Example: Private connectivity for a MongoDB Atlas cluster

This page explains how to enable connectivity from Integration Connectors to your MongoDB Atlas cluster running on a private network within Google Cloud.

Configure private connectivity for an Atlas cluster

To configure private connectivity for an Atlas cluster, do the following:

  1. Login to your Atlas management console.
  2. Open the Atlas project for which you need to establish the network connectivity.
  3. Open the Network access page for the project, and then select Private endpoint.
  4. Select Dedicated Cluster, and then click Add private endpoint.

    This opens the dialog to choose a cloud provider.

  5. Select Google Cloud, and then click Next.
  6. Select an Atlas region, and then click Next.

    This is the Google Cloud region where your Atlas cluster is created, and it should be the same region as that of the Google Cloud project where you create your connections. For the list of all the supported Integration Connector regions, see Locations.

  7. Enter the Google Cloud project ID. This is the project ID of the service directory from the Integration Connectors runtime. For more information, see Get the project ID of the service directory.
  8. In the VPC name field, enter default.
  9. In the Subnet name field, enter default.
  10. In the Private service connect endpoint prefix field, enter a prefix.

    This text is prefixed to all the endpoint names and can be used to identify the private endpoints you have created.

  11. Install the gcloud CLI (command line interface). For more information, see Install the gcloud CLI.
  12. Copy and save the following shell script as setup_psc.sh on your local system.

    Set appropriate values for the following variables in the script:

    • REGION
    • PREFIX
    alias gcurl='curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"'
    # Set PROJECT_ID to the ID of the Google Cloud project where you create your connections.
    # Set REGION to the Google Cloud region where Atlas cluster is installed.
    export REGION=REGION
    export HOSTNAME=https://connectors.googleapis.com/v1
    # Set ENDPOINT_PREFIX to the prefix value that you entered for the
    # "Private service connect endpoint prefix" field (in step 10).
    # Set SERVICE_ATTACHMENT_ID_PREFIX to the prefix of the service attachments
    # created by Atlas. The service attachments are present in the script
    # displayed on the Atlas UI and have the following naming format:
    # projects/{google-cloud-project-id-of-atlas-cluster}/regions/{region}/serviceAttachment/{prefix}-{index}
    # For example, if the service attachment is
    # "projects/p-ditnerelrvndieqhe3kh9pop/regions/us-west1/serviceAttachments/sa-us-west1-37204mg5wr0j6-$i",
    # you must set the value of SERVICE_ATTACHMENT_ID_PREFIX to
    # "projects/p-ditnerelrvndieqhe3kh9pop/regions/us-west1/serviceAttachments/sa-us-west1-37204mg5wr0j6"
    # Set ENDPOINT_GLOBAL_ACCESS to true if you want to enable global access for the endpoint, else false.
    if [ "$ENDPOINT_GLOBAL_ACCESS" != "true" ] && [ "$ENDPOINT_GLOBAL_ACCESS" != "false" ]; then
        echo "Error: Variable ENDPOINT_GLOBAL_ACCESS must be either 'true' or 'false'."
        exit 1
    function poll_operation() {
      while [[ "$RESULT" != *"true"* ]];
        RESULT=$(gcurl -s -X GET "${HOSTNAME}/${OPERATION_ID}" | grep '"done"')
        sleep 5
      echo "${PREFIX}-${INDEX} created"
    echo "Creating Endpoint Attachments..."
    for i in {0..49}
      export ENDPOINT=${HOSTNAME}/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/locations/${REGION}/endpointAttachments?endpointAttachmentId=${PREFIX}-$i
      OPERATION_ID=$(gcurl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "'"projects/${PROJECT_ID}/locations/${REGION}/endpointAttachments/${PREFIX}-$i"'","serviceAttachment": "'"${SERVICE_ATTACHMENT_ID_PREFIX}-$i"'", "endpointGlobalAccess":'${ENDPOINT_GLOBAL_ACCESS}'}' "${ENDPOINT}" | sed 's/  //' | grep -E '"name"' | sed -E 's/"name": "//' | sed 's/",//')
      poll_operation "$OPERATION_ID" "$i" &
    echo "All endpoint attachments created."
    echo "[" > atlasEndpoints-${PREFIX}.json
    echo "Fetching IP Addresses..."
    for i in {0..49}
      response=$(gcurl -s -X GET "${ENDPOINT}" | sed 's/  //g' | grep -E 'name|endpointIp' | sed 's/"endpointIp"/"IPAddress"/g' | sed -E 's/"name": "projects\/.+\/locations\/.+\/endpointAttachments\//"name": "/g' | sed '1 s/"/{"/1')
      if [ "$ENDPOINT_GLOBAL_ACCESS" = "true" ]; then
        echo "${response}" | sed '2 s/"/"}/4' >> atlasEndpoints-${PREFIX}.json
        echo "${response}" | sed '2 s/"/"},/4' >> atlasEndpoints-${PREFIX}.json
    sed -i '$s/,/]/' atlasEndpoints-${PREFIX}.json
    echo "Created atlasEndpoints-${PREFIX}.json"
  13. Run the shell script. To run the shell script, go to the directory in which you saved the script, and then run the following command:
    sh setup_psc.sh

