Manage Contact Center AI Platform resources using custom constraints

Google Cloud Organization Policy gives you centralized, programmatic control over your organization's resources. As the organization policy administrator, you can define an organization policy, which is a set of restrictions called constraints that apply to Google Cloud resources and descendants of those resources in the Google Cloud resource hierarchy. You can enforce organization policies at the organization, folder, or project level.

Organization Policy provides predefined constraints for various Google Cloud services. However, if you want more granular, customizable control over the specific fields that are restricted in your organization policies, you can also create custom constraints. Implementing a custom constraint for Contact Center AI Platform (CCAI Platform) requires you to configure your instances for private access. This restricts public internet access to those instances, which means that you need to set up Private Service Connect for your agents, managers, and CCAI Platform administrators to access them. For more information, see Set up Private Service Connect.


Organization policies for CCAI Platform let Google Cloud administrators enforce organization-wide constraints over network paths that are not covered by VPC Service Controls. In addition, these organization policies offer fine-grained control over ingress and egress paths by partitioning the network traffic into components. For more information, see Components.

Policy inheritance

By default, organization policies are inherited by the descendants of the resources on which you enforce the policy. For example, if you enforce a policy on a folder, Google Cloud enforces the policy on all projects in the folder. To learn more about this behavior and how to change it, refer to Hierarchy evaluation rules.


The Organization Policy Service, including predefined and custom organization policies, is offered at no charge.


CCAI Platform is not integrated with Cloud Asset Inventory and therefore the Policy Simulator feature of Policy Intelligence is not available for CCAI Platform Organization Policy.

Before you begin

Before you begin, do the following:

  1. Follow the steps in Set up your Google Cloud project for CCAI Platform.
  2. To install and initialize the Google Cloud CLI, do the following:
    1. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
    2. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

      gcloud init
  3. Ensure that you know your organization ID.

Required roles

To get the permissions that you need to manage organization policies, ask your administrator to grant you the following IAM roles:

  • Organization policy administrator (roles/orgpolicy.policyAdmin) on the organization resource
  • For full access to CCAI Platform resources: Contact Center AI Platform Admin (roles/contactcenteraiplatform.admin) on the project resource
  • For the ability to enable, disable, and inspect service states, inspect operations, and consume quota and billing for a consumer project: Service Usage Admin (roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin) on the project resource

For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

These predefined roles contain the permissions required to manage organization policies. To see the exact permissions that are required, expand the Required permissions section:

Required permissions

The following permissions are required to manage organization policies:

  • orgpolicy.customConstraints.get
  • orgpolicy.customConstraints.list
  • orgpolicy.customConstraints.create
  • orgpolicy.customConstraints.update
  • orgpolicy.customConstraints.delete

You might also be able to get these permissions with custom roles or other predefined roles.


You use components when creating custom constraints on CCAI Platform instances. Components are abstractions of network paths associated with specific CCAI Platform functionalities. For example, the agent component represents the group of all ingress network paths related to the tasks that an agent, manager, or CCAI Platform administrator does.

The following table shows the components used in CCAI Platform custom constraints:

Component Description Traffic direction Example value
AGENT The group of all ingress network paths related to the tasks that an agent, manager, or CCAI Platform administrator does. Ingress AGENT
CRM Egress traffic to a customer relationship management (CRM) app. Egress CRM
MEDIA Media egress traffic. Egress MEDIA
DIRECT_ACCESS_POINT Egress traffic to a direct access endpoint (DAP). Egress DIRECT_ACCESS_POINT
EMAIL Email egress traffic. Egress EMAIL
COBROWSE Co-browse egress traffic. Egress COBROWSE
WORKFORCE_MANAGEMENT Workforce management egress traffic. Egress WORKFORCE_MANAGEMENT

Create a custom constraint

A custom constraint is defined in a YAML file by the resources, methods, conditions, and actions that are supported by the service on which you are enforcing the organization policy. Conditions for your custom constraints are defined using Common Expression Language (CEL). For more information about how to build conditions in custom constraints using CEL, see the CEL section of Creating and managing custom constraints.

To define a custom constraint in a YAML file for CCAI Platform, follow these steps:

  1. Create a text file that contains the following lines:

    name: organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/customConstraints/CONSTRAINT_NAME
    - CREATE
    - UPDATE
    condition: "CONDITION"
    actionType: ACTION_TYPE
    displayName: "DISPLAY_NAME"
    description: "DESCRIPTION"

    Replace the following:

    • ORGANIZATION_ID: your organization ID.

    • CONSTRAINT_NAME: the name of your custom constraint. A custom constraint must start with a custom. prefix, and can only include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or numbers—for example, custom.requirePrivateAccess. This field has a maximum length of 70 characters, not counting the prefix.

    • CONDITION: a CEL condition that is written against a representation of a supported service resource—for example, resource.privateAccess.ingressSettings.exists(private_component, == "AGENT"). This field has a maximum length of 1000 characters. For more information about the resources that are available to write conditions against, see CCAI Platform supported resources and operations. For more information about components, see Components.

