Class InputMetadata (0.4.0)

InputMetadata(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Metadata of the input of a feature.

Fields other than InputMetadata.input_baselines are applicable only for Models that are using AI Platform-provided images for Tensorflow.


Name Description
input_baselines Sequence[`.struct.Value`]
Baseline inputs for this feature. If no baseline is specified, AI Platform chooses the baseline for this feature. If multiple baselines are specified, AI Platform returns the average attributions across them in [Attributions.baseline_attribution][]. For AI Platform provided Tensorflow images (both 1.x and 2.x), the shape of each baseline must match the shape of the input tensor. If a scalar is provided, we broadcast to the same shape as the input tensor. For custom images, the element of the baselines must be in the same format as the feature's input in the ``instance``[]. The schema of any single instance may be specified via Endpoint's DeployedModels' [Model's][] [PredictSchemata's][] ``instance_schema_uri``.
input_tensor_name str
Name of the input tensor for this feature. Required and is only applicable to AI Platform provided images for Tensorflow.
encoding `.explanation_metadata.ExplanationMetadata.InputMetadata.Encoding`
Defines how the feature is encoded into the input tensor. Defaults to IDENTITY.
modality str
Modality of the feature. Valid values are: numeric, image. Defaults to numeric.
feature_value_domain `.explanation_metadata.ExplanationMetadata.InputMetadata.FeatureValueDomain`
The domain details of the input feature value. Like min/max, original mean or standard deviation if normalized.
indices_tensor_name str
Specifies the index of the values of the input tensor. Required when the input tensor is a sparse representation. Refer to Tensorflow documentation for more details:
dense_shape_tensor_name str
Specifies the shape of the values of the input if the input is a sparse representation. Refer to Tensorflow documentation for more details:
index_feature_mapping Sequence[str]
A list of feature names for each index in the input tensor. Required when the input ``InputMetadata.encoding`` is BAG_OF_FEATURES, BAG_OF_FEATURES_SPARSE, INDICATOR.
encoded_tensor_name str
Encoded tensor is a transformation of the input tensor. Must be provided if choosing [Integrated Gradients attribution][ExplanationParameters.integrated_gradients_attribution] or [XRAI attribution][] and the input tensor is not differentiable. An encoded tensor is generated if the input tensor is encoded by a lookup table.
encoded_baselines Sequence[`.struct.Value`]
A list of baselines for the encoded tensor. The shape of each baseline should match the shape of the encoded tensor. If a scalar is provided, AI Platform broadcast to the same shape as the encoded tensor.
visualization `.explanation_metadata.ExplanationMetadata.InputMetadata.Visualization`
Visualization configurations for image explanation.
group_name str
Name of the group that the input belongs to. Features with the same group name will be treated as one feature when computing attributions. Features grouped together can have different shapes in value. If provided, there will be one single attribution generated in [ featureAttributions][Attribution.feature_attributions], keyed by the group name.


builtins.object > proto.message.Message > InputMetadata




Defines how the feature is encoded to [encoded_tensor][]. Defaults to IDENTITY.


FeatureValueDomain(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Domain details of the input feature value. Provides numeric information about the feature, such as its range (min, max). If the feature has been pre-processed, for example with z-scoring, then it provides information about how to recover the original feature. For example, if the input feature is an image and it has been pre-processed to obtain 0-mean and stddev = 1 values, then original_mean, and original_stddev refer to the mean and stddev of the original feature (e.g. image tensor) from which input feature (with mean = 0 and stddev = 1) was obtained.


Visualization(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Visualization configurations for image explanation.