Using payload bindings and bash parameter expansions in substitutions

This page explains how to use payload bindings and apply bash parameter expansions to substitution variables associated with your build trigger. If you are not familiar with how to use substitution variables in your build configuration, see Substituting variable values.

Cloud Build enables you to store parts of your trigger's event payload as a substitution variable. An event payload is the body of the event that invokes a trigger. Variables associated with a payload are referred to as bindings and are available for builds invoked by both push and pull events. Bindings allow you to access additional data related to your build, such as the language associated with your source code and the author of a pull request.

Cloud Build also enables users to apply bash parameter expansions to substitution variable values. Bash parameter expansions allows you to manipulate strings associated with existing variables. You can manipulate strings by capitalizing letters or replacing a substring.

You can use payload bindings and apply bash parameter expansions when defining or updating a build trigger in the Google Cloud console and in a Cloud Build config file. Additionally, you can apply bash parameter expansions when running manual builds.

Payload bindings

You can store parts of your trigger's event payload as a substitution variable value. Payload bindings are available as variable values for builds invoked by push and pull events, and can be used to access the JSON payload when your source code is in GitHub repositories or Cloud Source Repositories. To learn more about GitHub event payloads, see Webhook event payloads. To learn more about the event payloads for Cloud Source Repositories, see Notifications for Cloud Source Repositories.

You can access information from an event payload by using a designated prefix, which represents the root of the event payload. Starting with the prefix, you can use the JSONPath syntax to access the payload and pull data from it. The following payload prefixes are available depending on your event type:

Prefix Source Description
push GitHub Enables you to access fields within your JSON payload for push events
pull_request GitHub Enables you to access fields within your JSON payload for pull request events
issue_comment GitHub Enables you to access fields within your JSON payload for issue comment events associated with a pull request
csr Cloud Source Repositories Enables you to access fields within your JSON payload for push events

For any event associated with the GitHub app, the built-in variable values is_collaborator and perm_level are also available. The user's status is checked for push and pull events by the variable values, pull_request.pull_request.user.login, and issue_comment.comment.user.login. The following table shows you how to include these as variable values for your trigger when your source code is in GitHub:

Variable Name Variable Value Variable Description
_PERM_LEVEL $(perm_level) Obtains the permission level of the user
_IS_COLLABORATOR $(is_collaborator) Outputs true if the user is a collaborator

You can use the variable values is_collaborator and perm_level for push events, pull request events, and pull request events gated by a comment. You do not need to precede these variable values with a prefix.

Creating substitutions using payload bindings

To create a substitution variable that uses a payload binding:

  1. Open the Triggers page.

  2. If you have not created a build trigger, click Create trigger. Otherwise, select an existing trigger.

  3. Under Substitution variables, click Add variable.

  4. Add a name for your Variable following the outlined convention described below:

    • Substitutions must begin with an underscore (_) and use only uppercase-letters and numbers (respecting the regular expression [A-Z0-9_]+). This prevents conflicts with built-in substitutions.

    • The number of parameters is limited to 100 parameters. The length of a parameter key is limited to 100 bytes and the length of a parameter value is limited to 4000 bytes.

    To learn more about how to define and use user-defined substitutions, see Using user-defined substitutions.

  5. Add a value for your variable, using a supported prefix.

    If your source code is in GitHub, you can refer to information in your event payload within substitution variables using payload bindings. To access the JSON payload of a push event, use the prefix push or body. In the following example, the push prefix in the variable value is used as an entrypoint to access information from the JSON payload of your build:

    Variable Name Variable Value Variable Description
    _PUSH_NAME $( Obtains the name of the repository associated with the push event
    _COMMITS $(push.commits) Obtains the array of commit objects describing each pushed commit
    _OWNER $( Obtains the name of repository owner
    _URL $(push.repository.html_url) Obtains the URL for your GitHub repository
    _LANGUAGE $(push.repository.language) Obtains the language of your source code included in the push

    For a list of fields you can access using the push prefix, see PushEvent.

