人脸检测功能可以检测图片中的多张人脸,以及相关的主要面部特征,如情绪状态或有无 wearing headwear
如果您是 Google Cloud 新手,请创建一个账号来评估 Cloud Vision API 在实际场景中的表现。新客户还可获享 $300 赠金,用于运行、测试和部署工作负载。
免费试用 Cloud Vision API人脸检测请求
设置您的 Google Cloud 项目和身份验证
如果您尚未创建 Google Cloud 项目,请立即创建。展开本部分可查看相关说明。
- Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.
Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.
Enable the Vision API.
- Install the Google Cloud CLI.
To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:
gcloud init
您可以使用 Vision API 对本地图片文件执行特征检测。
对于 REST 请求,请将图片文件的内容作为 base64 编码的字符串在请求正文中发送。
对于 gcloud
- BASE64_ENCODED_IMAGE:二进制图片数据的 base64 表示(ASCII 字符串)。此字符串应类似于以下字符串:
- RESULTS_INT:(可选)要返回的结果的整数值。如果您省略
字段及其值,则 API 会默认返回 10 个结果。此字段不适用于以下功能类型:TEXT_DETECTION
。 - PROJECT_ID:您的 Google Cloud 项目 ID。
HTTP 方法和网址:
POST https://vision.googleapis.com/v1/images:annotate
请求 JSON 正文:
{ "requests": [ { "image": { "content": "BASE64_ENCODED_IMAGE " }, "features": [ { "maxResults":RESULTS_INT , "type": "FACE_DETECTION" } ] } ] }
将请求正文保存在名为 request.json
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "x-goog-user-project:PROJECT_ID " \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \
将请求正文保存在名为 request.json
$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred"; "x-goog-user-project" = "PROJECT_ID " }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "https://vision.googleapis.com/v1/images:annotate" | Select-Object -Expand Content
如果请求成功,服务器将返回一个 200 OK
HTTP 状态代码以及 JSON 格式的响应。
{ "responses": [ { "faceAnnotations": [ { "boundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 1077, "y": 157 }, { "x": 2146, "y": 157 }, { "x": 2146, "y": 1399 }, { "x": 1077, "y": 1399 } ] }, "fdBoundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 1112, "y": 407 }, { "x": 1946, "y": 407 }, { "x": 1946, "y": 1270 }, { "x": 1112, "y": 1270 } ] }, "landmarks": [ { "type": "LEFT_EYE", "position": { "x": 1368.748, "y": 739.0957, "z": 0.0024604797 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE", "position": { "x": 1660.6105, "y": 751.5844, "z": -117.06496 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1284.3208, "y": 666.61487, "z": 63.41506 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1418.9249, "y": 671.49414, "z": -83.82396 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1556.9579, "y": 672.2199, "z": -139.39935 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1771.4799, "y": 682.65845, "z": -131.66716 } }, { "type": "MIDPOINT_BETWEEN_EYES", "position": { "x": 1479.6194, "y": 741.87305, "z": -114.84635 } }, { "type": "NOSE_TIP", "position": { "x": 1443.3151, "y": 917.5109, "z": -194.49301 } }, { "type": "UPPER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1466.7897, "y": 1025.3483, "z": -130.1202 } }, { "type": "LOWER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1467.2588, "y": 1147.0403, "z": -109.24505 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_LEFT", "position": { "x": 1376.8649, "y": 1066.0856, "z": -6.8136826 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1652, "y": 1079.3108, "z": -106.93649 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1485.5554, "y": 1087.2388, "z": -110.68126 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1571.9475, "y": 944.9213, "z": -124.11806 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_LEFT", "position": { "x": 1395.2339, "y": 938.12787, "z": -58.072197 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1468.4205, "y": 968.8732, "z": -132.09975 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1357.8658, "y": 711.2427, "z": -14.618992 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1423.6936, "y": 750.4164, "z": -23.540215 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1360.5627, "y": 762.87415, "z": -1.2607727 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1313.72, "y": 739.443, "z": 50.216393 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1661.6622, "y": 718.6839, "z": -134.17404 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1730.0901, "y": 763.57104, "z": -116.365845 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1660.8823, "y": 777.3474, "z": -120.8635 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1590.8903, "y": 753.5044, "z": -91.84842 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 1345.7522, "y": 640.18243, "z": -27.887913 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 1660.5848, "y": 648.36145, "z": -153.73691 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 1274.1006, "y": 826.2645, "z": 422.6642 