Module types (0.6.3)

API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types module.



Resource that represents an individual or collaborative activity participated in by a candidate, for example, an open-source project, a class assignment, and so on. .. attribute:: display_name

Activity display name. Number of characters allowed is 100.

Activity URI. Number of characters allowed is 4,000.

The last update date of the activity.

A list of skills used in this activity. The limitation for max number of skills used is 50.

Output only. Activity description snippet shows how the [descr iption][] is related to a search query. It's empty if the [description][goo] isn't related to the search query.


Resource that represents contact information other than phone, email, URI and addresses. .. attribute:: usage

The usage of this contact method. For example, SCHOOL, WORK, PERSONAL.

The contact id. Number of characters allowed is 100.


Resource that represents a address. .. attribute:: usage

The usage of the address. For example, SCHOOL, WORK, PERSONAL.

Unstructured address. For example, "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043", "Sunnyvale, California". Number of characters allowed is 100.

Indicates if it's the person's current address.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Any class.


Resource that represents a job application record of a candidate. .. attribute:: name

Required during application update. Resource name assigned to an application by the API. The format is "projects/{project_ id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/profiles/{profile_id}/applications/{ application_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/profiles/baz/applications/qux".

Output only. Resource name of the candidate of this application. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{t enant_id}/profiles/{profile_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/profiles/baz".

Resource name of the company which the candidate applied for. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/com panies/{company_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/companies/baz".

Required. What is the most recent stage of the application (that is, new, screen, send cv, hired, finished work)? This field is intentionally not comprehensive of every possible status, but instead, represents statuses that would be used to indicate to the ML models good / bad matches.

All interviews (screen, onsite, and so on) conducted as part of this application (includes details such as user conducting the interview, timestamp, feedback, and so on).

Required. Reflects the time that the application was created.

Free text reason behind the recruitement outcome (for example, reason for withdraw / reject, reason for an unsuccessful finish, and so on). Number of characters allowed is 100.

Output only. Indicates whether this job application is a match to application related filters. This value is only applicable in profile search response.


Application Date Range Filter. The API matches profiles with [Applica tion.application_date][ ation_date] between start date and end date (both boundaries are inclusive). The filter is ignored if both [start_date][ alent.v4beta1.ApplicationDateFilter.start_date] and [end_date][googl] are missing. .. attribute:: start_date

Start date. If it's missing, The API matches profiles with application date not after the end date.


Filter on the job information of Application. .. attribute:: job_requisition_id

The job requisition id in the application. The API does an exact match on the [Job.requisition_id][ 4beta1.Job.requisition_id] of Application.job in profiles.

If true, the API excludes all profiles with any Application.job matching the filters.


Outcome Notes Filter. .. attribute:: outcome_notes

Required. User entered or selected outcome reason. The API does an exact match on the [Application.outcome_notes][google .cloud.talent.v4beta1.Application.outcome_notes] in profiles.


Filter on availability signals. .. attribute:: signal_type

Required. Type of signal to apply filter on.

If multiple [AvailabilityFilter][ vailabilityFilter] are provided, the default behavior is to OR all filters, but if this field is set to true, this particular [AvailabilityFilter][ ilter] will be AND'ed against other [AvailabilityFilter][googl].


Candidate availability signal. .. attribute:: type

Type of signal.

Indicates if the [last_update_time][ ta1.AvailabilitySignal.last_update_time] is within [Availabi lityFilter.range][ er.range]. Returned only in a search response when there is an [AvailabilityFilter][ tyFilter] in [ProfileQuery.availability_filters][ .talent.v4beta1.ProfileQuery.availability_filters] where [sig nal_type][ al_type] matches type.


Request to create a batch of jobs. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The resource name of the tenant under which the job is created. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, a default tenant is created. For example, "projects/foo".


Batch delete jobs request. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The resource name of the tenant under which the job is created. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, a default tenant is created. For example, "projects/foo".


Metadata used for long running operations returned by CTS batch APIs. It's used to replace [google.longrunning.Operation.metadata][google.lo ngrunning.Operation.metadata]. .. attribute:: state

The state of a long running operation.

Count of successful item(s) inside an operation.

Count of total item(s) inside an operation.

The time when the batch operation status is updated. The metadata and the [update_time][ tchOperationMetadata.update_time] is refreshed every minute otherwise cached data is returned.


Request to update a batch of jobs. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The resource name of the tenant under which the job is created. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, a default tenant is created. For example, "projects/foo".

Strongly recommended for the best service experience. Be aware that it will also increase latency when checking the status of a batch operation. If [update_mask][ ta1.BatchUpdateJobsRequest.update_mask] is provided, only the specified fields in Job are updated. Otherwise all the fields are updated. A field mask to restrict the fields that are updated. Only top level fields of Job are supported. If [ update_mask][ st.update_mask] is provided, The Job inside [JobResult][goog] will only contains fields that is updated, plus the Id of the Job. Otherwise, Job will include all fields, which can yield a very large response.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.BoolValue class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.BytesValue class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.CancelOperationRequest class.


Deprecated. Use AvailabilityFilter instead. Filter on availability signals. .. attribute:: negated

It is false by default. If true, API excludes all the potential available profiles.


Resource that represents a license or certification. .. attribute:: display_name

Name of license or certification. Number of characters allowed is 100.

Expiration date of license of certification.

Description of license or certification. Number of characters allowed is 100,000.


An event issued when an end user interacts with the application that implements Cloud Talent Solution. Providing this information improves the quality of results for the API clients, enabling the service to perform optimally. The number of events sent must be consistent with other calls, such as job searches, issued to the service by the client. .. attribute:: request_id

Strongly recommended for the best service experience. A unique ID generated in the API responses. It can be found in [ ResponseMetadata.request_id][ onseMetadata.request_id].

Required. The timestamp of the event.

An event issued when a job seeker interacts with the application that implements Cloud Talent Solution.

Notes about the event provided by recruiters or other users, for example, feedback on why a profile was bookmarked.


