJECT_ID \
    --enable-dependencies \

Use custom resource

Use a custom IstioOperator resource:


./migrate-to-asm migrate \
    --cluster_location $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
    --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
    --project-id $PROJECT_ID \
    --enable-dependencies \
    --custom_overlay ${ISTIO_OPERATOR_FILEPATH} \

This command performs the following steps:

  • Ensures that the Istio version is version 1.7 or later.
  • Enables Workload Identity on the cluster. Workload Identity is required for Mesh CA. You do not need to enable the GKE Metadata Server on existing node pools.
  • Enables the required APIs for Anthos Service Mesh.
  • Registers the cluster to a fleet.
  • Updates the cluster with the required labels.
  • Evaluates whether a Google-managed control plane is better for the specified cluster.
  • Deploys Anthos Service Mesh with the optimal control plane configuration.
  • Relabels all Istio-enabled namespaces with the required Anthos Service Mesh label.
  • Restarts the workloads in all Anthos Service Mesh-enabled namespaces so that workloads get the new Anthos Service Mesh proxies.
  • Removes the Istio control plane.

Step-by-step migration to Anthos Service Mesh

In this section, you migrate your Istio version 1.7 (or later) installation to Anthos Service Mesh version 1.10. This section lets you perform the migration by running a series of steps. If you would like to perform the migration in a single step, see the One-step migration to Anthos Service Mesh section.

The following steps are required to migrate to Anthos Service Mesh:

  1. Perform a pre-migration step to validate and prepare the cluster and environment for migration to Anthos Service Mesh.
  2. Install Anthos Service Mesh as a canary control plane alongside an existing Istio control plane and prepare workloads.
  3. Test workloads on Anthos Service Mesh and relabel namespaces for Anthos Service Mesh sidecar injection.
  4. Access and inspect Anthos Service Mesh dashboards.
  5. Clean up Istio artifacts or roll back to an existing Istio version.

Perform pre-migration step

The pre-migration step performs the following actions:

  • It validates that the project and cluster information is correct and that the installed Istio version is compatible with migration.

  • It backs up the configuration for the default gateway and the labels for the current Istio service mesh.

  • If the --enable-dependencies flag is used, it enables dependencies on your behalf; otherwise, it verifies that the dependencies are enabled.

The pre-migration script creates a new folder (or overwrites an existing folder) called configuration_backup in the current directory.

To perform the pre-migration step, run the following command:


Enable dependencies:

./migrate-to-asm pre-migrate \
    --cluster_location $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
    --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
    --project-id $PROJECT_ID \

No dependencies

Do not enable dependencies:

./migrate-to-asm pre-migrate \
    --cluster_location $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
    --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
    --project-id $PROJECT_ID

The output is similar to the following:

    migrate-to-asm: Checking installation tool dependencies...
    migrate-to-asm: Checking for $PROJECT_ID...
    migrate-to-asm: Confirming cluster information for $PROJECT_ID/$LOCATION/$CLUSTER_NAME...
    migrate-to-asm: Confirming node pool requirements for $PROJECT_ID/$LOCATION/$CLUSTER_NAME...
    migrate-to-asm: Checking existing Istio version(s)...
    migrate-to-asm:   1.9.5
    migrate-to-asm: No version issues found.
    migrate-to-asm: Enabling required APIs...
    migrate-to-asm: APIs enabled.
    migrate-to-asm: Enabling the service mesh feature...
    migrate-to-asm: The service mesh feature is already enabled.
    migrate-to-asm: Enabling Stackdriver on $LOCATION/$CLUSTER_NAME...
    Updating $CLUSTER_NAME...
    Updated [https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/$PROJECT_ID/zones/$LOCATION/clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME].
    To inspect the contents of your cluster, go to: https://console.cloud.google.com/kubernetes/workload_/gcloud/$LOCATION/$CLUSTER_NAME?project=$PROJECT_ID
    migrate-to-asm: Stackdriver enabled.
    migrate-to-asm: Querying for core/account...
    migrate-to-asm: Binding user@example.com to cluster admin role...
    migrate-to-asm: Successfully bound to cluster admin role.
    migrate-to-asm: Initializing meshconfig API...
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100     3    0     3    0     0      6      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     6
    migrate-to-asm: Finished pre-migration!

