Auf dieser Seite wird gezeigt, wie Sie Ergebnisse von Event Threat Detection in der Google Cloud Console prüfen. Außerdem finden Sie Beispiele für Event Threat Detection-Ergebnisse.
Event Threat Detection ist ein integrierter Dienst für die Premium-Stufe des Security Command Center. Sie überwacht die Logging-Streams von Cloud Logging für Ihre Organisation oder Projekte und erkennt Bedrohungen nahezu in Echtzeit. Wenn Sie die Premium-Stufe von Security Command Center auf Organisationsebene aktivieren, kann Event Threat Detection auch die Google Workspace-Logging-Streams Ihrer Organisation überwachen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Event Threat Detection.
Ergebnisse prüfen
Damit Ergebnisse von Event Threat Detection angezeigt werden können, muss der Dienst in den Services-Einstellungen von Security Command Center aktiviert sein. Nachdem Sie Event Threat Detection aktiviert haben, generiert die Funktion Ergebnisse, indem bestimmte Logs gescannt werden. Einige der Logs, die von Event Threat Detection gescannt werden können, sind standardmäßig deaktiviert. Sie müssen sie daher möglicherweise aktivieren.
Weitere Informationen zu den integrierten Erkennungsregeln, die von Event Threat Detection verwendet werden, und den Protokollen, die von Event Threat Detection gescannt werden, finden Sie in den folgenden Themen:
Die Event Threat Detection-Ergebnisse können in Security Command Center abgerufen werden. Wenn Sie kontinuierliche Exporte konfiguriert haben, um Logs zu schreiben, können Sie sich die Ergebnisse auch in Cloud Logging ansehen. Kontinuierliche Exporte in Cloud Logging sind nur verfügbar, wenn Sie die Premium-Stufe von Security Command Center auf Organisationsebene aktivieren. Sie können einen Detektor und Test Event Threat Detection absichtlich auslösen, um ein Ergebnis zu finden und Ihre Konfiguration zu prüfen.
Event Threat Detection wird innerhalb weniger Sekunden aktiviert. Erkennungslatenzen sind in der Regel kürzer als 15 Minuten ab dem Zeitpunkt, zu dem ein Log in Security Command Center geschrieben wird. Weitere Informationen zur Latenz finden Sie unter Security Command Center-Latenz – Übersicht.
Ergebnisse in Security Command Center prüfen
IAM-Rollen für Security Command Center können auf Organisations-, Ordner- oder Projektebene gewährt werden. Ob Sie Ergebnisse, Assets und Sicherheitsquellen ansehen, bearbeiten, erstellen oder aktualisieren können, hängt davon ab, auf welcher Ebene Sie Zugriff erhalten. Weitere Informationen zu Security Command Center-Rollen finden Sie unter Zugriffssteuerung.
So rufen Sie die Ergebnisse in der Google Cloud Console auf:
Rufen Sie in der Google Cloud Console die Seite Ergebnisse von Security Command Center auf.
Wählen Sie gegebenenfalls Ihr Google Cloud Projekt oder Ihre Organisation aus.
Wählen Sie im Abschnitt Schnellfilter im Unterabschnitt Anzeigename der Quelle eine oder beide der folgenden Optionen aus:
- Event Threat Detection: Damit können Sie nach Ergebnissen filtern, die von den vorinstallierten Event Threat Detection-Erkennungsmechanismen generiert wurden.
- Benutzerdefinierte Module für Event Threat Detection: Hier können Sie nach Ergebnissen filtern, die von benutzerdefinierten Modulen für Event Threat Detection generiert wurden.
Die Tabelle wird mit den Event Threat Detection-Ergebnissen gefüllt.
Klicken Sie auf den Namen des Ergebnisses unter
, um Details zu einem bestimmten Ergebnis aufzurufen. Der Bereich mit den Ergebnisdetails wird erweitert und enthält nun die folgenden Informationen:- Zeitpunkt des Ereignisses
- Quelle der Ergebnisdaten
- Schweregrad der Erkennung, z. B. Hoch
- Die ergriffenen Aktionen, z. B. das Hinzufügen einer IAM-Rolle (Identity and Access Management) für einen Gmail-Nutzer
- Der Nutzer, der die Aktion ausgeführt hat, wird neben E-Mail-Adresse des Hauptkontos angezeigt.
So zeigen Sie alle Ergebnisse an, die durch die Aktionen eines Nutzers ausgelöst wurden:
- Kopieren Sie im Detailbereich mit den Ergebnissen die E-Mail-Adresse neben Haupt-E-Mail-Adresse.
- Schließen Sie den Bereich.
Geben Sie im Abfrageeditor die folgende Abfrage ein:
USER_EMAIL "Ersetzen Sie USER_EMAIL durch die zuvor kopierte E-Mail-Adresse.
Security Command Center zeigt alle Ergebnisse an, die mit Aktionen verknüpft sind, die von dem angegebenen Nutzer ausgeführt wurden.
Ergebnisse in Cloud Logging ansehen
Wenn Sie kontinuierliche Exporte konfigurieren, um Protokolle zu schreiben, können Sie sich die Ergebnisse der Event Threat Detection in Cloud Logging ansehen. Diese Funktion ist nur verfügbar, wenn Sie die Premium-Stufe von Security Command Center auf Organisationsebene aktivieren.
So rufen Sie die Ergebnisse von Event Threat Detection in Cloud Logging auf:
Rufen Sie in der Google Cloud Console den Log-Explorer auf.
Wählen Sie das Google Cloud Projekt oder die andere Google Cloud Ressource aus, in der Sie Ihre Event Threat Detection-Logs speichern.
Im Bereich Abfrage haben Sie folgende Möglichkeiten, eine Abfrage zu erstellen:
- Gehen Sie in der Liste Alle Ressourcen so vor:
- Wählen Sie Threat Detector aus, um eine Liste aller Detektoren aufzurufen.
- Um Ergebnisse von allen Detektoren anzuzeigen, wählen Sie all detector_name aus. Wählen Sie den Namen eines Detektors aus, um die Ergebnisse zu sehen.