Parameters needed for commute search. .. attribute:: commute_method

Required. The method of transportation to calculate the commute time for.

Required. The maximum travel time in seconds. The maximum allowed value is 3600s (one hour). Format is 123s.

Traffic factor to take into account while searching by commute.

The departure time used to calculate traffic impact, represented as google.type.TimeOfDay][google.type.TimeOfDay] in local time zone. Currently traffic model is restricted to hour level resolution.


A Company resource represents a company in the service. A company is the entity that owns job postings, that is, the hiring entity responsible for employing applicants for the job position. .. attribute:: name

Required during company update. The resource name for a company. This is generated by the service when a company is created. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenan t_id}/companies/{company_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/companies/baz". If tenant id is unspecified, the default tenant is used. For example, "projects/foo/companies/bar".

Required. Client side company identifier, used to uniquely identify the company. The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.

The street address of the company's main headquarters, which may be different from the job location. The service attempts to geolocate the provided address, and populates a more specific location wherever possible in [DerivedInfo.headquarte rs_location][ headquarters_location].

Equal Employment Opportunity legal disclaimer text to be associated with all jobs, and typically to be displayed in all roles. The maximum number of allowed characters is 500.

The URI to employer's career site or careers page on the employer's web site, for example, "".

A list of keys of filterable [Job.custom_attributes][google.c loud.talent.v4beta1.Job.custom_attributes], whose corresponding string_values are used in keyword searches. Jobs with string_values under these specified field keys are returned if any of the values match the search keyword. Custom field values with parenthesis, brackets and special symbols are not searchable as-is, and those keyword queries must be surrounded by quotes.

Output only. Indicates whether a company is flagged to be suspended from public availability by the service when job content appears suspicious, abusive, or spammy.


Filter on job compensation type and amount. .. attribute:: type

Required. Type of filter.

Compensation range.


Job compensation details. .. attribute:: entries

Job compensation information. At most one entry can be of type [CompensationInfo.CompensationType.BASE][ ent.v4beta1.CompensationInfo.CompensationType.BASE], which is referred as base compensation entry for the job.

Output only. Annualized total compensation range. Computed as all compensation entries' [CompensationEntry.amount][ oud.talent.v4beta1.CompensationInfo.CompensationEntry.amount] times [CompensationEntry.expected_units_per_year][ oud.talent.v4beta1.CompensationInfo.CompensationEntry.expected _units_per_year]. See [CompensationEntry][ ent.v4beta1.CompensationInfo.CompensationEntry] for explanation on compensation annualization.


Auto-complete parameters. .. attribute:: parent

Required. Resource name of tenant the completion is performed within. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, the default tenant is used, for example, "projects/foo".

The list of languages of the query. This is the BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see Tags for Identifying Languages <>__. The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.

If provided, restricts completion to specified company. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/compani es/{company_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/companies/baz". If tenant id is unspecified, the default tenant is used, for example, "projects/foo".

The completion topic. The default is [CompletionType.COMBINED] [ pe.COMBINED].


Response of auto-complete query. .. attribute:: completion_results

Results of the matching job/company candidates.


The Request of the CreateApplication method. .. attribute:: parent

Required. Resource name of the profile under which the application is created. The format is "projects/{project_id} /tenants/{tenant_id}/profiles/{profile_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/profiles/baz".


The report event request. .. attribute:: parent

Required. Resource name of the tenant under which the event is created. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, a default tenant is created, for example, "projects/foo".


The Request of the CreateCompany method. .. attribute:: parent

Required. Resource name of the tenant under which the company is created. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, a default tenant is created, for example, "projects/foo".


Create job request. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The resource name of the tenant under which the job is created. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified a default tenant is created. For example, "projects/foo".


Create profile request. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The name of the tenant this profile belongs to. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar".


The Request of the CreateTenant method. .. attribute:: parent

Required. Resource name of the project under which the tenant is created. The format is "projects/{project_id}", for example, "projects/foo".


Custom attribute values that are either filterable or non-filterable. .. attribute:: string_values

Exactly one of [string_values][ stomAttribute.string_values] or [long_values][ alent.v4beta1.CustomAttribute.long_values] must be specified. This field is used to perform a string match (CASE_SENSITIVE_MATCH or CASE_INSENSITIVE_MATCH) search. For filterable string_value\ s, a maximum total number of 200 values is allowed, with each string_value has a byte size of no more than 500B. For unfilterable string_values, the maximum total byte size of unfilterable string_values is 50KB. Empty string isn't allowed.

If the filterable flag is true, custom field values are searchable. If false, values are not searchable. Default is false.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Date class.


Resource that represents a degree pursuing or acquired by a candidate. .. attribute:: degree_type

ISCED degree type.

Fields of study for the degree. For example, "Computer science", "engineering". Number of characters allowed is 100.


Request to delete a application. .. attribute:: name

Required. The resource name of the application to be deleted. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/pro files/{profile_id}/applications/{application_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/profiles/baz/applications/qux".


Request to delete a company. .. attribute:: name

Required. The resource name of the company to be deleted. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/compani es/{company_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/companies/baz". If tenant id is unspecified, the default tenant is used, for example, "projects/foo/companies/bar".


Delete job request. .. attribute:: name

Required. The resource name of the job to be deleted. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/jobs/{job_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/jobs/baz". If tenant id is unspecified, the default tenant is used. For example, "projects/foo/jobs/bar".


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.DeleteOperationRequest class.


Delete profile request. .. attribute:: name

Required. Resource name of the profile to be deleted. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/profile s/{profile_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/profiles/baz".


Request to delete a tenant. .. attribute:: name

Required. The resource name of the tenant to be deleted. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar".


Device information collected from the job seeker, candidate, or other entity conducting the job search. Providing this information improves the quality of the search results across devices. .. attribute:: device_type

Type of the device.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.DoubleValue class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Duration class.