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 2014.8041, "y": 908.56537, "z": 149.61232 } }, { "type": "FOREHEAD_GLABELLA", "position": { "x": 1476.2395, "y": 669.9625, "z": -120.59111 } }, { "type": "CHIN_GNATHION", "position": { "x": 1477.3256, "y": 1269.3269, "z": -67.748795 } }, { "type": "CHIN_LEFT_GONION", "position": { "x": 1336.8848, "y": 1096.2242, "z": 286.73004 } }, { "type": "CHIN_RIGHT_GONION", "position": { "x": 1863.2197, "y": 1128.6213, "z": 68.90431 } }, { "type": "LEFT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1317.8549, "y": 940.8025, "z": 50.863163 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1733.4912, "y": 964.073, "z": -112.43947 } } ], "rollAngle": 1.5912293, "panAngle": -22.01964, "tiltAngle": -1.4997566, "detectionConfidence": 0.9310801, "landmarkingConfidence": 0.5775582, "joyLikelihood": "VERY_LIKELY", "sorrowLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "angerLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "surpriseLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "underExposedLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "blurredLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "headwearLikelihood": "POSSIBLE" }, { "boundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 144, "y": 1273 }, { "x": 793, "y": 1273 }, { "x": 793, "y": 1844 }, { "x": 144, "y": 1844 } ] }, "fdBoundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 181, "y": 1373 }, { "x": 742, "y": 1373 }, { "x": 742, "y": 1844 }, { "x": 181, "y": 1844 } ] }, "landmarks": [ { "type": "LEFT_EYE", "position": { "x": 356.13745, "y": 1635.7034, "z": 0.0045757294 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE", "position": { "x": 557.07324, "y": 1601.1769, "z": -10.258446 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 284.70563, "y": 1599.5238, "z": 28.755493 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 397.47183, "y": 1574.1455, "z": -28.716581 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 484.00983, "y": 1559.5669, "z": -33.509003 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 607.31726, "y": 1551.2396, "z": 11.0225525 } }, { "type": "MIDPOINT_BETWEEN_EYES", "position": { "x": 447.86597, "y": 1603.2458, "z": -40.69277 } }, { "type": "NOSE_TIP", "position": { "x": 463.15356, "y": 1705.7849, "z": -114.36831 } }, { "type": "UPPER_LIP", "position": { "x": 475.02646, "y": 1779.54, "z": -85.219086 } }, { "type": "LOWER_LIP", "position": { "x": 483.2983, "y": 1844.4594, "z": -83.812 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_LEFT", "position": { "x": 391.11206, "y": 1824.9432, "z": -34.578503 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 559.85266, "y": 1797.929, "z": -44.700863 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_CENTER", "position": { "x": 478.21106, "y": 1807.5089, "z": -76.46759 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 522.9539, "y": 1717.8636, "z": -51.489075 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_LEFT", "position": { "x": 414.95767, "y": 1739.2955, "z": -46.75015 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_CENTER", "position": { "x": 468.7361, "y": 1739.5958, "z": -78.64168 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 352.39365, "y": 1618.0576, "z": -7.2005444 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 395.81454, "y": 1629.9379, "z": -2.4021797 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 357.511, "y": 1649.6553, "z": -4.4735374 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 316.1426, "y": 1645.2771, "z": 18.701395 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 553.78973, "y": 1582.3448, "z": -17.07942 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 596.6489, "y": 1599.1897, "z": 4.014868 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 558.60706, "y": 1615.964, "z": -15.077105 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 514.8054, "y": 1605.6407, "z": -7.929638 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 336.4973, "y": 1567.6466, "z": -7.853897 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 542.3708, "y": 1536.191, "z": -19.405855 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 231.38948, "y": 1749.3823, "z": 221.4534 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 712.5644, "y": 1670.4897, "z": 199.4929 } }, { "type": "FOREHEAD_GLABELLA", "position": { "x": 439.35938, "y": 1561.1454, "z": -36.451645 } }, { "type": "CHIN_GNATHION", "position": { "x": 501.61096, "y": 