Create groups of assets in StratoZone

StratoZone allows you to group together your infrastructure assets based on filters, or by uploading CSV files.

Create and populate groups of assets using filters

To create groups of assets, use the build groups feature in StratoZone. Build groups allow you to include any machines or databases present in your inventory, and you can include a single asset in multiple build groups at the same time.

To create a new build group, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the StratoZone portal.

  2. Click the Grouping tab, then click Add new group.

  3. In the Create new build group window, enter the name of the group, then optionally fill in the other fields. To confirm, click Save.

To add assets to the new build group, follow these steps:

  1. On the Build groups page, click the magnifying glass icon next to the build group to which you want to add assets.

  2. In the Add assets window, filter your assets by selecting the criteria from the Asset filters section. Alternatively, enter your asset name in the search field. The assets that match the applied filters appear in the Build group assets section.

  3. To add the selected assets to your build group, click Add selected assets to group.

Create groups via CSV upload

To create multiple groups by uploading a CSV file to StratoZone, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the StratoZone portal.

  2. Click the Grouping tab, then click Upload groups.

  3. In the Import build groups window, download the reference template, then open the file in a spreadsheet editor.

  4. In the spreadsheet editor, include the name of the group that you want to add your assets to under the groupName column.

  5. When you're done updating the reference template, go back to the StratoZone portal.

  6. From the Import build groups window, select the CSV file to upload, then click Import.

  7. Verify that the new groups appear in the Build groups page, and that they are populated with the correct assets.

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