Service security

This document provides an overview of service security with Cloud Service Mesh. It is intended for Cloud Service Mesh users who want to add authentication, encryption, and authorization to their deployments. This document assumes that you are familiar with Cloud Service Mesh overview and with proxyless gRPC applications.

Cloud Service Mesh lets you secure service-to-service communications in your mesh. In the mesh, each service has an identity. The following features help support secure communications:

  • Authentication and encryption that use transport layer security (TLS) and mutual TLS (mTLS) for both Cloud Service Mesh with Envoy and Cloud Service Mesh with proxyless gRPC applications. Client TLS policies and server TLS policies control whether services need to prove their identities to each other and use encrypted communication channels.
  • Authorization, based on characteristics of the client and the request. Authorization policies control whether a service is permitted to access another service and which actions are allowed.

Using certificates and keys provided by a private certificate authority (CA), Google's Certificate Authority Service, makes it easier for you to maintain service security. CA Service provides GKE mesh certificates. The GKE mesh certificates feature and Cloud Service Mesh enable you to automatically deploy these certificates and have workloads use them. You modify your Pods to allow workloads to receive and use mTLS credentials. Cloud Service Mesh service security is currently available only for GKE-based workloads.

In modern microservice-based architectures, smaller, more focused services replace large monolithic applications. Service calls communicate with each other over the network. These calls, which were in-process calls in monolithic applications, present security challenges, so it's best to authenticate, encrypt, and authorize them. These steps support the zero trust principle, in which all network traffic is assumed to be at risk, regardless of whether the traffic originates inside or outside the network.

The service mesh design pattern separates any complexity related to service-to-service communications from the business logic. Instead, the data plane handles this complexity. In addition to reducing application complexity, the service mesh design pattern enables security patterns that might otherwise be difficult to implement and manage.

In this model, proxyless gRPC or Envoy sidecars securely authenticate and encrypt communications by obtaining configuration information from Cloud Service Mesh and certificates from a CA Service pool.

These security features make your Cloud Service Mesh deployment process easier by providing the following:

  • Automatic provisioning of keys and certificates to all services in your mesh.
  • Automatic rotation of keys and certificates to provide additional security.
  • Integration with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to use all of its capabilities, such as deployment descriptors and labels.
  • High availability of Google managed services, including Cloud Service Mesh and CA Service managed private certificate authority pools.
  • Security tied to Google Identity and Access Management (IAM): service authorization based on authorized Google service accounts.
  • Seamless interoperability with your Envoy-based and proxyless workloads. For example, a service can be behind an Envoy proxy, but the client uses gRPC proxyless service mesh security. Conversely, a service can be behind gRPC proxyless service mesh security, but the client uses an Envoy proxy.

Secure service-to-service communications

Cloud Service Mesh provides authorization as well as service-to-service security with encryption and authentication that use TLS. Client TLS policies and server TLS policies let services do the following:

  • Assert and validate their identities.
  • Encrypt communication sessions by using TLS or mTLS.

In a service mesh, the data plane handles this type of security so that applications don't need to make special provisions to be secure.

Authorization policies enable you to deny or allow access according to rules that you define.

Use TLS for encryption

When a service calls on another service by using the HTTP, HTTP/2, or gRPC protocol, traffic that transits the network is in plain text. This traffic might be subject to person-in-the-middle attacks, in which an attacker intercepts the traffic and inspects or manipulates its contents.

To mitigate this potential issue, you can use HTTP, HTTP/2, or gRPC over TLS with Cloud Service Mesh. When you use these protocols over TLS, traffic between the client and the server is encrypted by using TLS that is based on the server's certificate. Traffic is no longer in plain text, reducing the likelihood that an attacker can intercept and inspect or manipulate its contents.

Use TLS for authentication

When a service calls on another service, consider the following questions:

  • How does a client know that it is receiving a response from the correct server rather than an imposter? For example, in a typical request-response interaction based on HTTP, the client does not verify the server's identity.

  • What happens if an attacker intercepts that traffic? For example, HTTP traffic is not encrypted, so anyone who receives the traffic can inspect its contents. This is known as a person-in-the-middle attack.

To mitigate these issues, you can use HTTP, HTTP/2, and gRPC over TLS. In these exchanges between a client and a server, the server must use a server certificate to prove its identity to the client. Requests and responses are then encrypted using TLS.

Mutual TLS authentication

When Cloud Service Mesh configures application networking for both the client and server—for example, by configuring an Envoy proxy on the client side and another Envoy proxy on the server side—you can take advantage of advanced authentication patterns such as mutual authentication.

