google.appengine.api.datastore_entities module
Stay organized with collections
Save and categorize content based on your preferences.
Classes for common kinds, including Contact, Message, and Event.
Most of these kinds are based on the gd namespace “kinds” from GData:
- class google.appengine.api.datastore_entities.Contact(title, kind=u'Contact')source
Bases: google.appengine.api.datastore_entities.GdKind
A contact: a person, a venue such as a club or a restaurant, or an organization.
This is the gd Contact kind. See:
Most of the information about the contact is in the <gd:contactSection> element; see the reference section for that element for details.
These properties are meaningful. They are all optional.
title string contact’s name content string notes email Email* email address geoPt GeoPt* geographic location im IM* IM address phoneNumber Phonenumber* phone number postalAddress PostalAddress* mailing address link Link* link to more information category Category* tag or label associated with this contact
means this property may be repeated.
- CONTACT_SECTION_FOOTER = u'\n </gd:contactSection>'
- CONTACT_SECTION_HEADER = u'\n <gd:contactSection>'
- CONTACT_SECTION_PROPERTIES = [u'email', u'geoPt', u'im', u'phoneNumber', u'postalAddress']
- KIND_PROPERTIES = [u'title', u'content', u'link', u'category']
- ToXml()source
Override GdKind.ToXml() to put some properties inside a gd:contactSection.
- class google.appengine.api.datastore_entities.Event(title, kind=u'Event')source
Bases: google.appengine.api.datastore_entities.GdKind
A calendar event.
Includes the event title, description, location, organizer, start and end time, and other details.
This is the gd Event kind. See:
These properties are meaningful. They are all optional.
title string event name content string event description author string the organizer’s name where string* human-readable location (not a GeoPt) startTime timestamp start time endTime timestamp end time eventStatus string one of the Event.Status values link Link* page with more information category Category* tag or label associated with this event attendee Contact* attendees and other related people
means this property may be repeated.
The Contact properties should be Keys of Contact entities. They are represented in the XML encoding as linked <gd:who> elements.
- CONTACT_PROPERTIES = [u'attendee']
- KIND_PROPERTIES = [u'title', u'content', u'author', u'where', u'startTime', u'endTime', u'eventStatus', u'link', u'category']
- class Statussource
- CANCELED = u'canceled'
- CONFIRMED = u'confirmed'
- TENTATIVE = u'tentative'
- ToXml()source
Override GdKind.ToXml() to special-case author, gd:where, gd:when, and gd:eventStatus.
- class google.appengine.api.datastore_entities.GdKind(kind, title, kind_properties, contact_properties=[])source
Bases: google.appengine.api.datastore.Entity
A base class for gd namespace kinds.
This class contains common logic for all gd namespace kinds. For example, this class translates datastore (app id, kind, key) tuples to tag: URIs appropriate for use in <key> tags.
- FOOTER = u'\n</entry>'
- HEADER = u"<entry xmlns:gd=''>\n <category scheme=''\n term='' />"
- ToXml()source
Returns an XML representation of this entity, as a string.
- class google.appengine.api.datastore_entities.Message(title, kind=u'Message')source
Bases: google.appengine.api.datastore_entities.GdKind
A message, such as an email, a discussion group posting, or a comment.
Includes the message title, contents, participants, and other properties.
This is the gd Message kind. See:
These properties are meaningful. They are all optional.
title string message subject content string message body from Contact* sender to Contact* primary recipient cc Contact* CC recipient bcc Contact* BCC recipient reply-to Contact* intended recipient of replies link Link* attachment category Category* tag or label associated with this message geoPt GeoPt* geographic location the message was posted from rating Rating* message rating, as defined by the application
means this property may be repeated.
The Contact properties should be Keys of Contact entities. They are represented in the XML encoding as linked <gd:who> elements.
- CONTACT_PROPERTIES = [u'from', u'to', u'cc', u'bcc', u'reply-to']
- KIND_PROPERTIES = [u'title', u'content', u'link', u'category', u'geoPt', u'rating']