Mutual TLS overview

Mutual TLS, or mTLS, is an industry standard protocol for mutual authentication between a client and a server. It ensures that both the client and server authenticate each other by verifying that each holds a valid certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA). Unlike standard TLS, where only the server is authenticated, mTLS requires both the client and server to present certificates, confirming the identities of both parties before communication is established.

mTLS is configured on the target HTTPS proxy resource of all the Application Load Balancers:

  • Global external Application Load Balancer
  • Classic Application Load Balancer
  • Regional external Application Load Balancer
  • Regional internal Application Load Balancer
  • Cross-region internal Application Load Balancer

mTLS uses Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to authenticate the identity of the entities communicating over the network. The infrastructure includes three components: a client, a server, and a Certificate Authority (CA). mTLS for load balancers supports the following features:

  • Verify that the client presenting the certificate possesses its private key.

  • Validate client certificates in either of the two modes:

    • Reject invalid certificates: Enforces strict authentication by rejecting requests if the client certificate chain cannot be validated.

    • Allow invalid or missing certificates: Provides flexibility by passing all requests to the backend, even if a client certificate is missing or invalid.

  • Validate client certificates against an uploaded PKI anchor (root certificate), with the option to add multiple anchors separately to enable seamless migration from an old PKI to a new one without downtime.

  • Provide additional intermediate certificates to help construct the client certificate validation path against specified PKI anchors (root certificates). These intermediate certificates allow mTLS to work with clients that don't provide the complete certificate chain.

  • Generate and pass a fingerprint of the certificate to the backend as a custom request header.

  • Pass selected fields extracted from the certificate to the backend by using custom headers.

  • Pass the validation result and any validation errors to the backend by using custom headers.

Certificate requirements

When configuring certificates for mTLS, ensure they comply with these requirements:

  • Modern cryptography tools form the basis of mTLS authentication. Certificates must use either RSA or ECDSA algorithms for key exchange. Hashing algorithms must use SHA-256 or a stronger cryptographic hash function. Hashing algorithms such as MD4, MD5, and SHA-1 aren't supported.
  • For client (leaf) certificates:
  • For root and intermediate certificates:

Architecture of an mTLS deployment

With mTLS, you can configure a trust config resource, which contains a trust store. The trust store encapsulates a trust anchor (root certificate) and, optionally, one or more intermediate certificates. When the load balancer receives a client certificate, the load balancer validates it by establishing a chain of trust from the client certificate back to the configured trust anchor.

The following is a brief overview of the different resources you need to configure to set up mTLS for the load balancer:

  • Trust config. Contains a single trust store resource, which in turn encapsulates a trust anchor (root certificate) and, optionally, one or more intermediate certificates. The trust config is used to establish a chain of trust between the client certificate and the trust anchor. For more information, see Trust configs.

    Optionally, if you need to use a certificate that has been self-signed, is expired, or is otherwise invalid, or if you don't have access to the root and intermediate certificates, you can add that certificate to the trust config in the allowlistedCertificates field. You don't need a trust store to add a certificate to an allowlist.

    Adding a certificate to the allowlist means that the certificate is always considered valid as long as the certificate is parseable, proof of private key possession is established, and constraints on the SAN field of the certificate are met.

  • Trust store. Contains the trust anchor and intermediate certificate authority (CA) certificates that is used to establish a chain of trust and validate the client certificate. A CA is used to issue trusted certificates for the client. The CA is identified by the load balancer's trust anchor (root certificate) or the intermediate CA certificates.

    You can upload the following types of root and intermediate certificates to the trust store:

  • Client Authentication (also known as ServerTLSPolicy). Specifies the client validation mode and the trust config resource to use when validating client certificates. When the client presents an invalid certificate or no certificate to the load balancer, the client validation mode specifies how the client connection is handled. You can specify all the mTLS authentication related parameters in the server TLS policies. The Client Authentication (ServerTLSPolicy) resource is attached to the target HTTPS proxy resource.

