This article shows you how to build your own authentication page using external identities and IAP. Constructing this page yourself gives you full control over the authentication flow and user experience.
If you don't need to fully customize your UI, you can let IAP host a sign-in page for you, or use FirebaseUI for a more streamlined experience.
To build your own authentication page, follow these steps:
- Enable external identities. Select I'll provide my own UI option during setup.
- Install the
library. - Configure the UI by implementing the
interface. Your authentication page must handle the following scenarios:- Tenant selection
- User authorization
- User sign in
- Error handling
- Optional: Customize your authentication page with additional features, such as progress bars, sign out pages, and user processing.
- Test your UI.
Installing the gcip-iap library
To install the gcip-iap
library, run the following command:
npm install gcip-iap --save
The gcip-iap
NPM module abstracts the communications between
your application, IAP, and Identity Platform. This lets you customize the entire
authentication flow without having to manage the underlying exchanges between the
UI and IAP.
Use the correct imports for your SDK version:
// Import Firebase/GCIP dependencies. These are installed on npm install.
import * as firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/auth';
// Import GCIP/IAP module.
import * as ciap from 'gcip-iap';
Starting with version v1.0.0, gcip-iap
requires the firebase
v9 peer dependency or greater.
If you are migrating to gcip-iap
v1.0.0 or above, complete the following
- Update the
version in yourpackage.json
file to v9.6.0+. - Update the
import statements as follows:
// Import Firebase modules.
import firebase from 'firebase/compat/app';
import 'firebase/compat/auth';
// Import the gcip-iap module.
import * as ciap from 'gcip-iap';
No additional code changes are needed.
Starting with version v2.0.0, gcip-iap
requires rewrite of your custom UI application using the modular SDK format. If you are migrating to gcip-iap
v2.0.0 or above, complete the following actions:
- Update the
version in yourpackage.json
file to v9.8.3+. - Update the
import statements as follows:
// Import Firebase modules.
import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app';
import { getAuth, GoogleAuthProvider } 'firebase/auth';
// Import the gcip-iap module.
import * as ciap from 'gcip-iap';
Configuring the UI
To configure the UI, create a custom class that implements the
interface AuthenticationHandler {
languageCode?: string | null;
getAuth(apiKey: string, tenantId: string | null): FirebaseAuth;
startSignIn(auth: FirebaseAuth, match?: SelectedTenantInfo): Promise<UserCredential>;
selectTenant?(projectConfig: ProjectConfig, tenantIds: string[]): Promise<SelectedTenantInfo>;
completeSignOut(): Promise<void>;
processUser?(user: User): Promise<User>;
showProgressBar?(): void;
hideProgressBar?(): void;
handleError?(error: Error | CIAPError): void;
During authentication, the library automatically calls AuthenticationHandler
's methods.
Selecting tenants
To select a tenant, implement selectTenant()
. You
can implement this method to choose a tenant programmatically, or
display a UI so the user can select one themselves.
In either case, the library uses the returned SelectedTenantInfo
to complete the authentication flow. It contains the ID of the
selected tenant, any provider IDs, and the email the user entered.
If you have multiple tenants in your project, you must select one before you can
authenticate a user. If you only have a single tenant, or are using
project-level authentication, you don't need to implement selectTenant()
IAP supports the same providers as Identity Platform, such as:
- Email and password
- OAuth (Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Microsoft, etc)
- Phone number
- Custom
- Anonymous
Phone number, custom, and anonymous authentication types are not supported for multi-tenancy.
Selecting tenants programmatically
To select a tenant programmatically, leverage the current context. The
class contains getOriginalURL()
that returns the
URL the user was accessing before authentication.
Use this to locate a match from a list of associated tenants:
// Select provider programmatically.
selectTenant(projectConfig, tenantIds) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Show UI to select the tenant.
.then((originalUrl) => {
tenantId: getMatchingTenantBasedOnVisitedUrl(originalUrl),
// If associated provider IDs can also be determined,
// populate this list.
providerIds: [],
Allowing users to select tenants
To allow the user to select a tenant, display a list of tenants and have the user choose one, or ask them to enter their email address and then locate a match based on the domain:
// Select provider by showing UI.
selectTenant(projectConfig, tenantIds) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Show UI to select the tenant.
// On tenant selection.
(selectedTenantId) => {
tenantId: selectedTenantId,
// If associated provider IDs can also be determined,
// populate this list.
providerIds: [],
// If email is available, populate this field too.
email: undefined,
Authenticating users
After you have a provider, implement getAuth()
to return an Auth instance,
corresponding to the API key and tenant ID provided. If no tenant ID
is provided, use project-level identity providers.
tracks where the user corresponding to the
provided configuration is stored. It also makes it possible to silently
refresh a previously authenticated user's Identity Platform ID token
without requiring the user to re-enter their credentials.
If you're using multiple IAP resources with different tenants, we recommended using a unique authentication instance for each resource. This allows multiple resources with different configurations to use the same authentication page. It also allows multiple users to sign in at the same time without logging out the previous user.