Install Anthos Service Mesh and prepare workloads

This step does the following:

  • It checks for the presence of the configuration_backup folder, and if it's not present, it aborts to ensure that the pre-migration tool ran successfully.
  • It installs and configures an Anthos Service Mesh control plane based on analysis of cluster and mesh configuration.
  • It uses the custom IstioOperator resource if one is provided. If you have custom gateways or multiple gateways that you have configured by using an IstioOperator resource, then use the same resource in this step.

To skip the analysis and force the tool to install an unmanaged control plane running with your cluster's resources, add the --no-mcp flag to your command.

You can choose one of three paths when installing Anthos Service Mesh:

  • Option 1: Without a custom IstioOperator resource. You can install Anthos Service Mesh without a custom resource. Using this option installs the default configuration of Istio and updates the default istio-ingressgateway in place.

  • Option 2: With a --no-gateways option. When installing Anthos Service Mesh without a custom IstioOperator resource, you can also use the --no-gateways option to not update the default istio-ingressgateway in place. If you use this option, you must upgrade gateways manually post-installation.

  • Option 3: With a custom IstioOperator resource. You can install Anthos Service Mesh with a custom IstioOperator resource. If you deployed Istio by using a custom IstioOperator resource, we recommend that you use the same IstioOperator resource when installing Anthos Service Mesh.

To install Anthos Service Mesh, run one of the following commands:

Option 1

Upgrade the default istio-ingressgateway in place:

 ./migrate-to-asm install-asm \
     --cluster_location $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
     --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
     --project-id $PROJECT_ID

Option 2

Do not upgrade the default istio-ingressgateway in place:

 ./migrate-to-asm install-asm \
     --cluster_location $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
     --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
     --project-id $PROJECT_ID \

Option 3

Upgrade gateways in place with a custom IstioOperator resource:


 ./migrate-to-asm install-asm \
     --cluster_location $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
     --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
     --project-id $PROJECT_ID \
     --custom-overlay ${ISTIO_OPERATOR_FILEPATH}

The output is similar to the following:

 migrate-to-asm: Checking installation tool dependencies...
 migrate-to-asm: Checking for $PROJECT_ID...
 migrate-to-asm: Fetching/writing Google Cloud credentials to kubeconfig file...
 Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
 kubeconfig entry generated for $CLUSTER_NAME.
 migrate-to-asm: Verifying connectivity (20s)...
 migrate-to-asm: kubeconfig set to $PROJECT_ID/$LOCATION/$CLUSTER_NAME...
 migrate-to-asm: Configuring kpt package...
 set 20 field(s) of setter "gcloud.container.cluster" to value "$CLUSTER_NAME"
 set 28 field(s) of setter "gcloud.core.project" to value "$PROJECT_ID"
 set 2 field(s) of setter "gcloud.project.projectNumber" to value "42"
 set 5 field(s) of setter "gcloud.project.environProjectNumber" to value "42"
 set 20 field(s) of setter "gcloud.compute.location" to value "$LOCATION"
 set 1 field(s) of setter "gcloud.compute.network" to value "$PROJECT_ID-default"
 set 6 field(s) of setter "anthos.servicemesh.rev" to value "asm-1102-2"
 set 5 field(s) of setter "anthos.servicemesh.tag" to value "1.10.2-asm.2"
 set 4 field(s) of setter "anthos.servicemesh.hubTrustDomain" to value "$PROJECT_ID.svc.id.goog"
 set 2 field(s) of setter "anthos.servicemesh.hub-idp-url" to value "https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/$PROJECT_ID/locations/$LOCATION/clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME"
 set 4 field(s) of setter "anthos.servicemesh.trustDomainAliases" to value "$PROJECT_ID.svc.id.goog"
 migrate-to-asm: Configured.
 migrate-to-asm: Installing Anthos Service Mesh control plane...
 - Processing resources for Istio core.
 ✔ Istio core installed
 - Processing resources for Istiod.
 - Processing resources for Istiod. Waiting for Deployment/istio-system/istiod-asm-1102-2
 ✔ Istiod installed
 - Processing resources for CNI, Ingress gateways.
 - Processing resources for CNI, Ingress gateways. Waiting for Deployment/istio-system/istio-ingressgateway
 ✔ CNI installed
 - Processing resources for Ingress gateways. Waiting for Deployment/istio-system/istio-ingressgateway
 ✔ Ingress gateways installed
 - Pruning removed resources
 namespace/asm-system created
 customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/canonicalservices.anthos.cloud.google.com configured
 role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/canonical-service-leader-election-role created
 clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/canonical-service-manager-role configured
 clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/canonical-service-metrics-reader unchanged
 serviceaccount/canonical-service-account created
 rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/canonical-service-leader-election-rolebinding created
 clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/canonical-service-manager-rolebinding unchanged
 clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/canonical-service-proxy-rolebinding unchanged
 service/canonical-service-controller-manager-metrics-service created
 deployment.apps/canonical-service-controller-manager created
 deployment.apps/canonical-service-controller-manager condition met
 migrate-to-asm: *******
 migrate-to-asm: Control plane installation complete!

Re-inject workloads and check application behavior

The Anthos Service Mesh control plane is now ready to handle workloads, but the existing Istio control plane is still managing existing workloads. To migrate those workloads, you need to relabel Kubernetes namespaces that are currently labeled for Istio injection with the Anthos Service Mesh revision label. You then need to restart workloads in those namespaces. You can do this manually (see the Note in step 1) or in one step by using the tool.

The relabel step does the following:

  • It finds all the namespaces that currently use an Istio injection label.
  • It relabels those namespaces with istio.io/rev=asm-1102-2.
  • It restarts the workloads in the namespace.

To re-inject the workloads, follow these steps:

  1. Relabel all Istio-enabled namespaces and restart the workloads by running the following command:

     ./migrate-to-asm relabel \
         --cluster_location $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
         --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
         --project-id $PROJECT_ID

    The output is similar to the following:

    migrate-to-asm: Checking installation tool dependencies...
    migrate-to-asm: Checking for $PROJECT_ID...
    migrate-to-asm: Fetching/writing Google Cloud credentials to kubeconfig file...
    Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
    kubeconfig entry generated for $CLUSTER_NAME.
    migrate-to-asm: Verifying connectivity (20s)...
    migrate-to-asm: kubeconfig set to $PROJECT_ID/$LOCATION/$CLUSTER_NAME...
    migrate-to-asm: Installation of Anthos Service Mesh has completed. Migration will continue
    migrate-to-asm: by relabeling and restarting workloads in the following namespaces:
    migrate-to-asm:     namespace/default
    Continue with migration? (Y/n)Y
    migrate-to-asm: Relabeling namespace/default...
    namespace/default labeled
    migrate-to-asm: Restarting workloads in namespace/default and waiting for them to become available (max 5 min)...
    deployment.apps/frontend restarted
    deployment.apps/backend restarted
    deployment.apps/frontend condition met
    deployment.apps/backend condition met
    migrate-to-asm: *******
    migrate-to-asm: Finished restarting workloads!
  2. Wait until all Deployments are restarted, and then check the version of the data plane by running the following command:

    istioctl version

    The output is similar to the following:

    client version: 1.8.0
    pilot version: 1.9.5
    istiod version: 1.10.2-asm.2
    data plane version: 1.10.2-asm.2 (14 proxies)
  3. Verify that the applications are functioning properly after restarting.

