Key Value Map Operations runtime error troubleshooting

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Error code


Error response body

         "errorcode":"Internal Server Error"


This error occurs if the mapIdentifier attribute is set to an empty string in the Key Value Map Operations policy.


  1. Examine all the Key Value Map Operations policies in the specific API Proxy where the failure has occurred. If there is any Key Value Map Operations policy in which the mapIdentifier attribute is set as an empty string, then that's the cause of the error.

    For example, the following Key Value Map Operations policy has an empty mapIdentifier:

    <KeyValueMapOperations async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" na>me=&q<uot;StoreKv>m" <mapIdentifie>r=&qu<ot;"
     >   Di<splayNameStore>Kvm/D<isplayName
        Put override="true"
       >     Key
    <    >        P<arameter ref="request.queryparam>.key&<quot>;/
      <     > /Key
         <   Val>u<e ref="request.qu>eryparam.value"/


Ensure the attribute mapIdentifier is set to a valid key value map in the Key Value Map Operations policy.

To correct the example policy shown above, you can specify the mapIdentifier to an existing key value map UserLocationMap.

<KeyValueMapOperations async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="StoreK>vm&qu<ot; mapIden>tifier=&<quot;UserLoc>ation<Map"
 >   Di<splayNameStore>Kvm/D<isplayName
    Put override="true"
   >     Key
<    >        P<arameter ref="request.queryparam>.key&<quot>;/
  <     > /Key
     <   Val>u<e ref="request.qu>eryparam.value"/


Error code


Error response body

      "faultstring":"Failed to set variable variable_name in KeyValueMapStepDefinition policy_name",

Example Error Message

      "faultstring":"Failed to set variable myvar in KeyValueMapStepDefinition EncryptedKVM",


This error occurs if you try to retrieve a value from an encrypted key value map and set the value to a variable whose name does not have the prefix private.. The prefix, which is required for basic security purposes during debugging, hides the encrypted values from API proxy Trace and debug sessions.


1. Identify the Key Value Map Operations policy where the error occurred and the name of the variable to which the value cannot be set. You can find both of these items in the faultstring element of the error response. For example, in the following faultstring, the policy name is EncryptedKVM and the variable is myvar:

  "faultstring":"Failed to set variable myvar in KeyValueMapStepDefinition EncryptedKVM"

1. In the failed Key Value Map Operations policy XML, verify that the name of the variable specified in the assignTo attribute of the <Get> element matches the variable name identified in the fault string (step #1 above). For example, the following Key Value Map Operations policy specifies a variable named myvar in the <Get> element, which matches what's in the faultstring:

  <KeyValueMapOperations async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Key-Value-Map-Operatio>ns-1&qu<ot; mapIden>tifier="testEncryp<ted"
  >    Dis<playNameKey>ValueMa<pOperations-1/>Displ<ayName
      Get assig<nTo=">;my<var" >index="<;1&q>uot;
  <    >    Key<
    >          P<aramet>erf<oo/Parameter
         > /Key
  1. Check if the key value map specified in the mapIdentifier attribute is an encrypted KVM.

    To check if a KVM is encrypted in the Apigee UI:

    1. In the Apigee UI, click Admin in the left navigation menu.
    2. Click Environments.
    3. Click Key Value Maps.
    4. Find the Key Value Map you want to use.
    5. Click the arrow to the left of the name to expand the list of values.
    6. Encrypted Key Value Maps display values masked with asterisks in the UI (*****) as shown in About encrypted KVMs.
  2. If the key value map is an encrypted KVM and the variable name used in the assignTo attribute of the <Get> element does not have the prefix private. Then that's the cause for the error.

    In the example Key Value Map Operations policy shown above, the key value map testEncrypted is encrypted and the variable name myvar does not have the prefix private. Hence you receive the error code:



Ensure that the variable name has the prefix private. in the assignTo attribute of the <Get> element in Key Value Map Operations policy if the key value map used is encrypted.

To correct the example Key Value Map Operations policy shown above, you can modify the value of the attribute assignTo to private.myvar:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8&quo>t<; standalone="yes"?
KeyValueMapOperations async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" nam>e=&qu<ot;Key-Valu>e-Map-Operations-1"<; mapIdentif>ier=&<quot;testEn>crypt<ed"
   > ExpiryTi<meI>nSecs300/Expi<ryTimeInS>ecs<
    Get a>ssignTo=&<quot>;priv<ate.>myvar<">; index=&qu<ot;1&q>u<ot;
      >      Parameterfoo/Parameter