This document shows how to create an admin workstation that you can use to create GKE on-prem clusters.
In this document, you create an admin workstation that has a static IP address. This is consistent with the basic installation journey, which creates clusters that use static IP addresses.
If you want to create an admin workstation that uses Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to get its IP address, see Creating an admin workstation using DHCP.
The steps in this document use the gkeadm
command-line tool, which is
available for Linux, Windows 10, Windows Server 2019, and macOS Catalina.
Downloading gkeadm
Download the gkeadm
command-line tool and make it executable:
gcloud storage cp gs://gke-on-prem-release-public/gkeadm/1.5.2-gke.3/linux/gkeadm ./ chmod +x gkeadm
Download the gkeadm
command-line tool:
gcloud storage cp gs://gke-on-prem-release-public/gkeadm/1.5.2-gke.3/windows/gkeadm.exe ./
Download the gkeadm
command-line tool and make it executable:
gcloud storage cp gs://gke-on-prem-release-public/gkeadm/1.5.2-gke.3/darwin/gkeadm ./ chmod +x gkeadm
Generating a template for your configuration file
To create an admin workstation, the gkeadm
tool requires a configuration file.
To generate a template for your configuration file:
./gkeadm create config
The output is a file named admin-ws-config.yaml
Populated values
The following fields in your configuration file are populated with default or generated values. For example:
adminWorkstation: name: gke-admin-ws-200617-113711 cpus: 4 memoryMB: 8192 diskGB: 50 dataDiskName: gke-on-prem-admin-workstation-data-disk/gke-admin-ws-200617-113711-data-disk.vmdk dataDiskMB: 512 ntpServer:
Keep all of the default and generated values.
Notice the generated value of dataDiskName
. This virtual machine disk (VMDK)
is created for you. Later, if you manually delete your admin workstation, the
VMDK is automatically deleted.
Filling in the rest of your configuration file
In your configuration file, enter field values as described in this section.
String. The path of the JSON key file for your component access service account. This is the account that GKE on-prem uses to download components from Container Registry. For information about creating a JSON key file, see Service accounts and keys.
When gkeadm
creates your admin workstation, it activates your component access
service account on the admin workstation.
For example:
gcp: whitelistedServiceAccountKeyPath: "my-key-folder/component-access-key.json"
String. The IP address or the hostname of your vCenter server.
Before you fill in the address
field, download and inspect the serving
certificate of your vCenter server. Enter the following command to
download the certificate and save it to a file named vcenter.pem
true | openssl s_client -connect VCENTER_IPVCENTER_IP:443 -showcerts 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN/,/-END/p' > vcenter.pem
with the IP address of your
vCenter Server.
Open the certificate file to see the Subject Common Name and the Subject Alternative Name:
openssl x509 -in vcenter.pem -text -noout
The output shows the Subject
Common Name (CN). This might be an IP address, or
it might be a hostname. For example:
Subject: ... CN =
Subject: ... CN =
The output might also include one or more DNS names under
Subject Alternative Name
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
Choose the Subject
Common Name or one of the DNS names under
Subject Alternative Name
to use as the value of vcenter.credentials.address
in your configuration file. For example:
vCenter: credentials: address: ""
vCenter: credentials: address: ""
String. A vCenter Server user account. The user account should have the Administrator role or equivalent privileges. See vSphere requirements.
For example:
vCenter: credentials: username: "administrator@vsphere.local"
String. The password for the vCenter Server user account. For example:
vCenter: credentials: password: "#STyZ2T#Ko2o"
String. The name of your vSphere datacenter. For example:
vCenter: datacenter: "MY-DATACENTER"
String. The name of your vSphere datastore. For example:
vCenter: datastore: "MY-DATASTORE"
String. The name of your vSphere cluster. For example:
vCenter: cluster: "MY-CLUSTER"
String. The name of the vSphere network where you want to create your admin workstation.
If the name contains a special character, you must use an escape sequence for it.
Special characters | Escape sequence |
Slash (/ ) |
%2f |
Backslash (\ ) |
%5c |
Percent sign (% ) |
%25 |
If the network name is not unique, it is possible to specify a path to the
network, such as /DATACENTER/network/NETWORK_NAME
For example:
vCenter: network: "MY-VM-NETWORK"
String. If you are using a non-default resource pool, provide the name of your vSphere resource pool. For example:
vCenter: resourcePool: "MY-POOL"
If you are using the default resource pool, provide the following value:
vCenter: resourcePool: "MY_CLUSTER/Resources"
with the name of your vSphere cluster.
See Specifying the root resource pool for a standalone host.
String. When a client, like GKE on-prem, sends a request to your vCenter server, the server must prove its identity to the client by presenting a certificate or a certificate bundle. To verify the certificate or bundle, GKE on-prem must have the root certificate in the chain of trust.
