Codebeispiele für Application Integration
Diese Seite enthält Codebeispiele für die Anwendungsintegration. Informationen zum Suchen und Filtern von Codebeispielen für andere Google Cloud -Produkte finden Sie im Google Cloud -Beispielbrowser.
Update JSON array at a specified index
Using the Data Mapping task, update the value of a JSON array at a specified index using an input variable. Store the output in a new JSON variable.
- Beispiel
Invoke a sub-integration to send an email
Using the For Each Loop task, invoke a sub-integration that takes input from the main integration to send email notifications.
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Filter values in a JSON array
Using the Data Mapping task, filter the elements of a JSON array based on boolean criteria, and store the filtered output in a new JSON variable.
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Make a REST call to a public API
Using the Call REST Endpoint task, make a call to a public API, and save the response in a JSON variable.
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Concat a string variable to a string array
Using the Data Mapping task, iterate through the elements of a string array and apply transformation functions to concat a string value to all the array elements.
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Merge two JSON arrays
Using the Data Mapping task, merge two JSON arrays, and store the resultant output in a new JSON variable.
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Remove a property of a JSON object
Using the Data Mapping task, remove a JSON property as specified in an input variable. Store the output in a new JSON variable.
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E-commerce sample integration
Using this sample integration, get a hands-on experience of the various triggers, tasks, and concepts of Application Integration.
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Convert a string to uppercase
Using the Data Mapping task, iterate through the elements of a string array and apply transformation functions to convert each string value to uppercase.
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Resolve a JSON reference
Using the Data Mapping task, resolve a JSON reference in a template JSON that contains a variable reference. Store the output in a new JSON variable.
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Use the Vertex AI task to embed GenAI in an integration
Using the Vertex AI task, embed GenAI in your integrations.
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