Verify StratoProbe collection results

For every machine asset, StratoProbe gathers three types of data.

  • System information: data such as server name, operating system, hard drive, and network settings. These are gathered three times per day.
  • Performance: data such as CPU utilization, memory usage, and other telemetry data. Data points are gathered once per hour, with multiple samples every run.
  • Open port: open port information collected every ten minutes, or longer, if the machine where StratoProbe is installed on is under-assetd for the number of assets targeted.

StratoProbe sends at regular intervals the raw collected data to the StratoZone portal, where it is processed and analyzed.

You can view the raw collected data for a single asset in StratoProbe, or view data for all the assets in your infrastructure in the StratoZone portal.

Review individual collection

To view the collected data for a specific asset in StratoProbe, follow these steps:

  1. From the Credentials tab, click on one credential from the list.
  2. In the credential details page, click the asset name for which you want to see more information.
  3. Click the Collections tab to see the collection results for that specific asset.

View collection results for a machine

View aggregated collection results

To view the collection results for all your infrastructure assets in the StratoZone portal, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the StratoZone portal.
  2. Click Results. The Overview dashboard displays high-level graphs and tables of your infrastructure data.
  3. Click the sections under Summary data to see detailed information about your infrastructure. Use the Filters to limit the view to parts of your infrastructure.

View the collection results for all the assets

To view the complete list of assets that StratoProbe scanned, under Asset-level data, click Inventory for machine assets, or Database inventory for database assets. Then, to see all the available data for an individual asset in the list, under the Actions column, click the View asset details icon.

Export inventory data

To export a table with the collected data for your infrastructure, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the StratoZone portal.
  2. Click Reports. The Report dashboard displays a list of cards.
  3. Under Inventory, click Generate report.
  4. Enter the Report name, choose the Report format, and from the Select filters list select all the relevant assessments.

  5. Select Notify via email when report is complete.

  6. Click Create report to start generating the report.

You will receive an email when the report is ready.

To view the complete list of your generated reports, in the Reports tab, under Views, click Download queue.

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