- Klicken Sie auf Übernehmen. Die Tabelle Abfrageergebnisse wird mit den ausgewählten Logs aktualisiert.
Geben Sie die folgende Abfrage in den Abfrageeditor ein und klicken Sie auf Abfrage ausführen:
Die Tabelle Abfrageergebnisse wird mit den ausgewählten Logs aktualisiert.
- Gehen Sie in der Liste Alle Ressourcen so vor:
Wenn Sie ein Log aufrufen möchten, wählen Sie eine Tabellenzeile aus und klicken Sie dann auf Verschachtelte Felder maximieren.
Sie können erweiterte Logabfragen erstellen, um eine Reihe von Logeinträgen aus beliebig vielen Logs anzugeben.
Beispiele für Ergebnisformate
Dieser Abschnitt enthält die JSON-Ausgabeformate für einzelne Ergebnisse der Event Threat Detection, die angezeigt werden, wenn Sie Exporte aus der Google Cloud Console erstellen oder Listenmethoden in der Security Command Center API ausführen.
Die Ausgabebeispiele enthalten die Felder, die für alle Ergebnisse am häufigsten verwendet werden. Allerdings sind möglicherweise nicht alle Ergebnisse in jedem Ergebnis enthalten. Die tatsächliche Ausgabe hängt von der Konfiguration einer Ressource und der Art und dem Status der Ergebnisse ab.
Wenn Sie sich die Beispielergebnisse ansehen möchten, maximieren Sie einen oder mehrere der folgenden Knoten.
Aktiver Scan: Log4j-Sicherheitslücken für RCE
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Active Scan: Log4j Vulnerable to RCE", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "log4j_scan_success" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1639701222", "nanos": 7.22988344E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "scannerDomain": "SCANNER_DOMAIN ", "sourceIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "vpcName": "default" }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-12-17T00:33:42.722988344Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project\u003dPROJECT_ID " }], "relatedFindingUri": { } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-12-17T00:33:42.722Z", "createTime": "2021-12-17T00:33:44.633Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "google.compute.Instance", "folders": [{ "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_DISPLAY_NAME " }], "displayName": "INSTANCE_ID " } }
Brute Force: SSH
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Brute Force: SSH", "sourceProperties": { "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "nanos": 0.0, "seconds": "65" }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID " } } ], "properties": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "zone": "us-west1-a", "instanceId": "INSTANCE_ID ", "attempts": [ { "sourceIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "username": "PROJECT_ID ", "vmName": "INSTANCE_ID ", "authResult": "SUCCESS" }, { "sourceIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "username": "PROJECT_ID ", "vmName": "INSTANCE_ID ", "authResult": "FAIL" }, { "sourceIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "username": "PROJECT_ID ", "vmName": "INSTANCE_ID ", "authResult": "FAIL" } ] }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" } }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "brute_force", "indicator": "flow_log", "ruleName": "ssh_brute_force" }, "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ] }, "severity": "HIGH", "eventTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "createTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }
Zugriff auf Anmeldedaten: Externes Mitglied zur privilegierten Gruppe hinzugefügt
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// @ORGANIZATION_NAME ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Credential Access: External Member Added To Privileged Group", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "persistence", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "external_member_added_to_privileged_group" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// @ORGANIZATION_NAME " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1633622881", "nanos": 6.73869E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "externalMemberAddedToPrivilegedGroup": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "groupName": "group:GROUP_NAME @ORGANIZATION_NAME ", "externalMember": "user:EXTERNAL_EMAIL ", "sensitiveRoles": [{ "resource": "// ", "roleName": ["ROLES "] }] } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-10-07T16:08:01.673869Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }] } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-10-07T16:08:03.888Z", "createTime": "2021-10-07T16:08:04.516Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// @ORGANIZATION_NAME " } }
Zugriff auf Anmeldedaten: Privilegierte Gruppe öffentlich zugänglich gemacht
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /groupSettings", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Credential Access: Privileged Group Opened To Public", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "persistence", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "privileged_group_opened_to_public" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// /groupSettings" }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1634774534", "nanos": 7.12E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "privilegedGroupOpenedToPublic": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "groupName": "group:GROUP_NAME @ORGANIZATION_NAME ", "sensitiveRoles": [{ "resource": "// ", "roleName": ["ROLES "] }], "whoCanJoin": "ALLOW_EXTERNAL_MEMBERS" } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-10-21T00:02:14.712Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }] } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-10-21T00:02:19.173Z", "createTime": "2021-10-21T00:02:20.099Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// /groupSettings" } }
Zugriff auf Anmeldedaten: Sensible Rolle der Hybridgruppe gewährt
{ "findings": { "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": {}, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "SetIamPolicy", }, "assetDisplayName": "PROJECT_NAME ", "assetId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /assets/ASSET_ID ", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Credential Access: Sensitive Role Granted To Hybrid Group", "contacts": { "technical": { "contacts": [ { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " }, { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " }, { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " } ] } }, "createTime": "2022-12-22T00:31:58.242Z", "database": {}, "eventTime": "2022-12-22T00:31:58.151Z", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "iamBindings": [ { "action": "ADD", "role": "roles/iam.securityAdmin", "member": "group:GROUP_NAME @ORGANIZATION_NAME ", } ], "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "INITIAL_ACCESS", "primaryTechniques": [ "VALID_ACCOUNTS", "CLOUD_ACCOUNTS" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "HIGH", "sourceDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "workflowState": "NEW" }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_NAME ", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_NAME ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_ID ", "type": "", "folders": [ { "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_ID ", "resourceFolder": "// " } ] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_NUMBER " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "persistence", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "sensitive_role_to_group_with_external_member" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1671669114", "nanos": 715318000 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": { "sensitiveRoleToHybridGroup": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "groupName": "group:GROUP_NAME @ORGANIZATION_NAME ", "bindingDeltas": [ { "action": "ADD", "role": "roles/iam.securityAdmin", "member": "group:GROUP_NAME @ORGANIZATION_NAME ", } ], "resourceName": "projects/PROJECT_ID " } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" } } } }
Umgehung von Abwehrmaßnahmen: Break-Glass-Workload-Deployment wurde erstellt
