Configure log buckets

This document describes how to create and manage Cloud Logging buckets using the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI, and the Logging API. It also provides instructions for creating and managing log buckets at the Google Cloud project level. You can't create log buckets at the folder or organization level; however, Cloud Logging automatically creates _Default and _Required log buckets at the folder and organization level for you.

You can upgrade log buckets to use Log Analytics. Log Analytics lets you run SQL queries on your log data, helping you troubleshoot application, security, and networking issues.

To use BigQuery to analyze your log data, you have two choices:

  • Upgrade a log bucket to use Log Analytics and then create a linked BigQuery dataset. In this scenario, Logging stores your log data but BigQuery can read the log data.

  • Export your log entries to BigQuery. In this scenario, you must create a sink, BigQuery stores and manages the data, and you have the option to use partitioned tables.

When your log data is available to BigQuery, you can join your log data with other data stored in BigQuery, and you can access this data from other tools like Looker Studio and Looker.

For a conceptual overview of buckets, see Routing and storage overview: Log buckets.

This document doesn't describe how to create a log bucket that uses a customer-managed encryption key (CMEK). If you are interested in that topic, then see Configure CMEK for logs storage.

Before you begin

To get started with buckets, do the following:

  • Configure your Google Cloud project:
    1. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

    2. To get the permissions that you need to create, upgrade, and link a log bucket, ask your administrator to grant you the Logs Configuration Writer (roles/logging/configWriter) IAM role on on your project. For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

      You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.

      For the full list of permissions and roles, see Access control with IAM.

    3. Optional: To use BigQuery to view the data stored in a log bucket, do the following:
      1. Ensure that the BigQuery API is enabled. You can verify that the API is enabled by listing available services.
      2. Your Identity and Access Management role includes the permissions that let you create a linked dataset. For more information, see Permissions for linked BigQuery datasets.
  • Understand the supported regions in which you can store your logs.
  • Select the tab for how you plan to use the samples on this page:


    When you use the Google Cloud console to access Google Cloud services and APIs, you don't need to set up authentication.


    In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI already installed and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.


    To use the REST API samples on this page in a local development environment, you use the credentials you provide to the gcloud CLI.

      Install the Google Cloud CLI, then initialize it by running the following command:

      gcloud init

    For more information, see Authenticate for using REST in the Google Cloud authentication documentation.

  • If you plan to use the Google Cloud CLI or Cloud Logging API to create or manage your log buckets, then understand the LogBucket formatting requirements.

Create a bucket

You can create a maximum of 100 buckets per Google Cloud project.

To create a user-defined log bucket for your Google Cloud project, do the following:

Google Cloud console

To create a log bucket in your Google Cloud project, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

    Go to Logs Storage

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. Click Create log bucket.

  3. Enter a Name and Description for your bucket.

  4. Optional: Upgrade your bucket to use Log Analytics.

    1. Select Upgrade to use Log Analytics.

      When you upgrade a bucket to use Log Analytics, you can query your logs in the Log Analytics page by using SQL queries. You can also continue to view your logs by using the Logs Explorer.

    2. Optional: To view your logs in BigQuery, select Create a new BigQuery dataset that links to this bucket and enter a unique dataset name.

      When you select this option, BigQuery can read the data stored in your log bucket. You can now query in the BigQuery interface where you can join your log data, and also access data from other tools like Looker Studio and Looker.

  5. Optional: To select the storage region for your logs, click the Select log bucket region menu and select a region. If you don't select a region, then the global region is used, which means that the logs could be physically located in any supported region.

  6. Optional: To set a custom retention period for the logs in the bucket, click Next.

    In the Retention period field, enter the number of days, between 1 day and 3650 days, that you want Cloud Logging to retain your logs. If you don't customize the retention period, the default is 30 days.

    You can also update your bucket to apply custom retention after you create it.

  7. Click Create bucket.

    After the log bucket is created, Logging upgrades the bucket and creates the dataset link, if these options were selected.

    It might take a moment for these steps to complete.


To only create a log bucket, run the gcloud logging buckets create command. If you want to upgrade the log bucket to use Log Analytics, then include the --enable-analytics and --async flags, and ensure that you set the variable LOCATION to a supported region:

gcloud logging buckets create BUCKET_ID --location=LOCATION --enable-analytics --async OPTIONAL_FLAGS

The flag --async forces the command to be asynchronous. The return of an asynchronous method is an Operation object, it contains information about the progress of the method. When the method completes, the Operation object contains the status. For more information, see Asynchronous API methods.

