Delete a private cloud

A private cloud consists of one or more vSphere clusters. When you delete a private cloud, all clusters and their nodes are deleted.

Before you begin

Deleting a private cloud deletes the entire private cloud. All components of the private cloud are deleted, including all of the private cloud nodes. If you want to keep any of the data, back up the data to on-premises storage or other storage.

The components of a private cloud include:

  • Nodes
  • Virtual machines
  • Management VLANs and subnets
  • Workload subnets
  • All user data stored on the private cloud
  • All firewall rule attachments to a subnet

gcloud and API requirements

To use the gcloud command line tool or the API to manage your VMware Engine resources, we recommend configuring the tools as described below.


  1. Set your default project ID:

    gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
  2. Set a default region and/or zone:

    gcloud config set compute/region REGION
    gcloud config set compute/zone ZONE

For more information on the gcloud vmware tool, reviewing the Cloud SDK reference docs.


API examples in this documentation set use the cURL command-line tool to query the API. A valid access token is required as part of the cURL request. There are many ways to get a valid access token; the following steps use the gcloud tool to generate a access token:

  1. Login to Google Cloud

    gcloud auth login
  2. Generate access token and export to TOKEN

    export TOKEN=`gcloud auth print-access-token`
  3. Verify that TOKEN is set properly

    echo $TOKEN

Now, use the authorization token in your requests to the API. For example:

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer \"$TOKEN\""  -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"


Python code samples in this documentation use the VMware Engine library to communicate with the API. To be able to use this approach, the library needs to be installed and the Application Default Credentials should be configured.

  1. Download and install the Python library

     pip install google-cloud-vmwareengine
  2. Configure the ADC information by executing those command in your shell

      gcloud auth application-default login

    or use a Service Account key file


For more information about the library, visit the reference page or view code samples on GitHub.

Delete a private cloud


  1. Access the VMware Engine portal.
  2. Open the Resources page.
  3. Select the private cloud you want to delete.
  4. On the summary page, click Delete this Private Cloud.
  5. On the confirmation page, you're prompted to verify all of the results of the delete action. Read these carefully and continue with the deletion only if you're ready to accept the results. When you are ready to accept the results, select all of the checkboxes.
  6. Enter a number of hours to wait before running the deletion (1‑8 hours). Within that period, you can cancel the deletion by clicking Cancel.
  7. To verify that you know which private cloud you are deleting, enter the name of the private cloud to delete.
  8. Click Delete to mark the private cloud for deletion.

The deletion process starts after the specified delay, in hours, and runs to completion.


 gcloud vmware private-clouds delete PC_NAME \
     --location=ZONE [--delay-hours=HOURS]

Replace the following:

  • PC_NAME: the name for the private cloud
  • ZONE: the zone for this private cloud
  • HOURS: the numbers of hours to delay this request. By default, this is set to 3 hours, but you can set this from 0 to 8 hours. Setting this value to 0 means the deletion request will start immediately.


curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN"  -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8";delayHours=HOUR

Replace the following:

  • TOKEN: the authorization token for this request.
  • PROJECT_ID: the project for this request
  • ZONE: the zone for the private cloud
  • PC_NAME: the name for the private cloud
  • HOUR: the number of hours to delay this request; the default is 3. You can set an hour between 0 to 8. Setting this value to 0 starts the deletion request immediately.


Deleting a private cloud with the VMWare Engine library is a one-step process compared to using Cloud Console. Be very careful when calling private cloud deletion methods.

from google.api_core import operation
from import vmwareengine_v1

def delete_private_cloud_by_full_name(cloud_name: str) -> operation.Operation:
    Deletes VMWare Private Cloud.

        cloud_name: identifier of the Private Cloud you want to delete.
            Expected format:

        An Operation object related to started private cloud deletion operation.
    client = vmwareengine_v1.VmwareEngineClient()
    request = vmwareengine_v1.DeletePrivateCloudRequest()
    request.force = True
    request.delay_hours = 3 = cloud_name
    return client.delete_private_cloud(request)

def delete_private_cloud(
    project_id: str, zone: str, cloud_name: str
) -> operation.Operation:
    Deletes VMWare Private Cloud.

        project_id: name of the project hosting the private cloud.
        zone: zone in which the private cloud is located in.
        cloud_name: name of the private cloud to be deleted.

        An Operation object related to started private cloud deletion operation.
    return delete_private_cloud_by_full_name(

Cancel deletion of a private cloud

You can cancel the deletion of a private cloud within the wait period. Use the following steps.


  1. Access the VMware Engine portal
  2. Open the Resources page.
  3. Select the private cloud that you have marked for deletion.
  4. On the summary page, click Cancel deletion to cancel the deletion of the private cloud.


gcloud vmware private-clouds undelete PC_NAME \

Replace the following:

  • PC_NAME: the name for the private cloud
  • ZONE: the zone for this private cloud


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN"  -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"

Replace the following:

  • TOKEN: the authorization token for this request.
  • PROJECT_ID: the project for this request
  • ZONE: the zone for the private cloud
  • PC_NAME: the name for the private cloud


from google.api_core import operation
from import vmwareengine_v1

def cancel_private_cloud_deletion_by_full_name(cloud_name: str) -> operation.Operation:
    Cancels in progress deletion of VMWare Private Cloud.

        cloud_name: identifier of the Private Cloud you want to cancel deletion for.
            Expected format:

        An Operation object related to canceling private cloud deletion operation.
    client = vmwareengine_v1.VmwareEngineClient()
    request = vmwareengine_v1.UndeletePrivateCloudRequest() = cloud_name
    return client.undelete_private_cloud(request)

def cancel_private_cloud_deletion(
    project_id: str, zone: str, cloud_name: str
) -> operation.Operation:
    Cancels in progress deletion of VMWare Private Cloud.

        project_id: name of the project hosting the private cloud.
        zone: zone in which the private cloud is located in.
        cloud_name: name of the private cloud to cancel deletion for.

        An Operation object related to canceling private cloud deletion operation.
    return cancel_private_cloud_deletion_by_full_name(