{ "findings": { "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": {}, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "io.k8s.core.v1.pods.create" }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Defense Evasion: Breakglass Workload Deployment Created", "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "containers": [ { "name": "test-container", "uri": "test-image" } ], "createTime": "2023-03-24T17:38:45.756Z", "database": {}, "eventTime": "2023-03-24T17:38:45.709Z", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd, "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": { "pods": [ { "ns": "NAMESPACE ", "name": "POD_NAME ", "labels": [ { "name": "", "value": "true" } ], "containers": [ { "name": "CONTAINER_NAME ", "uri": "CONTAINER_URI " } ] } ] }, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "DEFENSE_EVASION", "primaryTechniques": [ "ABUSE_ELEVATION_CONTROL_MECHANISM" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME /k8s/namespaces/NAMESPACE ", "severity": "LOW", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "workflowState": "NEW" }, "resource": { "name": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME /k8s/namespaces/NAMESPACE ", "display_name": "default", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME ", "parent_display_name": "CLUSTER_NAME ", "type": "", "folders": [ { "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NAME ", "resourceFolder": "// " } ] }, "sourceProperties": { "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query=timestamp%3D%222022-10-07T07:42:06.044146Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%225d80de5c-84b8-4f42-84c7-6b597162e00a%22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project=PROJECT_ID " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_NUMBER " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "binary_authorization_breakglass_workload", "subRuleName": "create" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME /k8s/namespaces/NAMESPACE " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1679679521", "nanos": 141571000 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ] } }
Umgehung von Abwehrmaßnahmen: Break-Glass-Workload-Deployment wurde aktualisiert
{ "findings": { "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": {}, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "io.k8s.core.v1.pods.update" }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Defense Evasion: Breakglass Workload Deployment Updated", "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "containers": [ { "name": "test-container", "uri": "test-image" } ], "createTime": "2023-03-24T17:38:45.756Z", "database": {}, "eventTime": "2023-03-24T17:38:45.709Z", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd, "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": { "pods": [ { "ns": "NAMESPACE ", "name": "POD_NAME ", "labels": [ { "name": "", "value": "true" } ], "containers": [ { "name": "CONTAINER_NAME ", "uri": "CONTAINER_URI " } ] } ] }, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "DEFENSE_EVASION", "primaryTechniques": [ "ABUSE_ELEVATION_CONTROL_MECHANISM" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME /k8s/namespaces/NAMESPACE ", "severity": "LOW", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "workflowState": "NEW" }, "resource": { "name": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME /k8s/namespaces/NAMESPACE ", "display_name": "default", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME ", "parent_display_name": "CLUSTER_NAME ", "type": "", "folders": [ { "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NAME ", "resourceFolder": "// " } ] }, "sourceProperties": { "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query=timestamp%3D%222022-10-07T07:42:06.044146Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%225d80de5c-84b8-4f42-84c7-6b597162e00a%22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project=PROJECT_ID " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_NUMBER " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "binary_authorization_breakglass_workload", "subRuleName": "update" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME /k8s/namespaces/NAMESPACE " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1679679521", "nanos": 141571000 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ] } }
Defense Evasion: VPC Service Control modifizieren
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /servicePerimeters/SERVICE_PERIMETER ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Defense Evasion: Modify VPC Service Control", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "modify_auth_process", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "vpcsc_changes", "subRuleName": "reduce_perimeter_protection" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// /servicePerimeters/SERVICE_PERIMETER " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1633625631", "nanos": 1.78978E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "name": "accessPolicies/ACCESS_POLICY_ID /servicePerimeters/SERVICE_PERIMETER ", "policyLink": "LINK_TO_VPC_SERVICE_CONTROLS ", "delta": { "restrictedResources": [{ "resourceName": "PROJECT_NAME ", "action": "REMOVE" }], "restrictedServices": [{ "serviceName": "SERVICE_NAME ", "action": "REMOVE" }], "allowedServices": [{ "serviceName": "SERVICE_NAME ", "action": "ADD" }], "accessLevels": [{ "policyName": "ACCESS_LEVEL_POLICY ", "action": "ADD" }] } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": """ }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-10-07T16:53:51.178978Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22-INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }] } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-10-07T16:53:53.875Z", "createTime": "2021-10-07T16:53:54.411Z", "severity": "MEDIUM", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP ", "callerIpGeo": {}, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.identity.accesscontextmanager.v1.AccessContextManager.UpdateServicePerimeter" } }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "type": "", "displayName": "RESOURCE_DISPLAY_NAME " } }
Erkennung: Abrufen der Prüfung eines vertraulichen Kubernetes-Objekts
{ "findings": { "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "US" }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "io.k8s.authorization.v1.selfsubjectaccessreviews.create" }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/03f466dc25a8496693b7482304fb2e7f", "category": "Discovery: Can get sensitive Kubernetes object check", "contacts": { "technical": { "contacts": [ { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " }, { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " }, { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " } ] } }, "createTime": "2022-10-08T01:39:42.957Z", "database": {}, "eventTime": "2022-10-08T01:39:40.632Z", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kubernetes": { "accessReviews": [ { "name": "secrets-1665218000", "resource": "secrets", "verb": "get" } ] }, "mitreAttack": {}, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/03f466dc25a8496693b7482304fb2e7f", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME ", "severity": "LOW", "sourceDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "workflowState": "NEW" }, "resource": { "name": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME ", "display_name": "CLUSTER_NAME ", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "google.container.Cluster", "folders": [ { "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NAME ", "resourceFolder": "// " } ] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_NUMBER " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "gke_control_plane", "subRuleName": "can_get_sensitive_object" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "//" }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1665193180", "nanos": 632000000 }, "insertId": "84af497e-b00e-4cf2-8715-3ae7031880cf" } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "03f466dc25a8496693b7482304fb2e7f", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query=timestamp%3D%222022-10-08T01:39:40.632Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%2284af497e-b00e-4cf2-8715-3ae7031880cf%22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project=PROJECT_ID " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} } } }
Erkennung: Dienstkonto-Prüfung