If you don't want to upgrade the log bucket to use Log Analytics, then omit the --enable-analytics and --async flags.

For example, if you want to create a bucket with the BUCKET_ID my-bucket in the global region, your command would look like the following:

gcloud logging buckets create my-bucket --location global --description "My first bucket"

For example, to create a bucket with the BUCKET_ID my-upgraded-bucket in the global location, and then upgrade the log bucket to use Log Analytics, your command would look like the following:

gcloud logging buckets create my-upgraded-bucket --location global \
      --description "My first upgraded bucket" \
      --enable-analytics --retention-days=45


To create a bucket, use the projects.locations.buckets.create or the projects.locations.buckets.createAsync method. Prepare the arguments to the method as follows:

  1. Set the parent parameter to be the resource in which to create the bucket: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION

    The variable LOCATION refers to the region in which you want your logs to be stored.

    For example, if you want to create a bucket for project my-project in the in the global region, your parent parameter would look like this: projects/my-project/locations/global

  2. Set the bucketId parameter; for example, my-bucket.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To create a log bucket and then upgrade the log bucket to use Log Analytics:

      1. Set the LogBucket.analyticsEnabled boolean to true.

      2. Call the asynchronous method projects.locations.buckets.createAsync to create the bucket.

        The response to the asynchronous methods is an Operation object. This object contains information about the progress of the method. When the method completes, the Operation object contains the status. For more information, see Asynchronous API methods.

        The createAsync method takes several minutes to complete. This method method doesn't generate an error message or fail when the analyticsEnabled boolean is set to true.

    • Otherwise, call the synchronous method projects.locations.buckets.create to create the bucket.

After creating a bucket, create a sink to route log entries to your bucket and configure log views to control who can access the logs in your new bucket and which logs are accessible to them. You can also update the bucket to configure custom retention and restricted fields.

Track volume of logs stored in log buckets

The Logs Storage page in the Google Cloud console tracks the volume of logs data stored in log buckets:

In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

Go to Logs Storage

If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

The Logs Storage page displays a summary of statistics for your Google Cloud project:

The summary statistics report the amount of log data stored in log buckets
for the selected project.

The following statistics are reported:

  • Current month ingestion: The amount of logs data that your Google Cloud project has stored in log buckets since the first day of the current calendar month.

  • Previous month ingestion: The amount of logs data that your Google Cloud project stored in log buckets in the last calendar month.

  • Projected ingestion by EOM: The estimated amount of logs data that your Google Cloud project will store in log buckets by the end of the current calendar month, based on current usage.

  • Current month billable storage: The amount of logs data that has been retained for over 30 days that is billed.

The previous statistics don't include logs in the _Required bucket. The logs in that bucket can't be excluded or disabled.

The Log Router page in the Google Cloud console gives you tools that you can use to minimize any charges for storing logs in log buckets or for storage that exceeds your monthly allotment. You can do the following:

  • Disable logs from being stored at the bucket level.
  • Exclude certain log entries from being stored in log buckets.

For more information, see Manage sinks.

Manage buckets

This section describes how to manage your log buckets using the Google Cloud CLI or the Google Cloud console.

Update a bucket

To update the properties of your bucket, such as the description or retention period, do the following:

Google Cloud console

To update your bucket's properties, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

    Go to Logs Storage

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. For the bucket you want to update, click More.

  3. Select Edit bucket.

  4. Edit your bucket as needed.

  5. Click Update bucket.


To update your bucket's properties, run the gcloud logging buckets update command:

gcloud logging buckets update BUCKET_ID --location=LOCATION UPDATED_ATTRIBUTES

For example:

gcloud logging buckets update my-bucket --location=global --description "Updated description"


To update your bucket's properties, use projects.locations.buckets.patch in the Logging API.

Upgrade a bucket to use Log Analytics

To upgrade an existing bucket to use Log Analytics, the following restrictions apply:

  • The log bucket was created at the Google Cloud project level.
  • The log bucket is unlocked unless it is the _Required bucket.
  • There aren't pending updates to the bucket.

