在 Amazon EC2 中设置 Error Reporting

您可以通过下列任一方式将 EC2 应用的错误发送到 Error Reporting:

使用 Logging 报告错误

如需将 EC2 应用连接到 Error Reporting,请执行以下操作: 将异常或其他错误发送到 Logging。


  1. 将 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 系统连接到 Google Cloud。 如需了解详情,请参阅在单个虚拟机上安装 Logging 代理
  2. 按原样安装 Logging google-fluentd 代理 适合您的环境。有关说明,请参阅 安装 Logging 代理
  3. 修改您的应用,使其将异常及其堆栈轨迹记录到 Logging。

    您必须在同一日志条目中添加单个错误或异常的所有信息,包括任何堆栈轨迹的所有帧。如果所有信息 则 Error Reporting 可能无法检测到错误。 您可以使用结构化 JSON 格式 日志条目载荷包含不同类型的信息 每个错误。

  4. Java

    请将以下内容添加到 pom.xml 文件:



    public class ExceptionUtil {
      private static FluentLogger ERRORS = FluentLogger.getLogger("myapp");
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
          throw new Exception("Generic exception for testing Stackdriver");
        } catch (Exception e) {
      public static void report(Throwable ex) {
        StringWriter exceptionWriter = new StringWriter();
        ex.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(exceptionWriter));
        Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
        data.put("message", exceptionWriter.toString());
        Map<String, String> serviceContextData = new HashMap<>();
        serviceContextData.put("service", "myapp");
        data.put("serviceContext", serviceContextData);
        // ... add more metadata
        ERRORS.log("errors", data);


    首先,安装 fluent-logger-python

    sudo pip install fluent-logger


    import traceback
    import fluent.event
    import fluent.sender
    def simulate_error():
        fluent.sender.setup("myapp", host="localhost", port=24224)
        def report(ex):
            data = {}
            data["message"] = "{0}".format(ex)
            data["serviceContext"] = {"service": "myapp"}
            # ... add more metadata
            fluent.event.Event("errors", data)
        # report exception data using:
            # simulate calling a method that's not defined
            raise NameError
        except Exception:


    首先,安装 fluent-logger-node

    npm install --save fluent-logger


    const structuredLogger = require('fluent-logger').createFluentSender('myapp', {
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 24224,
      timeout: 3.0,
    const report = (err, req) => {
      const payload = {
        serviceContext: {
          service: 'myapp',
        message: err.stack,
        context: {
          httpRequest: {
            url: req.originalUrl,
            method: req.method,
            referrer: req.header('Referer'),
            userAgent: req.header('User-Agent'),
            remoteIp: req.ip,
            responseStatusCode: 500,
      structuredLogger.emit('errors', payload);
    // Handle errors (the following uses the Express framework)
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
      report(err, req);
      res.status(500).send(err.response || 'Something broke!');


    首先,安装 fluent-logger-golang 软件包

    go get github.com/fluent/fluent-logger-golang/


    package main
    import (
    var logger *fluent.Fluent
    func main() {
    	var err error
    	logger, err = fluent.New(fluent.Config{
    		FluentHost: "localhost",
    		FluentPort: 24224,
    	if err != nil {
    	http.HandleFunc("/demo", demoHandler)
    	port := os.Getenv("PORT")
    	if port == "" {
    		port = "8080"
    	log.Printf("Listening on port %s", port)
    	if err := http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, nil); err != nil {
    func report(stackTrace string, r *http.Request) {
    	payload := map[string]interface{}{
    		"serviceContext": map[string]interface{}{
    			"service": "myapp",
    		"message": stackTrace,
    		"context": map[string]interface{}{
    			"httpRequest": map[string]interface{}{
    				"method":    r.Method,
    				"url":       r.URL.String(),
    				"userAgent": r.UserAgent(),
    				"referrer":  r.Referer(),
    				"remoteIp":  r.RemoteAddr,
    	if err := logger.Post("myapp.errors", payload); err != nil {
    // Handler for the incoming requests.
    func demoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    	// How to handle a panic.
    	defer func() {
    		if e := recover(); e != nil {
    			stack := make([]byte, 1<<16)
    			stackSize := runtime.Stack(stack, true)
    			report(string(stack[:stackSize]), r)
    	// Panic is triggered.
    	x := 0
    	log.Println(100500 / x)