Education filter of the search. .. attribute:: school

The school name. For example "MIT", "University of California, Berkeley".

Education degree in ISCED code. Each value in degree covers a specific level of education, without any expansion to upper nor lower levels of education degree.


Resource that represents an education record of a candidate. .. attribute:: start_date

The start date of the education.

The expected graduation date if currently pursuing a degree.

The physical address of the education institution.

The full description of the degree. For example, "Master of Science in Computer Science", "B.S in Math". Number of characters allowed is 100.

The description of the education. Number of characters allowed is 100,000.

Output only. The school name snippet shows how the [school_na me][] is related to a search query in search result. It's empty if the [school_name][ .school_name] isn't related to the search query.


Resource that represents a person's email address. .. attribute:: usage

The usage of the email address. For example, SCHOOL, WORK, PERSONAL.


Employer filter of the search. .. attribute:: employer

Required. The name of the employer, for example "Google", "Alphabet".

Whether to apply negation to the filter so profiles matching the filter is excluded.


Resource that represents an employment record of a candidate. .. attribute:: start_date

Start date of the employment.

The name of the employer company/organization. For example, "Google", "Alphabet", and so on. Number of characters allowed is 250.

The physical address of the employer.

The description of job content. Number of characters allowed is 100,000.

If this employment is self-employed.

Output only. The job title snippet shows how the [job_title][] is related to a search query. It's empty if the [job_title][goog] isn't related to the search query.

Output only. The employer name snippet shows how the [employer _name][ _name] is related to a search query. It's empty if the [employ er_name][ r_name] isn't related to the search query.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Empty class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.FieldMask class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.FloatValue class.


Request for getting a application by name. .. attribute:: name

Required. The resource name of the application to be retrieved. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{ten ant_id}/profiles/{profile_id}/applications/{application_id} ". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/profiles/baz/applications/qux".


Request for getting a company by name. .. attribute:: name

Required. The resource name of the company to be retrieved. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/com panies/{company_id}", for example, "projects/api-test- project/tenants/foo/companies/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, the default tenant is used, for example, "projects/api-test-project/companies/bar".


Get job request. .. attribute:: name

Required. The resource name of the job to retrieve. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/jobs/{job_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/jobs/baz". If tenant id is unspecified, the default tenant is used. For example, "projects/foo/jobs/bar".


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.GetOperationRequest class.


Get profile request. .. attribute:: name

Required. Resource name of the profile to get. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/profiles/{profile _id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/profiles/baz".


Request for getting a tenant by name. .. attribute:: name

Required. The resource name of the tenant to be retrieved. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar".


The histogram request. .. attribute:: histogram_query

An expression specifies a histogram request against matching resources (for example, jobs, profiles) for searches. See [Se archJobsRequest.histogram_queries][ 1.SearchJobsRequest.histogram_queries] and [SearchProfilesReq uest.histogram_queries][ filesRequest.histogram_queries] for details about syntax.


Histogram result that matches HistogramQuery specified in searches. .. attribute:: histogram_query

Requested histogram expression.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Int32Value class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Int64Value class.


Details of an interview. .. attribute:: rating

The rating on this interview.


A Job resource represents a job posting (also referred to as a "job listing" or "job requisition"). A job belongs to a Company, which is the hiring entity responsible for the job. .. attribute:: name

Required during job update. The resource name for the job. This is generated by the service when a job is created. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/jobs/{job_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/jobs/baz". If tenant id is unspecified, the default tenant is used. For example, "projects/foo/jobs/bar". Use of this field in job queries and API calls is preferred over the use of [requisition_id][googl] since this value is unique.

Required. The requisition ID, also referred to as the posting ID, is assigned by the client to identify a job. This field is intended to be used by clients for client identification and tracking of postings. A job isn't allowed to be created if there is another job with the same company, [language_co de][] and [requi sition_id][]. The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.

Required. The description of the job, which typically includes a multi-paragraph description of the company and related information. Separate fields are provided on the job object for [responsibilities][ ibilities], [qualifications][ ualifications], and other job characteristics. Use of these separate job fields is recommended. This field accepts and sanitizes HTML input, and also accepts bold, italic, ordered list, and unordered list markup tags. The maximum number of allowed characters is 100,000.

Job application information.

Job compensation information (a.k.a. "pay rate") i.e., the compensation that will paid to the employee.

The desired education degrees for the job, such as Bachelors, Masters.

The employment type(s) of a job, for example, [full time][] or [part time][].

The language of the posting. This field is distinct from any requirements for fluency that are associated with the job. Language codes must be in BCP-47 format, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see Tags for Identifying Languages <>__\ {: class="external" target="_blank" }. If this field is unspecified and Job.description is present, detected language code based on Job.description is assigned, otherwise defaults to 'en_US'.

A promotion value of the job, as determined by the client. The value determines the sort order of the jobs returned when searching for jobs using the featured jobs search call, with higher promotional values being returned first and ties being resolved by relevance sort. Only the jobs with a promotionValue >0 are returned in a FEATURED_JOB_SEARCH. Default value is 0, and negative values are treated as 0.

A description of job responsibilities. The use of this field is recommended as an alternative to using the more general description field. This field accepts and sanitizes HTML input, and also accepts bold, italic, ordered list, and unordered list markup tags. The maximum number of allowed characters is 10,000.

Deprecated. The job is only visible to the owner. The visibility of the job. Defaults to [Visibility.ACCOUNT_ONLY] [] if not specified.

The end timestamp of the job. Typically this field is used for contracting engagements. Invalid timestamps are ignored.