Google Cloud console

To upgrade an existing bucket to use Log Analytics, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

    Go to Logs Storage

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. Locate the bucket that you want to upgrade.

  3. When the Log Analytics available column displays Upgrade, you can upgrade the log bucket to use Log Analytics. Click Upgrade.

    A dialog opens. Click Confirm.


To upgrade your log bucket to use Log Analytics, run the gcloud logging buckets update command. You must set the --enable-analytics flag, and we recommend that you also include the --async flag:

gcloud logging buckets update BUCKET_ID --location=LOCATION --enable-analytics --async

The flag --async forces the command to be asynchronous. The return of an asynchronous method is an Operation object, and it contains information about the progress of the method. When the method completes, the Operation object contains the status. For more information, see Asynchronous API methods.


To upgrade a log bucket to use Log Analytics, use the projects.locations.buckets.updateAsync method of the Cloud Logging API.

Prepare the arguments to the method as follows:

  1. Set the LogBucket.analyticsEnabled boolean to true.
  2. For the query parameter of the command, use updateMask=analyticsEnabled.

The response to the asynchronous methods is an Operation object. This object contains information about the progress of the method. When the method completes, the Operation object contains the status. For more information, see Asynchronous API methods.

The updateAsync might take several minutes to complete.

When you want to use the capabilities of BigQuery to analyze your log data, upgrade a log bucket to use Log Analytics, and then create a linked dataset. With this configuration, Logging stores your log data but BigQuery can read the log data.

Google Cloud console

To create a link to a BigQuery dataset for an existing log bucket, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

    Go to Logs Storage

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. Locate the log bucket and verify that the Log Analytics available column displays Open.

    If this column displays Upgrade, then the log bucket hasn't been upgraded to use Log Analytics. Configure Log Analytics:

    1. Click Upgrade.
    2. Click Confirm in the dialog.

    After the upgrade completes, proceed to the next step.

  3. On the log bucket, click More, and then click Edit bucket.

    The Edit log bucket dialog opens.

  4. Select Create a new BigQuery dataset that links to this bucket and enter the name for the new dataset.

    The dataset name must be unique for each Google Cloud project. If you enter the name of an existing dataset, then you receive the following error: Dataset name must be unique in the selected region.

  5. Click Done and then click Update bucket.

    After Logging displays the linked dataset name on the Logs Storage page, it might take several minutes before BigQuery recognizes the dataset.


To create a linked dataset for a log bucket that is upgraded to use Log Analytics, run the gcloud logging links create command:

gcloud logging links create LINK_ID --bucket=BUCKET_ID --location=LOCATION

The LINK_ID that you provide is used as the name of the BigQuery dataset, and the value of this field must be unique for your Google Cloud project.

The links create command is asynchronous. The return of an asynchronous method is an Operation object, and it contains information about the progress of the method. When the method completes, the Operation object contains the status. For more information, see Asynchronous API methods.

The links create command takes several minutes to complete.

For example, the following command creates a linked dataset for the bucket with the name my-bucket:

gcloud logging links create mylink --bucket=my-bucket --location=global

The dataset name must be unique for each Google Cloud project. If you attempt to create a dataset with the same name as an existing dataset, then you receive the following error:

BigQuery dataset with name "LINK_ID" already exists.

If you attempt to create a linked dataset for a log bucket that isn't upgraded to use Log Analytics, then the following error is reported:

A link can only be created for an analytics-enabled bucket.


To create a linked a BigQuery dataset for an existing log bucket that is upgraded use Log Analytics, call the asynchronous projects.locations.buckets.links.create method of the Cloud Logging API.

Prepare the arguments to the method as follows:

  1. Construct the request body for the create command. The request body is formatted as a Link object.
  2. For the query parameter of the command, use linkId=LINK_ID. The LINK_ID that you provide is used as the name of the BigQuery dataset, and the value of this field must be unique for your Google Cloud project..

The response to the asynchronous methods is an Operation object. This object contains information about the progress of the method. When the method completes, the Operation object contains the status. For more information, see Asynchronous API methods.

The links.create method takes several minutes to complete.

The dataset name must be unique for each Google Cloud project. If you attempt to create a dataset with the same name as an existing dataset, then you receive the following error:

BigQuery dataset with name "LINK_ID" already exists.