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Discovery: Service Account Self-Investigation", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "discovery", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "iam_anomalous_behavior", "subRuleName": "service_account_gets_own_iam_policy" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1619200104", "nanos": 9.08E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceAccountGetsOwnIamPolicy": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL @PROJECT_ID", "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerUserAgent": "CALLER_USER_AGENT ", "rawUserAgent": "RAW_USER_AGENT " } }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "Permission Groups Discovery: Cloud Groups", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_LINK " }] } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-04-23T17:48:24.908Z", "createTime": "2021-04-23T17:48:26.922Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID " }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME ", "type": "" } }
E-Mail: Zugriff vom Anonymisierungs-Proxy
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Exfiltration: BigQuery-Daten-Exfiltration
Dieser Befund kann eine von zwei möglichen Unterregeln enthalten:
mit dem SchweregradHIGH
mit dem SchweregradLOW
Das folgende Beispiel zeigt die JSON-Datei für die untergeordnete Regel exfil_to_external_table
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Exfiltration: BigQuery-Datenextraktion
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resource_name": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID /tables/TABLE_ID ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Exfiltration: BigQuery Data Extraction", "sourceProperties": { "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "detectionCategory": { "technique": "storage_bucket_exfiltration", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "big_query_exfil", "subRuleName": "exfil_to_cloud_storage" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_LINK " }], "relatedFindingUri": { "displayName": "Related BigQuery Exfiltration Extraction findings", "url": "RELATED_FINDINGS_LINK " } }, "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId":PROJECT_ID , "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "extractionAttempt": { "jobLink": " &project=SOURCE_PROJECT_ID &page=queryresults", "job": { "projectId": "SOURCE_PROJECT_ID ", "jobId": "JOB_ID ", "location": "US" }, "sourceTable": { "projectId": "DESTINATION_PROJECT_ID ", "datasetId": "DATASET_ID ", "tableId": "TABLE_ID ", "resourceUri": "FULL_URI " }, "destinations": [ { "originalUri": "gs://TARGET_GCS_BUCKET_NAME /TARGET_FILE_NAME ", "collectionType": "GCS_BUCKET", "collectionName": "TARGET_GCS_BUCKET_NAME ", "objectName": "TARGET_FILE_NAME " } ] }, "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID " }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2022-03-31T21:22:11.359Z", "createTime": "2022-03-31T21:22:12.689Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "EXFILTRATION", "primaryTechniques": ["EXFILTRATION_OVER_WEB_SERVICE", "EXFILTRATION_TO_CLOUD_STORAGE"] }, "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP ", "callerIpGeo": { }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "" }, "exfiltration": { "sources": [ { "name": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID /tables/TABLE_ID " } ], "targets": [ { "name": "TARGET_GCS_URI " } ] } }, "resource": { "name": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID /tables/TABLE_ID ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID :DATASET_ID ", "type": "", "folders": [{ "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NAME " }], "displayName": "PROJECT_ID :DATASET_ID .TABLE_ID " } }
Exfiltration: BigQuery-Daten in Google Drive
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resource_name": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID /tables/TABLE_ID ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Exfiltration: BigQuery Data to Google Drive", "sourceProperties": { "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "detectionCategory": { "technique": "google_drive_exfiltration", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "big_query_exfil", "subRuleName": "exfil_to_google_drive" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_LINK " }], "relatedFindingUri": { "displayName": "Related BigQuery Exfiltration to Google Drive findings", "url": "RELATED_FINDINGS_LINK " } }, "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId":PROJECT_ID , "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "extractionAttempt": { "jobLink": " &project=SOURCE_PROJECT_ID &page=queryresults", "job": { "projectId": "SOURCE_PROJECT_ID ", "jobId": "JOB_ID ", "location": "US" }, "sourceTable": { "projectId": "DESTINATION_PROJECT_ID ", "datasetId": "DATASET_ID ", "tableId": "TABLE_ID ", "resourceUri": "FULL_URI " }, "destinations": [ { "originalUri": "gdrive://TARGET_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER /TARGET_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_NAME ", "collectionType": "GDRIVE", "collectionName": "TARGET_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER ", "objectName": "TARGET_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_NAME " } ] }, "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID " }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2022-03-31T21:20:18.408Z", "createTime": "2022-03-31T21:20:18.715Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "EXFILTRATION", "primaryTechniques": ["EXFILTRATION_OVER_WEB_SERVICE", "EXFILTRATION_TO_CLOUD_STORAGE"] }, "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP ", "callerIpGeo": { }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "" }, "exfiltration": { "sources": [ { "name": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID /tables/TABLE_ID " } ], "targets": [ { "name": "TARGET_GOOGLE_DRIVE_URI " } ] } }, "resource": { "name": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID /tables/TABLE_ID ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID :DATASET_ID ", "type": "", "folders": [{ "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NAME " }], "displayName": "PROJECT_ID :DATASET_ID .TABLE_ID " } }
Exfiltration: Cloud SQL-Daten-Exfiltration
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resource_name": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Exfiltration: CloudSQL Data Exfiltration", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "storage_bucket_exfiltration", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "cloudsql_exfil", "subRuleName": "export_to_public_gcs" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// }, { "gcpResourceName": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME " } ], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId":PROJECT_ID , "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "exportToGcs": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "cloudsqlInstanceResource": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "gcsUri": "gs://TARGET_GCS_BUCKET_NAME /TARGET_FILE_NAME ", "bucketAccess": "PUBLICLY_ACCESSIBLE", "bucketResource": "// ", "exportScope": "WHOLE_INSTANCE" } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_LINK " }], "relatedFindingUri": { "displayName": "Related CloudSQL Exfiltration findings", "url": "RELATED_FINDINGS_LINK " } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-10-11T16:32:59.828Z", "createTime": "2021-10-11T16:33:00.229Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID " "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "EXFILTRATION", "primaryTechniques": ["EXFILTRATION_OVER_WEB_SERVICE", "EXFILTRATION_TO_CLOUD_STORAGE"] }, "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP ", "callerIpGeo": { }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "cloudsql.instances.export" }, "exfiltration": { "sources": [ { "name": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "components": [] } ], "targets": [ { "name": "// ", "components": [ "TARGET_FILE_NAME " ] } ] }, }, "resource": { "name": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "folders": [{ "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NAME " }], "displayName": "INSTANCE_NAME " } }
Exfiltration: Wiederherstellung von Cloud SQL-Sicherung in externer Organisation
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Exfiltration: Cloud SQL Überprivilegierte Berechtigung
