Use platform logs to troubleshoot import topics

This guide explains how to use Google Cloud platform logs to troubleshoot issues when you are using import topics, including the following: Cloud Storage import topics, Azure Event Hubs import topics, Amazon MSK import topics, and Confluent Cloud import topics.

About platform logs

A supported Google Cloud service generates its own set of platform logs, capturing events and activities relevant to that service's operation. These platform logs contain detailed information about what's happening within a service, including successful operations, errors, warnings, and other noteworthy events.

Platform logs are a part of Cloud Logging and share the same features. For example, the following is a list of important features for platform logs:

  • Logs are typically structured as JSON objects that allow for further querying and filtering.

  • You can view platform logs by using Logging in the console.

  • Platform logs can also be integrated with Cloud Monitoring and other monitoring tools to create dashboards, alerts, and other monitoring mechanisms.

  • Log storage incurs costs based on ingested volume and retention period.

For more information about platform logs, see Google Cloud platform logs.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have completed the prerequisites for creating the topic you are using:

Required roles and permissions

Before you begin, verify that you have access to Logging. You require the Logs Viewer (roles/logging.viewer) Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. For more information about Logging access, see Access control with IAM.

The following describe how to verify and grant IAM access:

About import topic ingestion failures

Import topics can encounter issues that prevent data from being successfully ingested.

Cloud Storage import topics

Cloud Storage import topics can encounter issues that prevent data from being successfully ingested. For example, when using a Cloud Storage import topic, you might face issues ingesting a Cloud Storage object or part of an object.

The following list describes reasons for ingestion failure in Cloud Storage import topics that generate platform logs:

  • Message size

    • Individual messages can't be larger than 10 MB. If they are, the entire message is skipped.

    • If you're using the Avro or the Pub/Sub Avro format, Avro blocks can't be larger than 16 MB. Larger Avro blocks are skipped.

  • Message attributes

    • Messages can have a maximum of 100 attributes. Any extra attribute is dropped when the message is ingested.

    • Attribute keys can't be larger than 256 bytes and values can't be larger than 1024 bytes. If the value is larger then the maximum size, the entire key-value pair is dropped from the message when it is ingested.

      For more information about the guidelines for using message keys and attributes, see Use attributes to publish a message.

  • Avro formatting

    • Make sure your Avro objects are correctly formatted. Incorrect formatting prevents the message from being ingested.
  • Data format

Azure Event Hubs, Amazon MSK, and Confluent Cloud import topics

Azure Event Hubs, Amazon MSK, and Confluent Cloud import topics can encounter issues that prevent data from being successfully ingested.

The following list describes reasons for ingestion failure in import topics that generate platform logs:

  • Message size

    • Individual messages can't be larger than 10 MB. If they are, the entire message is skipped.
  • Message attributes

    • Messages can have a maximum of 100 attributes. Any extra attribute is dropped when the message is ingested.

    • Attribute keys can't be larger than 256 bytes and values can't be larger than 1024 bytes. If the value is larger then the maximum size, the entire key-value pair is dropped from the message when it is ingested.

      For more information about the guidelines for using message keys and attributes, see Use attributes to publish a message.

Enable platform logs

Platform logs is disabled by default for import topics. You can enable platform logs when you create or update an import topic. To disable platform logs, update the import topic.

Enable platform logs while creating an import topic

To enable platform logs when creating an import topic, do the following:


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Topics page.

    Go to Topics

  2. Click Create topic.

    The topic details page opens.

  3. In the Topic ID field, enter an ID for your import topic.

    For more information about naming topics, see the naming guidelines.

  4. Select Add a default subscription.

  5. Select Enable ingestion.

  6. Retain the other default settings.
  7. Click Create topic.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI already installed and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.

  2. To enable platform logs, ensure the --ingestion-log-severity flag is set to WARNING or a lower severity level such as INFO or DEBUG. Run the gcloud pubsub topics create command for the respective topic that you are using:

    For example, to enable platform logs on a Cloud Storage import topic, include the --ingestion-log-severity=WARNING flag in your gcloud pubsub topics create command.

    gcloud pubsub topics create TOPIC_ID \
        --cloud-storage-ingestion-bucket=BUCKET_NAME \
        --cloud-storage-ingestion-input-format=INPUT_FORMAT \

Enable platform logs while updating an import topic

To enable platform logs when updating an import topic, do the following:


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Topics page.

    Go to Topics

  2. Click the respective import topic that you are using (Cloud Storage import topic, Azure Event Hubs import topic, Amazon MSK import topic, or Confluent Cloud import topic).

