Regionalize your logs

This document describes how you can use the _Default sink to route your log entries to a Cloud Logging bucket that is in a specific region. For a list of supported regions, see Locations.

You can also set a default storage location for new _Default and _Required buckets by configuring default settings for your organization or folder. For more information, see Set the default storage location.

This guide walks through this process using the example of redirecting all logs to one region. This process involves the following steps:

  1. Create a log bucket in the designated region for storing the logs.

  2. Redirect the _Default sink to route the logs to the new log bucket.

  3. Search for logs in the Logs Explorer.


In Logging, log buckets are regional resources: the infrastructure that stores, indexes, and searches your logs is located in a specific geographical location. Google Cloud manages that infrastructure so that your applications are available redundantly across the zones within that region.

Your organization might be required to store its logs data in specific regions. The primary factors in selecting the region where your logs are stored include meeting your organization's latency, availability, or compliance requirements. When selecting a region for logs storage, consider the locations of the other Google Cloud products and services that your application uses.

Key concepts

The following key concepts apply to data regionality for Logging.

Log Router locations

The Log Router processes all log entries written to the Cloud Logging API. It checks each log entry against existing rules to determine which log entries to store in Logging buckets and which log entries to route to supported destinations using sinks. To reliably route logs, the Log Router also stores the logs temporarily, which buffers against temporary disruptions on any sink.

The Log Router processes logs in the region in which they are received. The Log Router might send logs to a different region based on a sink's definition or if you've opted to share log data with another Google Cloud service such as the Security Command Center Threat Detection. Sinks apply to logs equally and regardless of region.

Log bucket locations

Log buckets are the containers in your Google Cloud project, billing account, folder, and organization that store and organize your logs data.

For each Google Cloud project, billing account, folder, and organization, Logging automatically creates two log buckets: _Required and _Default, which are in the global location. You can't change the location of existing buckets. However, your organization can create a policy that sets a different default location for these buckets. For more information, see Configure default settings for organizations and folders.

You can also create user-defined log buckets for any Google Cloud project. When you create a user-defined log bucket, you can specify the location of the log bucket. After you create the log bucket, the location can't be changed, but you can create a new bucket and then direct log entries to the new log bucket by using sinks. To learn how to set the location for your buckets, see Regionalize your logs.

Logging supports querying logs from multiple regions together, in which case queries are processed in the same locations as the buckets being queried and then aggregated in the region the query was received from to return the results.

Before you begin

To complete the steps in this guide, do the following:

  1. Identify the Google Cloud project that will store your log entries.
  2. Identify the name and location of the log bucket that will store your log entries.
  3. Determine the log entries that you want to route to your log bucket. In this guide, we include all logs routed by the _Default sink.

Supported regions

When you create your log bucket, you can choose where to store your logs. For a list of supported regions, see Locations.

Create the log bucket

Log buckets store log entries. Projects, folders, and organizations contain log sinks that route log entries to log buckets or to other destinations. When the destination of a sink is a log bucket, that log bucket can be in the same resource as the log sink, or in a different resource. For more information, see Configure log buckets.

To create the bucket in the Google Cloud project that you want to store logs in, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Google Cloud console

  2. In the toolbar, click  Activate Cloud Shell.

  3. To create a log bucket, run the gcloud logging buckets create command in the Cloud Shell. Before running the example command, make the following replacements:

    • BUCKET_ID: The name or ID of the log bucket.
    • LOCATION: The location of the log bucket.
    • PROJECT_ID: The identifier of the project.

    Example command:

    gcloud logging buckets create BUCKET_ID \
      --location=LOCATION \
  4. Verify that the bucket was created:

    gcloud logging buckets list --project=PROJECT_ID

After you create your log bucket, you can change some properties, such as the description and the data retention period. To make these changes use the gcloud logging buckets update command.

Redirect the _Default logs sink

You route logs to a log bucket by creating a sink. A sink includes a filter, which selects which log entries to export through the sink, and a destination. In this guide, we update the existing _Default sink to route log entries to the log bucket created in the previous step.

To update a sink, run the gcloud logging sinks update command. Before running the example command, make the following replacements, make the following replacement:

  • _Default: This example updates the destination for the sink named _Default. If you want to update a different sink, then change the name of this variable.
  • BUCKET_ID: The name or ID of the log bucket.
  • LOCATION: The location of the log bucket.
  • PROJECT_ID: The identifier of the project.

Example command:

gcloud logging sinks update _Default \ \
  --log-filter='NOT LOG_ID("") AND NOT
    LOG_ID("") AND NOT
    LOG_ID("") AND NOT
    LOG_ID("") AND NOT
    LOG_ID("") AND NOT
    LOG_ID("")' \
  --description="Updated the _Default sink to route logs to the LOCATION region"

Create a log entry to test your sink

To verify that you updated the sink properly, complete the following steps:

  1. Send a test log message to your regionalized bucket by using the gcloud logging write command. Before running the example command, make the following replacements:

    • LOG_NAME: The name of your log.
    • BUCKET_ID: The name or ID of the log bucket.
    • PROJECT_ID: The identifier of the project.

    Example command:

    gcloud logging write LOG_NAME "Test to route logs to BUCKET_ID" \
  2. View your log entry:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Explorer page:

      Go to Logs Explorer

      If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

    2. In the toolbar, click Refine scope, and then select Current project.

      The Logs Explorer is configured to display log entries that originate in your project.

    3. In the Log field pane, select the Global resource type.

    4. Your test log entry displays in the Query results panel.

Search logs in the Google Cloud console

To view the log entries in your log bucket, go to the Google Cloud console and complete the following steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Explorer page:

    Go to Logs Explorer

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. Select Refine Scope.

  3. On the Refine scope panel, select Log view.

  4. Select the _AllLogs view associated with your BUCKET_NAME.

  5. Click Apply.

    The Logs Explorer refreshes to show logs from your bucket.

    For information on using the Logs Explorer, refer to View logs by using the Logs Explorer.

Next steps