
如果推送订阅使用身份验证,则 Pub/Sub 服务会签署 JWT 并在推送请求的授权标头中发送 JWT。JWT 包含声明和签名。

订阅者可以验证 JWT 并验证以下内容:

  • 声明准确无误。
  • Pub/Sub 服务签署了声明。

如果订阅者使用防火墙,则无法接收推送请求。要接收推送请求,您必须关闭防火墙并验证 JWT。


JWT 格式

JWT 是 OpenIDConnect JWT,其中包含标头、 和签名。Pub/Sub 服务将 JWT 编码为 带句点分隔符的 base64 字符串。

例如,以下授权标头包含已编码的 JWT:

"Authorization" : "Bearer

标头和声明集是 JSON 字符串。解码后,它们将采用以下格式:




配置 Pub/Sub 以进行推送身份验证

以下示例展示了如何将推送身份验证服务账号设置为 如何向其授予 iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator 角色分配给 service-{PROJECT_NUMBER}@gcp-sa-pubsub.iam.gserviceaccount.com 服务代理


  1. 前往 Pub/Sub 订阅页面。


  2. 点击创建订阅

  3. 订阅 ID 字段中,输入名称。

  4. 选择一个主题。

  5. 选择推送作为传送类型

  6. 输入端点网址。

  7. 勾选启用身份验证

  8. 选择一个服务账号。

  9. 请确保服务代理 service-{PROJECT_NUMBER}@gcp-sa-pubsub.iam.gserviceaccount.com 具有 您项目的“iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator”角色 IAM 信息中心。 如果该角色未被授予服务账号,请点击授予 执行此操作。

  10. 可选:输入受众群体。

  11. 点击创建


# Configure the push subscription
gcloud pubsub subscriptions (create|update|modify-push-config) ${SUBSCRIPTION} \
 --topic=${TOPIC} \
 --push-endpoint=${PUSH_ENDPOINT_URI} \
 --push-auth-service-account=${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL} \

# Your service agent
# `service-{PROJECT_NUMBER}@gcp-sa-pubsub.iam.gserviceaccount.com` needs to have the
# `iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator` role.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \

为推送通知订阅启用身份验证时,您可能会遇到 permission deniednot authorized 错误。如需解决此问题,请向发起订阅创建或更新的主账号授予对服务账号的 iam.serviceAccounts.actAs 权限。如需更多信息 请参阅 Authentication(身份验证) “创建推送订阅。”

如果您将经过身份验证的推送订阅与使用 Identity-Aware Proxy 进行保护的 App Engine 应用搭配使用,则必须提供 IAP 客户端 ID 作为推送身份验证令牌的受众群体。如需在 App Engine 应用上启用 IAP,请参阅启用 IAP。如需查找 IAP 客户端 ID,请在凭据页面上查找 IAP-App-Engine-app 客户端 ID。


JWT 可用于验证由 Google 签名的声明(包括 emailaud 声明)。如需详细了解 Google 的 OAuth 2.0 API 如何用于身份验证和授权,请参阅 OpenID Connect

可通过两种机制使声明变得有意义。首先, Pub/Sub 要求 CreateSubscription、UpdateSubscription 或 ModifyPushConfig 调用,请求其拥有某个角色 对推送身份验证服务具有 iam.serviceAccounts.actAs 权限 。roles/iam.serviceAccountUser 角色就是此类角色的一个示例。

其次,严格控制对用于为令牌签名的证书的访问。 要创建令牌,Pub/Sub 必须调用内部 使用单独的签名服务账号身份的 Google 服务, 服务代理 service-${PROJECT_NUMBER}@gcp-sa-pubsub.iam.gserviceaccount.com。 此签名服务账号必须具有 iam.serviceAccounts.getOpenIdToken 权限或服务账号令牌 推送身份验证的 Creator 角色 (roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator) 服务账号(或任何祖级资源(例如项目)的 推送身份验证服务账号)。


验证 Pub/Sub 发送到推送端点的令牌涉及:

  • 通过使用签名验证检查令牌完整性。
  • 确保令牌中的 emailaudience 声明与推送订阅配置中设置的值匹配。

以下示例说明了如何对推送进行身份验证 向未使用 Identity-Aware Proxy 的 App Engine 应用发送请求。如果您的 App Engine 应用使用 IAP 进行保护,则包含 IAP JWT 的 HTTP 请求标头为 x-goog-iap-jwt-assertion,并且必须进行相应的验证



GET https://oauth2.googleapis.com/tokeninfo?id_token={BEARER_TOKEN}


200 OK
    "alg": "RS256",
    "aud": "example.com",
    "azp": "104176025330667568672",
    "email": "{SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}@{YOUR_PROJECT_NAME}.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
    "email_verified": "true",
    "exp": "1555463097",
    "iat": "1555459497",
    "iss": "https://accounts.google.com",
    "kid": "3782d3f0bc89008d9d2c01730f765cfb19d3b70e",
    "sub": "104176025330667568672",
    "typ": "JWT"


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 C# 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub C# API 参考文档

        /// <summary>
        /// Extended JWT payload to match the pubsub payload format.
        /// </summary>
        public class PubSubPayload : JsonWebSignature.Payload
            public string Email { get; set; }
            public string EmailVerified { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle authenticated push request coming from pubsub.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task<IActionResult> AuthPushAsync([FromBody] PushBody body, [FromQuery] string token)
            // Get the Cloud Pub/Sub-generated "Authorization" header.
            string authorizaionHeader = HttpContext.Request.Headers["Authorization"];
            string verificationToken = token ?? body.message.attributes["token"];
            // JWT token comes in `Bearer <JWT>` format substring 7 specifies the position of first JWT char.
            string authToken = authorizaionHeader.StartsWith("Bearer ") ? authorizaionHeader.Substring(7) : null;
            if (verificationToken != _options.VerificationToken || authToken is null)
                return new BadRequestResult();
            // Verify and decode the JWT.
            // Note: For high volume push requests, it would save some network
            // overhead if you verify the tokens offline by decoding them using
            // Google's Public Cert; caching already seen tokens works best when
            // a large volume of messages have prompted a single push server to
            // handle them, in which case they would all share the same token for
            // a limited time window.
            var payload = await JsonWebSignature.VerifySignedTokenAsync<PubSubPayload>(authToken);

            // IMPORTANT: you should validate payload details not covered
            // by signature and audience verification above, including:
            //   - Ensure that `payload.Email` is equal to the expected service
            //     account set up in the push subscription settings.
            //   - Ensure that `payload.Email_verified` is set to true.

            var messageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(body.message.data);
            string message = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(messageBytes);
            return new OkResult();


// receiveMessagesHandler validates authentication token and caches the Pub/Sub
// message received.
func (a *app) receiveMessagesHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if r.Method != "POST" {
		http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed), http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)

	// Verify that the request originates from the application.
	// a.pubsubVerificationToken = os.Getenv("PUBSUB_VERIFICATION_TOKEN")
	if token, ok := r.URL.Query()["token"]; !ok || len(token) != 1 || token[0] != a.pubsubVerificationToken {
		http.Error(w, "Bad token", http.StatusBadRequest)

	// Get the Cloud Pub/Sub-generated JWT in the "Authorization" header.
	authHeader := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
	if authHeader == "" || len(strings.Split(authHeader, " ")) != 2 {
		http.Error(w, "Missing Authorization header", http.StatusBadRequest)
	token := strings.Split(authHeader, " ")[1]
	// Verify and decode the JWT.
	// If you don't need to control the HTTP client used you can use the
	// convenience method idtoken.Validate instead of creating a Validator.
	v, err := idtoken.NewValidator(r.Context(), option.WithHTTPClient(a.defaultHTTPClient))
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, "Unable to create Validator", http.StatusBadRequest)
	// Please change http://example.com to match with the value you are
	// providing while creating the subscription.
	payload, err := v.Validate(r.Context(), token, "http://example.com")
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid Token: %v", err), http.StatusBadRequest)
	if payload.Issuer != "accounts.google.com" && payload.Issuer != "https://accounts.google.com" {
		http.Error(w, "Wrong Issuer", http.StatusBadRequest)