    To access the JSON payload of a pull request event, use the prefix pull_request or body. In the following example, the pull_request prefix in the variable value is used as an entrypoint to access information from the JSON payload of your build:

    Variable Name Variable Value Variable Description
    _PULL_REQUEST_ID $( Obtains the ID of the pull request
    _PULL_REQUEST_TITLE $(pull_request.pull_request.title) Obtains the title of the pull request
    _PULL_REQUEST_BODY $(pull_request.pull_request.body) Obtains the body of the pull request
    _USERNAME $(pull_request.pull_request.user.login) Obtains the username of the sender of the pull request
    _MERGE_TIME $(pull_request.pull_request.merged_at) Obtains the time the pull request was merged

    For a list of fields you can access using the pull_request prefix, see PullRequestEvent.

    To access the JSON payload of a commit event, use the prefix commit. In the following example, the commit prefix in the variable value is used as an entrypoint to access information from the JSON payload of your build:

    Variable Name Variable Value Variable Description
    _COMMIT_URL $(commit.url) Obtains the URL associated with the commit
    _COMMIT_USER $( Obtains the username of the author of the commit
    _COMMIT_MESSAGE $(commit.commit.message) Obtains the commit message associated with the commit
    _COMMIT_DATE $( Obtains the date associated with the commit
    _COMMIT_ADDITIONS $(commit.files['*'].additions) Obtains the number of additions associated with files in the commit

    For a list of fields you can access using the commit prefix, see Get a commit.

    If you enable Comment control for a trigger that is invoked by a pull request, the event that invokes the trigger is instead an IssueCommentEvent and the associated prefix is issue_comment. In the following examples, the issue_comment prefix in the variable value is used as an entrypoint to access information from the JSON payload of your build:

    Variable Name Variable Value Variable Description
    _PULL_REQUEST_ID $( Obtains the ID of the pull request
    _PULL_REQUEST_TITLE $(issue_comment.issue.title) Obtains the title of the pull request
    _STATE $(issue_comment.state) Obtains the state of the pull request (i.e. open, closed, etc.)
    _LABELS $(issue_comment.issue.labels) Obtains the list of labels associated with the pull request
    _LABELS_URL $(issue_comment.issue.labels[?(@.description=="Extra attention is needed")].url) Obtains the URL associated with the label matching the description

    For a list of fields you can access using the issue_comment prefix, see IssueCommentEvent.

    If your source code is in Cloud Source Repositories, you can refer to information in your event payload within substitution variables using payload bindings. To access the JSON payload from a push event, use the prefix csr or body. In the following example, the csr prefix in the variable value is used as an entrypoint to access information from the JSON payload of your build.

    Variable Name Variable Value Variable Description
    _REPO_NAME $( Obtains the name of your repository
    _REPO_URL $(csr.url) Obtains the URL of your repository
    _CREATED_REPO $(csr.createRepoEvent) Indicates if a user created a repository
    _REF_EVENT_NAME $(csr.refUpdateEvent.refUpdates['*'].refName) The name of the ref (e.g. "refs/heads/primary-branch")

    To see additional fields you can access in Cloud Source Repositories, see Notification data.

Bash parameter expansions

You can apply bash parameter expansions to default variables and user-defined variables. Examples of supported operations include substring replacement, string slicing, and capitalization. For example, you may want to replace a substring in a default variable and use the variable as an image tag.

The bash parameter expansions you can specify for substitution variables are as follows:

Bash expansions Description
${var} Expands the string value stored in var
${var^} Capitalizes the first character in the string
${var^^} Capitalizes all characters in the string
${var,} Lowercases the first character in the string
${var,,} Lowercases all characters in the string
${var:position} Removes the first position characters from the string
${var:position:length} Slices the string starting at the numerical value specified in position and includes up to the numerical value specified in length
${var/substring/replacement} Replaces the leftmost instance of the value specified in substring with the value specified in replacement
${var//substring/replacement} Replaces all instances of the value specified in substring with the value specified in replacement
${var/#substring/replacement} Replaces the first instance of the value specified in substring with the value specified in replacement only if substring is a prefix of var
${var/%substring/replacement} Replaces the last instance of the value specified in substring with the value specified in replacement only if substring is a suffix of var
${#var} Retrieves the length of the string
${var:-default} Evaluates var to default unless var is already defined

You can also specify patterns to match for the following bash parameter expansions:

Bash expansions Description
${var#pattern} Removes characters from the left side of a string until and including the leftmost instance of the specified pattern
${var##pattern} Removes characters from the left side of a string until and including the rightmost instance of the specified pattern
${var%pattern} Removes characters from the right side of a string until and including the first instance of the specified pattern
${var%%pattern} Removes characters from the right side of a string until and including the leftmost instance of the specified pattern

Patterns you can specify include:

Pattern Description
* Matches zero or more alphanumeric characters
? Matches any single alphanumeric character
[ccc] Matches any single character in ccc including ranges between a-z or 0-9
[^c] Matches any alphanumeric character not in c including a range of characters where lo <= c <= hi
c Matches any alphanumeric character c
\c Matches any character c including non-alphanumeric characters such as *, ?, or \

Applying bash parameter expansions

To apply a bash parameter expansions to a built-in or user-defined substitution variable:

  1. Open the Triggers page.

  2. If you have not created a build trigger, click Create trigger. Otherwise, select an existing trigger.

  3. Under Substitution variables, click Add variable.

  4. Add a name for your Variable following the outlined convention described below:

    • Substitutions must begin with an underscore (_) and use only uppercase-letters and numbers (respecting the regular expression [A-Z0-9_]+). This prevents conflicts with built-in substitutions.

    • The number of parameters is limited to 100 parameters. The length of a parameter key is limited to 100 bytes and the length of a parameter value is limited to 4000 bytes.

    To learn more about how to define and use user-defined substitutions, see Using user-defined substitutions.

  5. Add a value for your variable, applying a supported bash parameter expansion to a built-in substitution variable or another user-defined substitution variable.

    In the following example, the built-in substitution variable $BRANCH_NAME has a default value of Feature_Secret_Project_#v2. The following table shows examples of bash parameter expansions you can apply to $BRANCH_NAME:

    Variable Name Bash expansion Variable Value Description
    _BRANCH_LOWERCASE ${$BRANCH_NAME,,} feature_secret_project_#v2 lowercases all characters in the string
    _BRANCH_NO_SUFFIX ${_BRANCH_LOWERCASE%_\#v2} feature_secret_project deletes all characters from the right side of the string matching the specified pattern
    _BRANCH_NO_PREFIX ${_BRANCH_NO_SUFFIX#*_} secret_project deletes all characters up until the first underscore
    _BRANCH_FOR_IMAGE_NAME ${_BRANCH_NO_PREFIX//_/-} secret-project replaces all underscores with a dash
    _IMAGE_NAME my-app-${_BRANCH_FOR_IMAGE_NAME}-prod my-app-secret-project-prod constructs name for image using _BRANCH_FOR_IMAGE_NAME variable defined above

    Say _IMAGE_NAME is defined in your trigger as the value specified in the table above, my-app-secret-project-prod. This value will now override any definition of _IMAGE_NAME in your build config file. In the following example, the specified variable value for _IMAGE_NAME (my-app-secret-project-prod) replaces the default value of _IMAGE_NAME (test-image) when the build trigger is invoked.

     - name: ''
       args: ['build',
         _IMAGE_NAME: test-image #default value
     images: [
         dynamicSubstitutions: true
       'steps': [
           'name': '',
           'args': [
       'substitutions': {
         '_IMAGE_NAME': 'test-image' #default value
       'images': [
       "options": {
         "dynamic_substitutions": true

The dynamicSubstitutions field, set to true in the above example, allows bash parameter expansions to be interpreted. If your build is invoked by a trigger, the dynamicSubstitutions field is always set to true and does not need to be specified in your build config file. If your build is invoked manually, you must set the dynamicSubstitutions field to true for bash parameter expansions to be interpreted when running your build.

Using bash parameter expansions with payload bindings

You can apply bash parameter expansions to variables associated with payload bindings by either creating a new variable to reference the variable containing your binding or stringing together bindings with bash parameter expansions. The following table lists examples of how you can use bash parameter expansion with payload bindings:

Variable Name Variable Value Variable Description
_URL $(push.repository.html_url) Obtains the URL of the repository
_URL_CAPITAL ${_URL^^} Uses a bash parameter expansion to capitalize all characters in the URL
_APP_NAME my-app-${_URL_CAPITAL} Adds a prefix to the capitalized URL of the repository
APP_NAME_ID my-app-$(push.repository.html_url)-${_PAYLOAD_ID:0:7} Creates an application name that includes the repository URL and first seven characters of the payload ID

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