If you've chosen to manage your own Looker instance, this page provides information about ongoing maintenance. If you're looking for initial installation steps, check out our Customer-hosted installation steps documentation page.
Select a subtopic to dive in:
- Updating a customer-hosted Looker instance: Update Looker to stay current with new features and fixes.
- Auto-provisioning a new Looker instance Automatically provision a new instance with a license key, URL, and initial user.
- Moving Looker to a new host: Move Looker from one host to another.
- Clustering Looker:Create a clustered Looker configuration.
- Configuration management tools: View an example Ansible role for a simplified Looker deployment.
- Recommended Java memory settings: Allocate the appropriate amount of memory to the Looker application.
- Archiving Looker log files: Manage Looker log files to preserve disk space.
- Restoring backups: Restore Looker to a new host or in a cluster.
- Migrating the Looker backend database to MySQL: For larger instances, migrate from Looker's HyperSQL internal database to a MySQL backend database.
- Migrating to AES-256 GCM encryption: Migrate an existing Looker instance to AES-256 GCM encryption for internal data encryption.
- Changing Looker's encryption keys: Change the encryption key that Looker uses to encrypt internal data.
- Enabling a Redis cache on a customer-hosted instance: Enable a Redis cache on a customer-hosted instance for improved cache performance.