1942.0133, "z": -75.04764 } }, { "type": "CHIN_LEFT_GONION", "position": { "x": 304.9834, "y": 1892.5361, "z": 114.12407 } }, { "type": "CHIN_RIGHT_GONION", "position": { "x": 684.92535, "y": 1824.337, "z": 96.13425 } }, { "type": "LEFT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 334.5645, "y": 1764.659, "z": -2.0755844 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 609.5919, "y": 1719.6847, "z": -16.861538 } } ], "rollAngle": -8.514851, "panAngle": -3.096844, "tiltAngle": 9.26052, "detectionConfidence": 0.5463216, "landmarkingConfidence": 0.55711126, "joyLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "sorrowLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "angerLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "surpriseLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "underExposedLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "blurredLikelihood": "UNLIKELY", "headwearLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY" }, { "boundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 785, "y": 167 }, { "x": 1100, "y": 167 }, { "x": 1100, "y": 534 }, { "x": 785, "y": 534 } ] }, "fdBoundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 834, "y": 220 }, { "x": 1101, "y": 220 }, { "x": 1101, "y": 506 }, { "x": 834, "y": 506 } ] }, "landmarks": [ { "type": "LEFT_EYE", "position": { "x": 933.74615, "y": 351.82394, "z": -0.00068986416 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE", "position": { "x": 1005.8836, "y": 329.02396, "z": 43.38338 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 901.93494, "y": 333.3503, "z": -9.714935 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 957.4015, "y": 319.9436, "z": -6.8983736 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 987.50134, "y": 308.46817, "z": 13.108145 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1031.5519, "y": 298.8843, "z": 65.60683 } }, { "type": "MIDPOINT_BETWEEN_EYES", "position": { "x": 979.4568, "y": 336.0551, "z": 3.8077774 } }, { "type": "NOSE_TIP", "position": { "x": 1003.45795, "y": 398.80377, "z": -17.351936 } }, { "type": "UPPER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1000.16614, "y": 432.11664, "z": 5.2740355 } }, { "type": "LOWER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1004.0378, "y": 456.92422, "z": 13.545323 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_LEFT", "position": { "x": 961.922, "y": 448.64325, "z": 11.117096 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1025.2979, "y": 432.70157, "z": 47.89795 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1002.51434, "y": 443.3482, "z": 13.021965 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1015.5027, "y": 402.8421, "z": 28.03568 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_LEFT", "position": { "x": 969.764, "y": 413.05563, "z": 3.1156778 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_CENTER", "position": { "x": 997.8564, "y": 416.98083, "z": 3.3404813 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 930.542, "y": 343.17078, "z": -6.9020395 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 950.7726, "y": 348.11346, "z": 9.216144 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 933.6862, "y": 359.50848, "z": -1.3347243 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 914.83966, "y": 356.1447, "z": -1.4299142 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1006.59766, "y": 319.50406, "z": 38.31219 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1021.45886, "y": 327.68784, "z": 61.100002 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1009.46686, "y": 336.0832, "z": 43.87975 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 991.17535, "y": 331.97632, "z": 34.4881 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 928.40436, "y": 317.13898, "z": -14.411907 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 1008.5887, "y": 294.364, "z": 32.917953 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 835.18915, "y": 395.7093, "z": 81.31065 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 1024.4136, "y": 360.64178, "z": 182.02446 } }, { "type": "FOREHEAD_GLABELLA", "position": { "x": 975.5221, "y": 315.06647, "z": 0.31154716 } }, { "type": "CHIN_GNATHION", "position": { "x": 1010.74097, "y": 503.23572, "z": 29.966637 } }, { "type": "CHIN_LEFT_GONION", "position": { "x": 891.86237, "y": 466.7829, "z": 58.84553 } }, { "type": "CHIN_RIGHT_GONION", "position": { "x": 1031.9008, "y": 428.13455, "z": 145.42484 } }, { "type": "LEFT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 929.4197, "y": 418.09122, "z": 4.574672 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1033.7278, "y": 390.5432, "z": 65.6329 } } ], "rollAngle": -12.077273, "panAngle": 27.194477, "tiltAngle": -5.252778, "detectionConfidence": 0.38126788, "landmarkingConfidence": 0.040030442, "joyLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "sorrowLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "angerLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "surpriseLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "underExposedLikelihood": "LIKELY", "blurredLikelihood": "VERY_LIKELY", "headwearLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY" } ] } ] }
试用此示例之前,请按照《Vision 快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Go 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Vision Go API 参考文档。
如需向 Vision 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证。
在试用此示例之前,请按照Vision API 快速入门:使用客户端库中的 Java 设置说明进行操作。如需了解详情,请参阅 Vision API Java 参考文档。
试用此示例之前,请按照《Vision 快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Node.js 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Vision Node.js API 参考文档。
如需向 Vision 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证。
试用此示例之前,请按照《Vision 快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Python 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Vision Python API 参考文档。
如需向 Vision 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证。
C#: 请按照客户端库页面上的 C# 设置说明操作,然后访问 .NET 版 Vision 参考文档。
PHP: 请按照客户端库页面上的 PHP 设置说明操作,然后访问 PHP 版 Vision 参考文档。
Ruby 版: 请按照客户端库页面上的 Ruby 设置说明操作,然后访问 Ruby 版 Vision 参考文档。
您可以使用 Vision API 对位于 Cloud Storage 或网络中的远程图片文件执行特征检测。如需发送远程文件请求,请在请求正文中指定文件的网址或 Cloud Storage URI。
- CLOUD_STORAGE_IMAGE_URI:Cloud Storage 存储桶中有效图片文件的路径。您必须至少拥有该文件的读取权限。
- RESULTS_INT:(可选)要返回的结果的整数值。如果您省略
字段及其值,则 API 会默认返回 10 个结果。此字段不适用于以下功能类型:TEXT_DETECTION
。 - PROJECT_ID:您的 Google Cloud 项目 ID。
HTTP 方法和网址:
POST https://vision.googleapis.com/v1/images:annotate
请求 JSON 正文:
{ "requests": [ { "image": { "source": { "imageUri": "CLOUD_STORAGE_IMAGE_URI " } }, "features": [ { "maxResults":RESULTS_INT , "type": "FACE_DETECTION" } ] } ] }
将请求正文保存在名为 request.json
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "x-goog-user-project:PROJECT_ID " \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \
将请求正文保存在名为 request.json
$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred"; "x-goog-user-project" = "PROJECT_ID " }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "https://vision.googleapis.com/v1/images:annotate" | Select-Object -Expand Content
如果请求成功,服务器将返回一个 200 OK
HTTP 状态代码以及 JSON 格式的响应。
{ "responses": [ { "faceAnnotations": [ { "boundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 1077, "y": 157 }, { "x": 2146, "y": 157 }, { "x": 2146, "y": 1399 }, { "x": 1077, "y": 1399 } ] }, "fdBoundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 1112, "y": 407 }, { "x": 1946, "y": 407 }, { "x": 1946, "y": 1270 }, { "x": 1112, "y": 1270 } ] }, "landmarks": [ { "type": "LEFT_EYE", "position": { "x": 1368.748, "y": 739.0957, "z": 0.0024604797 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE", "position": { "x": 1660.6105, "y": 751.5844, "z": -117.06496 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1284.3208, "y": 666.61487, "z": 63.41506 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1418.9249, "y": 671.49414, "z": -83.82396 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1556.9579, "y": 672.2199, "z": -139.39935 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1771.4799, "y": 682.65845, "z": -131.66716 } }, { "type": "MIDPOINT_BETWEEN_EYES", "position": { "x": 1479.6194, "y": 741.87305, "z": -114.84635 } }, { "type": "NOSE_TIP", "position": { "x": 1443.3151, "y": 917.5109, "z": -194.49301 } }, { "type": "UPPER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1466.7897, "y": 1025.3483, "z": -130.1202 } }, { "type": "LOWER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1467.2588, "y": 1147.0403, "z": -109.24505 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_LEFT", "position": { "x": 1376.8649, "y": 1066.0856, "z": -6.8136826 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1652, "y": 1079.3108, "z": -106.93649 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1485.5554, "y": 1087.2388, "z": -110.68126 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1571.9475, "y": 944.9213, "z": -124.11806 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_LEFT", "position": { "x": 