	// IMPORTANT: you should validate claim details not covered by signature
	// and audience verification above, including:
	//   - Ensure that `payload.Claims["email"]` is equal to the expected service
	//     account set up in the push subscription settings.
	//   - Ensure that `payload.Claims["email_verified"]` is set to true.
	if payload.Claims["email"] != "test-service-account-email@example.com" || payload.Claims["email_verified"] != true {
		http.Error(w, "Unexpected email identity", http.StatusBadRequest)

	var pr pushRequest
	if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&pr); err != nil {
		http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Could not decode body: %v", err), http.StatusBadRequest)

	defer a.messagesMu.Unlock()
	// Limit to ten.
	a.messages = append(a.messages, pr.Message.Data)
	if len(a.messages) > maxMessages {
		a.messages = a.messages[len(a.messages)-maxMessages:]

	fmt.Fprint(w, "OK")


@WebServlet(value = "/pubsub/authenticated-push")
public class PubSubAuthenticatedPush extends HttpServlet {
  private final String pubsubVerificationToken = System.getenv("PUBSUB_VERIFICATION_TOKEN");
  private final MessageRepository messageRepository;
  private final GoogleIdTokenVerifier verifier =
      new GoogleIdTokenVerifier.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(), new GsonFactory())
           * Please change example.com to match with value you are providing while creating
           * subscription as provided in @see <a
           * href="https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/java-docs-samples/tree/main/appengine-java8/pubsub">README</a>.
  private final Gson gson = new Gson();

  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
      throws IOException, ServletException {

    // Verify that the request originates from the application.
    if (req.getParameter("token").compareTo(pubsubVerificationToken) != 0) {
    // Get the Cloud Pub/Sub-generated JWT in the "Authorization" header.
    String authorizationHeader = req.getHeader("Authorization");
    if (authorizationHeader == null
        || authorizationHeader.isEmpty()
        || authorizationHeader.split(" ").length != 2) {
    String authorization = authorizationHeader.split(" ")[1];

    try {
      // Verify and decode the JWT.
      // Note: For high volume push requests, it would save some network overhead
      // if you verify the tokens offline by decoding them using Google's Public
      // Cert; caching already seen tokens works best when a large volume of
      // messsages have prompted a single push server to handle them, in which
      // case they would all share the same token for a limited time window.
      GoogleIdToken idToken = verifier.verify(authorization);

      GoogleIdToken.Payload payload = idToken.getPayload();
      // IMPORTANT: you should validate claim details not covered by signature
      // and audience verification above, including:
      //   - Ensure that `payload.getEmail()` is equal to the expected service
      //     account set up in the push subscription settings.
      //   - Ensure that `payload.getEmailVerified()` is set to true.

      // parse message object from "message" field in the request body json
      // decode message data from base64
      Message message = getMessage(req);
      // 200, 201, 204, 102 status codes are interpreted as success by the Pub/Sub system
      super.doPost(req, resp);
    } catch (Exception e) {

  private Message getMessage(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
    String requestBody = request.getReader().lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
    JsonElement jsonRoot = JsonParser.parseString(requestBody).getAsJsonObject();
    String messageStr = jsonRoot.getAsJsonObject().get("message").toString();
    Message message = gson.fromJson(messageStr, Message.class);
    // decode from base64
    String decoded = decode(message.getData());
    return message;

  private String decode(String data) {
    return new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(data));

  PubSubAuthenticatedPush(MessageRepository messageRepository) {
    this.messageRepository = messageRepository;

  public PubSubAuthenticatedPush() {


app.post('/pubsub/authenticated-push', jsonBodyParser, async (req, res) => {
  // Verify that the request originates from the application.
  if (req.query.token !== PUBSUB_VERIFICATION_TOKEN) {
    res.status(400).send('Invalid request');

  // Verify that the push request originates from Cloud Pub/Sub.
  try {
    // Get the Cloud Pub/Sub-generated JWT in the "Authorization" header.
    const bearer = req.header('Authorization');
    const [, token] = bearer.match(/Bearer (.*)/);