The following is an example of how to implement getAuth()
getAuth(apiKey, tenantId) {
let auth = null;
// Make sure the expected API key is being used.
if (apiKey !== expectedApiKey) {
throw new Error('Invalid project!');
try {
auth = || undefined).auth();
// Tenant ID should be already set on initialization below.
} catch (e) {
// Use different App names for every tenant so that
// multiple users can be signed in at the same time (one per tenant).
const app = firebase.initializeApp(this.config, tenantId || '[DEFAULT]');
auth = app.auth();
// Set the tenant ID on the Auth instance.
auth.tenantId = tenantId || null;
return auth;
import {initializeApp, getApp} from 'firebase/app';
import {getAuth} from 'firebase/auth';
getAuth(apiKey, tenantId) {
let auth = null;
// Make sure the expected API key is being used.
if (apiKey !== expectedApiKey) {
throw new Error('Invalid project!');
try {
auth = getAuth(getApp(tenantId || undefined));
// Tenant ID should be already set on initialization below.
} catch (e) {
// Use different App names for every tenant so that
// multiple users can be signed in at the same time (one per tenant).
const app = initializeApp(this.config, tenantId || '[DEFAULT]');
auth = getAuth(app);
// Set the tenant ID on the Auth instance.
auth.tenantId = tenantId || null;
return auth;
Signing users in
To handle sign in, implement startSignIn()
, display a
UI for the user to authenticate, and then return a
for the signed in user on completion.
In a multi-tenant environment, you can determine available authentication methods
from SelectedTenantInfo
, if it was provided. This variable contains
the same information returned by selectTenant()
The following example shows a startSignIn()
implementation for
an existing user with an email and password:
startSignIn(auth, selectedTenantInfo) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Show the UI to sign-in or sign-up a user.
$('#sign-in-form').on('submit', (e) => {
const email = $('#email').val();
const password = $('#password').val();
// Example: Ask the user for an email and password.
// Note: The method of sign in may have already been determined from the
// selectedTenantInfo object.
auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.then((userCredential) => {
.catch((error) => {
// Show the error message.
import {signInWithEmailAndPassword} from 'firebase/auth';
startSignIn(auth, selectedTenantInfo) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Show the UI to sign-in or sign-up a user.
$('#sign-in-form').on('submit', (e) => {
const email = $('#email').val();
const password = $('#password').val();
// Example: Ask the user for an email and password.
// Note: The method of sign in may have already been determined from the
// selectedTenantInfo object.
signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password)
.then((userCredential) => {
.catch((error) => {
// Show the error message.
You can also sign in users with a federated provider, such as SAML or OIDC, using a popup or redirect:
startSignIn(auth, selectedTenantInfo) {
// Show the UI to sign-in or sign-up a user.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Provide the user multiple buttons to sign-in.
// For example sign-in with popup using a SAML provider.
// Note: The method of sign in may have already been determined from the
// selectedTenantInfo object.
const provider = new firebase.auth.SAMLAuthProvider('saml.myProvider');
.then((userCredential) => {
.catch((error) => {
// Show the error message.
// Using redirect flow. When the page redirects back and sign-in completes,
// ciap will detect the result and complete sign-in without any additional
// action.
import {signInWithPopup, SAMLAuthProvider} from 'firebase/auth';
startSignIn(auth, selectedTenantInfo) {
// Show the UI to sign-in or sign-up a user.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Provide the user multiple buttons to sign-in.
// For example sign-in with popup using a SAML provider.
// Note: The method of sign in might have already been determined from the
// selectedTenantInfo object.
const provider = new SAMLAuthProvider('saml.myProvider');
signInWithPopup(auth, provider)
.then((userCredential) => {
.catch((error) => {
// Show the error message.
// Using redirect flow. When the page redirects back and sign-in completes,
// ciap will detect the result and complete sign-in without any additional
// action.
signInWithRedirect(auth, provider);
Some OAuth providers support passing a login hint for sign-in:
startSignIn(auth, selectedTenantInfo) {
// Show the UI to sign-in or sign-up a user.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Use selectedTenantInfo to determine the provider and pass the login hint
// if that provider supports it and the user specified an email address.
if (selectedTenantInfo &&
selectedTenantInfo.providerIds &&
selectedTenantInfo.providerIds.indexOf('') !== -1) {
const provider = new firebase.auth.OAuthProvider('');
login_hint: || undefined,
} else {
// Figure out the provider used...
.then((userCredential) => {
.catch((error) => {
// Show the error message.
import {signInWithPopup, OAuthProvider} from 'firebase/auth';
startSignIn(auth, selectedTenantInfo) {
// Show the UI to sign in or sign up a user.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Use selectedTenantInfo to determine the provider and pass the login hint
// if that provider supports it and the user specified an email address.
if (selectedTenantInfo &&
selectedTenantInfo.providerIds &&
selectedTenantInfo.providerIds.indexOf('') !== -1) {
const provider = new OAuthProvider('');
login_hint: || undefined,
} else {
// Figure out the provider used...
signInWithPopup(auth, provider)
.then((userCredential) => {
.catch((error) => {
// Show the error message.