    This script, generates a JSON file that has the list of IP addresses and their corresponding PSC endpoint names. The JSON file is saved in the directory where the shell script is run.

  14. Click Next in the Atlas management console.
  15. Click Upload JSON file, and then upload the JSON file that got created in step 13.
  16. Click Create.

    The endpoint setup process might take up to 25 minutes to complete, and if the setup is successful, the endpoint will be in the Available state.

  17. Verify your private connectivity. For more information, see Verify private connectivity.

Get the project ID of the service directory

To get the project ID of the service directory, you can use the List Connections API as shown in the following example.


curl -X GET \
    -H "authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Replace the following:

  • CONNECTORS_PROJECT_ID: The ID of your Google Cloud project where you created your connection.


This example gets the project ID of the service directory for the connectors-test Google Cloud project.

curl -X GET \
    -H "authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Running this command on the terminal displays an output similar to the following:

  "connections": [
      "name": "projects/connectors-test/locations/asia-northeast1/connections/big-query-iam-invalid-sa",
      "createTime": "2022-10-07T09:02:31.905048520Z",
      "updateTime": "2022-10-07T09:22:39.993778690Z",
      "connectorVersion": "projects/connectors-test/locations/global/providers/gcp/connectors/bigquery/versions/1",
      "status": {
        "state": "ACTIVE"
      "configVariables": [
          "key": "project_id",
          "stringValue": "connectors-test"
          "key": "dataset_id",
          "stringValue": "testDataset"
      "authConfig": {},
      "serviceAccount": "564332356444-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
      "serviceDirectory": "projects/abcdefghijk-tp/locations/asia-northeast1/namespaces/connectors/services/runtime",
      "nodeConfig": {
        "minNodeCount": 2,
        "maxNodeCount": 50

In the sample output, for the connectors-test Google Cloud project, the project ID of the service directory is abcdefghijk-tp.

Verify private connectivity

To verify private connectivity to your Atlas cluster(s) do the following:

  1. In the Atlas management console, open the Database Deployments page.
  2. Scroll to the required cluster, and then click Connect. This opens the Connect to <CLUSTER_NAME> dialog.
  3. Click Private Endpoint for connection type.
  4. Select the private endpoint prefix that you had entered in the Atlas UI from the Choose a private endpoint drop-down.
  5. Click Choose a connection method.
  6. Click Drivers in the Connect to your application section. This step is to get the srv connection string.
  7. Copy the srv connection string from the Add your connection string into your application code section.

    Format of the srv string: mongodb+srv://{cluster-name}-pl-{index}.{unique-pin}.mongodb.net.

  8. Create a MongoDB connection by using this srv string as the hostname. For more information, see Configure a MongoDB connector.

    The connection should be successfully created.