Using query parameters and headers

This page describes how to use Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) query parameters and headers to enhance your application UI or provide troubleshooting options.

Query Parameters

Different actions can be performed by setting the parameter gcp-iap-mode in the URL query string. These query parameters can be included with any path, not just the root URL.

Passing user identity

Passing the following parameter value returns a JSON dictionary with the user's identity:


This is available from any signed-in Google account, even if the account doesn't have access to the app. You can navigate to the URL directly or you can reference it to make requests to the URL. Following is an example value returned by the URL:


You might find this value useful to personalize your app, such as by displaying the user's name, to pass identity to another page, or capture usage data in logs.

Clearing user login

The following parameter value clears the IAP login cookie:


Passing this parameter clears all the IAP-issued cookies for your app and navigates the browser to YOUR_APP_URL. If your browser has a valid session with the identity provider (IdP) of your app, a silent sign-in might happen when there is only one account in use with the IdP. If there are multiple accounts in use, an account selection page opens to allow profile switching.

Testing JWT verification

IAP helps you test your JWT verification logic by passing invalid JWTs to testing webpages.

For example, IAP passes a JWT with an invalid signature for any request that contains the query parameters gcp-iap-mode=SECURE_TOKEN_TEST and iap-secure-token-test-type=SIGNATURE. Your verification logic should catch the invalid signature.

You can test your verification logic against any of the following scenarios by appending the appropriate parameters to a request.

Parameters Test case
?gcp-iap-mode=SECURE_TOKEN_TEST&iap-secure-token-test-type=NOT_SET A valid JWT.
?gcp-iap-mode=SECURE_TOKEN_TEST&iap-secure-token-test-type=FUTURE_ISSUE Issue date is set in the future.
?gcp-iap-mode=SECURE_TOKEN_TEST&iap-secure-token-test-type=PAST_EXPIRATION Expiration date is set in the past.
?gcp-iap-mode=SECURE_TOKEN_TEST&iap-secure-token-test-type=ISSUER Incorrect issuer.
?gcp-iap-mode=SECURE_TOKEN_TEST&iap-secure-token-test-type=AUDIENCE Incorrect audience.
?gcp-iap-mode=SECURE_TOKEN_TEST&iap-secure-token-test-type=SIGNATURE Signed using an incorrect signer.

Special headers

Detecting responses from IAP

When IAP generates an HTTP response, such as when it denies access (403) or requests authentication (302 or 401), it adds the X-Goog-IAP-Generated-Response HTTP response header. By detecting the presence of this header, you can perform actions like:

  • Distinguish between error messages generated by IAP and error messages generated by your application.

  • Detect when IAP credentials need to be added to a request.