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resource_name": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Exfiltration: CloudSQL Over-Privileged Grant", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "cloudsql_exfil", "subRuleName": "user_granted_all_permissions" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME " } ], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_LINK " }], "relatedFindingUri": { "displayName": "Related CloudSQL Exfiltration findings", "url": "RELATED_FINDINGS_LINK " } } }, "eventTime": "2022-01-19T21:36:07.901Z", "createTime": "2022-01-19T21:36:08.695Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID " "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "EXFILTRATION", "primaryTechniques": ["EXFILTRATION_OVER_WEB_SERVICE"] }, "database": { "displayName": "DATABASE_NAME ", "userName": "USER_NAME ", "query":QUERY ", "grantees": [GRANTEE ], }, "access": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "cloudsql.instances.query" } }, "resource": { "name": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "folders": [{ "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_ID " }], "displayName": "INSTANCE_NAME " } }
Malware: Schädliche Domain
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Malware: Bad Domain", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER " }, "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "virustotalIndicatorQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "VirusTotal Domain Link", "url": " /detection" } ] }, "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "nanos": 0.0, "seconds": "0" }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID " } } ], "properties": { "instanceDetails": "/projects/PROJECT_ID /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "domains": [ "DOMAIN " ], "network": { "location": "REGION ", "project": "PROJECT_ID " }, "dnsContexts": [ { "authAnswer": true, "sourceIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "queryName": "DOMAIN ", "queryType": "AAAA", "responseCode": "NOERROR", "responseData": [ { "domainName": "DOMAIN .", "ttl": 299, "responseClass": "IN", "responseType": "AAAA", "responseValue": "IP_ADDRESS " } ] } ] }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "detectionCategory": { "technique": "C2", "indicator": "domain", "subRuleName": "google_intel", "ruleName": "bad_domain" } }, "severity": "HIGH", "eventTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "createTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }
Malware: Schädliche IP
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Malware: Bad IP", "sourceProperties": { "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "nanos": 0.0, "seconds": "0" }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID " } } ], "properties": { "ips": [ "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS " ], "ipConnection": { "srcIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "srcPort":SOURCE_PORT , "destIp": "DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS ", "destPort":DESTINATION_PORT , "protocol": 6 }, "network": { "project": "PROJECT_ID ", "location": "ZONE ", "subnetworkId": "SUBNETWORK_ID ", "subnetworkName": "default" }, "instanceDetails": "/projects/PROJECT_ID /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID " }, "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "virustotalIndicatorQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "VirusTotal IP Link", "url": " /detection" }, { "displayName": "VirusTotal IP Link", "url": " /detection" } ] }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "C2", "indicator": "ip", "ruleName": "bad_ip", "subRuleName": "google_intel" }, "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ] }, "severity": "LOW", "eventTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "createTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }
Malware: Ungültige Domain für Kryptomining
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Malware: Cryptomining Bad Domain", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "cryptomining", "indicator": "domain", "ruleName": "bad_domain", "subRuleName": "cryptomining" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1636566099", "nanos": 5.41483849E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "domains": ["DOMAIN "], "instanceDetails": "/projects/PROJECT_ID /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "network": { "project": "PROJECT_ID ", "location": "ZONE " }, "dnsContexts": [{ "authAnswer": true, "sourceIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "queryName": "DOMAIN ", "queryType": "A", "responseCode": "NXDOMAIN" }], "vpc": { "vpcName": "default" } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "virustotalIndicatorQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "VirusTotal Domain Link", "url": " /detection" }], "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-11-10T17:41:39.541483849Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project\u003dPROJECT_ID " }], "relatedFindingUri": { } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-11-10T17:41:41.594Z", "createTime": "2021-11-10T17:41:42.014Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "indicator": { "domains": ["DOMAIN "] } }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PARENT_NAME ", "type": "", "displayName": "PROJECT_ID " } }
Malware: Schädliche Kryptomining-IP-Adresse
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Malware: Cryptomining Bad IP", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "cryptomining", "indicator": "ip", "ruleName": "bad_ip", "subRuleName": "cryptomining" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1636566005", "nanos": 9.74622832E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "ips": ["DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS "], "instanceDetails": "/projects/PROJECT_ID /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "network": { "project": "PROJECT_ID ", "location": "ZONE ", "subnetworkId": "SUBNETWORK_ID ", "subnetworkName": "default" }, "ipConnection": { "srcIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "destIp": "DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS ", "protocol": 1.0 }, "indicatorContext": [{ "ipAddress": "DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS ", "countryCode": "FR", "reverseDnsDomain": "REVERSE_DNS_DOMAIN ", "carrierName": "CARRIER_NAME ", "organizationName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME ", "asn": "AUTONOMOUS_SYSTEM_NUMBERS " }], "srcVpc": { }, "destVpc": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "vpcName": "default", "subnetworkName": "default" } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "virustotalIndicatorQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "VirusTotal IP Link", "url": " /detection" }], "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-11-10T17:40:05.974622832Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project\u003dPROJECT_ID " }], "relatedFindingUri": { } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-11-10T17:40:38.048Z", "createTime": "2021-11-10T17:40:38.472Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "indicator": { "ipAddresses": ["DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS "] } }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PARENT_NAME ", "type": "", "displayName": "PROJECT_ID " } }
Malware: Ausgehender DoS
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Malware: Outgoing DoS", "sourceProperties": { "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "timestamp": { "nanos": 0.0, "seconds": "0" }, "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID " } } ], "properties": { "sourceInstanceDetails": "/projects/PROJECT_ID /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "ipConnection": { "srcIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "srcPort":SOURCE_PORT , "destIp": "DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS ", "destPort":DESTINATION_PORT , "protocol": 17 } }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" } }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "malware", "indicator": "flow_log", "ruleName": "outgoing_dos" } }, "severity": "HIGH", "eventTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "createTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }
Persistenz: Ungewöhnliche IAM-Gewährung
Die IAM Anomalous Grant
-Ergebnisbeschreibung ist einzigartig, da sie untergeordnete Regeln enthält, die genauere Informationen zu den einzelnen Instanzen dieses Ergebnisses liefern. Die Einstufung der Schwere dieses Ergebnisses hängt von der Unterregel ab. Für jede Unterregel kann eine andere Reaktion erforderlich sein.
