iOS SDK changelog

This page lists the releases of the Contact Center AI Platform iOS SDK.

Release 2.8 (2024-07-15)

  • Added support for landscape mode. With the iOS SDK, landscape mode is automatically turned on when the phone is in landscape mode.

Release 2.7 (2024-06-05)

  • Enhanced support for content cards, which control the look and feel of the chat and call windows. Content cards now include images and buttons. Possible implementations include call-to-action buttons that direct the end-user to a web page that you want to highlight.

  • Added the ability to customize the co-browse consent dialog.

  • Added support for reserved keys, which you can use to pass custom data about end-users to Contact Center AI Platform.

Dependency updates

iOS SDK release 2.7 requires updates to the following dependencies. Update these to the specified versions or higher:

  • Twilio Voice: 6.10.4

  • Twilio Conversations: 4.0.2

  • Co-browse: 2.29.6

Release 2.6.0 (2024-04-23)

Dependency updates

iOS SDK release 2.6.0 requires updates to the following dependencies. Update these to the specified versions or higher:

  • Twilio Programmable Voice: 6.10.2

  • Twilio Conversations: 4.0.2

  • Co-browse: 2.29.6

Release 2.5.0 (2024-03-04)

  • Added support for cold transfers in the chat channel.

  • Improved chat connection time.

  • Added a new InternalCall type.

  • Fixed an issue where images weren't rendering when the network connection was poor.

  • Fixed a crash caused by UjetBaseLogger.flushLogs().

Release 2.4.0 (2023-12-06)

  • Support for Display Previous Chats.
  • Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when end-users returned to a chat.

Release 2.2.0 (2023-08-23)

  • Added support for Content Cards feature.
  • Added option to hide system status bar.
  • Added support for customizing the Co-browse URL.
  • Fixed an issue where quick reply buttons could be pressed outside their boundaries.
  • Fixed an issue where a Virtual Agent's avatar icon was not displayed alongside their message.
  • Fixed an issue where the button in the user input bar was not aligned with the input field.
  • Fixed an issue where a new chat was not established after the previous chat was dismissed or timed out.
  • Fixed an issue where an agent's avatar bubble was not showing up in new messages.
  • Fixed an issue where the chat's send button was showing the label on the right when the customized image was small.
  • Improved accessibility.

Release 2.1.1 (2023-07-20)

  • Resolved a symbol conflict in the DispatchQueue.async function.

Release 2.1 (2023-06-28)

  • Added several new UI customization options to the chat experience.
  • Fixed an issue where chat wouldn't start if a preferred channel was set with PSA enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where a chat would remain open after the agent left the chat.
  • Fixed an issue where a chat would stay stuck during After Hours.
  • Fixed an issue with hold music downloads that would cause the app to crash.
  • Fixed an issue where wait times wouldn't be displayed during After Hours.

API changes

The following item was moved from UJETChatTheme to UJETChatHeaderTheme.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSAttributedString *attributedTextForChatHeaderView;

The following was added to UJETChat Theme:

- (instancetype)initWithJSONString:(NSString *)jsonString;

@property (nonatomic, strong) UJETChatBackButtonTheme *backButton;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UJETChatHeaderTheme *header;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UJETChatEndChatButtonTheme *endChatButton;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UJETChatSystemMessageTheme *systemMessage;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UJETFontTheme *timestampFont;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UJETChatMessageBubbleTheme *agentMessageBubble;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UJETChatMessageBubbleTheme *consumerMessageBubble;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UJETChatUserInputBarTheme *userInputBar;

Release 2.0.4 (2023-05-22)

  • Minor update to logging.

Release 2.0.3 (2023-04-20)

  • Fixed an issue where occasionally the chat did not end properly if the chat was minimized and the agent ended the chat.

Release 2.0.2 (2023-04-11)

  • Fixed an issue where the SDK couldn't restart after the chat was ended by an agent and the UI was minimized with the option blockChatTerminationByEndUser enabled.

Release 2.0.1 (2023-04-05)

  • Added a new configuration option that disables chat termination.

