Access control in Cloud Build is controlled using Identity and Access Management (IAM). IAM enables you to create and manage permissions for Google Cloud resources. Cloud Build provides a specific set of predefined IAM roles where each role contains a set of permissions. You can use these roles to give more granular access to specific Google Cloud resources and prevent unwanted access to other resources. IAM lets you adopt the security principle of least privilege, so you grant only the necessary access to your resources.
This page describes Cloud Build roles and permissions.
Predefined Cloud Build roles
With IAM, every API method in Cloud Build API requires that the identity making the API request has the appropriate permissions to use the resource. Permissions are granted by setting policies that grant roles to a principal (user, group, or service account). You can grant multiple roles to a principal on the same resource.
The table below lists the Cloud Build IAM roles and the permissions that they include:
Role | Description | Permissions |
Name: roles/cloudbuild.builds.viewer Title: Cloud Build Viewer |
Can view Cloud Build
resources |
Name: roles/cloudbuild.builds.editor Title: Cloud Build Editor |
Full control of Cloud Build
resources |
Name: roles/cloudbuild.builds.approver Title: Cloud Build Approver |
Provide access to approve or
reject pending builds |
Name: roles/cloudbuild.builds.builder Title: Cloud Build Legacy Service Account |
When you enable the Cloud Build API for a project, the Cloud Build legacy service account is automatically created in the project and is granted this role for the resources in the project. The Cloud Build legacy service account uses this role only as required to perform actions when executing your build. |
For a list of permissions that this role contains, see Default Cloud Build service account. |
Name: roles/cloudbuild.integrationsViewer Title: Cloud Build Integrations Viewer |
Can view Cloud Build
host connections |
Name:roles/cloudbuild.integrationsEditor Title: Cloud Build Integrations Editor |
Edit control of Cloud Build
host connections |
Name:roles/cloudbuild.integrationsOwner Title: Cloud Build Integrations Owner |
Full control of Cloud Build
host connections |
Name:roles/cloudbuild.connectionViewer Title: Cloud Build Connection Viewer |
Can view and list connections
and repositories |
Name:roles/cloudbuild.connectionAdmin Title: Cloud Build Connection Admin |
Can manage connections
and repositories |
Name:roles/cloudbuild.readTokenAccessor Title: Cloud Build Read Only Token Accessor |
Can view the connection, its repositories,
and access their read-only token |
Name:roles/cloudbuild.tokenAccessor Title: Cloud Build Token Accessor |
Can view the connection, its repositories,
and access their read-only and read/write token |
Name: roles/cloudbuild.workerPoolOwner Title: Cloud Build WorkerPool Owner |
Full control of the private pool | cloudbuild.workerpools.create
Name:roles/cloudbuild.workerPoolEditor Title: Cloud Build WorkerPool Editor |
Can update private pools | cloudbuild.workerpools.get
Name: roles/cloudbuild.workerPoolViewer Title: Cloud Build WorkerPool Viewer |
Can view private pools | cloudbuild.workerpools.get
Name: roles/cloudbuild.workerPoolUser Title: Cloud Build WorkerPool User |
Can run builds in the private pool | cloudbuild.workerpools.use |
In addition to the above Cloud Build predefined roles, the basic Viewer, Editor, and Owner roles also include permissions related to Cloud Build. However, we recommend that you grant predefined roles where possible to comply with the security principle of least privilege.
The table below lists the basic roles and the Cloud Build IAM roles that they include.
Role | includes role |
roles/viewer |
roles/cloudbuild.builds.viewer , roles/cloudbuild.integrations.viewer |
roles/editor |
roles/cloudbuild.builds.editor , roles/cloudbuild.integrations.editor |
roles/owner |
roles/cloudbuild.integrations.owner |
The following table lists the permissions that the caller must have to call each method:
API Method | Required Permission | Role Title |
builds.create() triggers.create() triggers.patch() triggers.delete() |
cloudbuild.builds.create |
Cloud Build Editor |
builds.cancel() |
cloudbuild.builds.update |
Cloud Build Editor |
builds.get() triggers.get() |
cloudbuild.builds.get |
Cloud Build Editor, Cloud Build Viewer |
builds.list() triggers.list() |
cloudbuild.builds.list |
Cloud Build Editor, Cloud Build Viewer |
Permissions to view build logs
To view build logs, you require additional permissions depending on whether you're storing your build logs in the default Cloud Storage bucket or in a user-specified Cloud Storage bucket. For more information on permissions required to view build logs, see Storing and viewing build logs.
What's next
- Learn about the default Cloud Build service account.
- Learn how to configure access to Cloud Build resources.
- Learn how to configure access for Cloud Build service account.
- Learn about IAM.