  3. In the topic details page, click Edit.

  4. Select Enable platform logs.
  5. Click Update.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI already installed and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.

  2. To enable platform logs, ensure the ingestion-log-severity is set to WARNING or a lower severity level such as INFO or DEBUG. Run the gcloud pubsub topics update command with all the possible flags that specify settings for the respective topic that you are using:

    For example, to update logs on an existing Cloud Storage import topic, include the --ingestion-log-severity=WARNING flag in your gcloud pubsub topics create command and include all the possible flag values that specify settings for a Cloud Storage import topic.

    gcloud pubsub topics update TOPIC_ID \
        --cloud-storage-ingestion-bucket=BUCKET_NAME \
        --cloud-storage-ingestion-input-format=INPUT_FORMAT \
        --cloud-storage-ingestion-text-delimiter=TEXT_DELIMITER \
        --cloud-storage-ingestion-minimum-object-create-time=MINIMUM_OBJECT_CREATE_TIME \

Disable platform logs

To disable platform logs for the respective import topic that you are using, do the following:


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Topics page.

    Go to Topics

  2. Click the respective import topic that you are using (Cloud Storage import topic, Azure Event Hubs import topic, Amazon MSK import topic, or Confluent Cloud import topic).

  3. In the topic details page, click Edit.

  4. Clear Enable platform logs.
  5. Click Update.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI already installed and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.

  2. To disable platform logs, ensure the ingestion-log-severity is set to DISABLED. Run the gcloud pubsub topics update command with all the possible flags that specify settings for the respective topic that you are using:

    For example, to disable logs on an existing Cloud Storage import topic, include the --ingestion-log-severity=DISABLED flag in your gcloud pubsub topics update command and include all the possible flags that specify settings for a Cloud Storage import topic.

    gcloud pubsub topics update TOPIC_ID \
        --cloud-storage-ingestion-bucket=BUCKET_NAME \
        --cloud-storage-ingestion-input-format=INPUT_FORMAT \
        --cloud-storage-ingestion-text-delimiter=TEXT_DELIMITER \
        --cloud-storage-ingestion-minimum-object-create-time=MINIMUM_OBJECT_CREATE_TIME \

View platform logs

To view platform logs for the respective import topic that you are using, do the following:

Google Cloud console

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Logs Explorer.

    Go to Logs Explorer

  2. Select a Google Cloud project.

  3. If required, from the Upgrade menu, switch from Legacy Logs Viewer to Logs Explorer.

  4. Click the Show query toggle.

  5. To filter your logs to show only entries for the respective import topics that you are using (Cloud Storage import topic, Azure Event Hubs import topic, Amazon MSK import topic, or Confluent Cloud import topic), type resource.type="resource.type=pubsub_topic AND severity=WARNING" into the query field and click Run query.

  6. In the Query results pane, click Edit time to change the time period for which to return results.

For more information about using the Logs Explorer, see Using the Logs Explorer.

gcloud CLI

To use the gcloud CLI to search for platform logs for the respective import topics that you are using, use the gcloud logging read command.

Specify a filter to limit your results to platform logs for the respective import topics that you are using (Cloud Storage import topic, Azure Event Hubs import topic, Amazon MSK import topic, or Confluent Cloud import topic).

gcloud logging read "resource.type=pubsub_topic AND severity=WARNING"

Cloud Logging API

Use the entries.list Cloud Logging API method.

To filter your results to include only platform logs for Cloud Storage import topics, use the filter field. The following is a sample JSON request object.

  "orderBy": "timestamp desc",
  "filter": "resource.type=\"pubsub_topic\" AND severity=WARNING"

View and understand platform log format

The following section includes sample platform logs and describes the fields for platform logs.

All platform log specific fields are contained within a jsonPayload object.