    使用 Error Reporting API 写入错误

    Error Reporting API 提供了 report 端点,用于将错误信息写入服务。

    1. Enable the Error Reporting API.

      Enable the API

    2. 使用 REST API 或客户端库向 API 报告错误。



    ASP.NET NuGet 包从 从 ASP.NET Web 应用迁移到 Error Reporting。

    安装 NuGet 程序包

    要在 Visual Studio 中安装 Stackdriver ASP.NET NuGet 程序包,请执行以下操作:

    1. 右键点击您的解决方案,然后选择管理解决方案的 NuGet 程序包
    2. 选中包括预发行版复选框。
    3. 搜索并安装名为 Google.Cloud.Diagnostics.AspNet 的软件包。


    安装 Stackdriver ASP.NET NuGet 程序包之后,请将下列语句添加到应用代码中,以开始向 Stackdriver 发送错误:

    using Google.Cloud.Diagnostics.AspNet;

    将以下代码HttpConfiguration添加到Register .NET Web 应用(将 your-project-id 替换为您的实际 项目 ID 启用异常报告:

    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
        string projectId = "YOUR-PROJECT-ID";
        string serviceName = "NAME-OF-YOUR-SERVICE";
        string version = "VERSION-OF-YOUR-SERVCICE";
        // ...
        // Add a catch all for the uncaught exceptions.
            ErrorReportingExceptionLogger.Create(projectId, serviceName, version));
        // ...

    将此方法添加到 ASP.NET 应用后,您就可以查看 向 Google Cloud 报告异常时发生的未捕获到的异常 (在 Error Reporting 中) 部分。


    以下示例可在 GoogleCloudPlatform/dotnet-docs-samples 代码库。若要使用该示例,请在构建项目后指定您的项目 ID

    C:\...\bin\Debug> set GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID=[YOUR_PROJECT_ID]

    请务必将 [YOUR_PROJECT_ID] 替换为 Google Cloud 控制台。


    public class ErrorReportingSample
        public static void Main(string[] args)
                throw new Exception("Generic exception for testing Stackdriver Error Reporting");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Stackdriver Error Report Sent");
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the Error Reporting service (<seealso cref="ClouderrorreportingService"/>)
        /// with the Application Default Credentials and the proper scopes.
        /// See: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials.
        /// </summary>
        private static ClouderrorreportingService CreateErrorReportingClient()
            // Get the Application Default Credentials.
            GoogleCredential credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefaultAsync().Result;
            // Add the needed scope to the credentials.
            // Create the Error Reporting Service.
            ClouderrorreportingService service = new ClouderrorreportingService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
                HttpClientInitializer = credential,
            return service;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <seealso cref="ReportRequest"/> from a given exception.
        /// </summary>
        private static ReportRequest CreateReportRequest(Exception e)
            // Create the service.
            ClouderrorreportingService service = CreateErrorReportingClient();
            // Get the project ID from the environement variables.
            string projectId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID");
            // Format the project id to the format Error Reporting expects. See:
            // https://cloud.google.com/error-reporting/reference/rest/v1beta1/projects.events/report
            string formattedProjectId = string.Format("projects/{0}", projectId);
            // Add a service context to the report.  For more details see:
            // https://cloud.google.com/error-reporting/reference/rest/v1beta1/projects.events#ServiceContext
            ServiceContext serviceContext = new ServiceContext()
                Service = "myapp",
                Version = "8c1917a9eca3475b5a3686d1d44b52908463b989",
            ReportedErrorEvent errorEvent = new ReportedErrorEvent()
                Message = e.ToString(),
                ServiceContext = serviceContext,
            return new ReportRequest(service, errorEvent, formattedProjectId);
        /// <summary>
        /// Report an exception to the Error Reporting service.
        /// </summary>
        private static void report(Exception e)
            // Create the report and execute the request.
            ReportRequest request = CreateReportRequest(e);


    请参阅设置 Go 版 Error Reporting


    请参阅设置 Java 版 Error Reporting


    请参阅设置 Node.js 版 Error Reporting


    请参阅设置 Ruby 版 Error Reporting


    请参阅设置 Python 版 Error Reporting


    请参阅设置 PHP 版 Error Reporting


    在 Google Cloud 控制台中,转到 Error Reporting 页面:

    前往 Error Reporting