    // Verify and decode the JWT.
    // Note: For high volume push requests, it would save some network
    // overhead if you verify the tokens offline by decoding them using
    // Google's Public Cert; caching already seen tokens works best when
    // a large volume of messages have prompted a single push server to
    // handle them, in which case they would all share the same token for
    // a limited time window.
    const ticket = await authClient.verifyIdToken({
      idToken: token,
      audience: 'example.com',

    const claim = ticket.getPayload();

    // IMPORTANT: you should validate claim details not covered
    // by signature and audience verification above, including:
    //   - Ensure that `claim.email` is equal to the expected service
    //     account set up in the push subscription settings.
    //   - Ensure that `claim.email_verified` is set to true.

  } catch (e) {
    res.status(400).send('Invalid token');

  // The message is a unicode string encoded in base64.
  const message = Buffer.from(req.body.message.data, 'base64').toString(




@app.route("/push-handlers/receive_messages", methods=["POST"])
def receive_messages_handler():
    # Verify that the request originates from the application.
    if request.args.get("token", "") != current_app.config["PUBSUB_VERIFICATION_TOKEN"]:
        return "Invalid request", 400

    # Verify that the push request originates from Cloud Pub/Sub.
        # Get the Cloud Pub/Sub-generated JWT in the "Authorization" header.
        bearer_token = request.headers.get("Authorization")
        token = bearer_token.split(" ")[1]

        # Verify and decode the JWT. `verify_oauth2_token` verifies
        # the JWT signature, the `aud` claim, and the `exp` claim.
        # Note: For high volume push requests, it would save some network
        # overhead if you verify the tokens offline by downloading Google's
        # Public Cert and decode them using the `google.auth.jwt` module;
        # caching already seen tokens works best when a large volume of
        # messages have prompted a single push server to handle them, in which
        # case they would all share the same token for a limited time window.
        claim = id_token.verify_oauth2_token(
            token, requests.Request(), audience="example.com"

        # IMPORTANT: you should validate claim details not covered by signature
        # and audience verification above, including:
        #   - Ensure that `claim["email"]` is equal to the expected service
        #     account set up in the push subscription settings.
        #   - Ensure that `claim["email_verified"]` is set to true.

    except Exception as e:
        return f"Invalid token: {e}\n", 400

    envelope = json.loads(request.data.decode("utf-8"))
    payload = base64.b64decode(envelope["message"]["data"])
    # Returning any 2xx status indicates successful receipt of the message.
    return "OK", 200


post "/pubsub/authenticated-push" do
  halt 400 if params[:token] != PUBSUB_VERIFICATION_TOKEN

    bearer = request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"]
    token = /Bearer (.*)/.match(bearer)[1]
    claim = Google::Auth::IDTokens.verify_oidc token, aud: "example.com"

    # IMPORTANT: you should validate claim details not covered by signature
    # and audience verification above, including:
    #   - Ensure that `claim["email"]` is equal to the expected service
    #     account set up in the push subscription settings.
    #   - Ensure that `claim["email_verified"]` is set to true.

    claims.push claim
  rescue Google::Auth::IDTokens::VerificationError => e
    puts "VerificationError: #{e.message}"
    halt 400, "Invalid token"

  message = JSON.parse request.body.read
  payload = Base64.decode64 message["message"]["data"]

  messages.push payload

了解所使用的环境变量 PUBSUB_VERIFICATION_TOKEN 示例, 请参阅编写和响应 Pub/Sub 消息

可在面向网站的 Google 登录指南中找到其他有关如何验证不记名 JWT 的示例。如需详细了解 OpenID 令牌,请参阅 OpenID Connect 指南,包括有助于验证 JWT 的客户端库列表。

通过其他 Google Cloud 服务进行身份验证

Cloud Run、App Engine 和 Cloud Run 函数通过验证 Pub/Sub 生成的令牌来对来自 Pub/Sub 的 HTTP 调用进行身份验证。您在配置代码时 需要向调用方授予必要的 IAM 角色 。

请参阅以下指南和教程,了解这些工具的不同应用场景 服务:

Cloud Run

App Engine

Cloud Run 函数