    • ACTION_TYPE: the action to take if the condition is met. Specify ALLOW.

    • DISPLAY_NAME: a human-friendly name for the constraint. This field has a maximum length of 200 characters.

    • DESCRIPTION: a human-friendly description of the constraint to display as an error message when the policy is violated. This field has a maximum length of 2000 characters.

  2. Save the custom constraint as a YAML file—for example, customconstraint.yaml. Use the path to this file as the value of the CONSTRAINT_PATH variable in Set up a custom constraint.

For more information about custom organization policies and constraint syntax, see Example custom organization policies for common use cases.

Set up a custom constraint

After you have created the YAML file for a new custom constraint, you must set it up to make it available for organization policies in your organization. To set up a custom constraint, use the gcloud org-policies set-custom-constraint command:
gcloud org-policies set-custom-constraint CONSTRAINT_PATH
Replace CONSTRAINT_PATH with the full path to your custom constraint file. For example, /home/user/customconstraint.yaml. Once completed, your custom constraints are available as organization policies in your list of Google Cloud organization policies. To verify that the custom constraint exists, use the gcloud org-policies list-custom-constraints command:
gcloud org-policies list-custom-constraints --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID
Replace ORGANIZATION_ID with the ID of your organization resource. For more information, see Viewing organization policies.

Enforce a custom constraint

You can enforce a boolean constraint by creating an organization policy that references it, and applying that organization policy to a Google Cloud resource.

To enforce a custom constraint, follow these steps:

  1. To create an organization policy that enforces a boolean constraint, create a policy YAML file that references the following constraint:

    name: projects/PROJECT_ID/policies/CONSTRAINT_NAME
      - enforce: true

    Replace the following:

    • PROJECT_ID: the project on which you want to enforce your constraint.
    • CONSTRAINT_NAME: the name that you defined for your custom constraint—for example, custom.requirePrivateAccess.
  2. To enforce the organization policy containing the constraint, run the following command:

    gcloud org-policies set-policy POLICY_PATH

    Replace POLICY_PATH with the full path to your organization policy YAML file. The policy will take up to 15 minutes to take effect.

Test the custom constraint

A custom constraint, as defined in Create a custom constraint (with a component of type AGENT, as in the example in the CONDITION description), enforces the following behaviors:

Create and update a CCAI Platform instance with a component of type AGENT

To test creating and updating a CCAI Platform instance with a component of type AGENT, follow these steps:

  1. Create, set up, and enforce a custom constraint as directed in this document.

  2. Create an instance as directed in Create a CCAI Platform instance configured for private access. The instance creation succeeds.

  3. To update the instance, do the following:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, in the navigation menu, click CCAI Platform.

      CCAI Platform instances

      The CCAI Platform instances page displays.

    2. Click the name of the instance that you created previously in this procedure.

    3. Click Edit, and then click Configure deployments.

    4. Change the deployment schedule, and then click Save. The update succeeds.

Because you created a private CCAI Platform instance, you need to Set up a Private Service Connect connection to access it.

Create a CCAI Platform instance without a component of type AGENT

To test creating and updating a CCAI Platform instance without a component of type AGENT, follow these steps:

  1. Create, set up, and enforce a custom constraint as directed in this document.

  2. Attempt to create an instance as directed in Create a CCAI Platform instance, without configuring private access. The instance creation fails.

Update a CCAI Platform instance without a component of type AGENT

As demonstrated in Create a CCAI Platform instance without a component of type AGENT, you can't create an instance without a component of type AGENT after enforcing the custom constraint. If you already had such an instance before you enforced the custom constraint, after enforcing the constraint, updates to the instance fail (unless the updates include adding a component of type AGENT—see the following note).

CCAI Platform supported resources and operations

The following table shows the supported resources and operations for Organization Policy custom constraints.

Resource Action Attribute Operator Example condition
ContactCenter Create or update an instance. For more information, see Create a CCAI Platform instance. name contains"us-central1/contactCenters/myContactCenter")
privateAccess exists resource.privateAccess.ingressSettings.exists(private_component, == "AGENT")

Checks that the AGENT component is enabled.

Example custom organization policies for common use cases

The following table provides the syntax of some custom organization policies that you might find useful:

Description Constraint syntax
All of the specified components are private—in other words, AGENT).
    name: organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/customConstraints/custom.requirePrivateAccess
    - CREATE
    - UPDATE
    condition: "resource.privateAccess.ingressSettings.exists(private_component, == "AGENT")"
    actionType: ALLOW
    displayName: Agents cannot connect over the internet.
    description: Internet access is disallowed for agents.
All instances, except the single specified instance, must use the specified private AGENT.
    name: organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/customConstraints/custom.requirePrivateAccess
    - CREATE
    - UPDATE
    condition: "resource.privateAccess.ingressSettings.exists(private_component, == "AGENT" ||'myContactCenterId')"
    actionType: ALLOW
    displayName: Restrict Internet access to AGENT for all instances except a
    single instance.
    description: Internet access for agents is restricted except for myContactcenterId CCAI Platform instances.

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