Limit the number of workstations per developer

This document describes how Cloud Workstations Admins can limit the number of workstations created per developer per workstation configuration.

This helps you control costs incurred by workstations.

To learn more about pricing see Cloud Workstations pricing.

Limit the number of workstations per workstation configuration

To limit developers so they can create only one workstation per workstation configuration, run the following gcloud CLI command:

    gcloud workstations configs create CONFIG \
        --cluster=CLUSTER \
        --region=REGION \
        --project=PROJECT \
        --max-usable-workstations-count 1

The maxUsableWorkstations limit is only enforced in the CreateWorkstation API for developers with Cloud Workstations Creator permissions.

The limit is not enforced when a Cloud Workstations Admin creates additional workstations for a configuration and grants workstations.workstation.use to a specific developer.

Exempting users from maximum usable workstation limit

A Cloud Workstations Admin can also exempt developers from this limit by granting them roles/workstations.workstationLimitExemptedCreator role.

For more information about granting this role, see Access control with IAM and Cloud Workstations.

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