API changes



@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL blockChatTerminationByEndUser;

Release 2.0 (2023-03-15)

  • Arabic now supported.
  • Support for External Deflection Links during VA Escalation.
  • Fixed an issue where the app would sometimes crash while downloading the wai music.
  • Fixed an issue where the app would sometimes crash if the end-user pressed the Next button repeatedly.
  • Fixed an issue where the microphone permission was sometimes not requested from end-users for scheduled calls.
  • Fixed an issue where a DAP to an Instant call would sometimes not work.
  • Fixed an issue where end-users were sometimes not able to add file attachments to the email form.
  • Fixed the height of the status bar notification to support Dynamic Island.

0.50.1 (Nov 14, 2022)

Customize string on the chat header view and inline buttons style (WAM-3442)

API Changes


Customize label of the chat header view (WAM-3465)


@property (nonatomic, strong) NSAttributedString *attributedTextForChatHeaderView;
Customize inline button in chat (WAM-3469)


@property (nonatomic, strong) UJETChatQuickReplyButtonTheme *quickReplyButtonTheme;

0.50 Oct 12, 2022

UJETChatBlueKit is now integrated as an XCFramework

Fixes an issue where end user did not see system messages after agent ended chat while end user had lost network connection.

Fixes a crash that occurred when user would select a photo from his library as an email attachment.

Fixes an issue where push delegate wouldn't be call on iOS 16 Simulator, and ix Xcode 14 compilation error.

Fixes a crash occurring because UI was updated outside of the main thread on the call screen.

Fixes an issue where unsigned custom data is not posted on CRM ticket for calls and chats.

Fixes an issue where agent name is not displayed in CRM for presession smart action on call and chat.

Fixes an issue where escalation button wouldn't disappear after successful escalation.

Allows modules to be loaded selectively.

Fixes an issue where chat became unresponsive after mobile network disconnection and reconnection.

Fixes an issue where CSAT is shown before chat has ended.

Fixes an issue where country code would appears only after digits are entered.

Fixes an issue where background music from a stream application would keep on playing while the message 'Connecting to a call' is being played.

0.49 Sept 8, 2022

  • Updates integration steps to include UJETChatBlueKit

  • CCAI Platform module UJETTwilioChatKit renamed to UJETChatRedKit


  • Fixed a bug where selecting Overcapacity Deflection after the Universal Caller Announcement Interval is reached caused the app to crash.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the app to crash when the end call button was tapped without a network.

  • Fix an issue Debugging with LLDB.

  • Various minor bug fixes and stabilization.

0.48 July 27, 2022

  • Updated integration steps to include `UJETTwilioChatKit`.

  • Update dependencies versions.

    Dependency Versions

    TwilioVoice: 6.4.1

    TwilioConversationsClient: 2.2.2

    CobrowseIO: 2.20.1

0.47 June 29, 2022

  • Supports surveys to collect feedback from consumers following a support session.

  • Improves the reconnection experience during in app call and gracefully handled network degradation events.

  • Bug fixes and stabilization.

Breaking Changes

The CCAI Platform module is renamed with UJETKit so update the import statement.

import UJETKit

0.46.0 May 24, 2022

Supports queue level hold & wait music Supports Cobrowse

Supports new languages: Turkish, Thai, Vietnamese

Fixes an issue where the call has not reconnected when the app is restarted

Fixes to display the appropriate channel description depending on which single channel is enabled Fixes a crash in

Dependency Version

TwilioVoice: 6.3.1

TwilioConversationsClient: 2.2.2

CobrowseIO: 2.18.0

0.45.1 Apr 11, 2022

Update dependencies versions and the minimum iOS required version is 12 Fixes an issue where call is not dismissed properly for Voice Virtual Agent

Dependency Version

TwilioVoice: 6.3.1

TwilioConversationsClient: 2.2.1

0.45.0 Mar 29, 2022

Supports Voice Virtual Agent

Shows over-capacity deflection options during call transfer and reset a timer when user selects 'Stay on hold' option

Fixes a crash in class

API Changes


Supports Preferred Channel Parameter

0.44.0 Feb 15, 2022

Supports message preview for chat

Fixes to update participants of call even the push notification is not delivered Fixes a crash when the chat message of virtual agent has no text message Improves UI for small screen device such as iPhone SE 1st generation

0.43.0 Jan 12, 2022

Logs smart actions events

Supports XCFramework with arm64 simulator Supports Swift Package Manager

Improves on VA chat such as grouping message and sticky button Displays the right call participant on barged event

Fixes an issue where event of External Deflection Link is not logged

Bug fixes and stabilization

API Changes


Customize the font color on top of

Dependency Version

TwilioVoice: 6.3.0

TwilioConversationsClient: 1.3.1

0.42.0 Nov 5, 2021

Enables chat dismissal timers for Virtual Agent handles chats. It will place VA chat sessinos to inactive status after a certain time period of consumer inactivity.