Strongly recommended for the best service experience. The expiration timestamp of the job. After this timestamp, the job is marked as expired, and it no longer appears in search results. The expired job can't be listed by the ListJobs API, but it can be retrieved with the GetJob API or updated with the UpdateJob API or deleted with the DeleteJob API. An expired job can be updated and opened again by using a future expiration timestamp. Updating an expired job fails if there is another existing open job with same company, [language code][] and [re quisition_id][ ]. The expired jobs are retained in our system for 90 days. However, the overall expired job count cannot exceed 3 times the maximum number of open jobs over previous 7 days. If this threshold is exceeded, expired jobs are cleaned out in order of earliest expire time. Expired jobs are no longer accessible after they are cleaned out. Invalid timestamps are ignored, and treated as expire time not provided. If the timestamp is before the instant request is made, the job is treated as expired immediately on creation. This kind of job can not be updated. And when creating a job with past timestamp, the [pos ting_publish_time][\ publish_time] must be set before [posting_expire_time][goog]. The purpose of this feature is to allow other objects, such as Application, to refer a job that didn't exist in the system prior to becoming expired. If you want to modify a job that was expired on creation, delete it and create a new one. If this value isn't provided at the time of job creation or is invalid, the job posting expires after 30 days from the job's creation time. For example, if the job was created on 2017/01/01 13:00AM UTC with an unspecified expiration date, the job expires after 2017/01/31 13:00AM UTC. If this value isn't provided on job update, it depends on the field masks set by [UpdateJobRequest .update_mask][ date_mask]. If the field masks include [job_end_time][googl], or the masks are empty meaning that every field is updated, the job posting expires after 30 days from the job's last update time. Otherwise the expiration date isn't updated.

Output only. The timestamp when this job posting was last updated.

Output only. Derived details about the job posting.


An event issued when a job seeker interacts with the application that implements Cloud Talent Solution. .. attribute:: type

Required. The type of the event (see [JobEventType][google.clo ud.talent.v4beta1.JobEvent.JobEventType]).

The profile name associated with this client event. The format is "projects/{p roject_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/profiles/{profile_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/profiles/baz".


The result of [JobService.BatchCreateJobs][ .JobService.BatchCreateJobs] or [JobService.BatchUpdateJobs][ oud.talent.v4beta1.JobService.BatchUpdateJobs] APIs. It's used to replace [google.longrunning.Operation.response][google.longrunning.Ope ration.response] in case of success. .. attribute:: job_results

List of job mutation results from a batch mutate operation. It can change until operation status is FINISHED, FAILED or CANCELLED.


The query required to perform a search query. .. attribute:: query

The query string that matches against the job title, description, and location fields. The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.

This filter specifies the company entities to search against. If a value isn't specified, jobs are searched for against all companies. If multiple values are specified, jobs are searched against the companies specified. The format is "proj ects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/companies/{company_id }". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/companies/baz". If tenant id is unspecified, the default tenant is used. For example, "projects/foo/companies/bar". At most 20 company filters are allowed.

The category filter specifies the categories of jobs to search against. See JobCategory for more information. If a value isn't specified, jobs from any category are searched against. If multiple values are specified, jobs from any of the specified categories are searched against.

This filter specifies the exact company [Company.display_name ][] of the jobs to search against. If a value isn't specified, jobs within the search results are associated with any company. If multiple values are specified, jobs within the search results may be associated with any of the specified companies. At most 20 company display name filters are allowed.

This filter specifies a structured syntax to match against the [Job.custom_attributes][ m_attributes] marked as filterable. The syntax for this expression is a subset of SQL syntax. Supported operators are: =, !=, <, <=, >, and >= where the left of the operator is a custom field key and the right of the operator is a number or a quoted string. You must escape backslash () and quote (") characters. Supported functions are LOWER([field_name]) to perform a case insensitive match and EMPTY([field_name]) to filter on the existence of a key. Boolean expressions (AND/OR/NOT) are supported up to 3 levels of nesting (for example, "((A AND B AND C) OR NOT D) AND E"), a maximum of 100 comparisons or functions are allowed in the expression. The expression must be < 6000 bytes in length. Sample Query: (LOWER(driving_license)="class "a"" OR EMPTY(driving_license)) AND driving_years > 10

The employment type filter specifies the employment type of jobs to search against, such as [EmploymentType.FULL_TIME][go]. If a value isn't specified, jobs in the search results includes any employment type. If multiple values are specified, jobs in the search results include any of the specified employment types.

Jobs published within a range specified by this filter are searched against.


Job title of the search. .. attribute:: job_title

Required. The job title. For example, "Software engineer", or "Product manager".


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.LatLng class.


List applications for which the client has ACL visibility. .. attribute:: parent

Required. Resource name of the profile under which the application is created. The format is "projects/{project_id} /tenants/{tenant_id}/profiles/{profile_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/profiles/baz".

The maximum number of applications to be returned, at most

  1. Default is 100 if a non-positive number is provided.


The List applications response object. .. attribute:: applications

Applications for the current client.

Additional information for the API invocation, such as the request tracking id.


List companies for which the client has ACL visibility. .. attribute:: parent

Required. Resource name of the tenant under which the company is created. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, the default tenant will be used, for example, "projects/foo".

The maximum number of companies to be returned, at most 100. Default is 100 if a non-positive number is provided.


The List companies response object. .. attribute:: companies

Companies for the current client.

Additional information for the API invocation, such as the request tracking id.


List jobs request. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The resource name of the tenant under which the job is created. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, a default tenant is created. For example, "projects/foo".

The starting point of a query result.

The desired job attributes returned for jobs in the search response. Defaults to [JobView.JOB_VIEW_FULL][ alent.v4beta1.JobView.JOB_VIEW_FULL] if no value is specified.


List jobs response. .. attribute:: jobs

The Jobs for a given company. The maximum number of items returned is based on the limit field provided in the request.

Additional information for the API invocation, such as the request tracking id.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.ListOperationsRequest class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.ListOperationsResponse class.


List profiles request. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The resource name of the tenant under which the profile is created. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar".

The token that specifies the current offset (that is, starting result). Please set the value to [ListProfilesResponse.next_ page_token][ next_page_token] to continue the list.

A field mask to specify the profile fields to be listed in response. All fields are listed if it is unset. Valid values are: - name


The List profiles response object. .. attribute:: profiles

Profiles for the specific tenant.


