Interface ResourceSettingsServiceGrpc.AsyncService (1.43.0)

public static interface ResourceSettingsServiceGrpc.AsyncService

An interface to interact with resource settings and setting values throughout the resource hierarchy. Services may surface a number of settings for users to control how their resources behave. Values of settings applied on a given Cloud resource are evaluated hierarchically and inherited by all descendants of that resource. For all requests, returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.PERMISSION_DENIED if the IAM check fails or the parent resource is not in a Cloud Organization. For all requests, returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT if the request is malformed.


getSetting(GetSettingRequest request, StreamObserver<Setting> responseObserver)

public default void getSetting(GetSettingRequest request, StreamObserver<Setting> responseObserver)

Gets a setting. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the setting does not exist.

Name Description
request GetSettingRequest
responseObserver io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Setting>

listSettings(ListSettingsRequest request, StreamObserver<ListSettingsResponse> responseObserver)

public default void listSettings(ListSettingsRequest request, StreamObserver<ListSettingsResponse> responseObserver)

Lists all the settings that are available on the Cloud resource parent.

Name Description
request ListSettingsRequest
responseObserver io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<ListSettingsResponse>

updateSetting(UpdateSettingRequest request, StreamObserver<Setting> responseObserver)

public default void updateSetting(UpdateSettingRequest request, StreamObserver<Setting> responseObserver)

Updates a setting. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the setting does not exist. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.FAILED_PRECONDITION if the setting is flagged as read only. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.ABORTED if the etag supplied in the request does not match the persisted etag of the setting value. On success, the response will contain only name, local_value and etag. The metadata and effective_value cannot be updated through this API. Note: the supplied setting will perform a full overwrite of the local_value field.

Name Description
request UpdateSettingRequest
responseObserver io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Setting>