In der folgenden Liste sind alle möglichen Unterregeln und ihre Schweregrade aufgeführt:
, wenn eine Rolle mit hoher Vertraulichkeit oder eine Rolle mit mittlerer Vertraulichkeit auf Organisationsebene gewährt wurde. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Hochsensible Rollen.MEDIUM
, wenn eine Rolle mit mittlerer Vertraulichkeit gewährt wurde. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Rollen mit mittlerer Vertraulichkeit.external_member_invited_to_policy
, wenn eine Rolle mit hoher Vertraulichkeit oder eine Rolle mit mittlerer Vertraulichkeit auf Organisationsebene gewährt wurde. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Hochsensible Rollen.MEDIUM
, wenn eine Rolle mit mittlerer Vertraulichkeit gewährt wurde. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Rollen mit mittlerer Vertraulichkeit.
Die JSON-Felder, die ein Ergebnis enthält, können sich von Kategorie zu Kategorie unterscheiden. Das folgende JSON-Objekt enthält beispielsweise Felder für ein Sicherheitskonto. Wenn eine Ergebniskategorie sich nicht auf ein Dienstkonto bezieht, sind diese Felder nicht in der JSON-Datei enthalten.
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Persistenz: Rolle „Impersonation“ für inaktives Dienstkonto gewährt
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Persistenz: Neue API-Methode
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Persistenz: Neue Region
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
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Persistenz: Neuer User-Agent
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
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Berechtigungseskalierung: Inaktivem Dienstkonto vertrauliche Rolle gewährt
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Rechteausweitung: Änderungen an vertraulichen Kubernetes-RBAC-Objekten
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Rechteausweitung: Kubernetes-CSR für Masterzertifikat erstellen
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Rechteausweitung: Erstellung vertraulicher Kubernetes-Bindungen
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Rechteausweitung: Kubernetes-CSR mit manipulierten Bootstrap-Anmeldedaten abrufen
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Rechteausweitung: Start eines privilegierten Kubernetes-Containers
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Berechtigungseskalierung: Anomale Dienstkonto-Identitätsübernahme für Administratoraktivitäten
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Berechtigungseskalierung: Anomale mehrstufige Dienstkontodelegierung für Administratoraktivitäten
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Berechtigungseskalierung: Anomale mehrstufige Dienstkontodelegierung für Datenzugriff
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Berechtigungseskalierung: Anomale Dienstkonto-Identitätsübernahme für Administratoraktivitäten
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Eskalierung von Berechtigungen: Anomale Dienstkonto-Identitätsübernahme für Datenzugriff
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Systemwiederherstellung verhindern: Google Cloud-Sicherungs- und Notfallwiederherstellungshost gelöscht
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "CALLER_IP ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "deleteHost", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "backupDisasterRecovery": { "host": "HOST_NAME ", "applications": [ "HOST_NAME " ], "backupCreateTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP " }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Inhibit System Recovery: Deleted Google Cloud Backup and DR host", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A host was deleted from the Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. Applications that are associated with the deleted host might not be protected.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "MEDIUM", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_hosts_delete_host" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A host was deleted from the Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. Applications that are associated with the deleted host might not be protected.", "backupDisasterRecovery": { "host": "HOST_NAME ", "applications": [ "HOST_NAME " ] } } }
Datenvernichtung: Image in Google Cloud-Sicherung und -Notfallwiederherstellung ablaufen lassen
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "expireBackup", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "backupDisasterRecovery": { "backupTemplate": "TEMPLATE_NAME ", "policies": [ "POLICY_NAME " ], "profile": "PROFILE_NAME ", "backupCreateTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP " }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Data Destruction: Google Cloud Backup and DR expire image", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A user requested the deletion of a backup image from the Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. The deletion of a backup image does not prevent future backups.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "DATA_DESTRUCTION" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "HIGH", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_expire_image" }, "detectionPriority": "MEDIUM", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A user requested the deletion of a backup image from the Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. The deletion of a backup image does not prevent future backups.", "backupDisasterRecovery": { "backupTemplate": "TEMPLATE_NAME ", "policies": [ "POLICY_NAME " ], "profile": "PROFILE_NAME " } } }
Systemwiederherstellung verhindern: Google Cloud-Sicherung/-Notfallwiederherstellung – Plan entfernen
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "deleteSla", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "backupDisasterRecovery": { "applications": [ "HOST_NAME " ], "backupCreateTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP " }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Inhibit System Recovery: Google Cloud Backup and DR remove plan", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A backup plan with multiple policies for an application was deleted from the Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. The deletion of a backup plan can prevent future backups.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "HIGH", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_remove_plan" }, "detectionPriority": "MEDIUM", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A backup plan with multiple policies for an application was deleted from the Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. The deletion of a backup plan can prevent future backups.", "backupDisasterRecovery": { "applications": [ "HOST_NAME " ] } } }
Datenvernichtung: Alle Images werden von Google Cloud-Sicherung und -Notfallwiederherstellung ablaufen gelassen
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": {}, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "expireBackups", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Data Destruction: Google Cloud Backup and DR expire all images", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A user requested the deletion of all backup images for a protected application from the Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. The deletion of backup images does not prevent future backups.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "DATA_DESTRUCTION" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "HIGH", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_expire_images_all" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A user requested the deletion of all backup images for a protected application from the Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. The deletion of backup images does not prevent future backups." } }
Systemwiederherstellung verhindern: Google Cloud Backup und DR-Löschvorlage
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "deleteSlt", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "backupDisasterRecovery": { "backupTemplate": "TEMPLATE_NAME ", "backupCreateTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP " }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Inhibit System Recovery: Google Cloud Backup and DR delete template", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A predefined backup template, which is used to set up backups for multiple applications, was deleted. The ability to set up backups in the future might be impacted.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "LOW", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_template_delete_template" }, "detectionPriority": "MEDIUM", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A predefined backup template, which is used to set up backups for multiple applications, was deleted. The ability to set up backups in the future might be impacted.", "backupDisasterRecovery": { "backupTemplate": "TEMPLATE_NAME " } } }
Systemwiederherstellung verhindern: Richtlinie zum Löschen von Sicherungen und Notfallwiederherstellungen in Google Cloud