List tenants for which the client has ACL visibility. .. attribute:: parent

Required. Resource name of the project under which the tenant is created. The format is "projects/{project_id}", for example, "projects/foo".

The maximum number of tenants to be returned, at most 100. Default is 100 if a non-positive number is provided.


The List tenants response object. .. attribute:: tenants

Tenants for the current client.

Additional information for the API invocation, such as the request tracking id.


A resource that represents a location with full geographic information. .. attribute:: location_type

The type of a location, which corresponds to the address lines field of google.type.PostalAddress][google.type.PostalAddress]. For example, "Downtown, Atlanta, GA, USA" has a type of [LocationT ype.NEIGHBORHOOD][ nType.NEIGHBORHOOD], and "Kansas City, KS, USA" has a type of [LocationType.LOCALITY][ ocationType.LOCALITY].

An object representing a latitude/longitude pair.


Geographic region of the search. .. attribute:: address

The address name, such as "Mountain View" or "Bay Area".

The latitude and longitude of the geographic center to search from. This field is ignored if address is provided.

Allows the client to return jobs without a set location, specifically, telecommuting jobs (telecommuting is considered by the service as a special location. [Job.posting_region][go] indicates if a job permits telecommuting. If this field is set to [Telecommut ePreference.TELECOMMUTE_ALLOWED][ LocationFilter.TelecommutePreference.TELECOMMUTE_ALLOWED], telecommuting jobs are searched, and address and [lat_lng][ _lng] are ignored. If not set or set to [TelecommutePreference .TELECOMMUTE_EXCLUDED][ lter.TelecommutePreference.TELECOMMUTE_EXCLUDED], telecommute job are not searched. This filter can be used by itself to search exclusively for telecommuting jobs, or it can be combined with another location filter to search for a combination of job locations, such as "Mountain View" or "telecommuting" jobs. However, when used in combination with other location filters, telecommuting jobs can be treated as less relevant than other jobs in the search response. This field is only used for job search requests.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Money class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Operation class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.OperationInfo class.


Resource that represents the patent acquired by a candidate. .. attribute:: display_name

Name of the patent. Number of characters allowed is 100.

The status of the patent. Number of characters allowed is 100.

The date that the patent was filed.

The number of the patent. Number of characters allowed is 100.

The skills used in this patent.


Resource that represents the name of a person. .. attribute:: person_name

The name of a person. It can be one of [formatted_name][googl] or [structu red_name][ name].

A person's name in a structured way (last name, first name, suffix, and so on.)


Filter on person name. .. attribute:: person_name

Required. The person name. For example, "John Smith". Can be any combination of [PersonName.structured_name.given_name][], [PersonName.structured_name.middle_initial][], [PersonName.structured_name.family_name][], and [PersonName. formatted_name][ ted_name].


Resource that represents a valid URI for a personal use. .. attribute:: uri

The personal URI. Number of characters allowed is 4,000.


Resource that represents a person's telephone number. .. attribute:: usage

The usage of the phone. For example, SCHOOL, WORK, PERSONAL.

Phone number. Any phone formats are supported and only exact matches are performed on searches. For example, if a phone number in profile is provided in the format of "(xxx)xxx- xxxx", in profile searches the same phone format has to be provided. Number of characters allowed is 20.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.PostalAddress class.


A resource that represents the profile for a job candidate (also referred to as a "single-source profile"). .. attribute:: name

Required during profile update. Resource name assigned to a profile by the API. The format is "projects/{project_id}/ten ants/{tenant_id}/profiles/{profile_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/profiles/baz".

The source description indicating where the profile is acquired. For example, if a candidate profile is acquired from a resume, the user can input "resume" here to indicate the source. The maximum number of bytes allowed is 100.

The cluster id of the profile to associate with other profile(s) for the same candidate. This field should be generated by the customer. If a value is not provided, a random UUID is assigned to this field of the profile. This is used to link multiple profiles to the same candidate. For example, a client has a candidate with two profiles, where one was created recently and the other one was created 5 years ago. These two profiles may be very different. The clients can create the first profile and get a generated [group_id][], and assign it when the second profile is created, indicating these two profiles are referring to the same candidate.

The timestamp when the profile was first created at this source.

The timestamp when the profile was last updated as a result of a direct or indirect action by a candidate. These actions include: - Direct actions such as the candidate submitting a new resume as part of a job application to the agency, using a self-service tool such as a website to update their profile, and so on. - Indirect actions by the candidate such as uploading a resume to a job board that is collected by the agency through a feed, providing a resume to a recruiter who then uploads it into the ATS, and so on. - Updates made to the candidate's profile by the recruiter as a result of interacting with the candidate (for example adding a skill or work preference, and so on). Changes to [recruiting_notes][ ting_notes] are specifically excluded from this action type. Note: [candidate_update_time][ eta1.Profile.candidate_update_time] must be greater than or equal to [resume_update_time][ ofile.resume_update_time] or an error is thrown.

The resume representing this profile.

The candidate's postal addresses. It's highly recommended to input this information as accurately as possible to help improve search quality. Here are some recommendations: - Provide Address.usage if possible, especially if the address is PERSONAL. During a search only personal addresses are considered. If there is no such address, all addresses with unspecified usage are assumed to be personal. - Provide Address.current for the current address if possible. During a search, only current addresses are considered. If there is no such address, all addresses are assumed to be current. When displaying a candidate's addresses, it is sometimes desirable to limit the number of addresses shown. In these cases we recommend that you display the addresses in the following order of priority: 1. Address.usage is PERSONAL and Address.current is true. 2. Address.usage is PERSONAL and Address.current is false or not set. 3. Address.usage is CONTACT_INFO_USAGE_UNSPECIFIED and Address.current is true. 4. Address.usage is CONTACT_INFO_USAGE_UNSPECIFIED and Address.current is false or not set.

The candidate's phone number(s).

