Objekte in einem Bild im JSON-Format auflisten

JSON-formatierter Text mit einer Liste der Objekte, die das Modell in einem bestimmten Bild erkennen kann.

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Bevor Sie dieses Beispiel anwenden, folgen Sie den C#-Einrichtungsschritten in der Vertex AI-Kurzanleitung zur Verwendung von Clientbibliotheken. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Vertex AI C# API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Vertex AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

public async Task<string> GenerateContentWithResponseSchema6(
    string projectId = "your-project-id",
    string location = "us-central1",
    string publisher = "google",
    string model = "gemini-1.5-pro-001")

    var predictionServiceClient = new PredictionServiceClientBuilder
        Endpoint = $"{location}-aiplatform.googleapis.com"

    var responseSchema = new OpenApiSchema
        Type = Type.Object,
        Properties =
            ["playlist"] = new()
                Type = Type.Array,
                Items = new()
                    Type = Type.Object,
                    Properties =
                        ["artist"] = new() { Type = Type.String },
                        ["song"] = new() { Type = Type.String },
                        ["era"] = new() { Type = Type.String },
                        ["released"] = new() { Type = Type.Integer }
            ["time_start"] = new() { Type = Type.String }

    string prompt = @"
    We have two friends of the host who have requested a few songs for us to play. We're going to start this playlist at 8:15.
    They'll want to hear Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden because their son was born in 1994. They will also want Loser by Beck
    coming right after which is a funny choice considering it's also the same year as their son was born, but that's probably
    just a coincidence. Add Take On Me from A-ha to the list since they were married when the song released in 1985. Their final
    request is Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns N Roses, which I think came out in 1987 when they both finished university.
    Thank you, this party should be great!";

    var generateContentRequest = new GenerateContentRequest
        Model = $"projects/{projectId}/locations/{location}/publishers/{publisher}/models/{model}",
        Contents =
            new Content
                Role = "USER",
                Parts =
                    new Part { Text = prompt }
        GenerationConfig = new GenerationConfig
            ResponseMimeType = "application/json",
            ResponseSchema = responseSchema

    GenerateContentResponse response = await predictionServiceClient.GenerateContentAsync(generateContentRequest);

    string responseText = response.Candidates[0].Content.Parts[0].Text;

    return responseText;


Bevor Sie dieses Beispiel anwenden, folgen Sie den Go-Einrichtungsschritten in der Vertex AI-Kurzanleitung zur Verwendung von Clientbibliotheken. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Vertex AI Go API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Vertex AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

import (


// controlledGenerationResponseSchema6 shows how to make sure the generated output
// will always be valid JSON and adhere to a specific schema.
func controlledGenerationResponseSchema6(w io.Writer, projectID, location, modelName string) error {
	// location := "us-central1"
	// modelName := "gemini-1.5-pro-001"
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := genai.NewClient(ctx, projectID, location)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to create client: %w", err)
	defer client.Close()

	model := client.GenerativeModel(modelName)

	model.GenerationConfig.ResponseMIMEType = "application/json"

	// Build an OpenAPI schema, in memory
	model.GenerationConfig.ResponseSchema = &genai.Schema{
		Type: genai.TypeArray,
		Items: &genai.Schema{
			Type: genai.TypeArray,
			Items: &genai.Schema{
				Type: genai.TypeObject,
				Properties: map[string]*genai.Schema{
					"object": {
						Type: genai.TypeString,

	// These images in Cloud Storage are viewable at
	// https://storage.googleapis.com/cloud-samples-data/generative-ai/image/office-desk.jpeg
	// https://storage.googleapis.com/cloud-samples-data/generative-ai/image/gardening-tools.jpeg

	img1 := genai.FileData{
		MIMEType: "image/jpeg",
		FileURI:  "gs://cloud-samples-data/generative-ai/image/office-desk.jpeg",

	img2 := genai.FileData{
		MIMEType: "image/jpeg",
		FileURI:  "gs://cloud-samples-data/generative-ai/image/gardening-tools.jpeg",

	prompt := "Generate a list of objects in the images."