If you attempt to create a linked dataset for a log bucket that isn't upgraded to use Log Analytics, then the following error is reported:

A link can only be created for an analytics-enabled bucket.

Lock a bucket

When you lock a bucket against updates, you also lock the bucket's retention policy. After a retention policy is locked, you can't delete the bucket until every log entry in the bucket has fulfilled the bucket's retention period.

To prevent anyone from updating or deleting a log bucket, lock the bucket. To lock the bucket, do the following:

Google Cloud console

The Google Cloud console doesn't support locking a log bucket.


To lock your bucket, run the gcloud logging buckets update command with the --locked flag:

gcloud logging buckets update BUCKET_ID --location=LOCATION --locked

For example:

gcloud logging buckets update my-bucket --location=global --locked


To lock your bucket's attributes, use projects.locations.buckets.patch in the Logging API. Set the locked parameter to true.

List buckets

To list the log buckets associated with a Google Cloud project, and to see details such as retention settings, do the following:

Google Cloud console

In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

Go to Logs Storage

If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

A table named Log buckets lists the buckets associated with the current Google Cloud project.

The table lists the following attributes for each log bucket:

  • Name: The name of the log bucket.
  • Description: The description of the bucket.
  • Retention period: The number of days that the bucket's data will be stored by Cloud Logging.
  • Region: The geographic location in which the bucket's data is stored.
  • Status: Whether the bucket is locked or unlocked.

If a bucket is pending deletion by Cloud Logging, then its table entry is annotated with a warning symbol.


Run the gcloud logging buckets list command:

gcloud logging buckets list

You see the following attributes for the log buckets:

  • LOCATION: The region in which the bucket's data is stored.
  • BUCKET_ID: The name of the log bucket.
  • RETENTION_DAYS: The number of days that the bucket's data will be stored by Cloud Logging.
  • LIFECYCLE_STATE: Indicates whether the bucket is pending deletion by Cloud Logging.
  • LOCKED: Whether the bucket is locked or unlocked.
  • CREATE_TIME: A timestamp that indicates when the bucket was created.
  • UPDATE_TIME: A timestamp that indicates when the bucket was last modified.

You can also view the attributes for just one bucket. For example, to view the details for the _Default log bucket in the global region, run the gcloud logging buckets describe command:

gcloud logging buckets describe _Default --location=global


To list the log buckets associated with a Google Cloud project, use projects.locations.buckets.list in the Logging API.

View a bucket's details

To view the details of a single log bucket, do the following:

Google Cloud console

In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

Go to Logs Storage

If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

On the log bucket, click More and then select View bucket details.

The dialog lists the following attributes for the log bucket:

  • Name: The name of the log bucket.
  • Description: The description of the log bucket.
  • Retention period: The number of days that the bucket's data will be stored by Cloud Logging.
  • Region: The geographic location in which the bucket's data is stored.
  • Log analytics: Indicates whether your bucket is upgraded to use Log Analytics.
  • BigQuery analysis: Indicates whether a BigQuery dataset is linked to your bucket.
  • BigQuery dataset: Provides a link to your BigQuery dataset, which opens in the BigQuery Studio page. The date that BigQuery linking was enabled is also shown.


Run the gcloud logging buckets describe command.

For example, the following command reports the details of the _Default bucket:

gcloud logging buckets describe _Default --location=global

You see the following attributes for the log bucket:

  • createTime: A timestamp that indicates when the bucket was created.
  • description: The description of the log bucket.
  • lifecycleState: Indicates whether the bucket is pending deletion by Cloud Logging.
  • name: The name of the log bucket.
  • retentionDays: The number of days that the bucket's data will be stored by Cloud Logging.
  • updateTime: A timestamp that indicates when the bucket was last modified.


To view the details of a single log bucket, use projects.locations.buckets.get in the Logging API.

Delete a bucket

To delete a log bucket, do the following:

Google Cloud console

To delete a log bucket, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

    Go to Logs Storage

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. Locate the bucket that you want to delete, and click More.

  3. If the Linked dataset in BigQuery column displays a link, then delete the linked BigQuery dataset:

    1. Click Edit bucket.

    2. Clear Create a new BigQuery dataset that links to this bucket, click Done, and then click Update bucket.

      After you return to the Logs Storage page, click More for the bucket you want to delete, then proceed to the next steps.

