Class LocationFilter (0.6.3)

Geographic region of the search. .. attribute:: address

The address name, such as "Mountain View" or "Bay Area".

The latitude and longitude of the geographic center to search from. This field is ignored if address is provided.

Allows the client to return jobs without a set location, specifically, telecommuting jobs (telecommuting is considered by the service as a special location. [Job.posting_region][go] indicates if a job permits telecommuting. If this field is set to [Telecommut ePreference.TELECOMMUTE_ALLOWED][ LocationFilter.TelecommutePreference.TELECOMMUTE_ALLOWED], telecommuting jobs are searched, and address and [lat_lng][ _lng] are ignored. If not set or set to [TelecommutePreference .TELECOMMUTE_EXCLUDED][ lter.TelecommutePreference.TELECOMMUTE_EXCLUDED], telecommute job are not searched. This filter can be used by itself to search exclusively for telecommuting jobs, or it can be combined with another location filter to search for a combination of job locations, such as "Mountain View" or "telecommuting" jobs. However, when used in combination with other location filters, telecommuting jobs can be treated as less relevant than other jobs in the search response. This field is only used for job search requests.