Available contact information besides addresses, [e mail_addresses][ dresses], [phone_numbers][ .phone_numbers] and [personal_uris][ ta1.Profile.personal_uris]. For example, Hang-out, Skype.

The education history record of the candidate. It's highly recommended to input this information as accurately as possible to help improve search quality. Here are some recommendations: - Specify the start and end dates of the education records. - List each education type separately, no matter how minor the change is. For example, the profile contains the education experience from the same school but different degrees. - Provide [EducationRecord.is_current] [] for the current education if possible. If not, it's inferred from user inputs. The limitation for max number of education records is 100.

The individual or collaborative activities which the candidate has participated in, for example, open-source projects, class assignments that aren't listed in [employment_records][google .cloud.talent.v4beta1.Profile.employment_records]. The limitation for max number of activities is 50.

The patents acquired by the candidate.

Output only. The resource names of the candidate's applications.

A map of fields to hold both filterable and non-filterable custom profile attributes that aren't covered by the provided structured fields. See CustomAttribute for more details. At most 100 filterable and at most 100 unfilterable keys are supported. If limit is exceeded, an error is thrown. Custom attributes are unfilterable by default. These are filterable when the filterable flag is set to true. Numeric custom attributes: each key can only map to one numeric value, otherwise an error is thrown. Client can also filter on numeric custom attributes using '>', '<' or '=' operators. String custom attributes: each key can map up to 50 string values. For filterable string value, each value has a byte size of no more than 256B. For unfilterable string values, the maximum byte size of a single key is 64B. An error is thrown for any request exceeding the limit. The maximum total byte size is 10KB.

Output only. Keyword snippet shows how the search result is related to a search query. This is only returned in [SearchPro filesResponse][ nse].

Output only. Derived locations of the profile, resolved from [ Profile.addresses][ es]. [derived_addresses][ .derived_addresses] are exactly matched to [Profile.addresses ][] in the same order.


An event issued when a profile searcher interacts with the application that implements Cloud Talent Solution. .. attribute:: type

Required. Type of event.

The [job name(s)][] associated with this client event. Leave it empty if the event isn't associated with a job. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/jobs/{job_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/jobs/baz".


Filters to apply when performing the search query. .. attribute:: query

Keywords to match any text fields of profiles. For example, "software engineer in Palo Alto".

Job title filter specifies job titles of profiles to match on. If a job title isn't specified, profiles with any titles are retrieved. If multiple values are specified, profiles are retrieved with any of the specified job titles. If [JobTitleF ilter.negated][ ted] is specified, the result won't contain profiles with the job titles. For example, search for profiles with a job title "Product Manager".

Education filter specifies education of profiles to match on. If an education filter isn't specified, profiles with any education are retrieved. If multiple education filters are specified, profiles that match any education filters are retrieved. If [EducationFilter.negated][ 4beta1.EducationFilter.negated] is specified, the result won't contain profiles that match the educations. For example, search for profiles with a master degree.

Work experience filter specifies the total working experience of profiles to match on. If a work experience filter isn't specified, profiles with any professional experience are retrieved. If multiple work experience filters are specified, profiles that match any work experience filters are retrieved. For example, search for profiles with 10 years of work experience.

The hirable filter specifies the profile's hirable status to match on.

The application outcome notes filters specify the notes for the outcome of the job application.

This filter specifies a structured syntax to match against the [Profile.custom_attributes][ le.custom_attributes] that are marked as filterable. The syntax for this expression is a subset of Google SQL syntax. String custom attributes: supported operators are =, != where the left of the operator is a custom field key and the right of the operator is a string (surrounded by quotes) value. Numeric custom attributes: Supported operators are '>', '<' or '=' operators where the left of the operator is a custom field key and the right of the operator is a numeric value. Supported functions are LOWER() to perform case insensitive match and EMPTY() to filter on the existence of a key. Boolean expressions (AND/OR/NOT) are supported up to 3 levels of nesting (for example "((A AND B AND C) OR NOT D) AND E"), and there can be a maximum of 50 comparisons/functions in the expression. The expression must be < 2000 characters in length. Sample Query: (key1 = "TEST" OR LOWER(key1)="test" OR NOT EMPTY(key1))

The availability filter which filters based on [Profile.availa bility_signals][ ity_signals]. The availability filter helps a recruiter understand if a specific candidate is likely to be actively seeking new job opportunities based on an aggregated set of signals. Specifically, the intent is NOT to indicate the candidate's potential qualification / interest / close ability for a specific job. There can be at most one [AvailabilityFil ter][] per [sign al_type][ l_type]. If there are multiple [AvailabilityFilter][ oud.talent.v4beta1.AvailabilityFilter] for a [signal_type][go], an error is thrown.


Resource that represents a publication resource of a candidate. .. attribute:: authors

A list of author names. Number of characters allowed is 100.

The description of the publication. Number of characters allowed is 100,000.

Volume number. Number of characters allowed is 100.

The publication date.

ISBN number. Number of characters allowed is 100.


The details of the score received for an assessment or interview. .. attribute:: overall

Overall score.

The maximum value for the score.


Meta information related to the job searcher or entity conducting the job search. This information is used to improve the performance of the service. .. attribute:: domain

Required if [allow_missing_ids][ RequestMetadata.allow_missing_ids] is unset or false. The client-defined scope or source of the service call, which typically is the domain on which the service has been implemented and is currently being run. For example, if the service is being run by client Foo, Inc., on job board and career site, then this field is set to "" for use on the job board, and "" for use on the career site. Note that any improvements to the model for a particular tenant site rely on this field being set correctly to a unique domain. The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.

Required if [allow_missing_ids][ RequestMetadata.allow_missing_ids] is unset or false. A unique user identification string, as determined by the client. To have the strongest positive impact on search quality make sure the client-level is unique. Obfuscate this field for privacy concerns before providing it to the service. Note that any improvements to the model for a particular tenant site rely on this field being set correctly to a unique user ID. The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.