Fixes the icon is upscaled in external deflection link as title grows Fixes VA avatar has reset when the chat is dismissed and resumed

Fixes bugs when an in-app call has transferred to channel redirected to voicemail and finished Fixes an issue where over-capacity deflection options were not working properly during waiting call Fixes an issue where smart action is appeared again after it's dismissed

Improves UX on Presession Smart Action of text input on clearing submitted text Stops playing audio if the call has failed to create

0.41.0 Oct 6, 2021

Supports External Deflection Links

0.40.0 Oct 1, 2021

Supports Chat Virtual Agent

Fixes message order between greeting and external chat transcript

Fixes an issue where the background color of Fixes minor bugs and improves UI

0.39.1 Aug 20, 2021

is transparent in iOS 15

Migrate chat dependency from to

Dependency Version

TwilioVoice: 6.2.2

TwilioConversationsClient: 1.3.1

0.39.0 July 16, 2021

Support Pre-session Smart Actions

Show a warning message before the chat is dismissed Improves on asking call recording UI to dismiss

Fixes an issues where passed

has not applied to some cases

0.38.1 Jun 4, 2021

Added support for the 'Ask to Record' feature, which can be enabled in Settings > Queue. When enabled, user will be asked to confirm whether they're okay with being recorded.

0.38.0 May 14, 2021

Populate chat history with external chat transcript using unsigned custom data Support new languages: English (UK, Canada) and French (Canada)

Fixes an issue where device language wasn't selected

Fixes extra spacing on chat message after pasting long text Improves text handling on size limit

Fixes an issue where archiving is failed with CocoaPods v1.10.x

Dependency Version

TwilioVoice: 6.2.2

TwilioChatClient: 4.2.1

0.37.0 Apr 16, 2021

Fixes an issue where the text color of the status bar doesn't match with the background color of the navigation bar

Fixes an issue where UILabel on the support menu is clipped instead of line break

Fixes an issue where VoIP is not connected for China region where CallKit is not enabled Fixes to use bundle display name instead of target name when showing a permission alert Fixes to decode Base 64 properly from JWT token

Limits chat message length to 918 characters

Shows overcapacity deflection option for call with option configured in CCAI Platform Portal The Podspec file is now served remotely. You can change your Podfile as illustrated in the following sections.

API Changes

Hide media attachment option from chat UI

Dependency Version

TwilioVoice: 6.2.2

TwilioChatClient: 4.1.0

0.36.0 Mar 4, 2021

Improves memory management for chat media Deprecates iOS 10 support

Dependency Version

TwilioVoice: 6.2.1

TwilioChatClient: 4.1.0

0.35.2 Feb 24, 2021

Introduces new themable options

API Changes


Customize font sizes on support views

Customize background color of menu views

0.35.1 Jan 22, 2021

Tracks email events Supports

in iOS 13+

Fixes a UI issue where the blurred background disappears after selecting deflection option Fixes an issue where German language is appeared briefly in cold start with skip entry option Fixes a crash on VoIP push notification when device region has been changed to China Fixes a crash on chat sessions

Fixes a crash if DAP only has scheduled call enabled

0.35.0 Nov 20, 2020

Track events on deflections

Shows a confirmation dialog before ending chat

Fixes an issue where call duration is reset after an hour

Fixes an issue where recorded video is not exported intermittently

Fixes an issue where text form is broken when long text is pasted in the chat input and email form Fixes an issue where call is not dismissed intermittently when declining an incoming call from the background state

Fixes an issue where customized chat waiting or assigned message is not rendered correctly Fixes an issue where disabled language is selected in creating call or chat

Fixes an issue where UI is not responsive after a call is resumed after app restart

Fixes an issue on ending chat when the view is dismissed quickly before chat is connected