Cloud Storage

Avro failure

  "insertId": "1xnzx8md4768",
  "jsonPayload": {
    "@type": "",
    "cloudStorageFailure": {
      "objectGeneration": "1661148924738910",
      "bucket": "bucket_in_avro_format",
      "objectName": "counts/taxi-2022-08-15T06:10:00.000Z-2022-08-15T06:15:00.000Z-pane-0-last-00-of-01",
      "avroFailureReason": {}
    "topic": "projects/my-project/topics/avro_bucket_topic",
    "errorMessage": "Unable to parse the header of the object. The object won't be ingested."
  "resource": {
    "type": "pubsub_topic",
    "labels": {
      "project_id": "my-project",
      "topic_id": "avro_bucket_topic"
  "timestamp": "2024-10-07T18:55:45.650103193Z",
  "severity": "WARNING",
  "logName": "projects/my-project/logs/",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2024-10-07T18:55:46.678221398Z"
Log field Description
insertId A unique identifier for the log entry.
jsonPayload.@type Identifies the event type. Always
jsonPayload.cloudStorageFailure.objectGeneration The generation number of the Cloud Storage object.
jsonPayload.cloudStorageFailure.bucket The Cloud Storage bucket containing the object.
jsonPayload.cloudStorageFailure.objectName The name of the Cloud Storage object.
jsonPayload.cloudStorageFailure.avroFailureReason Contains more specific Avro parsing error details. This field is left empty.
jsonPayload.topic The Pub/Sub topic the message was intended for.
jsonPayload.errorMessage A human-readable error message.
resource.type The resource type. Always pubsub_topic.
resource.labels.project_id The Google Cloud project ID.
resource.labels.topic_id The Pub/Sub topic ID.
timestamp Log entry generation timestamp.
severity Severity level which is WARNING.
logName Name of the log.
receiveTimestamp Log entry received timestamp.

Text failure

  "insertId": "1kc4puoag",
  "jsonPayload": {
    "@type": "",
    "cloudStorageFailure": {
      "bucket": "bucket_in_text_format",
      "apiViolationReason": {},
      "objectName": "counts/taxi-2022-08-15T06:10:00.000Z-2022-08-15T06:15:00.000Z-pane-0-last-00-of-01",
      "objectGeneration": "1727990048026758"
    "topic": "projects/my-project/topics/large_text_bucket_topic",
    "errorMessage": "The message has exceeded the maximum allowed size of 10000000 bytes. The message won't be published."
  "resource": {
    "type": "pubsub_topic",
    "labels": {
      "topic_id": "large_text_bucket_topic",
      "project_id": "my-project"
  "timestamp": "2024-10-09T14:09:07.760488386Z",
  "severity": "WARNING",
  "logName": "projects/my-project/logs/",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2024-10-09T14:09:08.483589656Z"
Log field Description
insertId A unique identifier for the log entry.
jsonPayload.@type Identifies the event type. Always
jsonPayload.cloudStorageFailure.objectGeneration The generation number of the Cloud Storage object.
jsonPayload.cloudStorageFailure.bucket The Cloud Storage bucket containing the object.
jsonPayload.cloudStorageFailure.objectName The name of the Cloud Storage object.
jsonPayload.cloudStorageFailure.apiViolationReason Contains details about the API violation. This field is left empty.
jsonPayload.topic The Pub/Sub topic.
jsonPayload.errorMessage A human-readable message.
resource.type Resource type, always pubsub_topic.
resource.labels.project_id Google Cloud project ID.
resource.labels.topic_id Pub/Sub topic ID.
timestamp Log entry generation timestamp.
severity Severity level which is WARNING.
logName Name of the log.
receiveTimestamp Time at which the log entry was received by Cloud Logging.

Amazon MSK

API Violation

  "insertId": "k3breb2q",
  "jsonPayload": {
    "@type": "",
    "awsMskFailure": {
      "apiViolationReason": {},
      "clusterArn": "arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:291552718126:cluster/cluster-ingestion/abb9faea-4070-4eb76-9c21-f98abca92eaf-2",
      "kafkaTopic": "msk-topic",
      "partitionId": "1",
      "offset": "11"
    "errorMessage": "The value of an attribute in the message exceeded the maximum allowed size of 1024 bytes. Number of bytes in the value: 1025. Key: my header. Value: my very large value …",
    "topic": "projects/my-project/topics/msk-import-topic"
  "resource": {
    "type": "pubsub_topic",
    "labels": {
      "topic_id": "msk-import-topic",
      "project_id": "my-project"
  "timestamp": "2025-02-03T16:18:14.693357960Z",
  "severity": "WARNING",
  "logName": "projects/my-project/logs/",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2025-02-03T16:18:16.241643258Z"
Log field Description
insertId A unique identifier for the log entry.
jsonPayload.@type Identifies the event type. Always
jsonPayload.awsMskFailure.clusterArn The ARN of the cluster of the topic being ingested from.
jsonPayload.awsMskFailure.kafkaTopic The name of the Kafka topic being ingested from.
jsonPayload.awsMskFailure.partitionId The ID of the partition that contains the message that failed to be ingested.
jsonPayload.awsMskFailure.offset The offset within the partition of the message that failed to be ingested.
jsonPayload.awsMskFailure.apiViolationReason Contains details about the API violation. This field is left empty.
jsonPayload.topic The Pub/Sub topic.
jsonPayload.errorMessage A human-readable message.
resource.type Resource type, always pubsub_topic.
resource.labels.project_id Google Cloud project ID.
resource.labels.topic_id Pub/Sub topic ID.
timestamp Log entry generation timestamp.
severity Severity level which is WARNING.
logName Name of the log.
receiveTimestamp Time at which the log entry was received by Cloud Logging.