  4. Select Delete bucket.

  5. On the confirmation panel, click Delete.

  6. On the Logs Storage page, your bucket has an indicator that it's pending deletion. The bucket, including all the logs in it, is deleted after 7 days.


To delete a log bucket, run the gcloud logging buckets delete command:

gcloud logging buckets delete BUCKET_ID --location=LOCATION

You can't delete a log bucket when that bucket has a linked BigQuery dataset:


To delete a bucket, use projects.locations.buckets.delete in the Logging API.

It is an error to delete a log bucket if that bucket has a linked BigQuery dataset. You must delete the linked dataset before deleting the log bucket:

A deleted bucket stays in this pending state for 7 days, and Logging continues to route logs to the bucket during that time. To stop routing logs to a deleted bucket, you can delete the log sinks that have that bucket as a destination, or you can modify the filter for the sinks to stop routing logs to the deleted bucket.

You can't create a new log bucket that uses the same name as a deleted bucket that is in a pending state.

Restore a deleted bucket

You can restore, or undelete, a log bucket that's in the pending deletion state. To restore a log bucket, do the following:

Google Cloud console

To restore a log bucket that is pending deletion, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

    Go to Logs Storage

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. For the bucket you want to restore, click More, and then select Restore deleted bucket.

  3. On the confirmation panel, click Restore.

  4. On the Logs Storage page, the pending-deletion indicator is removed from your log bucket.


To restore a log bucket that is pending deletion, run the gcloud logging buckets undelete command:

gcloud logging buckets undelete BUCKET_ID --location=LOCATION


To restore a bucket that is pending deletion, use projects.locations.buckets.undelete in the Logging API.

Alert on monthly log bytes stored in log buckets

To create an alerting policy, on the Logs Storage page in the Google Cloud console, click Create usage alert. This button opens the Create alerting policy page in Monitoring, and populates the metric type field with

To create an alerting policy that triggers when the number of log bytes written to your log buckets exceeds your user-defined limit for Cloud Logging, use the following settings.

New condition

Resource and Metric In the Resources menu, select Global.
In the Metric categories menu, select Logs-based metric.
In the Metrics menu, select Monthly log bytes ingested.
Filter None.
Across time series
Time series aggregation
Rolling window 60 m
Rolling window function max
Configure alert trigger

Condition type Threshold
Alert trigger Any time series violates
Threshold position Above threshold
Threshold value You determine the acceptable value.
Retest window Minimum acceptable value is 30 minutes.

For more information about alerting policies, see Alerting overview.

Write to a bucket

You don't directly write logs to a log bucket. Rather, you write logs to Google Cloud resource: a Google Cloud project, folder, or organization. The sinks in the parent resource then route the logs to destinations, including log buckets. A sink routes logs to a log bucket destination when the logs match the sink's filter and the sink has permission to route the logs to the log bucket.

Read from a bucket

Each log bucket has a set of log views. To read logs from a log bucket, you need access to a log view on the log bucket. Log views let you grant a user access to only a subset of the logs stored in a log bucket. For information about how to configure log views, and how to grant access to specific log views, see Configure log views on a log bucket.

To read logs from a log bucket, do the following:

Google Cloud console

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Explorer page:

    Go to Logs Explorer

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. To customize which logs are displayed in the Logs Explorer, click Refine scope, and then select an option. For example, you can view logs stored in a project or by log view.

  3. Click Apply. The Query results pane reloads with logs that match the option you selected.

For more information, see Logs Explorer overview: Refine scope.


To read logs from a log bucket, use the gcloud logging read command and add a LOG_FILTER to select data:

gcloud logging read LOG_FILTER --bucket=BUCKET_ID --location=LOCATION --view=VIEW_ID


To read logs from a log bucket, use the entries.list method. Set resourceNames to specify the appropriate bucket and log view, and set filter to select data.

For detailed information about the filtering syntax, see Logging query language.

Configure custom retention

When you create a log bucket, you have the option to customize the period for how long Cloud Logging stores the bucket's logs. You can configure the retention period for any user-defined log bucket and also for the _Default log bucket.