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "CALLER_IP ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "deletePolicy", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "backupDisasterRecovery": { "policies": [ "DeleteMe" ], "backupCreateTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP " }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Inhibit System Recovery: Google Cloud Backup and DR delete policy", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A Google Cloud Backup and DR Service policy, which defines how a backup is taken and where it is stored, was deleted. Future backups that use the policy might fail.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "LOW", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_template_delete_policy" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A Google Cloud Backup and DR Service policy, which defines how a backup is taken and where it is stored, was deleted. Future backups that use the policy might fail.", "backupDisasterRecovery": { "policies": [ "POLICY_NAME " ] } } }
Systemwiederherstellung verhindern: Google Cloud-Sicherung/-Notfallwiederherstellung, Profil löschen
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "deleteSlp", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "backupDisasterRecovery": { "profile": "PROFILE_NAME ", "backupCreateTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP " }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Inhibit System Recovery: Google Cloud Backup and DR delete profile", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A Google Cloud Backup and DR Service profile, which defines which storage pools should be used to store backups, was deleted. Future backups that use the profile might fail.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "LOW", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_template_delete_profile" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A Google Cloud Backup and DR Service profile, which defines which storage pools should be used to store backups, was deleted. Future backups that use the profile might fail.", "backupDisasterRecovery": { "profile": "PROFILE_NAME " } } }
Datenvernichtung: Google Cloud-Sicherungs- und Notfallwiederherstellungs-Appliance entfernen
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "CALLER_IP ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "deleteCluster", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "backupDisasterRecovery": { "appliance": "APPLIANCE_NAME ", "backupCreateTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP " }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Data Destruction: Google Cloud Backup and DR remove appliance", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A backup appliance was deleted from Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. Applications that are associated with the deleted backup appliance might not be protected.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "DATA_DESTRUCTION" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "HIGH", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_appliances_remove_appliance" }, "detectionPriority": "MEDIUM", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A backup appliance was deleted from Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. Applications that are associated with the deleted backup appliance might not be protected.", "backupDisasterRecovery": { "appliance": "APPLIANCE_NAME" } } }
Systemwiederherstellung verhindern: Google Cloud Backup und DR löschen Speicherpool
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "CALLER_IP ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "deleteDiskPool", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "backupDisasterRecovery": { "storagePool": "STORAGE_POOL_NAME ", "backupCreateTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP " }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Inhibit System Recovery: Google Cloud Backup and DR delete storage pool", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A storage pool, which associates a Cloud Storage bucket with Google Cloud Backup and DR, has been removed from Backup and DR. Future backups to this storage target will fail.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "MEDIUM", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_storage_pools_delete" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A storage pool, which associates a Cloud Storage bucket with Google Cloud Backup and DR, has been removed from Backup and DR. Future backups to this storage target will fail.", "backupDisasterRecovery": { "storagePool": "STORAGE_POOL_NAME" } } }
Auswirkung: Google Cloud Backup und DR haben die Sicherungshäufigkeit reduziert
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "CALLER_IP ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "updatePolicy", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Impact: Google Cloud Backup and DR reduced backup frequency", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "The backup schedule has been modified to reduce backup frequency.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "LOW", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_reduce_backup_frequency" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "The backup schedule has been modified to reduce backup frequency.", } }
Auswirkung: Verkürzter Ablauf von Sicherungen bei Google Cloud-Sicherung und -Notfallwiederherstellung
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "CALLER_IP ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "updateBackup", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Impact: Google Cloud Backup and DR reduced backup expiration", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "The expiration date for a backup has been reduced.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "MEDIUM", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_reduce_backup_expiration" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "The expiration date for a backup has been reduced." } }
Erstzugriff: Konto deaktiviert – Gehackt
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Initial Access: Account Disabled Hijacked", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "valid_accounts", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "account_disabled_hijacked" }, "detectionPriority": "MEDIUM", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1624034293", "nanos": 6.78E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.login.LoginService.accountDisabledHijacked", "ssoState": "UNKNOWN", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-06-18T16:38:13.678Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-06-18T16:38:13.678Z", "createTime": "2021-06-18T16:38:16.508Z", "severity": "MEDIUM", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// " } }
Erstzugriff: Deaktiviert – Passwortleck
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Initial Access: Disabled Password Leak", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "valid_accounts", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "disabled_password_leak" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1626462896", "nanos": 6.81E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.login.LoginService.accountDisabledPasswordLeak", "ssoState": "UNKNOWN", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-07-16T19:14:56.681Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-07-16T19:14:56.681Z", "createTime": "2021-07-16T19:15:00.430Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT", "indicator": { } }, "resource": { "name": "// " } }
Erstzugriff: Von staatlichen Stellen unterstützter Angriff
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Initial Access: Government Based Attack", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "valid_accounts", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "government_based_attack" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1624061458", "nanos": 7.4E7 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.login.LoginService.govAttackWarning", "ssoState": "UNKNOWN", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-06-19T00:10:58.074Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-06-19T00:10:58.074Z", "createTime": "2021-06-19T00:11:01.760Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// " } }
Anfangszugriff: Log4j-Kompromittierungsversuch
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Initial Access: Log4j Compromise Attempt", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "log4j_compromise_attempt" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1639690492", "nanos": 9.13836E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "loadBalancerName": "LOAD_BALANCER_NAME ", "requestUrl": "REQUEST_URL ?${jndi:ldap://}" }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-12-16T21:34:52.913836Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project\u003dPROJECT_ID " }], "relatedFindingUri": { } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-12-16T21:34:52.913Z", "createTime": "2021-12-16T21:34:55.022Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "FOLDER_DISPLAY_NAME ", "type": "", "folders": [{ "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_DISPLAY_NAME " }], "displayName": "PROJECT_ID " } }