The type of device used by the job seeker at the time of the call to the service.


Additional information returned to client, such as debugging information. .. attribute:: request_id

A unique id associated with this call. This id is logged for tracking purposes.


Resource that represents a resume. .. attribute:: structured_resume

Users can create a profile with only this field field, if [res ume_type][] is HRXML. For example, the API parses this field and creates a profile with all structured fields populated. [EmploymentRecord][googl], [EducationRecord][go], and so on. An error is thrown if this field cannot be parsed. Note that the use of the functionality offered by this field to extract data from resumes is an Alpha feature and as such is not covered by any SLA.


The Request body of the SearchJobs call. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The resource name of the tenant to search within. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, a default tenant is created. For example, "projects/foo".

Required. The meta information collected about the job searcher, used to improve the search quality of the service. The identifiers (such as user_id) are provided by users, and must be unique and consistent.

Controls whether to broaden the search when it produces sparse results. Broadened queries append results to the end of the matching results list. Defaults to false.

An expression specifies a histogram request against matching jobs. Expression syntax is an aggregation function call with histogram facets and other options. Available aggregation function calls are: * count(string_histogram_facet): Count the number of matching entities, for each distinct attribute value. * count(numeric_histogram_facet, list of buckets): Count the number of matching entities within each bucket. Data types: - Histogram facet: facet names with format [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+. - String: string like "any string with backslash escape for quote(")." - Number: whole number and floating point number like 10, -1 and -0.01. - List: list of elements with comma(,) separator surrounded by square brackets, for example, [1, 2, 3] and ["one", "two", "three"]. Built-in constants: - MIN (minimum number similar to java Double.MIN_VALUE) - MAX (maximum number similar to java Double.MAX_VALUE) Built-in functions: - bucket(start, end[, label]): bucket built-in function creates a bucket with range of [start, end). Note that the end is exclusive, for example, bucket(1, MAX, "positive number") or bucket(1, 10). Job histogram facets: - company_display_name: histogram by [Job.company_display_name][ nt.v4beta1.Job.company_display_name]. - employment_type: histogram by [Job.employment_types][ beta1.Job.employment_types], for example, "FULL_TIME", "PART_TIME". - company_size: histogram by CompanySize, for example, "SMALL", "MEDIUM", "BIG". - publish_time_in_month: histogram by the [Job.posting_pu blish_time][ time] in months. Must specify list of numeric buckets in spec. - publish_time_in_year: histogram by the [Job.pos ting_publish_time][\ publish_time] in years. Must specify list of numeric buckets in spec. - degree_types: histogram by the [ gree_types][], for example, "Bachelors", "Masters". - job_level: histogram by the [Job.job_level][], for example, "Entry Level". - country: histogram by the country code of jobs, for example, "US", "FR". - admin1: histogram by the admin1 code of jobs, which is a global placeholder referring to the state, province, or the particular term a country uses to define the geographic structure below the country level, for example, "CA", "IL".

  • city: histogram by a combination of the "city name, admin1 code". For example, "Mountain View, CA", "New York, NY". - admin1_country: histogram by a combination of the "admin1 code, country", for example, "CA, US", "IL, US". - city_coordinate: histogram by the city center's GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude), for example, 37.4038522,-122.0987765. Since the coordinates of a city center can change, customers may need to refresh them periodically. - locale: histogram by the [Job.language_co de][], for example, "en-US", "fr-FR". - language: histogram by the language subtag of the [Job.language_code][ lent.v4beta1.Job.language_code], for example, "en", "fr".
  • category: histogram by the JobCategory, for example, "COMPUTER_AND_IT", "HEALTHCARE". - base_compensation_unit: histogram by the [CompensationInf o.CompensationUnit][ fo.CompensationUnit] of base salary, for example, "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY". - base_compensation: histogram by the base salary. Must specify list of numeric buckets to group results by. - annualized_base_compensation: histogram by the base annualized salary. Must specify list of numeric buckets to group results by. - annualized_total_compensation: histogram by the total annualized salary. Must specify list of numeric buckets to group results by. - string_custom_attribute: histogram by string [Job.custom_attributes][ .Job.custom_attributes]. Values can be accessed via square bracket notations like string_custom_attribute["key1"]. - numeric_custom_attribute: histogram by numeric [Job.custo m_attributes][ tes]. Values can be accessed via square bracket notations like numeric_custom_attribute["key1"]. Must specify list of numeric buckets to group results by. Example expressions: - count(admin1) - count(base_compensation, [bucket(1000, 10000), bucket(10000, 100000), bucket(100000, MAX)]) - count(string_custom_attribute["some-string-custom- attribute"]) - count(numeric_custom_attribute["some- numeric-custom-attribute"], [bucket(MIN, 0, "negative"), bucket(0, MAX, "non-negative"])

    An integer that specifies the current offset (that is, starting result location, amongst the jobs deemed by the API as relevant) in search results. This field is only considered if [page_token][ .page_token] is unset. The maximum allowed value is 5000. Otherwise an error is thrown. For example, 0 means to return results starting from the first matching job, and 10 means to return from the 11th job. This can be used for pagination, (for example, pageSize = 10 and offset = 10 means to return from the second page).

    The token specifying the current offset within search results. See [SearchJobsResponse.next_page_token][ .v4beta1.SearchJobsResponse.next_page_token] for an explanation of how to obtain the next set of query results.

    Controls whether highly similar jobs are returned next to each other in the search results. Jobs are identified as highly similar based on their titles, job categories, and locations. Highly similar results are clustered so that only one representative job of the cluster is displayed to the job seeker higher up in the results, with the other jobs being displayed lower down in the results. Defaults to [Diversifica tionLevel.SIMPLE][ t.DiversificationLevel.SIMPLE] if no value is specified.

