Routing rule maps overview

This document applies only to Cloud Service Mesh with the load balancing APIs. We strongly recommend that you use the service routing APIs.

A routing rule map consists of the following:

When you create and configure these resources for Cloud Service Mesh, Cloud Service Mesh uses the values to create the configuration that it sends to your data plane, which includes xDS clients such as Envoy proxies and proxyless gRPC applications. The data plane then handles traffic according to this configuration.

A forwarding rule references a target proxy, and has an IP address and a port. For Cloud Service Mesh deployments, the forwarding rule's load-balancing scheme must be set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. The target proxy, in turn, references a URL map. These three resources combine to form a routing rule map.

A forwarding rule that references a target gRPC proxy with the validateForProxyless field set to TRUE must have its IP address set to When validateForProxyless is set to TRUE, configurations that specify an IP address other than are rejected.

The routing rule map defines how traffic passes from clients to servers inside a service mesh.

Supported target proxy types

Cloud Service Mesh supports the following target proxy types:

  • Target HTTP proxy, which you configure when your clients and servers send or receive HTTP or HTTP/2 traffic.
  • Target HTTPS proxy, which you configure when your clients and servers send or receive HTTPS traffic. This is required when you set up service security with Envoy proxies.
  • Target TCP proxy, which you configure when your clients and servers send or receive TCP traffic.
  • Target gRPC proxy, which you configure when your clients and servers send or receive gRPC traffic. Target gRPC proxies contain the field validateForProxyless, which is set to TRUE when you deploy proxyless gRPC services.

Traffic routing with Envoy sidecar proxies

When you use Cloud Service Mesh with Envoy sidecar proxies, client requests are routed as follows:

  • The network stack intercepts the request and redirects it to your Envoy sidecar proxy.
  • The Envoy sidecar proxy looks at the request's IP address and port.
  • The IP address and port pair are checked against the IP address and port specified in any forwarding rules that have the load-balancing scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED.
  • If a forwarding rule with a matching IP address and port is found, Envoy looks at the target HTTP proxy or the target gRPC proxy that the forwarding rule references.
  • Envoy checks the URL map that the target proxy references.
  • Envoy routes the request according to the rules specified in the URL map.

For information about how traffic is routed with a target TCP proxy, see Routing TCP traffic with Cloud Service Mesh.

Traffic routing with proxyless gRPC applications

This behavior is different for proxyless gRPC applications. When you configure a gRPC client, you specify the target URI for the service that the client needs to contact. This URI uses the xds name resolver scheme and the hostname:port format—for example xds:///example.hostname:8080.

When the proxyless gRPC client connects to Cloud Service Mesh, Cloud Service Mesh sends it information corresponding to the service as follows:

  • Cloud Service Mesh looks for forwarding rules with the load-balancing scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED to find forwarding rules whose port matches the port specified in the target URI.
  • Cloud Service Mesh finds the target gRPC proxy or the target HTTP proxy for each of these forwarding rules.
  • Cloud Service Mesh finds the URL maps referenced by these target gRPC proxies or target HTTP proxies.
  • Cloud Service Mesh checks the host rules in the URL map, which also have the hostname[:port] format, and looks for a match.
  • When a match is found, Cloud Service Mesh returns routing rules and service information to the gRPC client.

If more than one match is found, the behavior is undefined and can lead to unpredictable behavior. This generally happens when both of the following conditions are met:

  • The same hostname is used across multiple URL maps.
  • Multiple forwarding rules with the load-balancing scheme INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED specify the same port.

For this reason, we recommend that you don't re-use the same hostname across multiple URL maps that are referenced by forwarding rules that specify the same port.

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