The following diagrams show the different mTLS components attached to the target HTTPS proxy resource of global and regional Application Load Balancers.


The following diagram shows the components of an external Application Load Balancer deployment. This architecture also applies to the cross-region internal Application Load Balancer, which is an internal Application Load Balancer that uses global components.

Mutual TLS with global external Application Load Balancer components.
Mutual TLS with global external Application Load Balancer components (click to enlarge).


The following diagram shows the components of a regional internal Application Load Balancer deployment. This architecture also applies to the regional external Application Load Balancer, which is an external Application Load Balancer that uses regional components.

Mutual TLS with regional internal Application Load Balancer components.
Mutual TLS with regional internal Application Load Balancer components (click to enlarge).

Client validation mode

When the client presents an invalid certificate or no certificate to the load balancer, the clientValidationMode attribute on the Client Authentication (ServerTLSPolicy) resource specifies how the load balancer handles the client connection.

The values of the client validation mode are as follows:

  • ALLOW_INVALID_OR_MISSING_CLIENT_CERT. Allows the connection from the client even if the validation of the client certificate failed or no client certificate was presented. In this mode, the load balancer allows the connection from the client and passes all requests to the backend regardless of whether or not a chain of trust can be established.

    The proof of possession of the private key is always checked when the client certificate is presented. If the client cannot prove the possession of the private key, the TLS handshake is terminated even if the client validation mode allows invalid or a missing client certificate.

  • REJECT_INVALID. Rejects the connection if a client does not provide a certificate or if the certificate validation failed. In this mode, the load balancer terminates the connection from the client if it cannot establish a chain of trust from the client certificate back to the trust anchor.

Configure mTLS on the load balancer

The following is a high-level overview of the key steps that you need to follow to configure mTLS on your load balancer:

  1. Create a trust config resource comprising the trust anchor (root certificate) and intermediate certificates that serve as roots of trust.

  2. Link the trust config to the Client Authentication (ServerTLSPolicy) resource, which defines the client validation mode of either ALLOW_INVALID_OR_MISSING_CLIENT_CERT or REJECT_INVALID.

  3. Attach the Client Authentication (ServerTLSPolicy) resource to the target HTTPS proxy resource of the load balancer.

  4. Optional: You can use custom mTLS headers to pass information about the mTLS connection to a backend service or a URL map.

To learn more about this setup in detail, see the following guides:

Client certificate validation steps

When validating the client certificate, the load balancer does the following:

  1. Verify that the client possesses the private key.

    The client proves possession of the private key associated with the public key in the certificate by generating a signature during the handshake process. The load balancer verifies this signature using the client's public key. If the signature verification fails, it means that the client is not the owner of the certificate, in which case, the TLS handshake is terminated even if your configuration allows invalid or a missing client certificate. No errors are logged for global external Application Load Balancers, but a TLS error is logged in the proxyStatus field for regional external Application Load Balancers and internal Application Load Balancers.

  2. Verify the chain of trust.

    The load balancer verifies the chain of trust between the client certificate and the configured trust config. The verification checks include the following:

    • The client, intermediate and root certificates comply with the certificate requirements.
    • The subject field in the parent certificate matches the issuer field in the child certificate. This verification ensures that the parent certificate's identity (subject) is the same as the identity listed as the issuer in the child certificate.
    • The Subject Key Identifier (SKID) of the parent certificate matches the Authority Key identifier (AKID) in the child certificate. This match confirms that the child certificate was issued by the correct root authority and that it can be trusted because the root's public key is being referenced in the AKID for verifying the certificate's validity.
    • The Subject Alternative Name (SAN) of a child certificate does not violate the NameConstraints field in the parent certificate.
  3. Forward the request to the backend.

    If the client certificate validation succeeds, the request is forwarded to the backend using custom mTLS headers.

    However, if the validation fails, the action taken depends on the value of the client validation mode:

    • ALLOW_INVALID_OR_MISSING_CLIENT_CERT: The request is forwarded with custom mTLS headers indicating the reason for validation failure. For cross-region internal Application Load Balancers, regional external Application Load Balancers, and regional internal Application Load Balancers, in addition to custom mTLS headers, you can configure mTLS optional fields to check the reason for the failure.

