Class Profile (0.6.3)

A resource that represents the profile for a job candidate (also referred to as a "single-source profile"). .. attribute:: name

Required during profile update. Resource name assigned to a profile by the API. The format is "projects/{project_id}/ten ants/{tenant_id}/profiles/{profile_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/profiles/baz".

The source description indicating where the profile is acquired. For example, if a candidate profile is acquired from a resume, the user can input "resume" here to indicate the source. The maximum number of bytes allowed is 100.

The cluster id of the profile to associate with other profile(s) for the same candidate. This field should be generated by the customer. If a value is not provided, a random UUID is assigned to this field of the profile. This is used to link multiple profiles to the same candidate. For example, a client has a candidate with two profiles, where one was created recently and the other one was created 5 years ago. These two profiles may be very different. The clients can create the first profile and get a generated [group_id][], and assign it when the second profile is created, indicating these two profiles are referring to the same candidate.

The timestamp when the profile was first created at this source.

The timestamp when the profile was last updated as a result of a direct or indirect action by a candidate. These actions include: - Direct actions such as the candidate submitting a new resume as part of a job application to the agency, using a self-service tool such as a website to update their profile, and so on. - Indirect actions by the candidate such as uploading a resume to a job board that is collected by the agency through a feed, providing a resume to a recruiter who then uploads it into the ATS, and so on. - Updates made to the candidate's profile by the recruiter as a result of interacting with the candidate (for example adding a skill or work preference, and so on). Changes to [recruiting_notes][ ting_notes] are specifically excluded from this action type. Note: [candidate_update_time][ eta1.Profile.candidate_update_time] must be greater than or equal to [resume_update_time][ ofile.resume_update_time] or an error is thrown.

The resume representing this profile.

The candidate's postal addresses. It's highly recommended to input this information as accurately as possible to help improve search quality. Here are some recommendations: - Provide Address.usage if possible, especially if the address is PERSONAL. During a search only personal addresses are considered. If there is no such address, all addresses with unspecified usage are assumed to be personal. - Provide Address.current for the current address if possible. During a search, only current addresses are considered. If there is no such address, all addresses are assumed to be current. When displaying a candidate's addresses, it is sometimes desirable to limit the number of addresses shown. In these cases we recommend that you display the addresses in the following order of priority: 1. Address.usage is PERSONAL and Address.current is true. 2. Address.usage is PERSONAL and Address.current is false or not set. 3. Address.usage is CONTACT_INFO_USAGE_UNSPECIFIED and Address.current is true. 4. Address.usage is CONTACT_INFO_USAGE_UNSPECIFIED and Address.current is false or not set.

The candidate's phone number(s).

Available contact information besides addresses, [e mail_addresses][ dresses], [phone_numbers][ .phone_numbers] and [personal_uris][ ta1.Profile.personal_uris]. For example, Hang-out, Skype.

The education history record of the candidate. It's highly recommended to input this information as accurately as possible to help improve search quality. Here are some recommendations: - Specify the start and end dates of the education records. - List each education type separately, no matter how minor the change is. For example, the profile contains the education experience from the same school but different degrees. - Provide [EducationRecord.is_current] [] for the current education if possible. If not, it's inferred from user inputs. The limitation for max number of education records is 100.

The individual or collaborative activities which the candidate has participated in, for example, open-source projects, class assignments that aren't listed in [employment_records][google .cloud.talent.v4beta1.Profile.employment_records]. The limitation for max number of activities is 50.

The patents acquired by the candidate.

Output only. The resource names of the candidate's applications.

A map of fields to hold both filterable and non-filterable custom profile attributes that aren't covered by the provided structured fields. See CustomAttribute for more details. At most 100 filterable and at most 100 unfilterable keys are supported. If limit is exceeded, an error is thrown. Custom attributes are unfilterable by default. These are filterable when the filterable flag is set to true. Numeric custom attributes: each key can only map to one numeric value, otherwise an error is thrown. Client can also filter on numeric custom attributes using '>', '<' or '=' operators. String custom attributes: each key can map up to 50 string values. For filterable string value, each value has a byte size of no more than 256B. For unfilterable string values, the maximum byte size of a single key is 64B. An error is thrown for any request exceeding the limit. The maximum total byte size is 10KB.

Output only. Keyword snippet shows how the search result is related to a search query. This is only returned in [SearchPro filesResponse][ nse].

Output only. Derived locations of the profile, resolved from [ Profile.addresses][ es]. [derived_addresses][ .derived_addresses] are exactly matched to [Profile.addresses ][] in the same order.



API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Profile.CustomAttributesEntry class.