Monitor NetApp Volumes

This page provides information about monitoring Google Cloud NetApp Volumes.

Various metrics for monitoring Netapp Volumes are available within Cloud Monitoring. Categories include volume, storage pool, and replication metrics.

You can select and chart individual metrics in Metrics Explorer, create a dashboard with multiple charts, add alerting, or retrieve the metrics data with the Cloud Monitoring API. precedes each monitored resource. For example, for Volume, the complete monitored resource is

Monitored resource Resource metadata fields
Volume labels



StoragePool labels

Replication service_level

Resource metrics precedes each metric. For example, the complete metric for volume/bytes_used metric is

Metrics are sampled and pushed to Cloud Monitoring every five minutes. In Cloud Monitoring Metrics Explorer, select a metric and use a minimum alignment period of five minutes for accurate results.

Metric name Description Monitored resource Metric types Unit
/volume/backup_used Bytes backed up
(baseline and
incremental changes).
/volume byte
/volume/bytes_used Capacity used to store
data written as files and
additional space used for
/volume byte
/volume/snapshot_bytes Capacity used
for snapshots.
/volume byte
/volume/allocated_bytes Capacity allocated to a volume
from the storage pool.
/volume byte
/volume/auto_tiering/tiered_bytes Auto-tiering volume used
capacity by tiered types:
cold or hot.
  • cold
  • hot
/volume/auto_tiering/cold_tier_read_byte_count Capacity read from the cold
tier of the volume.
/volume byte
/volume/auto_tiering/cold_tier_write_byte_count Capacity write to cold
tier of the volume.
/volume byte
/volume/operation_count Number of operations being
performed on the volume by
the clients.
  • read
  • write
  • metadata
/volume/throughput Throughput for the
operation type.
  • read
  • write
  • metadata
/volume/average_latency Volume I/O operation latency
within the storage system
  • read
  • write
  • metadata
/volume/backup_current_transfer_bytes Amount of data transferred
thus far for the current job.
/volume byte
/volume/backup_healthy FALSE if a backup transfer
is missed or failed or has
experienced a manual backup failure.
/volume BOOL
/volume/backup_last_transfer_duration Duration of the last transfer
/volume sec
/volume/backup_last_transfer_size Size of the last transfer
/volume byte
/volume/backup_transferring Status of backup:
TRUE = transferring,
FALSE = idle.
/volume BOOL
/volume/inode_limit Inodes allocated for
the volume (hard cap).

Tied to allocated capacity
(size) of the volume
/volume 1
/volume/inode_used Number of inodes in
use on the volume.
/volume 1
/volume/throughput_limit Maximum throughput
allocated for the volume.
/volume KiB/s
/storage_pool/allocated Pool capacity allocated
to volumes.
/storagePool byte
/storage_pool/auto_tiering/tiered_bytes Storage pool capacity tiering
types: cold, non cold.
  • cold
  • non-cold
/storage_pool/auto_tiering/cold_tier_read_byte_count Bytes read from the cold
tier of the pool.
/storagePool byte
/storage_pool/auto_tiering/cold_tier_write_byte_count Bytes written to the cold
tier of the pool.
/storagePool byte
/storage_pool/capacity Total size of the pool. /storagePool byte
/storage_pool/replication_status Status of replication for
regional flex pools. 0 means
out-of-sync , 1 means synced
and 2 means catching-up.
/storagePool 1
/replication/healthy Values of TRUE if
the relationship hasn't missed
the last scheduled transfer
and FALSE if a
scheduled transfer is missed
or is unhealthy.
/replication BOOL
/replication/lag_time Time since snapshot for
transfer was taken on
source, including transfer duration.
/replication sec
Duration of the last
transfer job.
/replication sec
Size of the last transfer job. /replication byte
Amount of data transferred
thus far for the current job.
/replication byte
/replication/transferring Status of replication:
  • TRUE = Transferring
  • FALSE = Idle
/replication BOOL
Cumulative data transferred
for the relationship since
it was created. May reset to 0
/replication byte

Cloud Monitoring also lets you set up alerting if metrics meet certain conditions. For example, you can use Cloud Monitoring to trigger administrative notifications before space in a volume runs out. See Cloud Monitoring alerting.

Track volume performance statistics with Cloud Monitoring

Cloud Monitoring tracks the following performance metrics per volume:

  • /volume/operation_count
  • /volume/throughput
  • /volume/average_latency

These metrics update every 5 minutes and provide an overview of performance trends for periods of one day or longer.

The metrics only reflect the service performance. Consider using monitoring tools available on the clients for more details. For example, the latency observed on the client may be higher than that reported by the service if the requests are queued up on the client before they are sent to the service.

What's next

Monitor volume usage.