1395.2339, "y": 938.12787, "z": -58.072197 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1468.4205, "y": 968.8732, "z": -132.09975 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1357.8658, "y": 711.2427, "z": -14.618992 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1423.6936, "y": 750.4164, "z": -23.540215 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1360.5627, "y": 762.87415, "z": -1.2607727 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1313.72, "y": 739.443, "z": 50.216393 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1661.6622, "y": 718.6839, "z": -134.17404 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1730.0901, "y": 763.57104, "z": -116.365845 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1660.8823, "y": 777.3474, "z": -120.8635 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1590.8903, "y": 753.5044, "z": -91.84842 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 1345.7522, "y": 640.18243, "z": -27.887913 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 1660.5848, "y": 648.36145, "z": -153.73691 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 1274.1006, "y": 826.2645, "z": 422.6642 } }, { "type": 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"LEFT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 395.81454, "y": 1629.9379, "z": -2.4021797 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 357.511, "y": 1649.6553, "z": -4.4735374 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 316.1426, "y": 1645.2771, "z": 18.701395 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 553.78973, "y": 1582.3448, "z": -17.07942 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 596.6489, "y": 1599.1897, "z": 4.014868 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 558.60706, "y": 1615.964, "z": -15.077105 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 514.8054, "y": 1605.6407, "z": -7.929638 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 336.4973, "y": 1567.6466, "z": -7.853897 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 542.3708, "y": 1536.191, "z": -19.405855 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 231.38948, "y": 1749.3823, "z": 221.4534 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 712.5644, "y": 1670.4897, "z": 199.4929 } }, { "type": "FOREHEAD_GLABELLA", "position": { "x": 439.35938, "y": 1561.1454, "z": -36.451645 } }, { "type": "CHIN_GNATHION", "position": { "x": 501.61096, "y": 1942.0133, "z": -75.04764 } }, { "type": "CHIN_LEFT_GONION", "position": { "x": 304.9834, "y": 1892.5361, "z": 114.12407 } }, { "type": "CHIN_RIGHT_GONION", "position": { "x": 684.92535, "y": 1824.337, "z": 96.13425 } }, { "type": "LEFT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 334.5645, "y": 1764.659, "z": -2.0755844 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 609.5919, "y": 1719.6847, "z": -16.861538 } } ], "rollAngle": -8.514851, "panAngle": -3.096844, "tiltAngle": 9.26052, "detectionConfidence": 0.5463216, "landmarkingConfidence": 0.55711126, "joyLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "sorrowLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "angerLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "surpriseLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "underExposedLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "blurredLikelihood": "UNLIKELY", "headwearLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY" }, { "boundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 785, "y": 167 }, { "x": 1100, "y": 167 }, { "x": 1100, "y": 534 }, { "x": 785, "y": 534 } ] }, "fdBoundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 834, "y": 220 }, { "x": 1101, "y": 220 }, { "x": 1101, "y": 506 }, { "x": 834, "y": 506 } ] }, "landmarks": [ { "type": "LEFT_EYE", "position": { "x": 933.74615, "y": 351.82394, "z": -0.00068986416 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE", "position": { "x": 1005.8836, "y": 329.02396, "z": 43.38338 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 901.93494, "y": 333.3503, "z": -9.714935 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 957.4015, "y": 319.9436, "z": -6.8983736 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 987.50134, "y": 308.46817, "z": 13.108145 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1031.5519, "y": 298.8843, "z": 65.60683 } }, { "type": "MIDPOINT_BETWEEN_EYES", "position": { "x": 979.4568, "y": 336.0551, "z": 3.8077774 } }, { "type": "NOSE_TIP", "position": { "x": 