If you shorten the bucket's retention, then there is a 7-day grace period in which expired logs aren't deleted. You can't query or view those expired logs but, in those 7 days, you can restore full access by extending the bucket's retention. Logs stored during the grace period count towards your retention costs.

To update the retention period for a log bucket, do the following:

Google Cloud console

To update a log bucket's retention period, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

    Go to Logs Storage

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. For the bucket you want to update, click More, and then select Edit bucket.

  3. In the Retention field, enter the number of days, between 1 day and 3650 days, that you want Cloud Logging to retain your logs.

  4. Click Update bucket. Your new retention duration appears in the Logs bucket list.


To update the retention period for a log bucket, run the gcloud logging buckets update command, after setting a value for RETENTION_DAYS:

gcloud logging buckets update BUCKET_ID  --location=LOCATION --retention-days=RETENTION_DAYS

For example, to retain the logs in the _Default bucket in the global location for a year, your command would look like the following:

gcloud logging buckets update _Default --location=global --retention-days=365

If you extend a bucket's retention period, then the retention rules apply going forward and not retroactively. Logs can't be recovered after the applicable retention period ends.

Asynchronous API methods

The response of an asynchronous method like projects.locations.buckets.createAsync is an Operation object.

Applications that call an asynchronous API method should poll the operation.get endpoint until the value of the Operation.done field is true:

  • When done is false, the operation is in progress.

    To refresh the status information, send a GET request to the operation.get endpoint.

  • When done is true, the operation is complete and either the error or response field is set:

    • error: When set, the asynchronous operation failed. The value of this field is a Status object that contains a gRPC error code and an error message.
    • response: When set, the asynchronous operation completed successfully, and the value reflects the result.

To poll an asynchronous command by using the Google Cloud CLI, run the following command:

gcloud logging operations describe OPERATION_ID --location=LOCATION --project=PROJECT_ID

For more information, see gcloud logging operations describe.

Troubleshoot common issues

If you encounter problems when using log buckets, refer to the following troubleshooting steps and answers to common questions.

Why can't I delete this bucket?

If you're trying to delete a bucket, do the following:

  • Ensure that you have the correct permissions to delete the bucket. For the list of the permissions that you need, see Access control with IAM.

  • Determine whether the bucket is locked by listing the bucket's attributes. If the bucket is locked, check the bucket's retention period. You can't delete a locked bucket until all of the logs in the bucket have fulfilled the bucket's retention period.

  • Verify that the log bucket doesn't have a linked BigQuery dataset. You can't delete a log bucket with a linked dataset.

    The following error is shown in response to a delete command on a log bucket that has a linked dataset:

    FAILED_PRECONDITION: This bucket is used for advanced analytics and has an active link. The link must be deleted first before deleting the bucket

    To list the links associated with a log bucket, run the gcloud logging links list command or run the projects.locations.buckets.links.list API method.

Which service accounts are routing logs to my bucket?

To determine if any service accounts have IAM permissions to route logs to your bucket, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM page:

    Go to IAM

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is IAM & Admin.

  2. From the Permissions tab, view by Roles. You see a table with all the IAM roles and principals associated with your Google Cloud project.

  3. In the table's Filter text box, enter Logs Bucket Writer.

    You see any principals with the Logs Bucket Writer role. If a principal is a service account, its ID contains the string

  4. Optional: If you want to remove a service account from being able to route logs to your Google Cloud project, select the check box for the service account and click Remove.

Why do I see logs for a Google Cloud project even though I excluded them from my _Default sink?

You might be viewing logs in a log bucket in a centralized Google Cloud project, which aggregates logs from across your organization.

If you're using the Logs Explorer to access these logs and see logs that you excluded from the _Default sink, then your view might be set to the Google Cloud project level.

To fix this issue, select Log view in the Refine scope menu and then select the log view associated with the _Default bucket in your Google Cloud project. You shouldn't see the excluded logs anymore.

What's next

For information on the log bucket API methods, refer to the LogBucket reference documentation.

If you manage an organization or a folder, then you can specify the location of the _Default and _Required log buckets of child resources. You can also configure whether log buckets use CMEK and the behavior of the _Default log sink. For more information, see [Configure default settings for organizations and folders][default-settings].

For information on addressing common use cases with log buckets, see the following topics:

  • [Aggregate and store your organization's logs][central-log-storage].