Configure a Cloud SQL for SQL Server database

The following steps cover how to configure a Cloud SQL for SQL Server database for use with Datastream:

  1. Connect to your Cloud SQL instance. You can do it using the gcloud sql connect command in the Cloud Shell prompt.

  2. Enable CDC on the database by running the following command:

    EXEC msdb.dbo.gcloudsql_cdc_enable_db 'DATABASE_NAME'

    Replace DATABASE_NAME with the name of your source database.

  3. Enable CDC on the tables for which you need to capture changes:

    EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_table
    @source_schema = N'SCHEMA_NAME',
    @source_name = N'TABLE_NAME',
    @role_name = NULL
  4. Enable snapshot isolation.

    When you backfill data from your SQL Server database, it's important to ensure consistent snapshots. If you don't apply the settings described in this section, changes made to the database during the backfill process might lead to duplicates or incorrect results, especially for tables without primary keys.

    Enabling snapshot isolation creates a temporary view of your database at the start of the backfill process. This ensures that the data being copied remains consistent, even if other users are making changes to the live tables at the same time. Enabling snapshot isolation might have a slight performance impact, but it's essential for reliable data extraction.

    To enable snapshot isolation:

    1. Connect to your database using a SQL Server client.
    2. Run the following command:

    Replace DATABASE_NAME with the name of you database.

  5. Create a Datastream user:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud SQL Instances page.

      Go to Cloud SQL Instances

    2. Create a user and assign the db_owner and db_denydatawriter roles to them:

    EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'USER_NAME';
    EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_denydatawriter', 'USER_NAME';

Additional steps required for the transaction logs CDC method

The steps described in this section are only required when you configure your source SQL Server database for use with the transaction logs CDC method.

  1. Set the retention period for which you want the changes to be available on your source.

    EXEC sys.sp_cdc_change_job @job_type = 'capture' , @pollinginterval = 86399
    EXEC sp_cdc_stop_job 'capture'
    EXEC sp_cdc_start_job 'capture'

    The @pollinginterval parameter is measured in seconds with a recommended value set to 86399. This means that the transaction log retains changes for 86,399 seconds (one day). Executing the sp_cdc_start_job 'capture procedure initiates the settings.

  2. Set up a log truncation safeguard.

    To make sure that the CDC reader has enough time to read the logs while allowing log truncation to prevent using up the storage space, you can set up a log truncation safeguard:

    1. Connect to the database using a SQL Server client.
    2. Create a dummy table in the database:

      CREATE TABLE dbo.gcp_datastream_truncation_safeguard (
        [id] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
        [char_column] CHAR(8)
    3. Create a stored procedure that runs an active transaction for a period that you specify to prevent log truncation:

      CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DatastreamLogTruncationSafeguard] @transaction_logs_retention_time INT
        -- Start a new transaction
        INSERT INTO dbo.gcp_datastream_truncation_safeguard (char_column) VALUES ('a')
      DECLARE @formatted_time VARCHAR(5)
      SET @formatted_time = CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), DATEADD(MINUTE, @transaction_logs_retention_time, 0), 108);
        -- Wait for X minutes before ending the transaction
        WAITFOR DELAY @formatted_time;
        -- Commit the transaction
    4. Create another stored procedure. This time, you create a job that runs the stored procedure that you created in the previous step according to a specified cadence:

      CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SetUpDatastreamJob] @transaction_logs_retention_time INT
        DECLARE @database_name VARCHAR(MAX)
        SET @database_name =  (SELECT DB_NAME());;
        DECLARE @command_str VARCHAR(MAX);
        SET @command_str = CONCAT('Use ', @database_name,'; exec dbo.DatastreamLogTruncationSafeguard @transaction_logs_retention_time = ' + CAST(@transaction_logs_retention_time AS VARCHAR(10)));
        DECLARE @job_name VARCHAR(MAX);
      SET @job_name =
        CONCAT(@database_name, '_', 'DatastreamLogTruncationSafeguardJob1')
          -- Add 3 schedules to the job to run again after specified time.
            NOT EXISTS(
              SELECT *
              FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs
              WHERE name = @job_name
        = @job_name,
        @enabled = 1,
        @description = N'Execute the procedure to run an active transaction for x minutes.';
      EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_name = @job_name,
      @step_name = N'Execute_DatastreamLogTruncationSafeguard',
      @subsystem = N'TSQL',
      @command = @command_str;
        -- Add a schedule that runs the stored procedure every given minutes starting now.
        DECLARE @schedule_name_1 VARCHAR(MAX);
        SET @schedule_name_1 = CONCAT(@database_name, '_', 'DatastreamEveryGivenMinutesFromNow')
        DECLARE @start_time_1 time;
        SET @start_time_1 = DATEADD(SECOND, 1, GETDATE());
        DECLARE @formatted_start_time_1 INT;
        SET @formatted_start_time_1 = CONVERT(INT, REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), @start_time_1, 114), ':' ,''));
        EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_schedule
        @schedule_name = @schedule_name_1,
        @freq_type = 4,  -- daily start
        @freq_subday_type = 4,  -- every X minutes daily
        @freq_interval = 1,
        @freq_subday_interval = @transaction_logs_retention_time,
        @active_start_time = @formatted_start_time_1;
        EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_attach_schedule
        @job_name = @job_name,
        @schedule_name = @schedule_name_1 ;
        -- Add a schedule that runs the stored procedure after every given minutes starting after some delay.
        DECLARE @schedule_name_2 VARCHAR(MAX);
        Set @schedule_name_2 = CONCAT(@database_name, '_', 'DatastreamEveryGivenMinutesAfterDelay');
        DECLARE @start_time_2 time;
        SET @start_time_2 = DATEADD(MINUTE, @transaction_logs_retention_time / 2, GETDATE());
        DECLARE @formatted_start_time_2 INT;
        SET @formatted_start_time_2 = CONVERT(INT, REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), @start_time_2, 114), ':' ,''));
        EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_schedule
        @schedule_name = @schedule_name_2,
        @freq_type = 4,  -- daily start
        @freq_subday_type = 4,  -- every x minutes daily
        @freq_interval = 1,
        @freq_subday_interval = @transaction_logs_retention_time,
        @active_start_time = @formatted_start_time_2;
        EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_attach_schedule
        @job_name = @job_name,
        @schedule_name = @schedule_name_2 ;
        -- Add a schedule that runs the stored procedure on the SQL Server Agent startup.
        DECLARE @schedule_name_agent_startup VARCHAR(MAX);
        Set @schedule_name_agent_startup = CONCAT(@database_name, '_', 'DatastreamSqlServerAgentStartupSchedule')
        EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_schedule
        @schedule_name = @schedule_name_agent_startup,
        @freq_type = 64,  -- start on SQL Server Agent startup
        @active_start_time = @formatted_start_time_1;
        EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_attach_schedule
        @job_name = @job_name,
        @schedule_name = @schedule_name_agent_startup ;
        EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver
        @job_name = @job_name,
        @server_name = @@servername ;
    5. Execute the stored procedure that creates the Datastream job.

      DECLARE @transaction_logs_retention_time INT = (INT)
      EXEC [dbo].[SetUpDatastreamJob] @transaction_logs_retention_time

      Replace INT with the number of minutes for which you want to retain the logs. For example:

      • The value of 60 sets the retention time to 1 hour
      • The value of 24 * 60 sets the retention time to 1 day
      • The value of 3 * 24 * 60 sets the retention time to 3 days
  3. Enable point-in-time recovery (PITR).

What's next