Create an Active Directory policy

This page provides instructions for how to create an Active Directory policy.

Before you begin

Active Directory policy settings don't apply until you create the first volume that requires Active Directory in the specified region. During that volume creation, incorrect settings can cause volume creation failures.

Create an Active Directory policy

Use the following instructions to create an Active Directory policy using the Google Cloud console or Google Cloud CLI.


Use the following instructions to create an Active Directory policy in the Google Cloud console:

  1. Go to the NetApp Volumes page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to NetApp Volumes

  2. Select Active Directory policies.

  3. Click Create.

  4. In the Create Active Directory Policy dialog, fill out the fields shown in the following table.

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

    Field Description Applies to NFS Applies to SMB Applies to dual protocol
    Active Directory policy name* The unique identifier name for the policy
    Description Optional: you can enter a description for the policy
    Region* Associates the Active Directory to all volumes in the specified region.
    Active Directory connection details
    Domain name* Fully qualified domain name for the Active Directory domain.
    DNS Servers* Comma-separated list of a maximum of three DNS server IP addresses used for DNS-based domain controller discovery.
    Site Specifies an Active Directory site to manage domain controller selection.

    Use when Active Directory domain controllers in multiple regions are configured. Defaults to Default-First-Site-Name if left empty.
    Organizational Unit Name of the Organizational Unit where you intend to create the computer account for NetApp Volumes.

    Defaults to CN=Computers if left empty.
    NetBIOS Name Prefix* NetBIOS name prefix of the server to be created.

    A five-character random ID is generated automatically, for example, -6f9a, and appended to the prefix. The full UNC share path has the following format:

    Enable AES Encryption for Active Directory authentication Enables AES-128 and AES-256 encryption for Kerberos-based communication with Active Directory
    Active Directory credentials
    Username* and Password* Credentials for the Active Directory account with permissions to create the compute account within the specified organizational unit.

    See Which permissions are needed to create Active Directory machine accounts?
    SMB settings
    Administrators Domain user accounts to be added to the local Administrators group of the SMB service.

    Provide a comma-separated list of domain users or groups. The Domain Admin group is automatically added when the service joins your domain as a hidden group.

    Administrators only use the Security Account Manager (SAM) Account name. The SAM Account name supports a maximum of 20 characters for your username and 64 characters for your group name.

    Note: This option is available only in the REST API or Google Cloud CLI.
    Backup Operators Domain user accounts to be added to the Backup Operators group of the SMB service. The Backup Operators group allows members to backup and restore files regardless of whether they have read or write access to the files.

    Provide a comma-separated list of domain users or groups.

    Backup Operators only use the Security Account Manager (SAM) Account name. The SAM Account name supports a maximum of 20 characters for your username and 64 characters for your group name.
    Security Privilege Users Domain accounts that require elevated privileges such as SeSecurityPrivilege to manage security logs.

    Provide a list separated by commas of domain users or groups. This is specifically needed for the installation of a SQL Server where binaries and system databases are stored on an SMB share. This option isn't required if you use an administrator user during installation.
    NFS settings
    Kerberos Key Distribution Hostname Hostname of the Active Directory server used as Kerberos Key Distribution Center NFSv4.1 with Kerberos SMB and NFSv4.1 with Kerberos
    KDC IP IP address of the Active Directory server used as Kerberos Key Distribution Center NFSv4.1 with Kerberos SMB and NFSv4.1 with Kerberos
    Allow local NFS users with LDAP Local UNIX users on clients without valid user information in Active Directory are blocked from access to LDAP enabled volumes.

    This option can be used to temporarily switch such volumes to AUTH_SYS authentication (user ID + 1-16 groups).
    Labels Optional: add relevant labels
  5. Click Create.


Create an Active Directory policy:

  gcloud netapp active-directories create CONFIG_NAME \
    --project=PROJECT_ID \
    --location=LOCATION \
    --dns=DNS_LIST \
    --domain=DOMAIN_NAME \
    --net-bios-prefix=NetBIOS_PREFIX \
    --username=USERNAME \
    --password=PASSWORD \

Replace the following information:

  • CONFIG_NAME: the name of the config you want to create. The config name must be unique per region.

  • PROJECT_ID: project ID you are creating the Active Directory policy in.

  • LOCATION: the region of you want to create the config in. Google Cloud NetApp Volumes only supports one config per region.

  • DNS_LIST: a list separated by commas of up to three IPv4 addresses of Active Directory DNS servers.

  • DOMAIN_NAME: the fully qualified domain name of the Active Directory.

  • NetBIOS_PREFIX: NetBIOS name prefix of the server you want to create. A five-character random ID generates automatically, such as -6f9a, and appends to the prefix.

    The full UNC share path has the following format:

  • USERNAME: The name of a domain user with permission to join the domain.

  • PASSWORD: Password for the username.

For more information on additional optional flags, see Google Cloud SDK documentation on Active Directory creation.

What's next

Edit or delete an Active Directory policy.