In a typical HTTP over TLS exchange, which is not based on mutual authentication, the server has a certificate that it uses to encrypt communications between the client and the server. The client can verify the server's identity by checking the signature that the server sends back during the TLS handshake. However, the server does not verify the client's identity.

When mutual authentication is enabled, the client also has a certificate. The client verifies the server's identity, as described in the previous paragraph, and the server can also verify the client's identity. Both the client and server certificates are used to encrypt the communication channel. This also enables the server to authorize clients based on verified client identity.

Mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication in a service mesh.
Mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication in a service mesh (click to enlarge)

Authorize service calls

You can choose to allow or deny service access by using authorization policies. Using Cloud Service Mesh, you can define allow and deny rules to authorize access based on request parameters. You can base these rules on Layer 3 and Layer 7 parameters, including client ID, which is derived from the client-cert in an mTLS connection, source IP address, host match, method match, and header match. The following diagram shows authorization with Envoy proxies. The process is similar with gRPC clients.

Authorization in a service mesh.
Authorization in a service mesh using Envoy (click to enlarge)

Restrict access using authorization

A best practice within a service mesh is to adhere to the principle of least privilege. You can adhere to this principle by restricting service access to only those callers that depend on the service. When a caller attempts to access a service for which it is not authorized, the attempt is rejected.

With Cloud Service Mesh, you can configure authorization policies that enable your data plane to allow or deny service access based on rules that you define. These policies consist of two components:

  • An action: allow or deny
  • A list of rules

When a request or RPC is sent, the Cloud Service Mesh client on the called service determines whether there is a rule match. If a match is found, the request or RPC is allowed or denied. You can define a rule to match on attributes such as the following:

  • When mTLS is used, the calling service's Kubernetes service account
  • The calling service's IP address (or range of addresses)
  • The destination service's ports
  • The request's HTTP attributes, including hostnames, methods, and user-defined HTTP headers.

Secure naming

As an extra security mechanism, you can configure secure naming with Cloud Service Mesh. This lets you define a list of allowed names, or SPIFFE (Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone) identities, for a particular service that a client is attempting to connect to. During the TLS exchange, the service's backend returns an X.509 certificate to the client. The client then inspects the certificate to confirm that the X.509 certificate matches one of the names or SPIFFE identities. For more information about SPIFFE identities, see Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone.

Secure traffic at a gateway

To configure your gateways, you can use Cloud Service Mesh. A gateway is a standalone Envoy proxy that typically acts as one of the following:

  • An ingress gateway that handles traffic that is entering a mesh or some other domain
  • An egress gateway that handles traffic that is exiting a mesh or some other domain
  • A reverse proxy or middle proxy that distributes inbound traffic among one or more services

Clients that want to send traffic into the mesh or out of the mesh send traffic to the gateway. The gateway then handles requests according to the rules that you have set up with Cloud Service Mesh. For example, you can enforce that traffic entering your mesh (though the ingress gateway) must be encrypted by using TLS.

Security components

Cloud Service Mesh service security supports client TLS policies, server TLS policies, and authorization policies. You create these policies so that Cloud Service Mesh can configure your data plane and enable security capabilities. To create or update these policies, you don't need to make changes to your applications.

Encryption and supported authentication modes

When a service calls on another service, the first step in establishing secure communications is to have each service prove its identity to the other service. The degree to which a service needs to prove its identity is based on the TLS mode that you configure.

You can configure the following levels of security:

  • Unencrypted/unauthenticated
  • TLS
  • Mutual TLS (mTLS)
  • Permissive: mTLS or unencrypted/unauthenticated, depending on how the client initiates the connection

Certificates and certificate authorities

Certificates and a trusted certificate authority (CA) provide the foundation for trust in a distributed system such as a service mesh. Using certificates, services can prove their identities and verify the identities presented to them in the following ways:

  • A service that wants to prove its identity to another service presents its certificate to the other service. A CA that both services trust cryptographically signs and issues this certificate.
  • The service that receives this certificate can verify that the certificate originated from a CA that it trusts.

Cloud Service Mesh is not a certificate authority. To enable secure communications, you must set up a mechanism that does the following:

  • Provisions identities and certificates
  • Makes the certificates available to Cloud Service Mesh clients, such as Envoy proxies, that Cloud Service Mesh configures

Cloud Service Mesh supports Google's CA Service. The setup guides for Envoy and proxyless gRPC include instructions for setting this up (for details, see What's next).

Architecture and resources

Cloud Service Mesh includes the Network Security API namespace, which consists of three Google Cloud API resources that let you specify the security policies that should be applied to your data plane.

Two Google Cloud API resources support authentication in the mesh: client TLS policies and server TLS policies. A third resource, the authorization policy, supports authorization.