    • REJECT_INVALID: The connection is terminated and the errors are logged to Cloud Logging.

Custom mTLS headers passed to the backend

The following table shows the custom mTLS headers that are passed to the backend, both when the client certificate passes validation and when it fails. If the client certificate fails validation, custom headers are passed to the backend only when the client validation mode is set to ALLOW_INVALID_OR_MISSING_CLIENT_CERT.

Client certificate status Client validation mode Custom headers

The client certificate chain is too long (more than 10 intermediate certificates included with the client certificate).


client_cert_present: true

client_cert_chain_verified: false

client_cert_error: client_cert_chain_exceeded_limit

client_cert_sha256_fingerprint: <cert hash>

A client or an intermediate certificate has an invalid RSA key size.

No validation is performed.

RSA keys can range from 2048 to 4096 bits.


client_cert_present: true

client_cert_chain_verified: false

client_cert_error: client_cert_invalid_rsa_key_size

client_cert_sha256_fingerprint: <cert hash>

A client or an intermediate certificate is using an unsupported elliptic curve.

No validation is performed.

Valid elliptic curves are P-256 and P-384.


client_cert_present: true

client_cert_chain_verified: false

client_cert_error: client_cert_unsupported_elliptic_curve_key

client_cert_sha256_fingerprint: <cert hash>

A client or an intermediate certificate is using a non-RSA, non-ECDSA algorithm.

No validation is performed.


client_cert_present: true

client_cert_chain_verified: false

client_cert_error: client_cert_unsupported_key_algorithm

client_cert_sha256_fingerprint: <cert hash>

The PKI to be used for validation has more than ten intermediate certificates that share the same Subject and Subject Public Key Info.

No validation is performed.


client_cert_present: true

client_cert_chain_verified: false

client_cert_error: client_cert_pki_too_large

client_cert_sha256_fingerprint: <cert hash>

An intermediate certificate provided for validation had more than 10 name constraints.


client_cert_present: true

client_cert_chain_verified: false

client_cert_error: client_cert_chain_max_name_constraints_exceeded

client_cert_sha256_fingerprint: <cert hash>

The client certificate doesn't have Extended Key Usage (EKU) extension that includes clientAuth.


client_cert_present: true

client_cert_chain_verified: false

client_cert_error: client_cert_chain_invalid_eku

client_cert_sha256_fingerprint: <cert hash>

The time limit is exceeded while attempting to validate the certificate chain. ALLOW_INVALID_OR_MISSING_CLIENT_CERT

client_cert_present: true

client_cert_chain_verified: false

client_cert_error: client_cert_validation_timed_out

client_cert_sha256_fingerprint: <cert hash>

The depth or iteration limit is reached while attempting to validate the certificate chain.

The maximum depth for a certificate chain is ten, including the root and client certificates. The maximum iterations is 100 (certificates examined to validate the client certificate chain).


client_cert_present: true

client_cert_chain_verified: false

client_cert_error: client_cert_validation_search_limit_exceeded

client_cert_sha256_fingerprint: <cert hash>

You configured mTLS without setting up a TrustConfig resource.

No validation can be performed, but the cert hash is forwarded to the backend.


client_cert_present: true

client_cert_chain_verified: false

client_cert_error: client_cert_validation_not_performed

client_cert_sha256_fingerprint: <cert hash>


client_cert_present: false

client_cert_chain_verified: false

client_cert_error: client_cert_not_provided

client_cert_sha256_fingerprint: <empty>

Client certificate fails validation against the TrustConfig resource. ALLOW_INVALID_OR_MISSING_CLIENT_CERT