Access Anthos Service Mesh dashboards

In this section, you go to the Anthos Service Mesh dashboards and make sure that you are receiving the golden signals for all Services. You should also be able to see your application topology.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Anthos Service Mesh page.

    Go to Anthos Service Mesh

  2. You should be able to view the metrics and topology for your Services.

To learn more about Anthos Service Mesh dashboards, see Exploring Anthos Service Mesh in the Google Cloud console.

Finalize your migration

Before you finalize your migration, ensure that all your applications are functioning properly. After you finalize your migration, you cannot roll back to the existing Istio version. Finalizing your migration performs the following steps:

  • It validates that all of the running proxies in the cluster are using Anthos Service Mesh.
  • It removes unused Istio components from the cluster. This step is irreversible.

To finalize your migration to Anthos Service Mesh, run the following command:

 ./migrate-to-asm finalize \
     --cluster_location $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
     --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
     --project-id $PROJECT_ID
The output is similar to the following:
migrate-to-asm: Checking installation tool dependencies...
migrate-to-asm: Checking for asm-scriptaro-oss...
migrate-to-asm: All proxies running Anthos Service Mesh!
Remove previous control plane resources? (Y/n)
migrate-to-asm: ****
migrate-to-asm: Previous Istio control plane has been removed.

Roll back to an existing Istio version

Run the rollback step to relabel namespaces with the previous Istio injection label, restart workloads, and roll back gateway changes. Afterwards, the tool removes any Anthos Service Mesh components deployed in the cluster.

You need to manually revert any dependencies enabled by the pre-migration step.

To roll back to Istio, run the following command:

 ./migrate-to-asm rollback \
     --cluster_location $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
     --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
     --project-id $PROJECT_ID
The output is similar to the following:
migrate-to-asm: Checking installation tool dependencies...
migrate-to-asm: Checking for $PROJECT_ID...
migrate-to-asm: Rolling back migration by relabeling and restarting workloads
migrate-to-asm: in the following namespaces:
migrate-to-asm:     namespace/default
Continue with rollback? (Y/n)
migrate-to-asm: Relabeling namespace/default...
namespace/default labeled
migrate-to-asm: Restarting workloads in namespace/default and waiting for them to become available (max 5 min)...
deployment.apps/frontend restarted
deployment.apps/backend restarted
deployment.apps/frontend condition met
deployment.apps/backend condition met
migrate-to-asm: *******
migrate-to-asm: Finished restarting workloads!
service/istio-ingressgateway configured
deployment.apps/istio-ingressgateway configured
There are still 14 proxies pointing to the control plane revision asm-1102-2
If you proceed with the uninstall, these proxies will become detached from any control plane and will not function correctly.

Removed HorizontalPodAutoscaler:istio-system:istio-ingressgateway.
Removed HorizontalPodAutoscaler:istio-system:istiod-asm-1102-2.
Removed ClusterRoleBinding::mdp-controller.
✔ Uninstall complete
namespace "asm-system" deleted
migrate-to-asm: ****
migrate-to-asm: Anthos Service Mesh has been uninstalled from the cluster.


Create a GKE cluster with Istio installed

In this section, you deploy a GKE cluster with Istio enabled. You can use a private or a non-private GKE cluster. Private GKE clusters must have a public GKE endpoint. You also verify the Istio installation.

If you already have an existing GKE cluster, you can skip the creation step and make sure that you have access to the cluster that uses the KUBECONFIG file. The context that this guide uses is defined in the variable ${CLUSTER_1_CTX}. You can set the context of your cluster to this variable.

  1. Create the environment variables used in this guide:

    # Enter your project ID
    gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}
    export PROJECT_NUM=$(gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT_ID} --format='value(projectNumber)')
    export ISTIO_VERSION=ISTIO_VERSION # Must be versions 1.7 through 1.10 and must be of the form major.minor.patch, for example 1.7.4 or 1.9.5
  2. Create a GKE cluster with Istio enabled (this is a private cluster). You can also perform these steps with a non-private GKE cluster.