Erstzugriff: Verdächtige Anmeldung blockiert
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Initial Access: Suspicious Login Blocked", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "valid_accounts", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "suspicious_login" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "0", "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1621637767", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.login.LoginService.suspiciousLogin", "ssoState": "UNKNOWN", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-05-21T22:56:07Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%220%22?project\u003d0" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-05-21T22:56:07Z", "createTime": "2021-05-27T02:36:07.382Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// " } }
Erster Zugriff: Datenbank-Superuser schreibt in Nutzertabellen
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resource_name": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Initial Access: Database Superuser Writes to User Tables", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "cloudsql_superuser_writes_to_user_tables", }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME " } ], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_LINK " }], "relatedFindingUri": { "displayName": "Related CloudSQL Exfiltration findings", "url": "RELATED_FINDINGS_LINK " } } }, "eventTime": "2022-01-19T21:36:07.901Z", "createTime": "2022-01-19T21:36:08.695Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID " "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "INITIAL_ACCESS", "primaryTechniques": ["DEFAULT_ACCOUNTS"] }, "database": { "displayName": "DATABASE_NAME ", "userName": "USER_NAME ", "query":QUERY ", }, "access": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "cloudsql.instances.query" } }, "resource": { "name": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "folders": [{ "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_ID " }], "displayName": "INSTANCE_NAME " } }
Erstzugriff: Abgelehnte Aktionen aufgrund übermäßiger Berechtigungen
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Anfänglicher Zugriff: Aktion über inaktives Dienstkonto
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Erstzugriff: Inaktiver Dienstkontoschlüssel erstellt
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Erstzugriff: Gehackter Dienstkontoschlüssel verwendet
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Verteidigung beeinträchtigen: Starke Authentifizierung deaktiviert
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /securitySettings", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Impair Defenses: Strong Authentication Disabled", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "impair_defenses", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "enforce_strong_authentication" }, "detectionPriority": "MEDIUM", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// /securitySettings" }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1623952110", "nanos": 6.51337E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.admin.AdminService.enforceStrongAuthentication", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-06-17T17:48:30.651337Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-06-17T17:48:30.651Z", "createTime": "2021-06-17T17:48:33.574Z", "severity": "MEDIUM", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// /securitySettings" } }
Verteidigung beeinträchtigen: Bestätigung in zwei Schritten deaktiviert
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Impair Defenses: Two Step Verification Disabled", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "impair_defenses", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "two_step_verification_disabled" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1626391356", "nanos": 5.96E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.login.LoginService.2svDisable", "ssoState": "UNKNOWN", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-07-15T23:22:36.596Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-07-15T23:22:36.596Z", "createTime": "2021-07-15T23:22:40.079Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT", "indicator": { } }, "resource": { "name": "// " } }
Persistenz: Umschalter für SSO-Aktivierung
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /domainSettings", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Persistence: SSO Enablement Toggle", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "account_manipulation", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "sso_enablement_toggle" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// /domainSettings" }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "0", "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1622829313", "nanos": 3.42104E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.admin.AdminService.toggleSsoEnabled", "ssoState": "ENABLED", "domainName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-06-04T17:55:13.342104Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%220%22?project\u003d0" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-06-04T17:55:13.342Z", "createTime": "2021-06-04T17:55:15.900Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// /domainSettings" } }
Persistenz: GCE-Administrator hat Startskript hinzugefügt
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/GCE_INSTANCE_NAME ", "category": "Persistence: GCE Admin Added Startup Script", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "persistence", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "gce_admin" "subRuleName": "instance_add_startup_script" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/GCE_INSTANCE_NAME " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "0", "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1621624109", "nanos": 3.73721E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "gceInstanceId": "GCE_INSTANCE_ID ", "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "metadataKeyOperation": "ADDED", "callerUserAgent": "USER_AGENT ", }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-05-21T19:08:29.373721Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%220%22?project\u003d0" }] } }, "resource": { "name": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/GCE_INSTANCE_NAME ", } }
Persistenz: GCE-Administrator hat SSH-Schlüssel hinzugefügt
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/GCE_INSTANCE_NAME ", "category": "Persistence: GCE Admin Added SSH Key", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "persistence", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "gce_admin" "subRuleName": "instance_add_ssh_key" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/GCE_INSTANCE_NAME " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "0", "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1621624109", "nanos": 3.73721E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "gceInstanceId": "GCE_INSTANCE_ID ", "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "metadataKeyOperation": "ADDED", "callerUserAgent": "USER_AGENT ", }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-05-21T19:08:29.373721Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%220%22?project\u003d0" }] } }, "resource": { "name": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/GCE_INSTANCE_NAME ", } }
Persistenz: SSO-Einstellungen geändert
Dieser Hinweis ist nicht für Aktivierungen auf Projektebene verfügbar.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /domainSettings", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Persistence: SSO Settings Changed", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "account_manipulation", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "sso_settings_changed" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// /domainSettings" }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "0", "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1621624109", "nanos": 3.73721E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.admin.AdminService.changeSsoSettings", "domainName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-05-21T19:08:29.373721Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%220%22?project\u003d0" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-05-21T19:08:29.373Z", "createTime": "2021-05-27T11:36:24.429Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// /domainSettings" } }
Cloud IDS
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Seitliche Bewegung: Geändertes Bootlaufwerk an Instanz angehängt
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Rechteausweitung: Überprivilegierte Berechtigung für AlloyDB
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Rechteausweitung: AlloyDB-Datenbank-Superuser schreibt in Nutzertabellen
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Nächste Schritte
- Weitere Informationen zur Funktionsweise von Event Threat Detection
- Weitere Informationen zum Untersuchen und Entwickeln von Reaktionsplänen für Bedrohungen.