	res, err := model.GenerateContent(ctx, img1, img2, genai.Text(prompt))
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to generate contents: %v", err)

	if len(res.Candidates) == 0 ||
		len(res.Candidates[0].Content.Parts) == 0 {
		return errors.New("empty response from model")

	fmt.Fprint(w, res.Candidates[0].Content.Parts[0])
	return nil


Bevor Sie dieses Beispiel anwenden, folgen Sie den Java-Einrichtungsschritten in der Vertex AI-Kurzanleitung zur Verwendung von Clientbibliotheken. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Vertex AI Java API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Vertex AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

import com.google.cloud.vertexai.VertexAI;
import com.google.cloud.vertexai.api.GenerateContentResponse;
import com.google.cloud.vertexai.api.GenerationConfig;
import com.google.cloud.vertexai.api.Schema;
import com.google.cloud.vertexai.api.Type;
import com.google.cloud.vertexai.generativeai.ContentMaker;
import com.google.cloud.vertexai.generativeai.GenerativeModel;
import com.google.cloud.vertexai.generativeai.PartMaker;
import com.google.cloud.vertexai.generativeai.ResponseHandler;
import java.io.IOException;

public class ControlledGenerationSchema6 {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "genai-java-demos";
    String location = "us-central1";
    String modelName = "gemini-1.5-pro-001";

    controlGenerationWithJsonSchema6(projectId, location, modelName);

  // Generate responses that are always valid JSON and comply with a JSON schema
  public static String controlGenerationWithJsonSchema6(
      String projectId, String location, String modelName)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs
    // to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    try (VertexAI vertexAI = new VertexAI(projectId, location)) {
      GenerationConfig generationConfig = GenerationConfig.newBuilder()
                  .putProperties("object", Schema.newBuilder().setType(Type.STRING).build())

      GenerativeModel model = new GenerativeModel(modelName, vertexAI)

      // These images in Cloud Storage are viewable at
      // https://storage.googleapis.com/cloud-samples-data/generative-ai/image/office-desk.jpeg
      // https://storage.googleapis.com/cloud-samples-data/generative-ai/image/gardening-tools.jpeg

      GenerateContentResponse response = model.generateContent(
              "Generate a list of objects in the images."

      String output = ResponseHandler.getText(response);
      return output;


Bevor Sie dieses Beispiel anwenden, folgen Sie den Python-Einrichtungsschritten in der Vertex AI-Kurzanleitung zur Verwendung von Clientbibliotheken. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Vertex AI Python API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Vertex AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

import vertexai

from vertexai.generative_models import GenerationConfig, GenerativeModel, Part

# TODO(developer): Update and un-comment below line
# PROJECT_ID = "your-project-id"
vertexai.init(project=PROJECT_ID, location="us-central1")

response_schema = {
    "type": "ARRAY",
    "items": {
        "type": "ARRAY",
        "items": {
            "type": "OBJECT",
            "properties": {
                "object": {"type": "STRING"},

model = GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-pro-002")

response = model.generate_content(
        # Text prompt
        "Generate a list of objects in the images.",
        # Http Image
        # Cloud storage object
        response_mime_type="application/json", response_schema=response_schema

# Example response:
# [
#     [
#         {"object": "globe"}, {"object": "tablet"}, {"object": "toy car"},
#         {"object": "airplane"}, {"object": "keyboard"}, {"object": "mouse"},
#         {"object": "passport"}, {"object": "sunglasses"}, {"object": "money"},
#         {"object": "notebook"}, {"object": "pen"}, {"object": "coffee cup"},
#     ],
#     [
#         {"object": "watering can"}, {"object": "plant"}, {"object": "flower pot"},
#         {"object": "gloves"}, {"object": "garden tool"},
#     ],
# ]

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