    Zonal clusters

    gcloud container clusters create ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
        --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
        --zone ${CLUSTER_LOCATION} \
        --machine-type "e2-standard-4" \
        --num-nodes "4" --min-nodes "2" --max-nodes "5" \
        --enable-ip-alias --enable-autoscaling

    Regional clusters

    gcloud container clusters create ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
        --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
        --region ${CLUSTER_LOCATION} \
        --machine-type "e2-standard-4" \
        --num-nodes "4" --min-nodes "2" --max-nodes "5" \
        --enable-ip-alias --enable-autoscaling
  3. Confirm that the cluster is RUNNING:

     gcloud container clusters list

    The output is similar to the following:

    gke-east  us-east1-b  1.19.10-gke.1600  e2-standard-4  1.19.10-gke.1600  4          RUNNING
  4. Connect to the cluster:

    Zonal clusters

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
        --zone ${CLUSTER_LOCATION}

    Regional clusters

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
        --region ${CLUSTER_LOCATION}

Remember to unset your KUBECONFIG variable at the end.

Install Istio

In this section, you deploy Istio version 1.7 to the GKE cluster.

  1. Download Istio:

    curl -L https://istio.io/downloadIstio | ISTIO_VERSION=${ISTIO_VERSION} TARGET_ARCH=x86_64 sh -
  2. Install Istio by using the istioctl command-line tool. Choose one option from either of the following:

    • Option 1: without a custom IstioOperator resource
    • Option 2: with a custom IstioOperator resource

    Option 1

    Without a custom IstioOperator resource:

    ./istio-${ISTIO_VERSION}/bin/istioctl install --set profile=default -y

    The output is similar to the following:

    ✔ Istio core installed
    ✔ Istiod installed
    ✔ Ingress gateways installed
    ✔ Installation complete

    Option 2

    With a custom IstioOperator resource:

    cat <<EOF > istio-operator.yaml
    apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1
    kind: IstioOperator
     name: istio-operator
         enabled: true
       - enabled: true
             value: "10"
             maxReplicas: 10
             - resource:
                 name: cpu
                 targetAverageUtilization: 80
               type: Resource
             minReplicas: 2
               cpu: "4"
               memory: 8Gi
               cpu: "2"
               memory: 4Gi
             - name: status-port
               port: 15021
               targetPort: 15021
             - name: http2
               port: 80
               targetPort: 8080
             - name: https
               port: 443
               targetPort: 8443
             - name: tls
               port: 15443
               targetPort: 15443
         name: istio-ingressgateway
       - enabled: true
             value: "10"
             maxReplicas: 10
             minReplicas: 2
               cpu: "4"
               memory: 8Gi
               cpu: "2"
               memory: 4Gi
             - name: status-port
               port: 15021
               targetPort: 15021
             - name: http2
               port: 80
               targetPort: 8080
             - name: https
               port: 443
               targetPort: 8443
             - name: tls
               port: 15443
               targetPort: 15443
           istio: istio-api-ingressgateway
         name: istio-api-ingressgateway
           sampling: 1
             address: jaeger-collector.observability.svc.cluster.local:9411
       enableTracing: true
    ./istio-${ISTIO_VERSION}/bin/istioctl install -f istio-operator.yaml -y

    The output is similar to the following:

    ✔ Istio core installed
    ✔ Istiod installed
    ✔ Ingress gateways installed
    ✔ Installation complete
  3. Ensure that Istio Services and Pods are deployed and running:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n istio-system get services,pods

    The output is similar to the following:

    Option 1

    Without a custom IstioOperator resource:

    NAME                           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP         PORT(S)                                                      AGE
    service/istio-ingressgateway   LoadBalancer    <pending>           15021:31285/TCP,80:31740/TCP,443:30753/TCP,15443:31246/TCP   33s
    service/istiod                 ClusterIP   <none>              15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP,853/TCP                45s
    NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/istio-ingressgateway-6f44d6745b-22q9h   1/1     Running   0          34s
    pod/istiod-b89f5cc6-nhsrc                   1/1     Running   0          48s

    Option 2

    With a custom IstioOperator resource:

    NAME                               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                                                      AGE
    service/istio-api-ingressgateway   LoadBalancer   15021:32489/TCP,80:30083/TCP,443:30565/TCP,15443:30705/TCP   76s
    service/istio-ingressgateway       LoadBalancer   15021:30966/TCP,80:31557/TCP,443:31016/TCP,15443:31574/TCP   75s
    service/istiod                     ClusterIP   <none>           15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP                        86s
    NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/istio-api-ingressgateway-79978ddc65-hslbv   1/1     Running   0          61s
    pod/istio-api-ingressgateway-79978ddc65-z92w8   1/1     Running   0          77s
    pod/istio-ingressgateway-fb47c4859-pkdn7        1/1     Running   0          60s
    pod/istio-ingressgateway-fb47c4859-t2pfq        1/1     Running   0          77s
    pod/istiod-9445656d7-fxk9j                      1/1     Running   0          89s

Deploy Online Boutique

In this section, you deploy a sample microservices-based application called Online Boutique to the GKE cluster. Online Boutique is deployed in an Istio-enabled namespace. You verify that the application is working and that Istio is injecting the sidecar proxies to every Pod.

If you already have existing clusters with applications, you can skip creating a new namespace and deploying Online Boutique. You can follow the same process for all namespaces in the Install Anthos Service Mesh and prepare workloads section.

  1. Deploy Online Boutique to the GKE cluster:

    kpt pkg get \
    https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo.git/release \
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} create namespace online-boutique
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} label namespace online-boutique istio-injection=enabled
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n online-boutique apply -f online-boutique
  2. Wait until all Deployments are ready:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment adservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment checkoutservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment currencyservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment emailservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment frontend
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment paymentservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment productcatalogservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment shippingservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment cartservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment loadgenerator
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment recommendationservice
  3. Ensure that there are two containers per Pod—the application container and the Istio sidecar proxy that Istio automatically injects into the Pod:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n online-boutique get pods

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    adservice-7cbc9bd9-t92k4                 2/2     Running   0          3m21s
    cartservice-d7db78c66-5qfmt              2/2     Running   1          3m23s
    checkoutservice-784bfc794f-j8rl5         2/2     Running   0          3m26s
    currencyservice-5898885559-lkwg4         2/2     Running   0          3m23s
    emailservice-6bd8b47657-llvgv            2/2     Running   0          3m27s
    frontend-764c5c755f-9wf97                2/2     Running   0          3m25s
    loadgenerator-84cbcd768c-5pdbr           2/2     Running   3          3m23s
    paymentservice-6c676df669-s779c          2/2     Running   0          3m25s
    productcatalogservice-7fcf4f8cc-hvf5x    2/2     Running   0          3m24s
    recommendationservice-79f5f4bbf5-6st24   2/2     Running   0          3m26s
    redis-cart-74594bd569-pfhkz              2/2     Running   0          3m22s
    shippingservice-b5879cdbf-5z7m5          2/2     Running   0          3m22s
  4. You can also check the sidecar Envoy proxy version from any one of the Pods to confirm that you have Istio version 1.4 Envoy proxies deployed:

    export FRONTEND_POD=$(kubectl get pod -n online-boutique -l app=frontend --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} get pods ${FRONTEND_POD} -n online-boutique -o json | jq '.status.containerStatuses[].image'

    The output is similar to the following:

  5. Access the application by navigating to the IP address of the istio-ingressgateway Service IP address:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_CTX} -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

What's next