Set vCenter.caCertPath
to the path of the root certificate. For example:
vCenter: caCertPath: "/usr/local/google/home/me/certs/vcenter-ca-cert.pem"
Your VMware installation has a certificate authority (CA) that issues a certificate to your vCenter server. The root certificate in the chain of trust is a self-signed certificate created by VMware.
If you do not want to use the VMWare CA, which is the default, you can configure VMware to use a different certificate authority.
If your vCenter server uses a certificate issued by the default VMware CA, download the certificate as follows:
curl "https://SERVER_ADDRESS/certs/" >
with the address of your vCenter server.
Install the unzip
command and unzip the certificate file:
sudo apt-get install unzip unzip
If the unzip command doesn't work the first time, enter the command again.
Find the certificate file in certs/lin
String: If the machine you are using to run gkeadm
uses a proxy server for access to
the internet, set this field to the URL of the proxy server. For example:
proxyUrl: "https://my-proxy.example.local"
String. Set this to "static"
. For example:
adminWorkstation: network: ipAllocationMode: "static"
String. An IP address of your choice for your admin workstation. For example:
adminWorkstation: network: hostconfig: ip: ""
String. The IP address of the default gateway for the network that contains your admin workstation. For example:
adminWorkstation: network: hostconfig: gateway: ""
String. The netmask for the network that contains your admin workstation. For example:
adminWorkstation: network: hostconfig: netmask: ""
String array. An array of IP addresses for DNS servers that your admin workstation can use. For example:
adminWorkstation: network: hostconfig: dns: - "" - ""
String. If your network is behind a proxy server, and you want both your admin
workstation and your GKE on-prem clusters to use the same proxy
server, then set adminworkstation.proxyURL
to the URL of the proxy server.
For example:
adminworkstation: proxyUrl: "http://aw-proxy.example"
String. The hostname or IP address of the Network Time Protocol server that your admin workstation is to use. For example:
adminWorkstation: ntpServer: ""
If you leave this empty, GKE on-prem uses ""
Here is an example of a completed admin-ws-config.yaml
gcp: whitelistedServiceAccountKeyPath: "my-key-folder/component-access-key.json" vCenter: credentials: address: "" username: "administrator.vsphere.local" password: "#STyZ2T#Ko2o" datacenter: "MY-DATACENTER" datastore: "MY-DATASTORE" cluster: "MY-CLUSTER" network: "MY-VM-NETWORK" resourcePool: "MY-POOL" caCertPath: "/usr/local/google/home/me/certs/the-root.cert" proxyUrl: "" adminWorkstation: name: "gke-admin-ws-200617-113711" cpus: 4 memoryMB: 8192 diskGB: 50 dataDiskName: "gke-on-prem-admin-workstation-data-disk/gke-admin-ws-200617-113711-data-disk.vmdk" dataDiskMB: 512 network: ipAllocationMode: "static" hostConfig: ip: "" gateway: "" netmask: "" dns: - "" - "" proxyUrl: "" ntpServer: ""
Creating your admin workstation
The Google Account that is set as your SDK account
property must have these
IAM roles so that gkeadm
can create and
manage service accounts for you:
To view the value of your SDK account
gcloud config get-value account
To grant roles, you must have certain permissions on your Google Cloud project. For details, see Granting, changing, and revoking access to resources.
If you have the required permissions, you can grant the roles yourself. Otherwise, someone else in your organization must grant the roles for you.
To grant the roles:
Linux and macOS
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \ --member="user:ACCOUNT" \ --role="roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \ --member="user:ACCOUNT" \ --role="roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \ --member="user:ACCOUNT" \ --role="roles/iam.serviceAccountCreator" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \ --member="user:ACCOUNT" \ --role="roles/iam.serviceAccountKeyAdmin"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID ^ --member="user:ACCOUNT" ^ --role="roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID ^ --member="user:ACCOUNT" ^ --role="roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID ^ --member="user:ACCOUNT" ^ --role="roles/iam.serviceAccountCreator" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID ^ --member="user:ACCOUNT" ^ --role="roles/iam.serviceAccountKeyAdmin"
Replace the following:
: the value of your SDKproject
: the value of your SDKaccount
Create your admin workstation and a set of service accounts. If you prefer to
create and configure your service accounts manually, you can omit the
./gkeadm create admin-workstation --auto-create-service-accounts
The output gives detailed information about the creation of your admin
workstation. For example, you can see that gkeadm
performed these tasks:
Ran preflight checks.
Downloaded an OVA image and uploaded it as a vSphere template.
Created an SSH key.
Created an admin workstation VM.
Printed the
and Docker versions installed on the admin workstation.Printed information about the NTP server on the admin workstation.
Created service accounts and their JSON key files. These service accounts are members of the project that is the parent of your component access service account.
Assigned the appropriate IAM roles to the service accounts. These roles are granted on the project that is the parent of your component access service account.
Copied JSON key files for the service accounts to the admin workstation.
Copied the CA certificate file for your vCenter server to the admin workstation.
on the admin workstation. Later, you use these configuration files to create clusters.
