Integration Connectors overview
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Integration Connectors let you connect to various data sources from your integrations. With connectors, both Google Cloud services and other business applications are exposed to your integrations through a transparent, standard interface. As an integration developer, you can quickly connect to a growing pool of applications and systems without the need for protocol-specific knowledge or the use of custom code.
Key benefits
With Integration Connectors, you can quickly and easily implement key configurations for each connected service or application:
- Authentication: Each Connector offers one or more supported authentication methods that can be configured for the target application.
- Endpoint Configuration: Each Connector is custom configured to connect to one instance of an application or technology via URL, tenant ID, or other identification mechanism specific to the connector type.
- Protocol Mediation: Each Connector translates the native communication protocol of the target application, such as Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), into a standard communication protocol, like REST.
- Data format mediation: Each Connector translates the native data format of the target application to a standardized data format. The Connector then loads the schema for targeted data into your integration, making the data available for use by integration tasks.
- Data discovery: Each Connector inspects the target application and provides a list of data objects and operations available for use in an integration.
- Event subscription: You can configure event listeners for the connectors, and use the events to trigger your integrations.
Simplified integration development
As an integration developer, you can use the Google Cloud console to:
- Create and configure a connection once and use the connection in any future integrations.
- Discover a wide array of available target application interfaces.
- Interact with data from multiple disparate sources and formats in a standardized and streamlined manner.
What's next
- To get started with Integration Connectors, see Set up Integration Connectors.
- To view the list of all the available connectors, see All Integration Connectors.
- Try Perform CRUD operations on a MySQL database.
- Discuss Integration Connectors with the community on Cloud Forums.