client_cert_present: true

client_cert_chain_verified: false

client_cert_error: client_cert_validation_failed

client_cert_sha256_fingerprint: <cert hash>

Client certificate passes cert verifier validation. Not applicable

client_cert_present: true

client_cert_chain_verified: true

client_cert_error: <empty>

client_cert_sha256_fingerprint: <cert hash>

client_cert_serial_number: <serial_number>

client_cert_valid_not_before: <date>

client_cert_valid_not_after: <date>

client_cert_uri_sans: <list>

client_cert_dnsname_sans: <list>

client_cert_issuer_dn: <issuer>

client_cert_subject_dn: <subject>

client_cert_leaf: <certificate>

client_cert_chain: <list>

Error handling and logging

Application Load Balancers provide detailed logging capabilities that allow you to monitor client certificate validation, identify potential issues, and troubleshoot connection problems. This section outlines the different types of errors that can occur during mTLS validation and how they are logged.

Logged errors in REJECT_INVALID mode

If the client certificate validation fails, and the client validation mode is set to REJECT_INVALID, the connection is terminated and the errors are logged to Cloud Logging. These errors are described in the following table.

Client certificate status Logged error
The client certificate chain is too long (more than 10 intermediate certificates included with the client certificate). client_cert_chain_exceeded_limit

A client or an intermediate certificate has an invalid RSA key size.

No validation is performed.

RSA keys can range from 2048 to 4096 bits.


A client or an intermediate certificate is using an unsupported elliptic curve.

No validation is performed.

Valid curves are P-256 and P-384.


A client or an intermediate certificate is using a non-RSA or non-ECDSA algorithm.

No validation is performed.


The PKI to be used for validation has more than ten intermediate certificates that share the same Subject and Subject Public Key Info.

No validation is performed.


An intermediate certificate provided for validation had more than 10 name constraints.


The client certificate does not have an Extended Key Usage (EKU) extension that includes clientAuth.


The time limit is exceeded while attempting to validate the certificate chain. client_cert_validation_timed_out

The depth or iteration limit is reached while attempting to validate the certificate chain.

The maximum depth for a certificate chain is ten, including the root and client certificates. The maximum number of iterations is 100 (certificates examined to validate the client certificate chain).

You configured mTLS without setting up a TrustConfig resource. client_cert_validation_not_performed
The client did not provide the requested certificate during the handshake. client_cert_not_provided
The client certificate fails validation with the TrustConfig resource. client_cert_validation_failed

Logged errors for closed connections

When the client validation mode is set to either ALLOW_INVALID_OR_MISSING_CLIENT_CERT or REJECT_INVALID, certain errors result in closed connections and are logged to Cloud Logging. These errors are described in the following table.

Client certificate status Request Logged error
Client certificate fails signature match during handshake. Terminate SSL handshake None
Service is unable to perform certificate chain validation. Terminate connection client_cert_validation_unavailable
Internal error validating certificate chain. Terminate connection client_cert_validation_internal_error
Matching TrustConfig not found. Terminate connection client_cert_trust_config_not_found
The client certificate payload (including any intermediate certificates) is too large (more than 16 KB). Terminate connection client_cert_exceeded_size_limit

If logging is enabled on the backend service, you can view logged errors for closed connections during mTLS client certificate validation.


  • The load balancer does not perform revocation checks on client certificates.

  • Application Load Balancers let you upload a trust config with a single trust store that contains at most 100 trust anchors and 100 intermediate certificates and 500 certificates that are added to an allowlist. All intermediate certificates must not have more than three certificates that share the same Subject and Subject Public Key info. For more information, see Quotas and limits.

  • The maximum depth for a certificate chain is ten, including the root and client certificates. The maximum number of times that intermediate certificates can be evaluated when attempting to build the chain of trust is 100. For more information, see Quotas and limits.

  • Keys of certificates uploaded and passed from the client are restricted to the following:

    • RSA keys can range from 2048 to 4096 bits. For more information, see Quotas and limits.
    • ECDSA keys can use the P-256 or P-384 curves.
  • The accepted certificate chain received from the client is limited to up to 16 KB and 10 certificates. For more information, see Quotas and limits.

  • Root certificates used for validation cannot contain more than 10 name constraints. For more information, see Quotas and limits.

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