... - Validation Category: vCenter - [SUCCESS] Credentials - [SUCCESS] Version - [SUCCESS] Datacenter - [SUCCESS] Datastore - [SUCCESS] Resource Pool - [SUCCESS] Folder - [SUCCESS] Network - [SUCCESS] Datadisk All validation results were SUCCESS. ****************************************** Admin workstation VM successfully created: - Name: my-admin-workstation - IP: - SSH Key: /usr/local/google/home/me/.ssh/gke-admin-workstation ****************************************** Printing gkectl and docker versions on admin workstation... gkectl version gkectl 1.4.0-gke.13 (git-b39331512) docker version Client: Version: 19.03.2 API version: 1.40 Go version: go1.12.9 Git commit: 6a30dfca03 Built: Mon Sep 30 22:47:02 2019 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Experimental: false Getting ... service account...< Creating other service accounts and JSON key files... - connect-agent-sa-2007081316 - connect-register-sa-2007081316 - log-mon-sa-2007081316 Enabling APIs... - project my-project - - - Configuring IAM roles for service accounts... - my-component-access-sa for project my-project - roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageViewer - roles/iam.serviceAccountCreator - roles/iam.roleViewer - connect-agent-sa-2007081316 for project my-project - roles/gkehub.connect - connect-register-sa-2007081316 for project my-project - roles/gkehub.admin - roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageViewer - log-mon-sa-2007081316 for project my-project - roles/stackdriver.resourceMetadata.writer - roles/logging.logWriter - roles/monitoring.metricWriter Copying files to admin workstation... - /usr/local/google/home/me/certs/vcenter-ca-cert.pem - /usr/local/google/home/me/service-account-keys/component-access-key.json - connect-agent-sa-2007081316.json - connect-register-sa-2007081316.json - log-mon-sa-2007081316.json Preparing "admin-cluster.yaml" for gkectl... Preparing "user-cluster.yaml" for gkectl... ******************************************************************** Admin workstation is ready to use. Admin workstation information saved to /usr/local/google/home/me/my-admin-workstation This file is required for future upgrades SSH into the admin workstation with the following command: ssh -i /usr/local/google/home/me/.ssh/gke-admin-workstation ubuntu@ ********************************************************************
Getting an SSH connection to your admin workstation
Near the end of the preceding output there is a command you can use to get an SSH connection to your admin workstation. Enter that command now. For example:
ssh -i /usr/local/google/home/me/.ssh/gke-admin-workstation ubuntu@
List the files on your admin workstation:
ls -1
In the output, you can see two cluster configuration files, your CA certificate file, and the JSON key files for your service accounts:
admin-cluster.yaml connect-agent-sa-2007081316.json connect-register-sa-2007081316.json log-mon-sa-2007081316.json user-cluster.yaml vcenter-ca-cert.pem component-access-key.json
Inspecting the cluster configuration files
On your admin workstation, gkeadm
created two cluster configuration
files: admin-cluster.yaml
and user-cluster.yaml
You use these files later
to create your admin and user clusters.
Use a text editor to open admin-cluster.yaml
. Notice that many of the
fields are already populated with values that you provided in your
file. For example:
apiVersion: v1 kind: AdminCluster bundlePath: /var/lib/gke/bundles/gke-onprem-vsphere-1.4.0-gke.13-full.tgz vCenter: address: datacenter: MY-DATACENTER cluster: MY-CLUSTER resourcePool: MY-POOL datastore: MY-DATASTORE caCertPath: vcenter-ca-cert.pem credentials: username: administrator@vsphere.local password: STyZ2T#Ko2o ... gcrKeyPath: component-access-key.json stackdriver: projectID: my-project-id serviceAccountKeyPath: log-mon-sa-2007081316.json
Open user-cluster.yaml
. Notice that many of the fields are already
populated with values that you provided in your admin-ws-config.yaml
For example:
apiVersion: v1 kind: UserCluster gkeOnPremVersion: 1.4.0-gke.13 ... stackdriver: projectID: my-project-id serviceAccountKeyPath: log-mon-sa-2007081316.json gkeConnect: projectID: my-project-id registerServiceAccountKeyPath: connect-register-sa-2007081316.json agentServiceAccountKeyPath: connect-agent-sa-2007081316.json
Using a single Google Cloud project
The GKE on-prem configuration file has several fields where you can
specify a Google Cloud project ID. For example, you can specify one
project ID for gkeconnect
and another project ID for stackdriver
gkeconnect: projectid: "" ... stackdriver: projectid: ""
When gkeadm
prepared your GKE on-prem configuration file, it set
all of the projectid
fields to the project that is the parent of your
component access service account. Also, gkeadm
granted roles to your
service accounts on the project that is the parent of your service
account. In short, gkeadm
used a single Google Cloud project.
If you want the flexibility of using multiple Google Cloud projects, you
must manually fill in the projectid
fields and manually grant roles to your
service accounts. For more information, see
Using Multiple Google Cloud projects.