See Authenticating with multi-tenancy for more information.
Handling errors
To display error messages to users or to attempt recovery from errors such as network timeouts,
implement handleError()
The following example implements handleError()
handleError(error) {
code: error.code,
message: error.message,
// Whether to show the retry button. This is only available if the error is
// recoverable via retrial.
retry: !!error.retry,
// When user clicks retry, call error.retry();
$('.alert-link').on('click', (e) => {
return false;
The table below lists IAP specific error codes that can
be returned. Identity Platform can also return errors; see the documentation for
Error code | Description |
invalid-argument |
Client specified an invalid argument. |
failed-precondition |
Request can not be executed in the current system state. |
out-of-range |
Client specified an invalid range. |
unauthenticated |
Request not authenticated due to a missing, invalid, or expired OAuth token. |
permission-denied |
Client does not have sufficient permission, or the UI is hosted on an unauthorized domain. |
not-found . |
Specified resource is not found. |
aborted |
Concurrency conflict, such as read-modify-write conflict. |
already-exists |
The resource that a client tried to create already exists. |
resource-exhausted |
Either out of resource quota or reaching rate limiting. |
cancelled |
Request cancelled by the client. |
data-loss |
Unrecoverable data loss or data corruption. |
unknown |
Unknown server error. |
internal |
Internal server error. |
not-implemented |
API method not implemented by the server. |
unavailable |
Service unavailable. |
restart-process |
Revisit the URL that redirected you to this page to restart the authentication process. |
deadline-exceeded |
Request deadline exceeded. |
authentication-uri-fail |
Failed to generate authentication URI. |
gcip-token-invalid |
Invalid GCIP ID token provided. |
gcip-redirect-invalid |
Invalid redirect URL. |
get-project-mapping-fail |
Failed to get project ID. |
gcip-id-token-encryption-error |
GCIP ID token encryption error. |
gcip-id-token-decryption-error |
GCIP ID token decryption error. |
gcip-id-token-unescape-error |
Web safe base64 unescape failed. |
resource-missing-gcip-sign-in-url |
Missing GCIP authentication URL for the specified IAP resource. |
Customizing the UI
You can customize your authentication page with optional features such as progress bars and sign out pages.
Displaying a progress UI
To display a custom progress UI to the user whenever the gcip-iap
module executes long-running network tasks,
implement showProgressBar()
and hideProgressBar()
Signing users out
In some cases, you may want to allow users to sign out from all current sessions that share the same authentication URL.
After a user signs out, there may be no URL to redirect them back to.
This commonly occurs when a user signs out from all tenants associated with a
page. In this case, implement completeSignOut()
display a message indicating the user logged out successfully. If you don't implement this method,
a blank page appears when a user signs out.
Processing users
To modify a signed in user before redirecting to the IAP resource,
implement processUser()
You can use this method to do the following:
- Link to additional providers.
- Update the user's profile.
- Ask the user for additional data after registration.
- Process OAuth access tokens returned by
after callingsignInWithRedirect()
The following is an example of implementing processUser()
processUser(user) {
return lastAuthUsed.getRedirectResult().then(function(result) {
// Save additional data, or ask the user for additional profile information
// to store in database, etc.
if (result) {
// Save result.additionalUserInfo.
// Save result.credential.accessToken for OAuth provider, etc.
// Return the user.
return user;
import {getRedirectResult} from 'firebase/auth';
processUser(user) {
return getRedirectResult(lastAuthUsed).then(function(result) {
// Save additional data, or ask the user for additional profile information
// to store in database, etc.
if (result) {
// Save result.additionalUserInfo.
// Save result.credential.accessToken for OAuth provider, etc.
// Return the user.
return user;
If you want any changes to a user reflected in the ID token claims propagated by IAP to your app, you must force the token to refresh:
processUser(user) {
return user.updateProfile({
photoURL: '',
}).then(function() {
// To reflect updated photoURL in the ID token, force token
// refresh.
return user.getIdToken(true);
}).then(function() {
return user;
import {updateProfile} from 'firebase/auth';
processUser(user) {
return updateProfile(user, {
photoURL: '',
}).then(function() {
// To reflect updated photoURL in the ID token, force token
// refresh.
return user.getIdToken(true);
}).then(function() {
return user;
Testing the UI
After you've created a class that implements AuthenticationHandler
, you can
use it to create a new Authentication
instance, and start it:
// Implement interface AuthenticationHandler.
// const authHandlerImplementation = ....
const ciapInstance = new ciap.Authentication(authHandlerImplementation);
Deploy your application and navigate to the authentication page. You should see your custom sign-in UI.
What's next
- Learn how to access non-Google resources programmatically.
- Learn about managing sessions.
- Learn how external identities work with IAP.