The Network Services API namespace includes the endpoint policy resource, which enables Cloud Service Mesh to supply configuration (server TLS, client TLS, and authorization policies) to endpoints. Endpoints are the Cloud Service Mesh clients that terminate an inbound communication from another Cloud Service Mesh client.

Client TLS policy

A client TLS policy lets you specify the client-side TLS mode and the certificate provider information to be applied to your data plane. Client TLS policies support TLS and mTLS authentication. Client TLS policies must be attached to a global backend service resource.

When you configure TLS, you must provide a mechanism by which the client validates the certificate that it receives from the server during the TLS exchange by using the serverValidationCa API field. The client uses this information to obtain a validation certificate that it can use to validate the server certificate.

When you configure mTLS, you must also provide a mechanism by which the client obtains its certificate and private key by using the clientCertificate API field. The client uses this information to present a certificate to the server during the TLS handshake.

In this release, Cloud Service Mesh supports a managed certificate authority, CA Service. Configuration is straightforward: you specify the google_cloud_private_spiffe plugin name when you configure the certificate provider. This causes your xDS clients to load certificates and keys from a static location. As prerequisites, you must configure CA Service pools and enable mesh certificates on your GKE cluster.

Server TLS policy

A server TLS policy (ServerTlsPolicy resource) lets you specify the server-side TLS mode and the certificate provider information to be applied to your data plane. Server TLS policies support TLS, mTLS, and, with Envoy only, Open_or_mTLS authentication. You attach server TLS policies to an endpoint policy resource.

Subject alternative names

When you configure a global backend service's securitySettings field, you can supply a list of subject alternative names in the subjectAltNames field. When a client initiates a TLS handshake with one of the service's backends, the server presents its X.509 certificate. The client inspects the certificate's subjectAltName field. If the field contains one of the specified values, the communication continues. This mechanism is described earlier in Secure naming.

Authorization policy

An authorization policy (AuthorizationPolicy resource) specifies how a server authorizes incoming requests or RPCs. It can be configured to allow or deny an incoming request or RPC based on various parameters, such as the identity of the client that sent the request, host, headers, and other HTTP attributes. You attach authorization policies to an endpoint policy resource.

An authorization policy rule has the following components:

  • from: specifies the identity of the client that is allowed by the rule. The identity can be derived from a client certificate in a mutual TLS connection, or it can be the ambient identity associated with the client VM, such as from a service account or a secure tag.
  • to: specifies the operations allowed by the rule, such as the URLs that can be accessed or the HTTP methods allowed.
  • when: lets you define additional constraints that must be met. You can use Common Expression Language (CEL) expressions to define the constraints.
  • action: specifies the action of the rule. It can be one of ALLOW, DENY, or CUSTOM.


Cloud Service Mesh service security is supported only with GKE. You cannot deploy service security with Compute Engine.

When evaluating a request, an authorization policy takes any of the following actions:

  • ALLOW: grants access to the requested resource if the request matches the defined rules within the authorization policy. The authorization policy blocks access to the requested resource if the request doesn't match any defined rules within the authorization policy. A request is denied if it doesn't match an ALLOW policy, even if other policies allow it.

  • DENY: blocks access to the resource if a request matches any of the rules specified within a DENY policy. The authorization policy grants access to the requested resource if the request doesn't match any defined rules within the authorization policy. A request is denied if it matches a DENY policy, even if other policies allow it.

  • CUSTOM (Unsupported on Cloud Service Mesh): enables integration with external authorization systems for complex authorization decisions. CUSTOM actions are used for policies that use service extensions for authorization decisions.

Authorization policy evaluation order

When multiple authorization policies are associated with a single resource, they are evaluated in the following order to determine whether a request is allowed or denied.

  1. Policies with CUSTOM actions: if the CUSTOM policy denies the request, the request is rejected immediately. DENY or ALLOW policies aren't evaluated, even if any are configured.

  2. Policies with DENY actions: if any DENY policies match the request, the request is denied. Any ALLOW policies aren't evaluated, even if any are configured.

  3. Policies with ALLOW actions: if there are no ALLOW policies or if any ALLOW policy matches the request, the request is allowed. However, if no ALLOW policies match the request, the request is denied.

Limitations with proxyless gRPC applications

Service security for proxyless gRPC services has the following limitations:

  • This release is limited to Java, Python, C++, and Go.

AuthzPolicy Quotas

  • You are limited to a total of 5 authorization policies per Gateway.
  • You are limited to 20 AuthzPolicy resources per project.
  • A single AuthzPolicy can point to up to 100 Gateways.

What's next