Preconfigured base images

Google Cloud maintains the following base images designed for use with Cloud Workstations.

List of preconfigured base images

These images may be used directly in workstation configurations, or they may be used as base images when creating custom container images with Docker's FROM command.

Image Description Cloud Workstations base editor, Code OSS for Cloud Workstations, based on Code-OSS. (Default) Base image with no IDE installed. CLion IDE. Accessible only through JetBrains Gateway.
For installation and getting started information, see Develop code using local JetBrains IDEs. GoLand IDE. Accessible only through JetBrains Gateway.
For installation and getting started information, see Develop code using local JetBrains IDEs. IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate IDE. Accessible only through JetBrains Gateway.
For installation and getting started information, see Develop code using local JetBrains IDEs. PhpStorm IDE. Accessible only through JetBrains Gateway.
For installation and getting started information, see Develop code using local JetBrains IDEs. PyCharm Professional IDE. Accessible only through JetBrains Gateway.
For installation and getting started information, see Develop code using local JetBrains IDEs. Rider IDE. Accessible only through JetBrains Gateway.
For installation and getting started information, see Develop code using local JetBrains IDEs. RubyMine IDE. Accessible only through JetBrains Gateway.
For installation and getting started information, see Develop code using local JetBrains IDEs. WebStorm IDE. Accessible only through JetBrains Gateway.
For installation and getting started information, see Develop code using local JetBrains IDEs.

List of third-party base images

Third-party image Third-party provider Posit Workbench (including RStudio Pro)

If you encounter issues with Posit Workbench IDE or with the Posit Workbench container image, report them to Posit on GitHub.

Cloud Workstations base image structure

Cloud Workstations base images share the following defined structure:

  • The base image entrypoint file is set to /google/scripts/
  • On startup, base images run files under /etc/workstation-startup.d/* in lexicographical order to initialize the workstation environment.

    The files and their behavior are as follows:

    • Configures and runs Docker inside the workstation.
    • Creates the default user in Cloud Workstations.

      Because the persistent disk is dynamically attached to the container, users must be added on workstation startup, not in the Dockerfile.

    • Starts the sshd service in the container.

    • 110_start-$ Starts the IDE for the image.

  • Cloud Workstations stores Docker images in the home directory at /home/.docker_data so that the images are preserved between sessions.

To add additional functionality during workstation startup, add your scripts in the /etc/workstation-startup.d/ directory:

  • Scripts in this directory run as root by default. To execute the scripts as a different user, use the runuser command.

  • Because scripts execute in lexicographical order, we recommended that you prefix the scripts with a three digit number that is greater than 200.

Home directory modifications

When the workstation configuration specifies a persistent home directory (which is the default behavior), a persistent disk backing the home directory is dynamically attached to the container at runtime. This process overwrites modifications made to the /home directory at container image build time.

To preserve updates, modify the /home directory at container runtime by adding a script in the in the /etc/workstation-startup.d directory, or by adding per-user configuration in the /etc/profile.d directory. To speed up the process, consider running the setup script as a background process (add an ampersand, &, to the end of the command) to avoid blocking container startup.

Some examples of build time configuration that should be moved to container runtime:

  • Per-user git configuration
  • git repositories cloned in the home directory
  • Direct user configuration, such as placing files in a $HOME/.config directory
  • User creation

User creation and modification

Because the persistent disk dynamically attaches to the container at runtime, users must be added on workstation startup, not in the Dockerfile. To modify or create additional users, we recommended that you update /etc/workstation-startup.d/, or create your own script that executes on startup.

Additionally, you can modify the default bash profile for the users by updating the files in /etc/profile.d.

Update preconfigured Secure APT keys

Cloud Workstations base images come preinstalled with a number of tools obtained from various third-party repositories using Secure APT. As part of the install process, public keys provided by the repository owners are imported using gpg and placed into individual files under /usr/share/keyrings/. These files are referenced from corresponding list files under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/. This enables apt to verify the integrity of the a given repository when interacting with it.

On occasion, third-party repository owners may decide to change the public key used to validate the integrity of their repository, which causes apt to display an error when interacting with it. To resolve this potential problem, you can use /google/scripts/, which obtains the latest versions of preinstalled public keys and re-imports them.

List installed IDE versions

Several Cloud Workstations base images come preinstalled with an IDE. For convenience, see the included /google/scripts/ script, which lists the name and version information of IDEs installed in the image.

Turn off sudo root privileges

The default workstation user has sudo root access privileges in these containers. To turn off root access to the Docker container, set the CLOUD_WORKSTATIONS_CONFIG_DISABLE_SUDO environment variable to true when creating the workstation configuration.

To set this environment variable through the Google Cloud console when creating your workstation configuration, follow these steps:

  1. When creating your workstation configuration, complete the configuration for Basic information and the Machine configuration.
  2. On the Environment customization dialog, expand the Advanced container options section and select Environment variables.
  3. Click addAdd variable.
  4. Enter CLOUD_WORKSTATIONS_CONFIG_DISABLE_SUDO and true as the value.

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