Internal passthrough Network Load Balancer forwarding rules that use a common IP address

Internal passthrough Network Load Balancers are regional load balancers that enable you to run and scale your services behind an internal IP address that is accessible only to your internal virtual machine (VM) instances.

This page discusses using multiple forwarding rules with the same IP address. For general information about internal passthrough Network Load Balancers, see the Internal passthrough Network Load Balancer overview.

Using internal forwarding rules, you can use a shared internal IP address across up to ten forwarding rules. To share an IP address, you set the purpose of the IP address to SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP. You can use TCPor UDP for the forwarding rule protocol and assign up to five ports to the forwarding rule, or specify --ports=ALL to use all ports. If you want to use the L3_DEFAULT protocol, you must use all ports with the --ports=ALL option.

With unique combinations of protocol and ports, you can do the following:

  • Create 50 unique TCP ports with each forwarding rule using the TCP protocol.

    If a forwarding rule is configured to use the TCP protocol and all ports, no other forwarding rule using the TCP protocol can use the same shared IP address.

  • Create 50 unique UDP ports with each forwarding rule using the UDP protocol.

    If a forwarding rule is configured to use the UDP protocol and all ports, no other forwarding rule using the UDP protocol can use the same shared IP address.

  • Create 50 unique combinations of TCP and UDP ports, with each forwarding rule using either the TCP or UDP protocol.

  • Reference a common backend service (a single load balancer) or multiple backend services (multiple load balancers that share the same IP address).

  • Use all ports when configuring a forwarding rule with the L3_DEFAULT protocol. There can be only one L3_DEFAULT forwarding rule for an IP address, which can be shared with other TCP and UDP forwarding rules, if necessary.

When your forwarding rules have different protocols, you must have two different backend services as well. A single internal passthrough Network Load Balancer works for either TCP or UDP traffic—not both—because it has a single backend service that uses only one of these protocols.

Decision matrices for forwarding rules

Use the following tables to design your deployment.

Single internal passthrough Network Load Balancer

A single backend service supports TCP or UDP, not both.

When you need multiple forwarding rules, calculate the number of forwarding rules that you need by using the formula ⌈total number of ports / 5⌉, where ⌈⌉ is the ceiling (least integer) function, and means round up.

For example, suppose you need 26 TCP ports on one IP address of your load balancer. If you don't want to create a single forwarding rule by using --ports=ALL, you must create six forwarding rules because 26 / 5 = 5 with a remainder of 1.

Intended frontend configuration Number of forwarding rules required --purpose=SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP flag required for IP address Forwarding rule port specification
One IP address, traffic on all ports One forwarding rule No --ports=ALL
One IP address, traffic on specific ports

For five or fewer ports:
one forwarding rule

For six or more ports:
multiple forwarding rules

For five or fewer ports: no

For six or more ports: yes

Set --ports to a set of up to five contiguous or non-contiguous port numbers.
Multiple IP addresses, traffic on all ports One forwarding rule per IP address No --ports=ALL
Multiple IP addresses, traffic on specific ports At least one forwarding rule per IP address

If using five or fewer ports per IP address: no

If using six or more ports per IP address: yes

Set --ports to a set of up to five contiguous or non-contiguous port numbers.

Two internal passthrough Network Load Balancers

When you have two internal passthrough Network Load Balancers, you can have two backend services, where one backend service is for TCP traffic, and the other backend service is for UDP traffic.

When you need multiple forwarding rules, calculate the number of forwarding rules that you need by using the following formula, where ⌈⌉ is the ceiling (least integer) function, and means round up:

 ⌈total number of TCP ports / 5⌉

 ⌈total number of UDP ports / 5⌉

For example, suppose you need 26 TCP ports and 12 UDP ports. You must create nine forwarding rules:

  • 26 / 5 = 5 with a remainder of 1, so you need six forwarding rules for your TCP ports.
  • 12 / 5 = 2 with a remainder of 2, so you need three forwarding rules for your UDP ports.
Intended frontend configuration Number of forwarding rules required --purpose=SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP flag required for IP address Forwarding rule port specification
One IP address, traffic on all ports Two forwarding rules—one for TCP, one for UDP Because the TCP forwarding rule and the UDP forwarding rule must share a single IP address: yes --ports=ALL
One IP address, traffic on specific ports

For five or fewer TCP ports and five or fewer UDP ports: two forwarding rules—one for TCP, one for UDP

For six or more TCP ports or UDP ports: multiple forwarding rules, where each forwarding rule supports one protocol and five or fewer ports

Yes Set --ports to a set of up to five contiguous or non-contiguous port numbers.
Multiple IP addresses, traffic on all ports, either TCP or UDP

At least two forwarding rules—one for TCP using one IP address, one for UDP using a different IP address

Three or more forwarding rules if you need three or more IP addresses

No --ports=ALL
Multiple IP addresses, traffic on specific ports, either TCP or UDP

At least two forwarding rules—one for TCP using one IP address, one for UDP using a different IP address

More than two forwarding rules if you need one of the following:

  • More than two IP addresses
  • More than five ports for TCP traffic on an IP address or more than five ports for UDP traffic on an IP address

For one IP address with five or fewer TCP ports and one IP address with five or fewer UDP ports: no

For six or more TCP ports or UDP ports: yes

Set --ports to a set of up to five contiguous or non-contiguous port numbers.


  • Two or more forwarding rules with the same IP address and protocol cannot have overlapping ports. For example:
    • When you configure the forwarding rule with protocol TCP and port 80, you cannot configure another forwarding rule to serve that protocol and port. For example, you cannot create another forwarding rule to serve TCP ports 80, 81, and 90.
    • When you configure the forwarding rule for TCP and ports 80, 8080, and 90, you cannot configure another forwarding rule for TCP that would use all ports.
  • When two or more forwarding rules share the same IP address by using the --purpose=SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP flag, at most only one of them can have the protocol set to L3_DEFAULT.

Use cases

Many different types of deployments are possible. The following examples use one IP address that accepts traffic on specific ports for two load balancers.

Example 1

This example uses different forwarding rules with the following parameters:

  • The same IP address (
  • Different protocols
  • Separate backend services that each forwarding rule points to
  • Matching protocols: the protocol of each backend service matches the protocol of the corresponding forwarding rule
Different forwarding rules, same IP address, different protocols and ports.
Different forwarding rules, same IP address, different protocols and ports (click to enlarge).

Example 2

This example uses different forwarding rules with the following parameters:

  • The same IPv4 address (
  • The same protocol
  • A different set of numbered ports on each forwarding rule
Different forwarding rules, same IP address, same protocol, more than five numbered ports.
Different forwarding rules, same IP address, same protocol, more than five numbered ports (click to enlarge).

Configuration steps

You can create multiple internal forwarding rules that have the same IP address if you do both of the following:

  1. Create a static (reserved) internal IP address for the forwarding rules to use.
  2. Set the --purpose flag on the shared internal IP address to the value SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP.

For an example setup, see Accepting traffic on multiple ports using two forwarding rules.