    Controls whether to disable exact keyword match on Job.title, [Job.descr iption][], [ pany_display_name][ display_name], Job.addresses, [J ob.qualifications][ ons]. When disable keyword match is turned off, a keyword match returns jobs that do not match given category filters when there are matching keywords. For example, for the query "program manager," a result is returned even if the job posting has the title "software developer," which doesn't fall into "program manager" ontology, but does have "program manager" appearing in its description. For queries like "cloud" that don't contain title or location specific ontology, jobs with "cloud" keyword matches are returned regardless of this flag's value. Use [Company.keyword_search able_job_custom_attributes][ pany.keyword_searchable_job_custom_attributes] if company- specific globally matched custom field/attribute string values are needed. Enabling keyword match improves recall of subsequent search requests. Defaults to false.


Response for SearchJob method. .. attribute:: matching_jobs

The Job entities that match the specified [SearchJobsRequest][].

The token that specifies the starting position of the next page of results. This field is empty if there are no more results.

An estimation of the number of jobs that match the specified query. This number isn't guaranteed to be accurate. For accurate results, see [SearchJobsRequest.require_precise_res ult_size][ re_precise_result_size].

Additional information for the API invocation, such as the request tracking id.

The spell checking result, and correction.


The request body of the SearchProfiles call. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The resource name of the tenant to search within. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar".

Search query to execute. See ProfileQuery for more details.

The pageToken, similar to offset enables users of the API to paginate through the search results. To retrieve the first page of results, set the pageToken to empty. The search response includes a [nextPageToken][ 1.SearchProfilesResponse.next_page_token] field that can be used to populate the pageToken field for the next page of results. Using pageToken instead of offset increases the performance of the API, especially compared to larger offset values.

This flag controls the spell-check feature. If false, the service attempts to correct a misspelled query. For example, "enginee" is corrected to "engineer".

When sort by field is based on alphabetical order, sort values case sensitively (based on ASCII) when the value is set to true. Default value is case in-sensitive sort (false).

An id that uniquely identifies the result set of a [SearchProf iles][ s] call. The id should be retrieved from the [SearchProfilesRe sponse][] message returned from a previous invocation of [SearchProfiles ][]. A result set is an ordered list of search results. If this field is not set, a new result set is computed based on the [p rofile_query][ st.profile_query]. A new [result_set_id][ t.v4beta1.SearchProfilesRequest.result_set_id] is returned as a handle to access this result set. If this field is set, the service will ignore the resource and [profile_query][goog] values, and simply retrieve a page of results from the corresponding result set. In this case, one and only one of [p age_token][ page_token] or [offset][ filesRequest.offset] must be set. A typical use case is to invoke [SearchProfilesRequest][ rchProfilesRequest] without this field, then use the resulting [result_set_id][ quest.result_set_id] in [SearchProfilesResponse][google.clou d.talent.v4beta1.SearchProfilesResponse] to page through the results.


Response of SearchProfiles method. .. attribute:: estimated_total_size

An estimation of the number of profiles that match the specified query. This number isn't guaranteed to be accurate.

Additional information for the API invocation, such as the request tracking id.

The histogram results that match with specified [SearchProfile sRequest.histogram_queries][ hProfilesRequest.histogram_queries].

An id that uniquely identifies the result set of a [SearchProf iles][ s] call for consistent results.


Resource that represents a skill of a candidate. .. attribute:: display_name

Skill display name. For example, "Java", "Python". Number of characters allowed is 100.

Skill proficiency level which indicates how proficient the candidate is at this skill.

Output only. Skill name snippet shows how the [display_name][] is related to a search query. It's empty if the [display_name][ .talent.v4beta1.Skill.display_name] isn't related to the search query.


Skill filter of the search. .. attribute:: skill

Required. The skill name. For example, "java", "j2ee", and so on.


Spell check result. .. attribute:: corrected

Indicates if the query was corrected by the spell checker.

Corrected output with html tags to highlight the corrected words. Corrected words are called out with the "..." html tags. For example, the user input query is "software enginear", where the second word, "enginear," is incorrect. It should be "engineer". When spelling correction is enabled, this value is "software engineer".


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Status class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.StringValue class.


Profile entry with metadata inside [SearchProfilesResponse][google.clo ud.talent.v4beta1.SearchProfilesResponse]. .. attribute:: profiles

A list of profiles that are linked by [Profile.group_id][goog].


A Tenant resource represents a tenant in the service. A tenant is a group or entity that shares common access with specific privileges for resources like profiles. Customer may create multiple tenants to provide data isolation for different groups. .. attribute:: name

Required during tenant update. The resource name for a tenant. This is generated by the service when a tenant is created. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar".

Indicates whether data owned by this tenant may be used to provide product improvements across other tenants. Defaults behavior is [DataUsageType.ISOLATED][ a1.Tenant.DataUsageType.ISOLATED] if it's unset.


Filter on create timestamp or update timestamp of profiles. .. attribute:: start_time

Start timestamp, matching profiles with the start time. If this field missing, The API matches profiles with create / update timestamp before the end timestamp.

Specifies which time field to filter profiles. Defaults to [T imeField.CREATE_TIME][ TimeField.CREATE_TIME].


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.TimeOfDay class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Timestamp class.


Message representing a period of time between two timestamps. .. attribute:: start_time

Begin of the period (inclusive).


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.UInt32Value class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.UInt64Value class.


Request for updating a specified application. .. attribute:: application

Required. The application resource to replace the current resource in the system.


Request for updating a specified company. .. attribute:: company

Required. The company resource to replace the current resource in the system.


Update job request. .. attribute:: job

Required. The Job to be updated.


Update profile request .. attribute:: profile

Required. Profile to be updated.


Request for updating a specified tenant. .. attribute:: tenant

Required. The tenant resource to replace the current resource in the system.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.WaitOperationRequest class.


Work experience filter. This filter is used to search for profiles with working experience length between [min_experience][ talent.v4beta1.WorkExperienceFilter.min_experience] and [max_experie nce][] . .. attribute:: min_experience

The minimum duration of the work experience (inclusive).