Check a running test operation

Connectivity Tests supports periodically checking the status of a running test operation, such as create, update, or delete. You can still review the final test results when the test completes.

The Google Cloud console uses a spinner icon to show a running test. Behind the scenes, Connectivity Tests continuously polls for the status of the test operation. When the test completes, you can check the final results in the Result details panel.

For more information about Google Cloud console pages, see Create and run Connectivity Tests.

To use the gcloud CLI to check a running test operation, specify the --async option. If you don't specify this option, you see only the final test results.

  1. For example, creating the following test by using the --async option immediately returns an operation resource ID to the command line. You can then use this ID in a subsequent describe command to check test status while the test is still running.

    gcloud network-management connectivity-tests create NAME \
      --destination-project=DESTINATION_PROJECT \
      --source-ip-address=SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS \
      --destination-ip-address=DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS \
      --protocol=PROTOCOL \
      --source-project=SOURCE_PROJECT \

    Replace the following values:

    • NAME: the name of the Connectivity Tests
    • DESTINATION_PROJECT: the project ID of the destination endpoint
    • SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS: the internal or external source IP address that you are testing from; an IPv6 address is only allowed when the test's destination is a global load balancer VIP
    • DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS: the internal or external source IP address that you are testing to; an IPv6 address is only allowed when the test's destination is a global load balancer VIP
    • PROTOCOL: a supported protocol for Connectivity Tests
    • SOURCE_PROJECT: the project ID of the source endpoint

    The output is the following:

    Create request issued for: [gcloud-example]
    Check operation [projects/reachability-e2e-test/locations/global/operations/operation-1580411210002-59d6028c56f71-85ef2899-54d8bc13] for status
  2. Use the operation resource ID with the describe command to check on the test's status:

    gcloud network-management operations describe \

    Replace the following values:

    • SOURCE_PROJECT: the project ID of the source endpoint
    • OPERATION_RESOURCE_ID: the resource ID for the in-progress operation that you are checking (for example, operation-1580411210002-59d6028c56f71-85ef2899-54d8bc13)

    The following sample output for the previous command shows done: false. When the test completes, this field changes to done: true.

    done: false
     apiVersion: v1
     cancelRequested: false
     createTime: '2020-01-30T19:06:50.055838110Z'
     endTime: '2020-01-30T19:06:57.637200039Z'
     target: projects/reachability-e2e-test/locations/global/connectivityTests/gcloud-example
     verb: create
     createTime: '2020-01-30T19:06:50.050012906Z'
     ...  // Full resource metadata displayed here.
  3. Repeat the previous describe command until the output shows done: true.

The Network Management API is always in async mode. When you issue a command to the API, you immediately receive an operation ID. You can use this ID to periodically check test status.

The Network Management API is always in async mode. When you use the API Python client to issue a request, you immediately receive an operation ID. You can use this ID to periodically check test status.

See the following example:

project_id = 'PROJECT_ID'
operation_id = 'OPERATION_ID'

request = api.projects().locations().global_().operations().get(
        name='projects/%s/locations/global/operations/%s' % (project_id, operation_id))

print(json.dumps(request.execute(), indent=4))

Replace the following values:

  • PROJECT_ID: the project ID for the project in which you created the test
  • OPERATION_ID: the resource ID for the in-progress operation that you are checking (for example, operation-1580411210002-59d6028c56f71-85ef2899-54d8bc13)

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