Azure Event Hubs

API Violation

  "insertId": "i1fbqnb12",
  "jsonPayload": {
    "@type": "",
    "azureEventHubsFailure": {
      "apiViolationReason": {},
      "namespace": "my-namespace",
      "eventHub": "my-event-hub",
      "partitionId": "1",
      "offset": "15"
    "errorMessage": "The value of an attribute in the message exceeded the maximum allowed size of 1024 bytes. Number of bytes in the value: 1025. Key: my header. Value: my very large value …",
    "topic": "projects/my-project/topics/event-hubs-import-topic"
  "resource": {
    "type": "pubsub_topic",
    "labels": {
      "topic_id": "event-hubs-import-topic",
      "project_id": "my-project"
  "timestamp": "2025-02-03T16:18:14.693357960Z",
  "severity": "WARNING",
  "logName": "projects/my-project/logs/",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2025-02-03T14:05:12.338211450Z"
Log field Description
insertId A unique identifier for the log entry.
jsonPayload.@type Identifies the event type. Always
jsonPayload.azureEventHubsFailure.namespace The namespace containing the event hub being ingested from.
jsonPayload.azureEventHubsFailure.eventHub The name of the event hub being ingested from.
jsonPayload.azureEventHubsFailure.partitionId The ID of the partition that contains the message that failed to be ingested.
jsonPayload.azureEventHubsFailure.offset The offset within the partition of the message that failed to be ingested.
jsonPayload.azureEventHubsFailure.apiViolationReason Contains details about the API violation. This field is left empty.
jsonPayload.topic The Pub/Sub topic.
jsonPayload.errorMessage A human-readable message.
resource.type Resource type, always pubsub_topic.
resource.labels.project_id Google Cloud project ID.
resource.labels.topic_id Pub/Sub topic ID.
timestamp Log entry generation timestamp.
severity Severity level which is WARNING.
logName Name of the log.
receiveTimestamp Time at which the log entry was received by Cloud Logging.

Confluent Cloud

Text failure

  "insertId": "i1fbqnb14",
  "jsonPayload": {
    "@type": "",
    "confluentCloudFailure": {
      "apiViolationReason": {},
      "clusterId": "lma-1x18ae",
      "kafkaTopic": "confluent-topic",
      "partitionId": "1",
      "offset": "19"
    "errorMessage": "The value of an attribute in the message exceeded the maximum allowed size of 1024 bytes. Number of bytes in the value: 1025. Key: my header. Value: my very large value …",
    "topic": "projects/my-project/topics/confluent-import-topic"
  "resource": {
    "type": "pubsub_topic",
    "labels": {
      "topic_id": "confluent-import-topic",
      "project_id": "my-project"
  "timestamp": "2025-02-03T16:18:14.693357960Z",
  "severity": "WARNING",
  "logName": "projects/my-project/logs/",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2025-02-03T17:03:11.428221440Z"
Log field Description
insertId A unique identifier for the log entry.
jsonPayload.@type Identifies the event type. Always
jsonPayload.confluentCloudFailure.clusterId The cluster ID containing the topic being ingested from.
jsonPayload.confluentCloudFailure.kafkaTopic The name of the Kafka topic being ingested from.
jsonPayload.confluentCloudFailure.partitionId The ID of the partition that contains the message that failed to be ingested.
jsonPayload.confluentCloudFailure.offset The offset within the partition of the message that failed to be ingested.
jsonPayload.confluentCloudFailure.apiViolationReason Contains details about the API violation. This field is left empty.
jsonPayload.topic The Pub/Sub topic.
jsonPayload.errorMessage A human-readable message.
resource.type Resource type, always pubsub_topic.
resource.labels.project_id Google Cloud project ID.
resource.labels.topic_id Pub/Sub topic ID.
timestamp Log entry generation timestamp.
severity Severity level which is WARNING.
logName Name of the log.
receiveTimestamp Time at which the log entry was received by Cloud Logging.
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