1003.45795, "y": 398.80377, "z": -17.351936 } }, { "type": "UPPER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1000.16614, "y": 432.11664, "z": 5.2740355 } }, { "type": "LOWER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1004.0378, "y": 456.92422, "z": 13.545323 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_LEFT", "position": { "x": 961.922, "y": 448.64325, "z": 11.117096 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1025.2979, "y": 432.70157, "z": 47.89795 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1002.51434, "y": 443.3482, "z": 13.021965 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1015.5027, "y": 402.8421, "z": 28.03568 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_LEFT", "position": { "x": 969.764, "y": 413.05563, "z": 3.1156778 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_CENTER", "position": { "x": 997.8564, "y": 416.98083, "z": 3.3404813 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 930.542, "y": 343.17078, "z": -6.9020395 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 950.7726, "y": 348.11346, "z": 9.216144 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 933.6862, "y": 359.50848, "z": -1.3347243 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 914.83966, "y": 356.1447, "z": -1.4299142 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1006.59766, "y": 319.50406, "z": 38.31219 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1021.45886, "y": 327.68784, "z": 61.100002 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1009.46686, "y": 336.0832, "z": 43.87975 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 991.17535, "y": 331.97632, "z": 34.4881 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 928.40436, "y": 317.13898, "z": -14.411907 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 1008.5887, "y": 294.364, "z": 32.917953 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 835.18915, "y": 395.7093, "z": 81.31065 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 1024.4136, "y": 360.64178, "z": 182.02446 } }, { "type": "FOREHEAD_GLABELLA", "position": { "x": 975.5221, "y": 315.06647, "z": 0.31154716 } }, { "type": "CHIN_GNATHION", "position": { "x": 1010.74097, "y": 503.23572, "z": 29.966637 } }, { "type": "CHIN_LEFT_GONION", "position": { "x": 891.86237, "y": 466.7829, "z": 58.84553 } }, { "type": "CHIN_RIGHT_GONION", "position": { "x": 1031.9008, "y": 428.13455, "z": 145.42484 } }, { "type": "LEFT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 929.4197, "y": 418.09122, "z": 4.574672 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1033.7278, "y": 390.5432, "z": 65.6329 } } ], "rollAngle": -12.077273, "panAngle": 27.194477, "tiltAngle": -5.252778, "detectionConfidence": 0.38126788, "landmarkingConfidence": 0.040030442, "joyLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "sorrowLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "angerLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "surpriseLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "underExposedLikelihood": "LIKELY", "blurredLikelihood": "VERY_LIKELY", "headwearLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY" } ] } ] }
试用此示例之前,请按照《Vision 快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Go 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Vision Go API 参考文档。
如需向 Vision 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证。
在试用此示例之前,请按照Vision API 快速入门:使用客户端库中的 Java 设置说明进行操作。如需了解详情,请参阅 Vision API Java 参考文档。
试用此示例之前,请按照《Vision 快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Node.js 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Vision Node.js API 参考文档。
如需向 Vision 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证。
试用此示例之前,请按照《Vision 快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Python 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Vision Python API 参考文档。
如需向 Vision 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证。
如需执行人脸检测,请使用 gcloud ml vision detect-faces
gcloud ml vision detect-facesgs://cloud-samples-data/vision/face/faces.jpeg
C#: 请按照客户端库页面上的 C# 设置说明操作,然后访问 .NET 版 Vision 参考文档。
PHP: 请按照客户端库页面上的 PHP 设置说明操作,然后访问 PHP 版 Vision 参考文档。
Ruby 版: 请按照客户端库页面上的 Ruby 设置说明操作,然后访问 Ruby 版 Vision 参考文档。
接下来,请尝试执行人脸检测。您可以使用已指定的图片 (gs://cloud-samples-data/vision/face/faces.jpeg
) 或指定您自己的图片。选择执行即可发送请求。
{ "requests": [ { "features": [ { "maxResults": 10, "type": "FACE_DETECTION" } ], "image": { "source": { "imageUri": "gs://cloud-samples-data/vision/face/faces.jpeg" } } } ] }